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Premades in PvP sicken me


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Why ?


It is simple.


When I que into a Warzone solo, I want to put in a group with 7 random people, against 8 other random people.


If even 2 people que together, that team automatically has an advantage due to the coordination of those two people previous to the match.



Why can't it be premade vs premade only ?



In before "get your own pre-made" that is NOT what this is about - that is meant for ranked battlegrounds

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wait let me get that right.


You are saying


" Not letting pre-made groups farm unorganized PUGS ruined PvP "


Really ?


It makes Queue times insanely long and the result is that people who DO have friends can't actually play with them because they'll just spend 45m in queue per match.


The system already attempts to do premade v premade. If one side has a group of 4, a group of 2 and 2 solos, it attempts to make the other side have a group of 4, a group of 2 and 2 solos. The longer the first group in queue is waiting for a match, the more lenient it is on this because Bioware assumed (and was correct in assuming it) that launching a slightly imbalanced warzone was better than not launching one at all.

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You can only sign with 4 people. And 4 people coordinating won't give them that big of an advantage.



What makes you think all "preemades" Are hardcore world champions and all pugs are drooling idiots?


Get real.

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In before "get your own pre-made" that is NOT what this is about - that is meant for ranked battlegrounds


I read somewhere that ranked warzones are incoming. What I don't know or think anyone knows is the manner in which it will be implemented. I would welcome a pointer to more info on this.


Also, I feel that same angst when you get a pug vs a coordinated team. I don't think its a game breaker for me, but I too have been frustrated by the lack of common sense in pugs and being trounced by a coordinated opposition.

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The only time I have been 100% certain that I was in a game with a premade team was once when the leader of the premade said something in OPS along the lines of "the premade is going for THIS objective and the rest of you go for THAT objective."


They were a bunch of disorganized clowns and never took or held anything for the rest of the game.


I don't really think that the average premade team in any war zone is something to be feared if you play with sound tactics. The only real advantage they have is voice chat and to be honest that is not something that can reliably do much that typing in the ops channel can't do except perhaps direct focus fire on a target.


To be honest if you aren't focus firing on targets in warzones already even without voice and without premades then it is something you should really consider looking into.


If there are six guys from two factions on an objective and all of them have their own target then pvp, 49 and below at least, is more like a sorority girl pillow fight without all the fun and giggling.

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Ran with a friend in a 2 group in some WZ's and we still got rocked by the CC repeatedly and lost 3 WZ's in a row before having to step away before hardware gets damaged. Won't lie, this game drives up the blood pressure more than LoL will ever do. At least in a LoL you have a fighting chance most of the time and the CC is far from godly compared to this.
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Btw, ranked WZs are on the way and thats where most guild premades are going to go. With that said, I've pugged my way to victory PLENTY of times vs premades; only recently got in a guild and pugged my way to 53. Probably lost more than I've won, but not by a big margin, at all.


You can, if gear/player skills are close to equivalent, get away with typing a couple of words:


- Inc west/east 2

- hit mid/east/west

- east door / left door inc

- hit east door, stealth right

- mark the healers/priority targets


I know that its nothing new :) but it DOES make a difference when properly timed. Exactly like that, with no adjectives. Heck, what I talk with my guildies during matches its mostly the above sentences. Besides the ocasional laughs.


99% of the time, its far more useful to type "west zerged 4" while CCed/sure death than to spank buttons like a brainless chicken when the only thing u are doing is delaying ur death by 2 secs.

If you are talking about coordination & experience in playing together its a whole different beast, but the required communication in anything non-huttball is really simple.

Edited by Soulaufein
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I really don't see any inherent advantage of having 4 BM-geared characters who don't know each other but happen to be on the same team, versus those 4 guys queue together. I guess queueing together helps to decide who is the healer, but that's about it.


Nobody ever complains if you get the 4 newbies who queued together. Sure it sucks if you ran into 4 BM-geared guys queued together, but that's life.


Huttball is generally more even compared to other WZs, because for Empire vs Empire it can take the first 16 guys and attempt to rearrange them in a way to minimize the impact of premades. It is worse for Alderran/Voidstar since it still has to honor the queues in a first come first serve basis. If 2 teams of 4 are the first one to queue on one side, it'd have to give you those 8 players because it'd be unfair to bump those guys. In Huttball, those two teams will usually be assigned to two different sides. At least, I've never seen 2 teams of 4 together in Huttball whenever I queued as a team of 4.

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If even 2 people que together, that team automatically has an advantage due to the coordination of those two people previous to the match.



You must have some really bad PvP'ers on your server if two people working together is considered an advantage/premade.

Edited by Abanoth
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