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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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How soon can we expect cross server features, For warzones and for the flashpoint finder that is *hopefully* coming? Do you actually aknowledge "pvp queues taking too long on certain servers / certain hours" as a problem and if yes, as the original question said, how soon will you implement cross server to fix it? Have you even been working on it?
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There are many questions I could ask, but I think this one is the one least likely to be asked.


If the visual appearances of armor sets are so important (more than a character's body) to you guys, will there ever be work done to make armor sets that are partially custom quality wholly custom quality? This includes the wrist and waist pieces. There's no point in "carrying a look forward" if you can only modify one or a few pieces of it.

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Some players have expressed concern about the perceived lack of interaction with the CM team. What do you think your CM team could be doing differently to address this perception?


(BTW, this thread--and more specifically the answer thread that will follow it -- is a good start!)

Edited by mrcaptainpants
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Recently you said that an updated LFG tool was in the design stage. Will this tool look more like the PvP que (where group fidning is automated) or a streamlined verion of the tool we have now where the onus is still on the players ot find their own groups?
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When can we expect to see further UI customizations? Resizing, moving, or better yet, at least some semblance of mods (which doesn't have to be as intricate as the WoW as to avoid the issues of balance or abuse; eg: LOTRO, which has mods but only allows for UI changes)


One of my biggest problems is the lack of a HUD or visual cue for some procs or buffs or what not. For the most part, when playing the game, I spend 90% of the time in combat staring at my buff bar. At the very least, integrating procs/buffs gained or lost in the FlyText would be a good start.

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When can we expect free or paid server transfers and would legacy xp transfer over with any transferred character? (I got level 50 on a server and found out friends play on another. I do not want to level to 50 on that same class again and would much rather pay to transfer.)
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Do you have any plans our are you discussing any sort of customizing for the character ships?


Like being able to change individual colors or being able to mount trophies from FP bosses, world bosses, Ops bosses, or even class quest trophies?

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Will it be possible to change advanced class any time soon?


Im feel like Im loosing a lot of game experience in my class by not being able to change advanced class to try out all aspects.. lvl 50 now, and I dont want to reroll the entire class quest-lines just in order to get the full experience. Many other main classes to choose from.

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The RP community has created many threads indicating features they'd like to see in-game to make it more RP-friendly (chat bubbles, interactive environments, custom emotes, etc.).


Does BioWare intend to support that community? If so, can you elaborate on what we might expect to see in the near future?

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Will the development team be looking into streamlining the animations for sentinel abilities?


Attacks such as Blade rush and Blade storm, while "instant" to cast, have long, cumbersome wind ups which makes using them in a fast paced pvp environment very difficult, while the mirrored abilities for the Marauder are much smoother and quicker.

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