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Everything posted by RogueSatyr

  1. I also want this.. I have 2 50's a 36 and a 27 stuck on an East coast RPPVP server. Every member of my guild got moved to the west coast PVP server back in the day because they opened up that option after our first transfer. It's a bit of a downer to not have my 2 legacy buffs, my 70+ valor toon and my level 27 legacy on our new home, the bastion...
  2. We queue as a guild as 4... we always get the same 4/4 premades who outclass us... .. . so now we queue solo … AKA, LOW POP SUCKS GIVE US X SERVER WZ!!!!!!!!
  3. I guess I should have rolled biochem for all of my toons.. all other craft skills STILL HAVE NO MEANING!!! Do you people do any math when balancing these systems?
  4. I've spent over 200k trying to build a set of chest armor to get a single armor augment slot.... Then I will have to spend 100k more to pull the mods from my gear in order to put them into this theoretical augment gear. ***, don't I just re-roll biochem to get rakata stims for the price of a few HM? Is the crew skill person doing ANY math to balance this system?
  5. Agreed, but given the state of the game only pre-mades are queueing....
  6. Agreed... you don't make progress on your 0/30 and 0/150 quest.. oh wait they took that out...
  7. Deserter is the wrong answer.. the 0/30 daily and 0/150 weekly had solved that problem and had created a reason to participate. I have no idea why they spent any time taking it out..
  8. You are on to something here.. how do I gain rep as a pvp guild going into a game with a 20% NERF instead of the standard 30% buff the game give now.
  9. … … .. no you are seeing the other team rage quit leading to very easy victories for the geared... … … are we playing the same game?
  10. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This. It is clear that who ever runs this show has no idea of what motivates humans. The same MMO designers killing games over and over again...
  11. THIS! I'm starting to sense that both the HAVES and the HAVE NOTS are hating this patch. How can they possibly fix it? You all got your gear fast, the have nots have **** all. How do they save this train wreck?
  12. and what pre-made carried you to your gear? Cause at 30 to ZERO coms a game it's a long road....
  13. I'm shocked that you haven't already learned this truth... SO FYI, math doesn't matter **** all in user experience… This is some illusion that some CompSci or Math prof that influenced the PVP designer (and you) which has cursed us all with this terrible set of changes to the PVP game. How people feel when playing the game MATTERS way more then MATH. What the healers are saying on my server is that "f Qing for the 50 game, I'm on my alt, I'm not going to queue anymore..." Yes, the math might say that it all works out.. but the user experience for the healers is "ROFL, I'm re-roll someone who can get 4 tank medals in 2 clicks" .... they tried to fix something that wasn't broken really... I went from a 5 hour a day habit to a … "eh, might as well roll an alt..."
  14. This is a really good thread.. I hope that the PVP design folks are reading this! Who am I? I have a 50 BM geared Vanguard and a 50 Shadow, geared in BM/Champ. I play in a small guild of RL friends who are about 90% PVP focused. We're on Ajunta Pal (same server as OP) on the repub side. Given the social dynamics of the patch we're now losing 90% of games. (instant WZ deserters, growing gear gap, net % of games against imp pre-mades rising quickly, etc.) Quotes from my vent server tonight (I really wanted to record them and youtube it.. but didn't have the tech at hand) "Maybe they are playing Grinch? 'Hahaha, we took your fun PVP game away. MUHAHAHA'" "I guess I got a name as a healer, so I get focused down and get no medals" "I was having so much fun playing PVP in this game... now I just want to play alts" "You have NO idea how hard it is to get medals as a healer! You! YOU click a focused target and guard and you get 3 medals.... I WORK MY *** OFF TO GET THAT!!!!!" "Every game that Moretsu (pre-made that wins all of the games) wins is carrying 4 scrubs into WH gear.... How are we ever going to catch up?" "I have no Fing idea what they were thinking when they took out the ilum dailies/weeklies??? They wrote a bunch of code to make the game ****** for the people who lose WZs?!?... Was that a goal of the design? Make the game **** for 1/2 of the people who play it? I used to go to ilum.. why would I ever go there ever again?" "If this game didn't have the Star Wars IP it would be so F'ing dead" On our server we've pretty much all agreed that we will PVP in the sub 50 bracket until this BS, broken patch is fixed..... IMO I don't know how you do it.... You've no path now that doesn't involve pissing off the people you've designed for in this patch (the winners).... You've all now locked us to our servers with the legacy system..... How are you going to save the PVP game? Cause right now if you are on the losing side the only option is /reroll until you've seen all of the stories.. and then its /unsub? Our Sage healer refuses to PVP on his main,
  15. And how many rofl /ragequit repub games did you get to get that gear??? Soon you will have nobody to play against.. GG
  16. The PVP gearing game is broken. I find myself spending more time making sure I get the medals instead of playing for objectives. I hope this wasn't the intention for 1.2. Sure, as a tank I can pull down my medals (thanks guard), but for many it is not that easy. Q1: Is it your intention that we should be playing to earn the medals or that we should be playing the WZ mechanics? As it stands in 1.2, players who in good faith are playing as hard as they can in the 50 bracket are getting smoked by focus fire & better geared folks. Once the game is over they are being told by the game YOU SUCK - ZEROS FOR YOU! This leads to player anger, and hesitance to queue again. Q2: Was it your intention to tell players who play in good faith that they are "terrible players, deserve no rewards and should stop PVPing"? There has been a lot of screaming at the PVP design team on the boards. How does this make you feel? This is the same feeling that your users are feeling every time that rewards screen comes up with ZEROS. Q3: Is the feeling you feel when reading the boards the one you wanted to create in lower skilled, lesser geared or poorly coordinated players? You must design with clear intention of ALL the outcomes for ALL players in the system. From what I see from the pvp gearing game was laser focused on a problem (AFKers), but lost track of the design as a whole when deriving the 1.2 solution. Sadly, it seems the problem the system is trying to solve with these changes (AFKers) is a <1% problem. I've (anecdotally) only seen 1 or 2 real AFKers inside a WZ in 130 levels of Valor on my two toons. Was it your intention to break the transition from poorly geared players to geared players in order to solve a 1% problem? a 5% problem? What Now... 1) Stop, write down how you want users to FEEL when playing the PVP gearing game and then design it. 2) Keep lazar focused on that statement all through design and execution. 3) Play the damn game. Once a week get a new 50 populated onto a real server, with real new level 50 gear (orange with world tokens). Remember what it's like to be in this state. Play your mains, remember what it's like to be geared. How I'd write it the "feel" statement "PVP is swtor is awesome. Sure, I've got terrible gear RIGHT NOW, but I know if I keep at it I'll start to gear up and get some mad skills. The rewards for winning are AWESOME, but the game still rewards my time if I lose. I usually play for a few hours a night.. ok several hours. Yeah, we win more when my guild is out in force, but progression towards my uber goal isn't impossible when they are not." Now go fix it...
  17. #1 Restore parties when finishing a Warzone - When I'm done with a warzone, I land back in my party - If I left requeue selected, everyone who left requeue on in the party is queued with the group #2 Redesign Ilum - Provide a system for rewarding MERC tokens at a more reliable pace - Preserve participation based rewards in warzones (0/30 and 0/150 quests) - Reward skill AND participation - Allow for non-linear battle lines and non-linerar lines of attack - Drive players to many meaningful objectives that advance daily quests - Drive players to split into smaller groups and have smaller battles - Explicitly reward group play (valor bonus, badge bonus) - All while preventing kill trading and exploits... (that last one is hard)
  18. game broken... please, can I have my money back for today until there are fixes for these... my toon is useless...
  19. lol o lol missles are so counterable... and it burns them so hard when you do...
  20. Why does anyone playthis minigame after anyone caps 2 turrets? Speeders need a -40% speed debuff.... Right now the game is just dumb at level 50.
  21. I leave my authenticator token at home because I don't want to lose it. I bring my phone with me everywhere I go. I play less because I can't auth from my phone. ...and have you seen those LUMIAs! Make me a windows phone auth app please. that is all
  22. ^^^^^^^^ this is a truth. Bags are a bad. Particularly with how imbalanced the gearing is between factions.
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