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  1. I got my moneys worth, so don't think you speak for everyone.
  2. I have all the datacrons in the game, so either isolated bug or new bug, or maybe user error.
  3. Just because Vader became who he is does not change the fact that he is and always will be part of the Skywalker legacy. He didn't tell Luke, "Hey, I used to be your father, but I'm not any more because I'm a different person now that I became a Sith Lord, so yeah..." The system is fine how it is, leave it alone. I don't want to share my surname with anyone else.
  4. Please only use english on the english forums. Thank you.
  5. Please only use english on the english forums. Thank you.
  6. I would like to see someone pull out a compass on the Voidstar and try to find out West vs East. Good luck with that... Let me know if you ever figure out why it doesnt work.
  7. Don't touch space combat! It's great how it is, we don't need the devs wasting time on some dumb flight sim.
  8. Color blindness =/= issues with the game. Some of us don't have any issues at all. Yes, I'm color blind, and there are no issues with the game, so not all colorblind people are affected by this.
  9. Do you have any plans our are you discussing any sort of customizing for the character ships? Like being able to change individual colors or being able to mount trophies from FP bosses, world bosses, Ops bosses, or even class quest trophies?
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