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R.I.P Physics: How Bioware butchered Netwon


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another thing, the force isn't real guys. i have a phd in physics and i can assure you that there is no force, no "ether" permeating throughout our reality.


another thing: lasers, in the fashion displayed in the game, are impossible. sorry bioware, get real.


how are lasers not possible in that fashion? what branch of physics do you cover? laser physics? i can tell you right now that for 300 quid you could pick up a nitrogen laser and simulate those effects that would also be pretty darn damaging as well considering they are used to punch holes through steel girders.


just because our current understanding of laser physics means we can not create them with the same degree of power does not mean it is not possible.


also with regards to not possible, i bring you a deployed laser by the military, deuterium fluoride laser, currently being deployed in small forms at military sites as missle defence systems and anti aircraft defence.


they may once have been a thing of science fiction but i seriously suggest you get your head out of your *** as they are not science fiction anymore and haven't been for some time.


how about an argon mining laser, as another example, small enough to fit on the side of a small vehicle and utterly devastating at HEL levels that are used for weaponisation and mining.


your grasp of modern laser physics is worse than my grasp of quantum physics.

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psssst Light Sabers are 100% physically impossible.


o rly so ppl don't have lazer surgery to cut off moles,ect... Their just before our time :p or we missed it "long time ago"... Damnit! P.s. OP this thread is awesome! I've never seen anything like it XD Btw he is right about the laws of physics any 1 saying other wise needs to read a book...oh and this will probably never get fixed... But I still love the idea of it :p

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psssst Light Sabers are 100% physically impossible.


says who? you or the science community?


again...we currently can not create them.....does that say anywhere that one day we will not be able too?


30 years ago cold fusion was a pipe dream yet now we know that under the right circumstances and with the right materials it is possible, not easily done and not at a level that could sustain anything but possible none the less.


scientifict breakthroughs happen all the time, we are constantly rewriting the rule books as we learn more and find new ways to do what could not be done before as well.


we understand so little it makes me laugh when people say it's not possible, it just reminds me just how stupid the human race actually is.

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how are lasers not possible in that fashion? what branch of physics do you cover? laser physics? i can tell you right now that for 300 quid you could pick up a nitrogen laser and simulate those effects that would also be pretty darn damaging as well considering they are used to punch holes through steel girders.


just because our current understanding of laser physics means we can not create them with the same degree of power does not mean it is not possible.


also with regards to not possible, i bring you a deployed laser by the military, deuterium fluoride laser, currently being deployed in small forms at military sites as missle defence systems and anti aircraft defence.


they may once have been a thing of science fiction but i seriously suggest you get your head out of your *** as they are not science fiction anymore and haven't been for some time.


how about an argon mining laser, as another example, small enough to fit on the side of a small vehicle and utterly devastating at HEL levels that are used for weaponisation and mining.


your grasp of modern laser physics is worse than my grasp of quantum physics.


I'm pretty sure he meant that a laser wouldn't shoot in a bolt like they do from the guns in this game, or that a lightsaber could physically exist where it's capped off on one end. The lasers you're talking about don't have ends. They only have drop off points where they become non-lethal. Of course lasers can cut things, but you'd never be able to, with our current comprehension of physics, create a beam of light that magically stops at a predestined length from its source.

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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.


You are soooooooooooo right, this game is totally fakey.

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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.


um, dont jump on the elevator then? I agree it's a bug but it has so little effect on gameplay I don't see BW fixing this anytime soon :(

Edited by Xtrema
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I had to use this. And I completely understand you here but..

BW 'Hates" us?


They spent all of that money and time on creating a game, getting voice actors, creating an outlet that would be considered by most, a form of entertainment, and then , Just as the beta was going out, all of the folks at BW got together and decided that , in a unanimous decision, that they were going to "Hate" all of the players that like to jump by making the jumping ability not so good?





I meant no disrespect, of course, but I thought that was funny.:p


they do hate mmo players, that's pretty much a fact


why else would they mess with JUMP(it's delayed, it slows you down) when mmo players are the most jump happy?

Edited by Fentz
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Don't care if I'm piling on, or if it has been said a hundred times in this thread, but I have to say:


You only noticed the lack of Newtonian physics when you jumped? Not the Grav Tanks? The Lightsabers? The sounds in space? The Lightning coming from force users? Ships with atmospheric flight in the vacuum of space? Female companions who actually romance nice characters?


But jumping bothers you....lol.

Edited by Cerion
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says who? you or the science community?


again...we currently can not create them.....does that say anywhere that one day we will not be able too?


30 years ago cold fusion was a pipe dream yet now we know that under the right circumstances and with the right materials it is possible, not easily done and not at a level that could sustain anything but possible none the less.


scientifict breakthroughs happen all the time, we are constantly rewriting the rule books as we learn more and find new ways to do what could not be done before as well.


we understand so little it makes me laugh when people say it's not possible, it just reminds me just how stupid the human race actually is.


yes if we discover MAGIC then sure they are possible. There is no way to have a blade that slices through everything with out giving off any heat which also is both solid and not solid at the same time. Oh and it has to be able to deflect blaster bolts

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For the elevators, every try and jump down on top of one as it's going down? The elevators are going down almost as fast as gravity. It's also a bit of a nitpick in a galaxy with FTL travel, levitating objects, and lightning coming out of people's fingers.


As for lasers, one of the top physics theories is that the bolt that we see isn't the actual laser but some kind of plasma creating an ion trail and that once it hits the target, the laser (which, according to physics, is invisible) hits the target instantly at the speed of light. Which is all meaningless technobabble for "it works like that because it's pretty".


Another physics problem people like to point at is sounds in space. The X-Wing series of books also said that the reason pilots can hear other fighters in space is that the sensors are tied to speakers. The computer creates audio cues of nearby ships to help pilots with spacial awareness. It's the type of idea that's so brilliant that, if ever we were to have real space fighters, it's something we'd want to do.

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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.


I didn't read all the responses here but I have to say that using Newton's First Law or any other law in a argument about the way something works in a game with LIGHTSABERS is really quite silly.

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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.



Do you know how much lag inserting a "live" physics engine into the game would cause? Illum would crash when one person force overloads or even force lightning (as it causes a slowing effect on everything).


Sorry, deal with it, it's a MMO - go play a FPS game if you want immersive physics.

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There are to many variables missing to even debate if physics have been broken or not.


What speed is the elevator traveling? How much force is being applied to the character by gravity?


If the elevator is moving downwards at the characters terminal velocity, when the character jumps, he'll break free from the surface of the elevator. The character wouldn't make contact again until the elevator began to decelerate. The rate of deceleration would determine the amount of force applied to the character when they make contact with the elevator floor.

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This is a game. In a fictional universe. A universe where we can hear noises in space.


If all games adhered to the laws of physics, they would probably be very boring. Bioware 'butchered' physics? What about all the other games that have crazy physics in them, where you can jump 5 metres in the air? Should they also be shunned for not obeying real physical rules?


There is NO REASON that Bioware should have to pander to your fairly pathetic 'complaint' that you 'demand' a fix for. I can't believe someone would play a Star Wars game, one where you get to escape from reality almost entirely, and then whine about how the way you jump is unrealistic. We also don't have lightsabers in real life, but that's fine right?


Get over it.

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I don't know about you, but I don't remember many people being able to jump as high as most characters in games do.


If you are really upset about Newton's laws being broken, I would recommend going to talk to Nintendo about Mario's ability to almost fly every jump.


Bioware has done no worse on jumping abilities than any other MMO that allows it.


P.S. I believe the elevators are moving more quickly than what RL elevators do also. Meaning comparing an elevator in RL to one in the game doesn't work in the first place. If you really want to have elevators work 'better' they would probably have to be slowed down a decent bit. Causing no end of complaints about slow elevators.


Sigh....the speed of the elevator has absolutely nothing to do with it. Jumping in an elevator moving at constant speed is no different than jumping on the planets surface. 100% failure to comprehend the OP.


Apparently I don't do much elevator jumping, because I had not noticed this. I don't think this warrants a fix, but it is a funny post.


BW, grab somebody who has taken high school physics and put him on your staff. Save you from this kind of thing in the future.

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