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To save crafting we need item decay


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Reminds me of item durability in DAOC, where you could repair armour and weapons a certain number of times before they become useless. Being a MT in that game really sucked if you didn't find any replacement armour. So, no thanks.
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Why would I need anything from you if I can get better drops from operations, heroics and end game comm vendors?


It takes you a number of days to get purple 50 mods in every moddable slot, you can't go into operations without some gear, so crafters offer a venue for people who want to skip grinding the same dailies and same flashpoints on their second, third, fourth, or heaven forbid, fifth alts just to gain a slightly better gearscore, when they can ding 50, get crafted gear, and immediately start running Operations for real gear.


Crafting doesn't replace end game gear, but it does replace the grind to begin endgame.


Also companions etc.

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Alright, alright! What about just having mods decay then? Give crafters the ability to create their respective mods and allow them to make the best. Good idea?


Don't get discouraged, it's not a bad idea for an MMO...just might not be the best for this one with the way they've designed the gear.

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Item decay leading to destruction can be a tough pill to swallow for players and more penalizing for classes taking most of the damage (tanks).


I think item decay should exist, can be repaired by vendors with reduced durability, but restored to max durability by crafters (costly mats, money, etc.).


Also, mod gear should only come from crafting. That alone would drastically make crafting in demand.

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Item decay is a terrible idea. All they need to do is make crafting items better/equivilent to raid gear. I hate to do it but during BC in wow crafting items were really good through out the expac(belt of blasting, sunwell goggles, frozen shadoweave, etc.) Edited by Dorc
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Item decay is a terrible idea. All they need to do is make crafting items better/equivilent to raid gear. I hate to do it but during BC in wow crafting items were really good through out the expac(belt of blasting, sunwell goggles, etc.)


They weren't "better" than raiding gear, but they were "close"


Frozen Shadow Weave for instance was very comparable to raid gear offering more raw damage but severely reduced defensive stats. Try wearing that in T5 instead of your T4 raid gear and you'd get squished on a few encounters or make your healers lives very hard.


The T6 haste loaded gear was loaded with haste and not much else, which was situationally okay for some classes.



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I'm not down with the item decay.


However, what if crafters could make limited-use repair tools for the type of item they craft? For instance, Armortechs make Heavy Armor repair tools, Weapontechs make blaster repair tools, Artificers make melee repair tools, and so on. Each tool would have a number of charges based on its quality (the higher the quality, the more charges it would have), and finally, players who bought one of each type of repair tool could then combine them into a universal repair tool that could repair any of your items (so that you didn't have to carry around 5 different tools.)


Repairing at vendors could still be an option, but repair tools would be a convenience consumable (being able to repair in the middle of a raid instance is pretty nice), that everyone in the game uses and thus would be a steady source of income for almost all crafters.

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It was actually a lot of things that WoW simply did better than DAOC. Item decay was one of them.


Well, I never heard anyone from DAoC say that they were leaving due to item decay. This issue in DAoC that caused it's mass exodus were from PvP side of things, not from having to repair gear. It's merely coincidence, and has nothing to do with the cause.

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wow you guys really hate item decay.


i dont understand all the hate. I dont think item decay should apply to loot drops or bag gear.

but i dont have a problem with it applying to crafted oranges or purples. ( as long mods dont decay)





I will say that item decay has to be part of a system.


I.E. if item decay is in, then crafters should not be able to gather everything they need. If were gonna have to replace gear from crafters then they need to buy resources from combatants and be dedicated crafters.


This is not the design of this game.

Edited by Seyyal
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Well, I never heard anyone from DAoC say that they were leaving due to item decay. This issue in DAoC that caused it's mass exodus were from PvP side of things, not from having to repair gear. It's merely coincidence, and has nothing to do with the cause.


You have blinders on if you think it was all PvP.

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wow you guys really hate item decay.


i dont understand all the hate. I dont think item decay should apply to loot drops or bag gear.

but i dont have a problem with it applying to crafted oranges or purples. ( as long mods dont decay)


Yah it's totally hard to understand that people don't want to have to start buying multiple copies of the same gear... :rolleyes:


Imagine your TV was re-engineered by the company who made it (along with ALL other TVs) to break after you used it for one month. So instead of buying one every few years that's always better than the last one you had, you now have to spend your money on buying the same TV that you already had, every month...


Get it now?

Edited by Caelrie
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You have blinders on if you think it was all PvP.


Sorry no, DAoC was not a PvE game, it's population did not leave because of PvE issues, it left because PvP became tied to PvE in an unacceptable manner. And item decay was not even a factor into why people left the game.

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Sorry no, DAoC was not a PvE game, it's population did not leave because of PvE issues, it left because PvP became tied to PvE in an unacceptable manner. And item decay was not even a factor into why people left the game.


Like I said, blinders. DAOC had a PvE endgame as well as PvP, and it had far more rewards. The fact that you don't even know that calls into question your credibility. Further, WoW's PvP at launch wasn't even remotely as good as DAOC's. There simply wasn't any, so the idea that people left DAOC for WoW because of PvP is plain ridiculous.

Edited by Caelrie
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Yah it's totally hard to understand that people don't want to have to start buying multiple copies of the same gear... :rolleyes:


Indeed. I totally ****** my pants about having to buy mulitple vibroknucklers for my TKM in SWG because I could wear out about 4 of them in a day while leveling up the profession. All that planethopping to search for weapon merchants with quality goods was oh so much fun. Especially during the hologrind when every crafter was grinding up new professions all the time to unlock Jedi. No, that didn't contribute at all to me quitting that game :rolleyes:

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