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After getting the carrot off the stick, no reason to pvp now


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actually i have no idea what this thread is about. im just getting tired of seeing your stupid bull **** and trying to pass it off as real material. youd work out well at a tabloid


This thread is just about him saying that he reached 60 valor rank, just wrapped in the usual "lack of content" moan.

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Hit 60 valor, champion bags and warzone/merc commendations are worthless to me now. Dont even know what to spend them on. No point in warzone pvp only for 3 matches for daily and 9 for weekly to get battlemaster bags which are RNG. GG.


World pvp is out the window, there are always 20+ people playing Imp go round on Ilum and when we do form an OP group to take back ilum, even more show up and extremely out numbered which results to them standing outside our base and we pull each other to death. How fun.


All thats left is getting Rakata gear. Probably unsub when that happens, there will be no reason to pve.


same.. my solution was to start an alt.. so far working well..

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I concur - 68 valor and only need four more BM commendations until full BM. I still pvp for the fun of it, but three WZs (75% huttball) is getting really old, really fast. Ilum is just zerging, one side or another. Rarely it's an even, fun fight, but don't even get me started on the lag issues. I will never, ever, go back after I finish off my BM set, until the lag is fixed.


I truly enjoyed the game for the past five-six weeks, but my enjoyment is waning fast, so I just unsubbed this evening. Few more weeks of paid time, then I might check in again after the next major content patch. Ranked pvp sounds nice, and it probably would have kept us hooked from the start - but it's too late now - many really solid pvpers I know have already left the game for new betas and probably won't be coming back.


Not sure if this goes for anyone else, but I was HOOKED on Ultima Online for a few years - loved the game, amazing open-world pvp, unique skill-based characters (no levels), and fabulous random-stat crafting (kept you crafting over and over for the lucky epic piece), even with the terrible graphics. Every game since (AoC, Rift, etc) has been fun for a few weeks, but nothing has been interesting enough to stick around that long - common denominator for these games: level-based, named-item (lousy crafting), carbon copies of each other.


Looking forward to GW2, Diablo 3, and TERA. They might not hook me either, but at least it'll be something new/different.


You will write similar things to GW2 froums and TERA forums after played them 4-6 weeks.

So just copy it somewhere on your computer, it will help. :D

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Hit 60 valor, champion bags and warzone/merc commendations are worthless to me now. Dont even know what to spend them on. No point in warzone pvp only for 3 matches for daily and 9 for weekly to get battlemaster bags which are RNG. GG.


World pvp is out the window, there are always 20+ people playing Imp go round on Ilum and when we do form an OP group to take back ilum, even more show up and extremely out numbered which results to them standing outside our base and we pull each other to death. How fun.


All thats left is getting Rakata gear. Probably unsub when that happens, there will be no reason to pve.


Most of You ppl forget that to better gear ur toon u still pick the gear for mods and enhancments to get the best stats for u ...


Like i play a shadow and id switch all my slots into surge / power to hit even harder with project + upheaval + force breach combo casue it enables me to make killer switches before any healer can foresee it ... right now i can dish like 10 -11k dmg in this combo with popped power pot and relic. I don't hit with basic attacks at all so accuracy isnt such important stat for me, also crit isnt so important . i still got it over 28% at all times so nn more.


In example a gunslinger/sniper and commando/powertech need to stack auto attack accuracy for nice performance. Leaving the stats the way they are is not the best for You.


So just gearing to all champ or even all bm isnt enugh until u proper mod and enh all slots.


Hope this helps


Mirri - Hex Droid

Edited by Mirricious
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You will write similar things to GW2 froums and TERA forums after played them 4-6 weeks.

So just copy it somewhere on your computer, it will help. :D


Shocking, another troll in forums. And you're right, if they do a lousy job putting end-game together I will provide my feedback and unsub. You, on the other hand, will probably still have low self-esteem and feel the need to troll that post too. Gratz.

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Hit 60 valor, champion bags and warzone/merc commendations are worthless to me now. Dont even know what to spend them on. No point in warzone pvp only for 3 matches for daily and 9 for weekly to get battlemaster bags which are RNG. GG.


World pvp is out the window, there are always 20+ people playing Imp go round on Ilum and when we do form an OP group to take back ilum, even more show up and extremely out numbered which results to them standing outside our base and we pull each other to death. How fun.


All thats left is getting Rakata gear. Probably unsub when that happens, there will be no reason to pve.


Why play video games at all? No reason to do it.

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Why play video games at all? No reason to do it.


That's a bit short sighted...


My guess is, most of us play video games to pass the time and have fun.


If it's not fun, or doesn't even work for passing time because it feels like a drag, that's a pretty good reason not to play and a very valid complaint.

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Well, he had a reason, to get better gear. Once you got the gear, it gets boring. But the time spending trying to get the gear is very fun.


The point is, give us a NEW game that's isn't about grinding gear! I for one, would love a real swtor game where the imperial or republic can actually win and annihilate each other. Take over planets, sabotage, bribe governements, assassinate, establish forts, build fleets.. And the endgame should be just that, the end. After it ends, start it all over as a new era or something! Stop it with the gear grinding mmorpgs. That's the point... i think. :)

Edited by timewatch
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actually i have no idea what this thread is about. im just getting tired of seeing your stupid bull **** and trying to pass it off as real material. youd work out well at a tabloid


Atleast you admit you are a kid trolling me, now go back to your one key wonder and leave the forums to the adults please. The game's rating is T for teen thats 13 and over, im sorry you dont make the cut.

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Gearing up companions through PVP is something you do between 40 and 49, the other time in your pvp career where there's nothing else to buy...


I spent my commendations between 40 and 49 on the expertise consumables that way I could use them when I hit 50 :D


That is, after I bought a champion bag and saved up to 1000/1000 of each commendation.

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Atleast you admit you are a kid trolling me, now go back to your one key wonder and leave the forums to the adults please. The game's rating is T for teen thats 13 and over, im sorry you dont make the cut.


16 year olds calling 12 year olds 12 year olds doesn't hold that much weight.

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Well, he had a reason, to get better gear. Once you got the gear, it gets boring. But the time spending trying to get the gear is very fun.


The point is, give us a NEW game that's isn't about grinding gear! I for one, would love a real swtor game where the imperial or republic can actually win and annihilate each other. Take over planets, sabotage, bribe governements, assassinate, establish forts, build fleets.. And the endgame should be just that, the end. After it ends, start it all over as a new era or something! Stop it with the gear grinding mmorpgs. That's the point... i think. :)

You could say this for almost any MMO, once you have the best gear you've pretty much done it all anyway. The main problem is this is a fairly new MMO and so there is a lack of endgame and a lack of variety on what you can do at endgame.

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I think people are just burned out.


I am. I am 62 now and I wasn't even playing all that hardcore. Got lucky on rng, so I am full BM geared. I also cleared HM / most of NM with a group of friends.


Theres nothing to do right now but sit in a holding pattern until March.


Hence my cancelled sub and holding pattern until March.

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I think people are just burned out.


I am. I am 62 now and I wasn't even playing all that hardcore. Got lucky on rng, so I am full BM geared. I also cleared HM / most of NM with a group of friends.


Theres nothing to do right now but sit in a holding pattern until March.


Hence my cancelled sub and holding pattern until March.


Curious...whats your /played?

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