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I always wish they'd just let you keep the damn mask from that quest. And I always wondered why they never went anywhere with that particular quest line. Guess they wanted to leave it alone so they could do the whole SoR expansion.



Rolled a Jedi Guardian and started playing last weekend.




That purple mask makes your character look like she's from Mortal Kombat.... ;-_-

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Would you mind sharing the gear you used on the first one? Especially the chest. Is it moddable? The pic looks really nice :cool:


Potent Champion ( TOR Fashion )


It's the closest I can get to

, oddly enough. :(


For my newest characters, I'm trying to use, as much as possible, armor sets from the Character Progression trailers. My other Guardian, as seen here, is using the Recovered Hero armor set, which is

:D Edited by Darth_Wicked
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  • 3 weeks later...
What happened to this thread? No posts in 2 weeks? Are people posting character shots elsewhere now?


Not that I am aware of, I think it's just the lack of ability to actually see them without leaving the SWtOR site pretty much killed the thread. It also killed Ixun's thread. He hasn't posted any new designs in awhile. If you don't know who Ixun is, he's directly responsible for most of the 'revealing' attire available for men in the game.

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Potent Champion ( TOR Fashion )


It's the closest I can get to

, oddly enough. :(


For my newest characters, I'm trying to use, as much as possible, armor sets from the Character Progression trailers. My other Guardian, as seen here, is using the Recovered Hero armor set, which is



I have a pair of options to get you closer to the gear in the video. First there is a cartel set called Casual Combatant that is one of the revealing sets (not all that revealing). The second will be more viable once we get the costume slots and that is the less common Aspiring Knight. Not to be confused with the Aspiring Knight set. I still can't figure out why Bioware used the same name for two completely different gear sets.


I hope this helps.

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Not that I am aware of, I think it's just the lack of ability to actually see them without leaving the SWtOR site pretty much killed the thread. It also killed Ixun's thread. He hasn't posted any new designs in awhile. If you don't know who Ixun is, he's directly responsible for most of the 'revealing' attire available for men in the game.


So no more embedding photos directly into posts? That has got to be the stupidest change to the site Bioware's ever made. I'm highly disappointed. :jawa_frown:

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So no more embedding photos directly into posts? That has got to be the stupidest change to the site Bioware's ever made. I'm highly disappointed. :jawa_frown:


Yes, and the reason is even more ***...


We have looked into allowing actual uploads to the forums for the Bug Report forum but, since we cannot make that change forum-specific, we will not be activating it. Unfortunately at this time you will still need to use a third-party image hosting website to share images.


As for the tags, we discussed it, and it was never intended to be allowed anywhere on the forums. Due to the potential for causing problems, and due to issues we have had with the feature in the past, we have decided that it will not be reactivated anywhere, including the Bug Report forums.




That's right, despite numerous posts by moderators telling you how to post images in the sections of the forums where it is allowed, it was never intended to to be allowed.

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Broken image link is broken.


Working fine on my end. :confused:


Uploaded to a different host all the same.


* snip *


Though I do appreciate the thought, there are a couple of obstacles, however. :p


First, that armor set, though I also own it, is revealing enough as it is to me; I have no issues with other people wearing it, mind you, but it's not the kind of stuff I'd fancy seeing being wore by any of my characters.


Second, the Aspiring Knight armor set you suggested has a different color scheme altogether, while the one I use, some additions aside, is 100% identical. Also, I don't believe you can obtain that Aspiring one outside your adventures on Tython, and I sold the pieces I got there when I first created this character, back in... June 2014, or so. :o


Again, do appreciate the suggestions all the same. Thank you. :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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