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Why the arrogance of healers?


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I don't understand it. Yes I love getting heals, but I also love getting protected by tanks, and I love dpsing someone into the ground.......... why do healers think they are something special? I played main heals in all other mmos I've played and not once thought I deserved to be voted mvp for this and that. I almost purposely not vote healers mvp because they ask so much. Instead just to spite them I'll mvp the guy who just joined or did 10k damage and 0 healing.


Man I can't wait to see the hate messages this post will bring. Anyway, stop thinking you're something special because you keybind moves the same as everyone else.

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Mostly I see annoyance that their medal count isn't on par with tanks or damage, not that they want more credit than others.


The main culprit is that tanks get a ton of medals and it distorts people's expectations into thinking most players get 9-10 medals a match, when most get 6 or less.

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I haven't seen many arrogant healers.


It takes a particular kind of personality to play a healer archetype in a game and find it enjoyable. In my experience at least, the typical personality of healers and support characters is anything but arrogant. I know I'm obviously not representative of all healers everywhere but I always try to be polite and helpful, especially in PvP.


What exactly did these healers do that made you think they were arrogant?

Edited by SnakeAes
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Because healers are god's gift to MMOs. They are better people and probably more attractive than anyone else. They are so skilled that every time a healer dies the class that kills him or her has to be nerfed cause healers are so goddamn good.
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Mostly I see annoyance that their medal count isn't on par with tanks or damage, not that they want more credit than others.



It is on par, though.


DPS get a medal for 2.5k hit, 5k hit, 75k damage dealt, 300k damage dealt -- > 4 medals.


Healers get a medal for 2.5k healed, 5k healed, 75k healed, 300k healed -- > 4 medals.


Tanks get 5k, 10k, 50k protection (and I believe an additional one for "protection in one life") -- > around 4 medals too.


Perfect parity.


Other medals (10 kills, 25 kills, 1 solo kill, 1 final blow) are shared across all 3 archetypes. A healer can pick them up just as easily as a dps (more easily in case with 10/25 kills because a healer is harder to kill, thus he has more uptime in which to get those kills). A solo kill for a healer is arguably easier than a solo kill for a tank.


Those healers who want to tunnel vision and heal the team ONLY get only 4 medals. Those that want to diversify and medal farm can easily get 10 medals per game. Guess what, a pure dps class like Marauder can only get 5-6 medals per game too, unless he goes out of his way to medal farm (in which case he can get 7-8 maybe).

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Healers in a wz are nice but I'm as likely to vote someone mvp that I noticed just played their role well. Not really fair that a dps should get shafted out of votes just because someone chose to play a class that can heal and as I mentioned in another thread there are times when a healer could have used a bit of dps and actually have been more productive to the team. Spamming heals is not hard. Learning when to heal and when to do other things is harder.
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I don't understand it. Yes I love getting heals, but I also love getting protected by tanks, and I love dpsing someone into the ground.......... why do healers think they are something special? I played main heals in all other mmos I've played and not once thought I deserved to be voted mvp for this and that. I almost purposely not vote healers mvp because they ask so much. Instead just to spite them I'll mvp the guy who just joined or did 10k damage and 0 healing.


Man I can't wait to see the hate messages this post will bring. Anyway, stop thinking you're something special because you keybind moves the same as everyone else.


If the healer is focusing on keeping his teammates alive, chances are he'll have fewer medals at the end of the match over a DPS who focuses on damage or a tank who focuses on protection


It's also not uncommon for the highest damage dealer to get the MVP votes even if that person didn't fight for a SINGLE objective (I get more MVP votes when I focus on damage over winning, which isn't how it should be)


In most games I've played with a healing class, healers tend to be ignored unless they're not there. EG: "OMG, you're a Sage heal me!" even if the sage is DPS'd spec. But if the player is healing specced and IS healing, they're rarely mentioned.


Personally, I always give my MVP votes to the healer I see giving me heals through the match. If I don't see a healer (often) I vote for highest overall healer. If they don't exist (or if I as a SENTINEL am the highest overall healer) I go for whoever I saw fighting on the objectives the right way, because more often than not, they could use some medals too.

Edited by mennoknight
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I have no idea what OP is talking about. I have yet to meet one arrogant healer. Selfish DPS that yell for heals, swear at healer yet always ignore him when he is attacked on the other hand...


If a healer keeps me going good enough he'll get MVP from me for prolonging my fun and greatly increasing our teams victory chance. Too bad that good healers are such a rare breed.

Edited by Lerdoc
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I almost purposely not vote healers mvp because they ask so much. Instead just to spite them I'll mvp the guy who just joined or did 10k damage and 0 healing.


They ask so much? Not sure if serious or trolling.


What could they possibly ask for other than "KEEP THIS GUY OFF ME SO I CAN HEAL PLZKTHX"

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As a healer main in all other MMOs before this (50 jug tank/30 sorc heals), I always vote for top heals as MVP, unless someone else was clearly the MVP.


I just know how much a good healer can make all the difference in the outcome of 2 otherwise equally matched groups.

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I appreciate people playing healers. I have 0 interest in it and have not played a healer in any MMO for hte last 12 years.


That being said, when I am 2nd damage for my team at 260k with 90k protection, and 2k+ objective points and get 0 votes, while some healer with 120k heals and 30k DPS that stood on an alderan turret the whole game ot farm defensive medals gets MVP, it does frustrate me a bit.


This is why I don't vote at all unless a particular player really went above and beyond playing their role properly. Numbers are an indication of this, but regardless of your heals or damage, if you run into the mid to die 18 times rather than helping cap east,

Edited by Notannos
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It is on par, though.


DPS get a medal for 2.5k hit, 5k hit, 75k damage dealt, 300k damage dealt -- > 4 medals.


Healers get a medal for 2.5k healed, 5k healed, 75k healed, 300k healed -- > 4 medals.


Tanks get 5k, 10k, 50k protection (and I believe an additional one for "protection in one life") -- > around 4 medals too.


Perfect parity.


You're forgetting the Trauma debuff. It's 30% harder for someone who does nothing but heals to get 300k than someone who does nothing but damage - and that's on top of stats providing more bonus damage than bonus heals. The guy who does 300k damage is also nearly certain to have picked up the killing blow and the 10 kill medals in the process, and highly likely to have gotten 25 kills.


The defender medals in Huttball and Voidstar also seem to require killing. Alderaan, of course, you get them just standing around.


30% more difficult is a big deal.


I'm not personally upset about it, because I damage more than most healers and am capable of picking up the 5k single heal medal - an impossible feat for anyone without near full Champion gear and a surge relic.

Edited by Kholvan
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So between running around avoiding those three ops/scoundrel that's trying to kill you, and keeping yourself alive, while keeping you tank alive, while keeping your DPS alive, please tell me when, during any of that, does a healer has time to land a KILLING BLOW? Or deal 75k damage? :p


I give them MPV vote because healer got the hardest job for the smallest reward in WZ. That's all.

Edited by Kai-Eurah-Tird
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selfish healer? = error 404



healers in warzones are rare enough , i usually give mvp to healers (with 3-5 medals ) , other than some random person that helps a lot to win the warzone (the tank that runs the ball x4 or the OP that defends the tower door a lot ....


medal farmers...bleh....they dont deserve MVP because usually dont help to win , and get enough medals anyway

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We are arrogant because we are rare and special flowers, bedded on a sea of mediocre mucky muck. We bring the light and beauty into the a galaxy of primitive instinct. And do this with the grace of a butterfly, by floating above the battfield with supernatural oversight over the wellbeing of our devoted followers. Who, after seeing my name in bright green letter giving them hope in the face of doom and death, happily promote me to MVP time and time again.


I am special.

You are just an exchangeable peon.

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I play a healer. I've never once asked for a vote.


That said, it is harder for us to get the kill medals than DPS. When the fighting is hot, say in mid on Alderan or the caps in voidstar there is often very little time for me to do anything but heal.


My damage mainly comes when I have a spare global to either aoe knockback or dotting people going for caps.


That said, when it's 2v2 or 2v1, I keep my ally at a decent health and then help him DPS. Or if an enemy is low health I'll try to throw some damage on him to get him dead before he gets a heal.

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I usually vote for the guy who influenced the warzone most. Sometimes it's a great ballcarrier, sometimes it's a tank protecting me, sometimes it's a dps peeling for me. I'm a healer and get voted more often than not, only premades tend to vote for themselves but they usually make the difference between a win and a loss.


But to be honest, the only arrogant people I meet in warzones are usually just dinged sorcs or mercs with 11k hp flaming the team for losing while not realizing it's them who makes us lose the WZ.


As a healer people don't need to be nice or good to get heals. I'll prioritize Ballcarrier -> tank who's guarding me -> myself -> proper player who are protecting me -> everyone else.

I do like being acknowledged like everyone else but I don't expect it because I'm a healer. I'm just doing my job, just as I expect dps and tanks to do theirs.

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As a healer, I'd like to share my experience. I play a scoundrel healer, and I think I may be the squishiest class around. When I'm in a warzone, I am in a state of complete and utter panic. I stay as close as I can to a big group of people and I KEEP THEM ALIVE as best I can. Because if I don't, I'm next and I know it.


I can DPS, but I'm not built for it. I will lose any one on one fight. My job is to make sure you, the tank and DPS, can take on three people at once because I can burst heal like you wouldn't believe.


I don't want seem arrogant, but if you just came from 10% health against 2 sith, then suddenly are at 75% and winning, please try to remember me during the MVP vote. Because if I'm healing you, I probably have noticed you, think you're important and good enough to win outmanned, and am giving you my MVP vote anyways. Just return the favor.

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I don't understand it. Yes I love getting heals, but I also love getting protected by tanks, and I love dpsing someone into the ground.......... why do healers think they are something special? I played main heals in all other mmos I've played and not once thought I deserved to be voted mvp for this and that. I almost purposely not vote healers mvp because they ask so much. Instead just to spite them I'll mvp the guy who just joined or did 10k damage and 0 healing.


Man I can't wait to see the hate messages this post will bring. Anyway, stop thinking you're something special because you keybind moves the same as everyone else.


Because due to the mechanics of medals and the rewards they provide, a healer often has to stop doing what their job is to do in order to acquire these medals. In this game, they need to be dpsing. And up to 75k, they get a whopping 8 medals. On my shadow, I regularly get 11 medals. The votes are essentially medals for them. I also give medals to sentinels regularly when I solo queue and see one. They get like 6 medals total for hitting 300k damage. They can't protect or heal.

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As a healer, I'd like to share my experience. I play a scoundrel healer, and I think I may be the squishiest class around. When I'm in a warzone, I am in a state of complete and utter panic. I stay as close as I can to a big group of people and I KEEP THEM ALIVE as best I can. Because if I don't, I'm next and I know it.


I can DPS, but I'm not built for it. I will lose any one on one fight. My job is to make sure you, the tank and DPS, can take on three people at once because I can burst heal like you wouldn't believe.


I don't want seem arrogant, but if you just came from 10% health against 2 sith, then suddenly are at 75% and winning, please try to remember me during the MVP vote. Because if I'm healing you, I probably have noticed you, think you're important and good enough to win outmanned, and am giving you my MVP vote anyways. Just return the favor.


You deserve votes. I play with a healer almost exclusively. And while she's healing the whole team of people from 10% to 75%, as you say, my *** is taking a pounding from guarding her and taunting people on her. So the lesson here is to play with more competent players that can keep you alive rather than having to save a bunch of scrubs constantly knowing you'll die next if you don't. :p

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