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What's up with yellow lightsabers?


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What made them put yellow lightsabers in this game? Never seen them before and I don't think they look particularly sharp. Was wondering if anyone knew why they added them.


Are you talking about Yellow-with black core? Those are pre-order item and only good for a few levels.

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the people who were in on early access or some such got them...and I think they are the ugliest looking excuses for light sabers I have ever seen xD.


....not that I'm an expert on light sabers or anything >.<


THEY ARE SO LAME LOOKING. :csw_redsaber::csw_redsaber::csw_redsaber:


(just my humble opinion)

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What made them put yellow lightsabers in this game? Never seen them before and I don't think they look particularly sharp. Was wondering if anyone knew why they added them.


They put a range of colors in the game.


I use yellow or orange (not much difference visually between them) for all of my light sabers because I don't feel like being an "also ran" with the stanard green/blue or red.


The presal crystal color actually looks pretty good on blaster bolts so I use that for all my blasters.

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Yellow is the color of cowardice, and as we all know, is only one step in front of the color white, the universal color of surrender.


Don't use a yellow lightsaber, it sends the wrong message to people.


Haha, that's kinda how I feel about them. I'm sure some folks really like them though so I'm not here to hate on them. Just curious. I played KOTOR, but I did not remember them there. But then again it was a long time ago.

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What made them put yellow lightsabers in this game? Never seen them before and I don't think they look particularly sharp. Was wondering if anyone knew why they added them.




Bastila had a yellow double bladed lightsaber.




People want variety? They also added orange, purple, magenta, etc. They even have sabers with black "centers" of the blade instead of white.



Well it's too bad we only get ONE slot for crystals and not two. One for color and one for stats like you know in Kotor 1 and 2. Which had 3 crystal slots. I'm not gonna use a +31 crit crystal over a +33 crit. Yes its a small difference but as someone who likes to squeeze the most of my gear I have to deal with it.

Edited by Chromiie
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Yellow is the color of cowardice, and as we all know, is only one step in front of the color white, the universal color of surrender.


Don't use a yellow lightsaber, it sends the wrong message to people.


Yellow is the color of fear (creating or experiencing), and white is the color of life.


Well, according to Green Lantern anyways. :D

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Yellow is the color of cowardice, and as we all know, is only one step in front of the color white, the universal color of surrender.


Don't use a yellow lightsaber, it sends the wrong message to people.


Hah, I laughed. :p

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My luke skywalker figurine from episde iv had the sliding lightsaber in his arm and it was yellow. Showing my age here but i still have most of these toys lol!


same And they had that odd little piece of extra plastic at the tip. by the goddess I loved those toys but in hindsight they were so crappy.



Actually if I recall right kotor was not even the first to do yellow, I vaguely remember seeing yellow off and on in the old marvel comics run a few times, then later on when darkhorse was doing the Tales of the Jedi series there was an introduction of many many colors

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Because yellow sabers have existed since... like... the creation of the EU.


Before then even.


My little plastic Luke Skywalker action figure from 77 or 78 had a yellow plastic light saber blade that would slide in and out of the hilt (and up his arm). I recall being pretty annoyed because it was clearly blue in the movie.


Just got a new double light saber last night in a flash point with an orange blade. I'm light side 4 and look Impy. :cool:

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Yellow is the color of cowardice, and as we all know, is only one step in front of the color white, the universal color of surrender.


Don't use a yellow lightsaber, it sends the wrong message to people.


In my culture, yellow is the colour of Royalty. Red is the colour of heroism and strength. Blue is the colour of cruel intellect. White is the colour of death.


But it isn't my culture or yours. It's the culture of a galaxy far, far away where purple is the colour of Samuel L. Jackson.

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My luke skywalker figurine from episde iv had the sliding lightsaber in his arm and it was yellow. Showing my age here but i still have most of these toys lol!


There were also lightsaber toys with the blades as yellow. The ones that were like flashlights with a little tube attached to them to light up.


Yellow sabers have been around forever in the toys.

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