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Why the arrogance of healers?


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As a healer, I'd like to share my experience. I play a scoundrel healer, and I think I may be the squishiest class around. When I'm in a warzone, I am in a state of complete and utter panic. I stay as close as I can to a big group of people and I KEEP THEM ALIVE as best I can. Because if I don't, I'm next and I know it.


I can DPS, but I'm not built for it. I will lose any one on one fight. My job is to make sure you, the tank and DPS, can take on three people at once because I can burst heal like you wouldn't believe.


I don't want seem arrogant, but if you just came from 10% health against 2 sith, then suddenly are at 75% and winning, please try to remember me during the MVP vote. Because if I'm healing you, I probably have noticed you, think you're important and good enough to win outmanned, and am giving you my MVP vote anyways. Just return the favor.


Post of the day.

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It is on par, though.


DPS get a medal for 2.5k hit, 5k hit, 75k damage dealt, 300k damage dealt -- > 4 medals.


Healers get a medal for 2.5k healed, 5k healed, 75k healed, 300k healed -- > 4 medals.


Tanks get 5k, 10k, 50k protection (and I believe an additional one for "protection in one life") -- > around 4 medals too.


Perfect parity.


Other medals (10 kills, 25 kills, 1 solo kill, 1 final blow) are shared across all 3 archetypes. A healer can pick them up just as easily as a dps (more easily in case with 10/25 kills because a healer is harder to kill, thus he has more uptime in which to get those kills). A solo kill for a healer is arguably easier than a solo kill for a tank.


Lol this is just plain wrong! You are saying that healers can get the medals for killing, which require doing dps easier than the class that gets medals for dpsing, or the one that gets medals for clicking one instant ability each time they rez, leaving them free to dps the rest of the time?


I'm a healer, I don't care about MVP votes, although unless im with Guildies I always vote for healers, I know how much fun it is to get jumped by 5 peeps constantly once the other team realizes your healing. That's fine its part of the system and expected. But anytime I cast my IC dot that is a 1.5(less alacrity) that I could have spent healing someone who is dying.

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Not sure why people on this thread are acting like it's easy to get medals as a purely DPS class. If you're doing any kind of team oriented play, it's not an easy task to get medals as a class that doesn't have a self-heal or can't touch the protection medal ladder.
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Not sure why people on this thread are acting like it's easy to get medals as a purely DPS class. If you're doing any kind of team oriented play, it's not an easy task to get medals as a class that doesn't have a self-heal or can't touch the protection medal ladder.


I disagree. I took my 15 sniper into Voidstar the other day and walked away with 7 medals. Purely anecdotal evidence, but there's one viewpoint.

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People who complain about healers should play one for a while. In the same vein, people who complain about tanks should play one as well. These are the two roles in groups that get singled out for more criticism than everyone else. Also, pullers catch a lot of crap, but there's no real pulling in this game. In games requiring a lot of crowd control, classes such as an EQ Enchanter or Bard, the CC guys can take a lot of flak as well.


If the healer can't stay on top of all healing, including healing the DPS who thinks he's a tank and the guy who's aggroed everything before the tank contains aggro, he's a loser. If the tank can't control aggro in ALL situations, then he is singled out. These are both tough jobs.


I haven't met many of the arrogant healers that people are talking about here. Most of the healers I've worked with are team players. I do understand that there's been been a number of threads on healers lacking medals in PvP.


I've tried healing in PvP, and it is indeed difficult to get medals (note: I'm not a full heal spec, so take that into account). Shooting green bullets at a ball carrier turns me into Insta-Target, and I've discovered that most players seem to have no idea that they were healed or who healed them if they do. At least it isn't acknowledged very often in my experience.


I do very well if I just AOE DPS (Pyro Tech) which is fairly easy and doesn't have to attract a lot of attention if I'm not trying to go head-to-head with individual players. That's not my playstyle, but it's an option for some players who want to DPS for medals instead of heal. And TOR is set up to provide an incentive to DPS in warzones. You can't blame folks for optimizing their valor by choosing to DPS vs heal.


I think that arrogance is an individual trait. You can't apply in broadly across an entire class. Well... you can, but the result will be less healers than before.

Edited by Bamajawn
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I disagree. I took my 15 sniper into Voidstar the other day and walked away with 7 medals. Purely anecdotal evidence, but there's one viewpoint.


Couple things. First, and I'm not trying to intentionally discount YOU, but I don't consider anything done in the 10-49 bracket as evidence to be weighed. Second, depending on how the match played out, Voidstar is the one match where a pure DPS class can, indeed, rack up some medals...However, in that same situation, tanks and other classes with guards, are likely going to walk out of there with more medals.

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I disagree. I took my 15 sniper into Voidstar the other day and walked away with 7 medals. Purely anecdotal evidence, but there's one viewpoint.


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage


Healers get:

2.5k heal

5k heal

75k heal

300k heal


We can assume a healer doing healing will not achieve the quick draw medal. Just about everyone gets commando/soldier medals. Healers can rather easily get the 75k damage medals. Sages can easily accomplish this while being useful at the same time (dotting people at objectives when they know the current battle is lost).


Tanks get all of the above medals + 3 easily accomplished protection medals + healing medals if you use the frozen shock water item (2 medals). Excluding asssassin medal since it makes you worthless. I get those on a guaranteed win.


Sentinels/snipers only get the dps medal (is there a healing mechanic to snipers at all from talents, like use and increase your health by 20%?). Unless they were useless, I will toss them a vote. Likewise, if they are useless, the best healer will get my vote. And by best, I don't mean the highest amount healed.

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I don't understand it. Yes I love getting heals, but I also love getting protected by tanks, and I love dpsing someone into the ground.......... why do healers think they are something special? I played main heals in all other mmos I've played and not once thought I deserved to be voted mvp for this and that. I almost purposely not vote healers mvp because they ask so much. Instead just to spite them I'll mvp the guy who just joined or did 10k damage and 0 healing.


Man I can't wait to see the hate messages this post will bring. Anyway, stop thinking you're something special because you keybind moves the same as everyone else.


Here's the medals a healer gets for maximizing his strengths:


2.5k heal

75k healing

300k healing


That's it.


Healers need the votes to get the valor gain other classes get. Any half-intelligent dps or tank sees and understands this. I don't even ask for votes, but my guildies do ask others to vote for healers or people who defended a node all game.

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Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage


Healers get:

2.5k heal

5k heal

75k heal

300k heal


We can assume a healer doing healing will not achieve the quick draw medal. Just about everyone gets commando/soldier medals. Healers can rather easily get the 75k damage medals. Sages can easily accomplish this while being useful at the same time (dotting people at objectives when they know the current battle is lost).


Tanks get all of the above medals + 3 easily accomplished protection medals + healing medals if you use the frozen shock water item (2 medals). Excluding asssassin medal since it makes you worthless. I get those on a guaranteed win.


Sentinels/snipers only get the dps medal (is there a healing mechanic to snipers at all from talents, like use and increase your health by 20%?). Unless they were useless, I will toss them a vote. Likewise, if they are useless, the best healer will get my vote. And by best, I don't mean the highest amount healed.


If a healer gets 75k dmg in a warzone it means he's not doing his job.

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Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage


Healers get:

2.5k heal

5k heal

75k heal

300k heal


We can assume a healer doing healing will not achieve the quick draw medal. Just about everyone gets commando/soldier medals. Healers can rather easily get the 75k damage medals. Sages can easily accomplish this while being useful at the same time (dotting people at objectives when they know the current battle is lost).


Tanks get all of the above medals + 3 easily accomplished protection medals + healing medals if you use the frozen shock water item (2 medals). Excluding asssassin medal since it makes you worthless. I get those on a guaranteed win.


Sentinels/snipers only get the dps medal (is there a healing mechanic to snipers at all from talents, like use and increase your health by 20%?). Unless they were useless, I will toss them a vote. Likewise, if they are useless, the best healer will get my vote. And by best, I don't mean the highest amount healed.


I don't agree with the frozen shock water item abuse we are seeing, however just thought I'd not a few things..


1. Not all "Tanks" are tank specced, some are dps so to get those protection medals means actively using taunt to get the job done, the might get the 2k, 5k and 10k medals if they constantly taunt, but they won't be getting the 50k medal without Guard.


2. Enure is actually counting as a heal, I'm pretty sure this is a bug as it's awarding Tanks 2 medals (2.5k and 5k) for using it, it didn't prior to the last patch.


I do try to keep in mind a few things before voting an MVP:


1. Did the person put in a great effort towards winning the WZ (scoring, assisting on turret captures and bomb plants/defuses, etc)


2. Was the person a noticable influence in the WZ (I dont regard immortal callouts as an influence as that could just indicate the person concentrated on medal farming, I look for who is putting in a powerful performance consistently in fights, etc)


3. Did the person take a commanding role? Were they good at following the flow of battle? Did they make personal sacrifice for the good of the team?


A good 8/10 times my vote ends up going to a healer, but those other times I usually find that a really good tank can be a huge deciding factor in the outcome of a WZ so I cannot find reason to not vote for them.


There is also the occassion where a DPS can shine above all others, a really good Sentinel or Gunslinger for instance wont only top the charts, they will be a massive influence in the outcome of fights.

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I appreciate people playing healers. I have 0 interest in it and have not played a healer in any MMO for hte last 12 years.


That being said, when I am 2nd damage for my team at 260k with 90k protection, and 2k+ objective points and get 0 votes, while some healer with 120k heals and 30k DPS that stood on an alderan turret the whole game ot farm defensive medals gets MVP, it does frustrate me a bit.

Yeah, but how many medals do you earn in a game where you play like this? Quite a lot, right? I give my MVP to the healer because, unless the match was easy enough that they could spare the GCD/resources to DPS, they don't usually earn that many medals.


Since I'm usually top healer, I give it to the 2nd healer unless someone else really stood out. It's not that I don't think the tank with 11 medals did a bad job.....It's just that they don't really need the medal they get from my MVP vote.


So, my vote goes to someone who contributed to the team and who only got 2-4 medals for their effort. Usually that person is a healer. Sometimes it's the person who stood at the empty turret to guard and didn't get a chance to earn many medals. Sometimes it's a DPS who peeled for me a lot but didn't get to earn many medals because their gear isn't up to par yet.


You know what I never do though? I never refuse to give my vote away because of some whiny, selfish, immature, entitled sense that I should be the one to get everyone else's vote.

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The fact of the matter is, as a healer TRYING to get medals, it was fairly easy for me to obtain 4-5. As a dps not trying and just killing people, I get 7+ pretty much every game. Yes this is in the 50s bracket...


Solo kill

big crit.. whatever the number

75k damage

killing blow

10 kills

25 kills

(sometimes) 300k damage


That is 7 right there. I haven't even included the objective medals or the healing crit that I almost always get as a dps Op.


Admittedly, a healer CAN get just as many medals if thats all he/she is trying to do. However, in the process of helping his/her team, there isn't a lot of time to spend 30 minutes getting a solo kill or AoEing every time you have a spare GCD just to tag some people or frantically attacking low health people for the killing blow, etc.. The problem is that tanks and dps just basically get handed the medals for doing their jobs, healers have to go out of their way.

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I don't understand it. Yes I love getting heals, but I also love getting protected by tanks, and I love dpsing someone into the ground.......... why do healers think they are something special? I played main heals in all other mmos I've played and not once thought I deserved to be voted mvp for this and that. I almost purposely not vote healers mvp because they ask so much. Instead just to spite them I'll mvp the guy who just joined or did 10k damage and 0 healing.


Man I can't wait to see the hate messages this post will bring. Anyway, stop thinking you're something special because you keybind moves the same as everyone else.



Hey, anyone who plays a healer on his server, feel free to stand back and watch this one die. After all, you're nothing special and he already thinks you're arrogant. And no matter how many times you pull his ***** out of the fire, he's still going to vote for a scrub just to spite you.


Flaming healers is always a bad idea. Same goes with tanks. When your life depends on someone else helping you, it's a good idea to be nice to them.



When a DPS screws up, what happens? Whatever you're killing takes longer to die. In most cases, a DPS who is underperforming won't kill the group, they'll just make things take longer. But if a tank/healer underfperforms, everyone dies. So even though this healer and that DPS screw up the same amount, only the healer's screwups get noticed, and they get flamed.


Healers take enough hate as it is, so please let them be.

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people are crying because they're doing 900k healing and 2500 damage in a match and not getting medals because all you're doing is sitting there spamming your heals.


how hard is it to tab target and throw your insta cast DoT on 6-7 people?


It's called trying to win the match.


If he did 900k healing in a match it means THERE WAS A TON OF HEALING NEEDED TO WIN THE MATCH.


If he stops healing to farm medals it means his team probably loses.


Nobody is arguing that healers aren't strong enough. We're simply saying we need more medals for fulfilling our role. A dps or tank doesn't have to go out of his way for medals. Healers do, and that's the problem.

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unless you are >30.. If you can't get 10 kill medal, 75k damage medal, and killing blow medal on top of the 2.5k heal, 75k healing medals you are bad.






If you want to healbot fine just shut the hell up about medals and put the work in.

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As a healer, I'd like to share my experience. I play a scoundrel healer, and I think I may be the squishiest class around. When I'm in a warzone, I am in a state of complete and utter panic. I stay as close as I can to a big group of people and I KEEP THEM ALIVE as best I can. Because if I don't, I'm next and I know it.


I can DPS, but I'm not built for it. I will lose any one on one fight. My job is to make sure you, the tank and DPS, can take on three people at once because I can burst heal like you wouldn't believe.


I don't want seem arrogant, but if you just came from 10% health against 2 sith, then suddenly are at 75% and winning, please try to remember me during the MVP vote. Because if I'm healing you, I probably have noticed you, think you're important and good enough to win outmanned, and am giving you my MVP vote anyways. Just return the favor.


As a fellow Sawbones healer, I completely agree with this post.


When I am in a WZ, my goal is to keep my party alive and protecting me. When they die, I die. Oh, sometimes I can run and hide...but that's uncommon. Often, I am focusing so much on the party, that I either neglect to heal myself or plain choose not to. Keeping the Tank/DPS alive so they finish the Objective is more important to me.


Sometimes, I will get a few PM's with thanks for heals, or someone will say such in chat, and I feel like a million bucks. Every MVP vote I get makes me feel greatly appreciated. I don't think it is arrogant to desire votes. We work hard for it, and a LOT harder than Sages do.


I think it's frustrating that someone would assume its "arrogant" of a healer to get recognition for playing a "support" class who's entire purpose is built around supporting and aiding others above and before themselves. Especially Sawbones.

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I usually see good healers getting a good portion of the MVP votes, probably more than any other class.


It helps that the healers name pops up in big green letters whenever you are being healed, a sort of advertisement for MVP votes that other classes don't get.

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people are crying because they're doing 900k healing and 2500 damage in a match and not getting medals because all you're doing is sitting there spamming your heals.


how hard is it to tab target and throw your insta cast DoT on 6-7 people?




Can you try and learn the game before you post?


First off, not every healer is a Sage, which is the class you refer to that can AoE DoT everyone.


Sages can do as much damage as they can heal, yes. They can, more easily than Commandos or Scoundrels, obtain non-healing medals with out reducing most of their healing output.


However, I guarantee you buddy, that even for Sages, healing 900k, or even 300k, or even 150k, is a LOT harder than "spamming" a few healing abilities. A LOT harder. ESPECIALLY for non-sage Healers.


So, again, learn your classes and differences between throwing around your arrogant and ignorant opinions.

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If you want to healbot fine just shut the hell up about medals and put the work in.


I love this idea. I agree. I'm going to really try in this game. I'm going to heal until I get the 75k medal and the 2.5k healing medal. After that its full on DPS baby!


Sure my teamates will die because I stopped healing but that's there fault for taking damage.


If DPS were truly good at this game, they'd kill their enemy before they die anyway.


Healers, you heard me, let's get really good at this game and just stop healing after 75k. Anything beyond that is just faceroll right? :rolleyes:

Edited by Moricthian
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