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Micro-transaction Shop. Yay or Nay?


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I've seen these mentioned in various threads with many different opinions, so let me ask the question.


Do you want a micro-transaction shop added to SWtoR? And Why?


I ask "why?" because I'm very much in favour of these kinds of shops and I'm not sure what people's objections are. I'd love to hear from the people who don't like them and find out why.


I should say I like them, so long as they don't offer anything you *need*. Just optional extras. Like the costume parts they sell in City of Heroes, or the different looking ships in Startrek online.


If there was a zone in the game you could only access if you bought a 'pass' item in the store, I wouldn't be in favour of that.


Special colour crystals

Different looking mounts

Maybe different style starships (Same ability as the originals, different look)

Special Companion appearances


I think I'd be fine with those and I would actually buy them.


This is probably all moot of course, all MMOs have these shops eventually and mugs like me become their customers, but I would like to understand the pros and cons before we get that far.


What do you think?

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I hate microtransactions. That said, anyone who is a long term follower of the game knows that initially, years ago, they said SWTOR would have a robust microtransaction system. So, don't be surprised if we get a 'store' after release. :p Though, they have admittedly been very quiet about it for some time now. So, it's equally possible they got so much backlash back then that they scrapped the idea. Edited by revial
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Big freaking NAY, Microtransactions have no place in subscription mmo's, games like Swg who put it in are a abnormation, thankful SoE payed for theyr greed.


Microtransactions ontop of subscriptions is about the only thing that would make me ragequit..

Edited by Munx
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Absolutely not, fumbling for your credit card while in game just kills immersion. Plus they already charge for a subscription, I don't want to have to pay extra just for more equipment for my character.


I'll only ever pay more when they release boxed expansions, i'm hoping they will release a collector's edition of the first one that comes with a remote control T7 :)

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I think micro transactions are a good idea.


You buy exactly what you want to buy ( no lumped together CE bundle ;) ), and pay for exactly what you want to pay for.


The funds from the transactions provide additional revenue to the developer, who can then use it to... develop more content for the game.



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If it doesnt really involve the gameplay itself, and if u cant get any advantage by it, it's 100% fine. Just like you said, if it was a zone or something like that, it would be a different story.


though, i preffer no micro-transaction shop. Just make the things u can get from there. (most likely companions etc) extremely hard to get, instead of buyable.



(maybe companions arent the best example, since they can create a big advantage though)

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I would like one, for things like pets, mounts, companion appearance kits, etc. I really like the vanity items in mmo's, and I like to be able to play with how my character looks, what pets she has, what mounts, etc. as much as possible. I like the cash shops because it's usually an incentive for the company to make more options available, and usually the items aren't terribly expensive.


I don't even want to admit how much I've spent in the cash shop in EQ 2.

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I would like one, for things like pets, mounts, companion appearance kits, etc. I really like the vanity items in mmo's, and I like to be able to play with how my character looks, what pets she has, what mounts, etc. as much as possible. I like the cash shops because it's usually an incentive for the company to make more options available, and usually the items aren't terribly expensive.


I don't even want to admit how much I've spent in the cash shop in EQ 2.


^ This


Micro transactions could be used for things that *give no mechanical advantage*. That will keep the PvP crowd from getting to loud...


If I am willing to play a few bucks to have my speeder ( same stats as yours ) painted differently, why not allow it?

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For purely cosmetic stuff, sure, why not. You want a wookie pet who follows you around and does absolutely nothing but occasioanlly cough up a furball, if you wanna pay for it then go right ahead.


The minute it impacts on gameplay however, forget it. Speeders for RL cash instead of ingame credits, no thanks. Stat gear, weapons, transport, absolutely not. Not even consumables. Everyone should have a level playing field. It shouldn't be whoever has the deepest pockets. By all means create a game around that model, but not adding it to a game that doesn't

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The problem is that most microtransactions start out innocent and before you know it they sneak in ever so small advantages, then bigger, and bigger.. basicly numbing the consumeer to the concept.


Theres no reason they can't add these pets you want for ingame currency instead.

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Strong no. From my searches I havent read about any such plans for SWTOR.


I quit EVE because of their ridiculous cash shop PLEX system and I'll leave any other MMO who ditches the pure subscription model or refuses to aggressively battle the black market. The integrity of the game is paramount.

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