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What are the TOP 3 MMORPG's you've ever played?


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I'm new to MMORPG's and won't have any example so kindly share yours. Does it include SWTOR?


1. Why?

2. Why second?

3. Why third?



1. SW:TOR: I am really enjoying the stories for the individual classes and can't wait (but I will) to see what is in store for the future. I will most likely be with this game for as long as it is playable.


2. PoTP: Prophecies of the Pattern: (MuD based on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.) I played the game because I enjoy the books and I really liked the in-game and forums RPG aspect.


3. WoW: I've tried other fantasy MMOs and like this one the best. I enjoy the achievement system and some of the humor in the quests. Not to mention the range of races I could play. Other than that, it didn't grab my interest nearly to the extent the other two mentioned games did.

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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1. SWG Pre-CU/NGE - You just couldn't beat the openness of this game. It truly gave the feeling of making your way in the universe. Player ran economy...dedicated crafting professions.

2. SWTOR - Loving the game right now, don't have nearly the time to play that I used to but am enjoying all aspects of the game. My only major complaint is performance in warzones, very low FPS and Alderaan is unplayable for me.

3. SWG Post-NGE - Still had the feel and openess to the original SWG just with a linear leveling system. PvP was too centered around a single area....lacked the open world faction war that happened in the glory days. Still miss raiding Anchorhead :rolleyes:

Edited by InfamousXS
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Nice to see some Shadowbane nominations already, though I have to disagree with the guy who said finding gear was difficult. While, true, it was a pretty rare sight to see a guy in full 8/40 armor (or other similar "max stat" items) in the early days, a mix of 8/40, 7/35, or even 6/30 armor really didn't make a huge difference.


Anyway, I'm loving this game, but I don't think it's fair to put it on any lists yet.


1. Shadowbane

- The most balanced PvP to date. Even hard counters, like a class that could permanently fly versus a class that had no ranged, was balanced because everyone understood the game wasn't built for 1v1.

- Amazing aesthetics; the art style was great and the setting/story was both wonderful and under-appreciated

- You got to build your own city and tear down/steal the cities of guilds you didn't like

- The best class/skill system I've ever seen. It's too much to go into now, but even five+ years after the game came out, people were still finding new character builds to make that rocked in PvP.


2. WoW

- Had the most enthralling leveling of its time. Today I randomly thought about that quest off the coast of the Wetlands that involved a sunken ship and ghost marines. I hated that quest, but I look back on it fondly. Why? Because WoW was magic, apparently.

- I was into hardcore raiding for a while. I just can't do it anymore, but if I only got to do it in one MMO, I'm glad it was WoW. Victories really felt like victories, though that has to do more with the size of the player base than anything.

- C'mon, it's WoW. You can't truly hate WoW, at least not vanilla WoW.



- It's WoW with better graphics.

- Has a lot of good "fluff." I played that game for six months solely because I could use the wardrobe feature to keep looking the way I liked and because there was a cool title that I thought suited my character well.

- Will probably only get better.

- Good community, for the most part.

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1. Post-NGE SWG

2. Jumpgate

3. Eve







SW:TOR is placed firmly bewtween best and worst due to storyline driven content crap space content and no sandbox.


I don't like the space content because I grew up on XWing, TIE vs and X-Wing Gold and every version of MSFS since FS2.

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1. Asheron's Call

2. Darkness Falls: The Crusade (Text based PvP based gamemade by Mythic Ent...)

3. Darkfall Online

4. DAoC



Also, its too early to tell where SWTOR will be on this list...but I'm enjoying the hell out of it right now (except for the fact that the engine is horrible and my FPS is crap in a lot of places).

Edited by Neuromann
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1. Dark Age of Camelot, the pvp or rvr as its more commonly known as in that game was by far the best that has ever been made to date. Armor that can be dyed, and even horse armor that can be dyed is wonderful. Not to mention player housing and the best thing is that it was a game based off of skill, not a damn gear grind. Gear grinding just sucks.


2. World of Warcraft the original game, or pre BC if you want to call it that. The only time in that game where you could compete in pvp with pvp gear or pve gear. Each expansion after that made the game worse and worse.


3. Lord of the Rings online. I never got to the level cap in it, but it was quite fun to level up and see some of the things you read about, or saw in the movies.

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2. Lotro (including mines of moria exp)

3. STO (after launch...was much improved)


I'm still on the fence about ToR here. It's premature to judge an MMO until its about 3mo after launch. Basically because of several facts imo. First is the bugs at launch or shortly thereafter, second is implementation of changes based on player feedback, and third is after 3mo you at least get somewhat of a feel for what direction the dev's are going with content release.

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Because it is a big, player-driven world that have room for everybody. And game don't forgive you for mistakes. Want to fly around 0.0 sector (no cop protection) ? Prepare to be ganked and destroyed loosing everything. Ship, cargo etc. Some people buy and transport in their ships GTC (items that add +30 days to your account) and that can be taken too!

And prepare to big galactic war after that event! Best game I ever played.


2. Fallen Earth

Becaose it's a big, player-driven world where everything is craftable. That game remind me of Fallout all the time. You can even build your own car. And more to that - you play this game like FPS or TPP game.


3. Bounty Bay Online - before they destroyed the game making it F2P

What can I say - pirates, wars, battles, conquest, treasures, ships and very nice crafting system.

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1. Eq1 lots of hours of fun and adventure.


2, Vanguard saga of heros what eq2 shoud have been spectacular graphics just never got the love it needed to flourish.


3. Matrix Online another poorly cared for game like vanguard but i had hours of fun and the community was close knit



Runner up DDO the only MMo you could beat entirely and the game acknowledges it.....reincarnate to all the classes !! onlt game i know that allows you to experience all the game as 1 character. be a wizards......complete all the wizard then be born again and be a paladin.....so on and so fourth


I played dark age of camelot and eq2 and SWg and a few others.


All had many great points about them but no lasting appeal for me.

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1. Lotro

Best game ever ( until post Mirkwood )

2. Rift

Gorgeous graphics, pve and events were nice, but couldn't keep my interest due to lack of immersion ( no real major cities for example )

3. Swtor

If content keeps on being added at a good pace I could be here longer than my 3 month sub :)

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1. LotRo

I'll never forget that moment when I fist saw The Shire, or the moment I first hit that wall in Angmar (with that typical 'uh-oh' moment)... or when Moria was around that epic feeling when they opened the gates... sigh



this game surely did something good for the crafter in me. it definitely wasn't very 'easy accomplishment' back when, costumer service was almost non-existent, no official forums, no infos in-game (recipes for crafting? you have to be kidding)... this game had such an amazing community... sigh²


3. The Chronicles of Spellborn

sadly this game never got the chance it deserved, for several reasons I won't get into. but I loved the little gags (quests to kill boars? an npc even tells you 'that would be silly'... ) and the different combat-system... the over-all setting was lovely too. the game could have probably even made it to number 1, but it wasn't around long enough for that. :|






and SW:ToR?

it can become a top 3 game for me, absolutely. I'm having immense fun, the community is not nearly as bad as I thought, and playing with people I've met in other games, which is nice. everything else the future will reveal.:o

Edited by amnie
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1:SWTOR. I love this game. I really do. I never got a chance to play SWG, but Ive always wanted to play a Star Wars MMO. SWTOR did not dissapoint me. I love the two stories Ive completed so far (BH and SW). I am definately going to be playing a lot of this in the far future. I need to finish every class story :D


2:LOTRO. Only series I like more than Lord of the Rings is Star Wars, so I had a lot of fun in this MMO. I didnt even get close to level cap but just running around in Middle Earth was its own reward. I loved seeing stuff from the books . Its a great MMO.


3: Champions Online. I had a lot of fun with this. The character creator is great, the style is typical comic book sillyness, and there is just so much you can just go do if you want to just be silly and have fun. You can make your own adventure with friends. A lot easier to do when you can fly or teleport so you dont have to sit through a ton of loading screens to get to where you want to go.


Honorable mentions


Silk Road. Back before the owners basically said "hey, the bots make us more money than the real players!" Now its so bad you cant even get logged into a server! Last I checked they were 100% full all the time, and when you did get in over half the players were bots. They allowed this because the bots usually paid for a premium account so they didnt get banned...I kid you not, thats really why. Before all that though I found it enjoyable. The asthetic was very cool and I had a ton of fun just going out into the world and killing bigger and badder enemies with my sister. The attacks were big and flashy, the enemies were always cool looking and different, and it was just overall a fun experience.


Runescape. Lol yes Runescape. I played it back when it was still using that 2D sprite style. It definately wasnt anything particularly GOOD, but I was young and it was my first MMO. I had fun. It was a world to explore and a lot to do. Simple fun. Now? Defnately no. But I put it here as an honorable mention none the less.

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1) Shadowbane - there was never, and there will never again be, a game quite like it. The classes and weapon powers got a huge tweaking from the stray bullet team who did an amazing job in a rather short amount of time. They took what was one of my favorite games, and turned it into a pinnacle of what open world pvp mmo should look like. If you never got the chance to play it, I weep for you good sirs.


2) Guild Wars - This game was just so clean, from release, it was insane. Controls, skills, zones, the works. For a game that was supposed to be pvp focused, they had an awesomely large amount of pve with a world that would challenge anyone to discover everything it had in store. The skill system seems simple, but it is one of those easy to learn impossible to master deals.


3) TOR - the story. Never seen that in an mmo, other than player generated content, but it is here, in full force. The game runs well and is familiar to anyone who has played wow, but without a lot of the things that cause me to dislike that game.


In all honesty, I was a little shocked when I put ToR in third, but then I just looked at the other MMOs out there and realized that I genuinely disliked a few of them. Secondly, a little shocked to see so many shadowbane mentions considering how few people supposedly played that game, but it warms my heart none the less. Gives me hope for the MMO community as a whole that perhaps open world pvp isn't a gimick but a potential source of enriching entertainment when done correctly.

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