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*goes in search for the blog post of Generation X telling these "Millenials" to shut the hell up.*


Protip: You don't have to do dailies if you're not having fun with them! I haven't touched the PvE dailies at all and I've been 50 for a month. Why? They're not fun for me.


So, no to your "participation" trophy is what I'm saying.

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Nope. Keep the PVP Warzone dailies and weeklys as it is. If you lose, you lose. Either desert the warzone or collect your coms and credits and move on. I honestly don't believe in rewarding people for losing. If you need a reward for losing maybe you need to step back from PvP for a few days. Also bugs are bugs and I have had that no count win bug as well but it seems to be working now for the past couple of days. The only thing I did was change the gear out on my character. Other than that if I see I bug im still going to pvp just for comms and credits because I still get that champion bag from the vendor and hope for a piece.
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As a republic player that hates the imp advantages and obvious favortisum, I still say no.


While it is more difficult for us Rebs to win now, it will make us all better in the long run and then it will be time for some Pay Back.


Just win baby!


Make that impossible to win. Imps are heavily geared in Battlemaster now on my server. Before we stood a chance with a few pieces here and there on your average premade team, yet there are Marauders dual-wielding battlemaster sabers in warzones annihilating players that used to destroy them easily just two weeks ago.


The balance has shifted due to the Ilum exploiting (before and after), the repercussions are being felt now. Where before Empire had an advantage, they now have total control of all aspects of PVP, fueling even more battlemasters in the making.


The snowball effect is in full swing and without their easy access to Wins or Ilum Objectives, Republic will take months more to gear up to what Empire currently has.

Edited by LordSemaj
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This is why giving kids "participation" medals is a bad idea.


Half a sit-up? GG fatty, here's your medal.

Got trashed 63-0 in the prelims at the last tourney? GG loser, here's your plaque.




Those are to promote sportsmanship and fair play, a message you clearly did not learn.


Because we all know it makes sense to give the winner a 100 point lead in the NEXT tournament just for showing up.


Or allowing a winning chessmaster to preset the board one move from checkmate.

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If you change it from win to just completing it will encourage AFK'ers. There is another way though. I would like dailies to be based off of objective points, this would encourage people to work towards the win, and would STILL allow those that lose consistantly to still work towards their dailies.
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Posted this in another thread...


The MAIN REASON people leave games is because of the flawed daily system of having to get THREE WINS in order to turn in the quest. I've had days where I want to be done with everything by a set time and can't because of a WZ losing streak. The end result is frustration which makes me hop in and out of games to try and get three wins. This almost always happens on the weekdays where I can't find anyone to premade. I mean it takes me thirty minutes at most to get my Ilum daily done, but can take hours to get my 3 WZ wins if I'm having a rough night.


Good premade = fast three wins most of the time.


Putting a deserter timer will just make people not even try when the games over. Everyone will just say "let them win quick" as soon as it turns south.


It's a problem with the dailies (Ilum is another issue for different servers), not the players. When I was grinding to BM I didn't care if I won or lost because I went to get as much valor as possible. I cranked up the music and just went with the flow.


So you got two modes of players; grind valor or finish dailies.

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I would have to agree with this.


1- Its a daily. No reason for it to take all day, more so with the bug 3 wins means 6.


2-The matchmaking system is flawed one team will have fresh 50s the other stacked BMs and we all know there is no way a fresh 50 with 2-3 champ items will even tickle a fully geared BM.


3- AFKers take your team to 8v8 to 7v8 so your down on your luck there.


4-People quitting... I dont need to go into that at all..


5- Medals once someone has their wins its all they care about.


6(most important of all) - One faction will always have the advantage due to gear. as it stands on my server Emps outnumber Reps 3-1 or 4-1 cant remember exactly so as it is since they have fewer numbers they have more/better geared player in the WZ compared to emps who have a higher chance of getting someone not geared.


I agree with the poster, the daily to win 3 Warzones is by far the most annoying/ frustrating part of the game. Its very inconsistent some days it takes me 3 wins and they all count other days ive played 30 games and get nothing.


And its always sad to see a valor rank 25 in full champ gear while your valor 50 still in Cent gear. The system is flawed thats that. Yes i know they are planning to make it better but still with bags being the only way to get gear..so no matter what they do with it its still based on luck.


There are tons of work around for Bioware to fix this.. trash the wins and make it a valor/medal/objective points per game for the daily.


My favorite make the gear able to be purchased for warzone/merc marks and the daily/weekly bags just a bonus. first you buy cent gear for x amount of tokens then at rank whatever you can take your Cent gear+ X amount of tokens and trade it in for Champ gear and so on.

Does anyone even know the reasoning the blue set was taken out of the game in the first place?


As it stand Bioware needs to do something about this..

Edited by Henudorf
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I would have to agree with this.


1- Its a daily. No reason for it to take all day, more so with the bug 3 wins means 6.


2-The matchmaking system is flawed one team will have fresh 50s the other stacked BMs and we all know there is no way a fresh 50 with 2-3 champ items will even tickle a fully geared BM.


3- AFKers take your team to 8v8 to 7v8 so your down on your luck there.


4-People quitting... I dont need to go into that at all..


5- Medals once someone has their wins its all they care about.


6(most important of all) - One faction will always have the advantage due to gear. as it stands on my server Emps outnumber Reps 3-1 or 4-1 cant remember exactly so as it is since they have fewer numbers they have more/better geared player in the WZ compared to emps who have a higher chance of getting someone not geared.


I agree with the poster, the daily to win 3 Warzones is by far the most annoying/ frustrating part of the game. Its very inconsistent some days it takes me 3 wins and they all count other days ive played 30 games and get nothing.


And its always sad to see a valor rank 25 in full champ gear while your valor 50 still in Cent gear. The system is flawed thats that. Yes i know they are planning to make it better but still with bags being the only way to get gear..so no matter what they do with it its still based on luck.


There are tons of work around for Bioware to fix this.. trash the wins and make it a valor/medal/objective points per game for the daily.


My favorite make the gear able to be purchased for warzone/merc marks and the daily/weekly bags just a bonus. first you buy cent gear for x amount of tokens then at rank whatever you can take your Cent gear+ X amount of tokens and trade it in for Champ gear and so on.

Does anyone even know the reasoning the blue set was taken out of the game in the first place?


As it stand Bioware needs to do something about this..


Great post +1

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I would have to agree with this.


1- Its a daily. No reason for it to take all day, more so with the bug 3 wins means 6.


2-The matchmaking system is flawed one team will have fresh 50s the other stacked BMs and we all know there is no way a fresh 50 with 2-3 champ items will even tickle a fully geared BM.


3- AFKers take your team to 8v8 to 7v8 so your down on your luck there.


4-People quitting... I dont need to go into that at all..


5- Medals once someone has their wins its all they care about.


6(most important of all) - One faction will always have the advantage due to gear. as it stands on my server Emps outnumber Reps 3-1 or 4-1 cant remember exactly so as it is since they have fewer numbers they have more/better geared player in the WZ compared to emps who have a higher chance of getting someone not geared.


I agree with the poster, the daily to win 3 Warzones is by far the most annoying/ frustrating part of the game. Its very inconsistent some days it takes me 3 wins and they all count other days ive played 30 games and get nothing.


And its always sad to see a valor rank 25 in full champ gear while your valor 50 still in Cent gear. The system is flawed thats that. Yes i know they are planning to make it better but still with bags being the only way to get gear..so no matter what they do with it its still based on luck.


There are tons of work around for Bioware to fix this.. trash the wins and make it a valor/medal/objective points per game for the daily.


My favorite make the gear able to be purchased for warzone/merc marks and the daily/weekly bags just a bonus. first you buy cent gear for x amount of tokens then at rank whatever you can take your Cent gear+ X amount of tokens and trade it in for Champ gear and so on.

Does anyone even know the reasoning the blue set was taken out of the game in the first place?


As it stand Bioware needs to do something about this..



I don't agree with his at all. The Republic is outnumbered 3 to 1. Does this mean the Imps are better? No. They got to farm valor in Illum (at least on my server). However the Rep is catching back up. If you stayed up to date you would know that Bioware is doing something to address the issue, (changing the PvP bags) quit ************ about Bioware sucking. I know from first hand expirence its frustrating sometimes but yeah, play the game for fun. You will get geared. If you don't have enough time to finish one daily, oh well, its one Champion bag that's only gunna give you 3 cent coms. Play the game for the enjoyment. Go in there do your best get your medals, and valor, and WZ coms, buy the bags if you have to. GET SOME IMPS. Don't worry if you don't get geared in a week. It'll happen eventually.

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If you removed the need to win, then you take away a lot of competitive action in a WZ, people need a reason to win, the bigger problem is the inbalance issues that need to be addressed and AFK players and even more so something that I personally hate is the ability to make a Sith/Rep alt on the same server. I have already seen plenty of players on Rep side who openly admit to having a Sith main and their efforts in WZs reflect that.
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What is this, Tee ball, where everyone gets a trophy just for participating? I agree that the not getting credit for a win bug desperately needs to be fixed, but not even having to win to get credit? Seriously? Maybe bosses should start dropping gear after x amount of wipes as well.
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Don't forget to mail us battlemaster gear when we hit 50 too. I mean if the daily is sooo frustrating and hard to complete imagine ranking up.




If you aren't interested in winning then why do you need the gear ? Why do you even PVP?

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I would agree, but make it 6 games total or 3 wins... That way the incentive to win is still there, but for those of us that have really really bad luck getting the three wins in an evening arent out of luck.


If they put premade in their own que, I would say no. However, if you are like to just PUG, this seems like a good compromise. It's all a grind either way.

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I support this. They should make the quest either 3 Wins or 9 games played. Yesterday I played around 20 matches and we didn't win a single one because all the damn Imperials just zerged around instead of doing the objectives.


Why should I be punished for the idiocy of others?

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This is my Number 1, most annoying thing I hate about this game.


I feel like I am forced to do the daily PVP quests as the rewards are so good, but I hate the fact that you have to win matches to get it.


Why is my participation alone not enough. It should be changed to Warzone Matches Played. Some days it can take over 5 hours to get 3 wins. Not everyone has a premade PVP team.


I have played some days and my team has lost easily 10 games in a row. I usually finish in the top 3 players in each game but my participation means nothing because if the team doesnt win, the rewards *********** suck.


Please change this it's so annoying.



So basically you want free stuff? So you basically want things handed to you on a silver spoon instead of putting together a little effort and form a guild group or get with a group of friend to accomplish the goal? Let me guess you are a solo player in an MMO and complaining that you cannot complete objectives that are better done WITH A GROUP? /ponder.

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This is my Number 1, most annoying thing I hate about this game.


I feel like I am forced to do the daily PVP quests as the rewards are so good, but I hate the fact that you have to win matches to get it.


Why is my participation alone not enough. It should be changed to Warzone Matches Played. Some days it can take over 5 hours to get 3 wins. Not everyone has a premade PVP team.


I have played some days and my team has lost easily 10 games in a row. I usually finish in the top 3 players in each game but my participation means nothing because if the team doesnt win, the rewards *********** suck.


Please change this it's so annoying.


No child left behind eh? Uhm, I think you need to stop getting suckers for 'trying'. Winners spit on losers, its the ACTUAL way of the Universe, not your 'thanks for trying' method.


Now to stop flaming your 'gimmie' attitude for a moment, I would like to put in an idea that I think would support both sides of this discussion.


5 Loses = 1 win for the purposes of quest completion. So either 3 wins or 15 loses to complete the quest. This prevents it from being just as profitable to not try, as it is to try, in the sense of time. 15 matches is a lot of matches to play compared to 3 victories, so it would still be much better to attempt victory and not get rewarded for just afk'ing thru a match, but if you have been a punching bag for 5 hours, you still get your cookie.

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The OP is clearly a bad idea.



However, there needs to be SIGNIFICANTLY stronger advantages to participating properly in warfronts, and SIGNIFICANTLY stronger disadvantages to playing badly in warfronts, as well as BIG CAPITAL LETTER WARNINGS explain what people should be doing explicitly, and what bad things happen to them if they don't.

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I feel for BW on this.


The faction imbalance makes it very likely a pugger could queue for hours upon hours to get their 3 wins.


However, just completing warzones and not winning them will encourage AFKers.


Maybe (completing X number of warzones AND achieving Y objective points) OR winning 3 warzones?


Awarding competent and skilled PvP play needs to continue to be rewarded, but I think there is room to award persistence too.

Edited by Turando
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This thread is the reason why they need to stop handing out trophies for participation at elementary level sports functions. It makes people think that they should be rewarded for failing.


Let's say you spend an hour manufacturing a part that doesn't work for it's intended purpose because you didn't succeed at making it properly. Should you get paid for making it despite having failed your objective? If you said anything other than NO then you need to reevaluate your thinking, because failure should NOT be rewarded. All that will do is breed laziness and incompetence.

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