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Defending "the civil war" requires no skill


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Why does anyone playthis minigame after anyone caps 2 turrets?



Speeders need a -40% speed debuff.... Right now the game is just dumb at level 50.


Claiming that defending turrets doesn't take skill, its like saying that zerging one turret requires skill....

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Claiming that defending turrets doesn't take skill, its like saying that zerging one turret requires skill....


well, hes right in a way ... with the speeders going directly to either side its very easy to defend a turret ... takes less then 20sec from dying to be back at the turret.

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Somewhat agree with this, an attacking team can dominate a turret but simply be interrupted by how quick people can get back to the turrets.


Same issue with Voidstar really, you can full out dominate the other team when attacking, but if the spawn time sits right for them it's so quick to get back to the door, and on the other side of it, you can be in a spawn zone for 30 seconds while the other team runs on through a few objectives.

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well, hes right in a way ... with the speeders going directly to either side its very easy to defend a turret ... takes less then 20sec from dying to be back at the turret.


You have CC and such. Do not blame the map and speeders, because some trigger happy people break CC and stuff.

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which CC lasts more then 8sec and is unbreakable ... oh, none you say ?


Look on it in the bigger picture. People who die/respawn usually have their trinket on cooldown. There is 6465746746 CC in this game. Also one of the people zerging the turret can start to capture it in middle of fight..I know shocking...but that's how its done.

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Pugging civil war highlights the same problem that pesters a team in every WZ. Lack of organization hurts.


I cant tell you how many times I've seen attackers gain the upper hand and a 8sec window without capitalizing on it cos everyone is preoccupied with dpsing and only start capping when tehy've "cleared" the area of defenders than then have time to rush back and prevent caps.


If you can only DPS in a situation like that, go tap the node. Rest CC, punt, snare, stun. You cant outkill your way to win that node but you can control your way to it.

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l2p issue, a premade can take any point with proper cc interrupt and focus ability.


This is not wow bro, healers are very limited and a tank cant pop all cds every 30 sec to survive


Except... if you're a premade, you never had less than 2 turrets to begin with. If you did, you're not good enough to do propar CC.

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Why does anyone playthis minigame after anyone caps 2 turrets?



Speeders need a -40% speed debuff.... Right now the game is just dumb at level 50.


Nerfing speeders will change nothing. You need more that 3 nodes. 3 just isn't enough. Bioware copied wow for a lot of things, just copy AB already.

Edited by Dystopic
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3 nodes and a relatively small map gives us fast-paced, action-packed PvP. In WoW's Arathi Basin or Rift's Codex, there could be entire games where you did nothing but sit at your flag, waiting and hoping that someone would try to cap it, because the action is always somewhere else. In ACW, there is never a dull moment.


That said, the east/west speeders are too efficient. They need to be slightly slower or the drop off point placed further away. It should take a recently killed defender 10 seconds to return to the flag, giving the attackers a decent chance to cap.

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Why does anyone playthis minigame after anyone caps 2 turrets?



Speeders need a -40% speed debuff.... Right now the game is just dumb at level 50.


Let me guess, you're an Imperial failing it up because you get huttball 90% of the time and have no idea how to play Void Star and Civil War? I cant tell you how many times I'll be defending mid and watch half the Sith run from the mid rez area to defend east or west because they don't know about the speeders.


CC is key when taking east or west, if your team would stop playing grab *** at the turret (really it doesn't take 6 of you to cap the damn thing) and actually tried to stop the reinforcements from interfering with the cap this wouldn't be an issue.

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Somewhat agree with this, an attacking team can dominate a turret but simply be interrupted by how quick people can get back to the turrets.


Same issue with Voidstar really, you can full out dominate the other team when attacking, but if the spawn time sits right for them it's so quick to get back to the door, and on the other side of it, you can be in a spawn zone for 30 seconds while the other team runs on through a few objectives.


complaining about voidstar respawns is just plain silly.

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I think DoTs not interrupting captures would go a long way to making it less painful, for PuGs at least. I understand that your typical PvP group will have a healer ready to dispell, but not everyone has that luxury.
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I've played several Civil War matches where the balance when 2 turrets or even 3 turrets back to the other side again, from a certain loss, to an amazing win. So the enemy gets 2 turrets? Yeah just quit. That's the idea. Oh the enemy got 2 turrets, just quit the warzone, game over. Playing that is a self-fulfilling prophecy.


"Hey guyz! I just quit when they get 2 turrets AND WE NEVER WIN? I don't understand! I thought quitting was a successful strategy!"


(Which is funny, because someone will always have 2 turrets. So according to this logic, no one should ever play the game.)

Edited by PRSturm
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I've won games from being THREE turrets down - with a PUG. Usually a couple of deadweights quit and if you're lucky somebody decent joins in their place. Attack a weak turret asap (Right is actually normally the best option for this) then leave 2 there while everyone raspidly zergs another turret (middle often works better, due to the slower respawn times.) It leads to tense, tight games (once we won by 5 points!)


So, while I would support moving the side speeder dropoff points about 10m or so I definitely don't agree that 2 turrets down = loss. Maybe 65% of the time it does, but if you work hard and together you can turn it around. I actually find Civil War the most balanced WZ, the respawn-runthrough issues in Voidstar make facerolls there a lot more common.

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More annoying is when you die on voidstar right before the door blows while defending. super awesome watching the attackers waltz through the corridor to the bridges, extend them and then set the next door by the time you make it to the bridge.


Indeed. Especially when you die right when the blockade on the respawn pops up, so the enemies are waltzing inside and you're waiting in the respawn area.

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