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Tanks getting too much medals, Healers not much?


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If you see a tank-healer combo that are working together, they are really tough to be brought

down, what buggs me tough ( as healer) is that they get medals for doing defence on me, ending the game with like 9 medals (every time)

I've noticed they have medals such as 5k defence, 2k defence in single life, 10k defence in single life etc etc.


Why healers dont have medals for X healing in single life also? Since we arent all that best at doing solo kills or kills at all, give us healers other way of getting medals.

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I stopped healing because i get more medals killing stuff. Players always vote for top dpsers too... healers get 0 MVP most of the time...


I always vote my healers MVP, and so do most the other people on my server I run WZ's with. I intend to keep doing so until they increase medal opportunities for healers.

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Remove all deathmatch medals.


Replace with "healed ball csarrier x amount", "scored 2 touchdowns", "planted 3 bombs", etc, etc.


Reward objective play in objective-based pvp, not deathmatching.


Thats actually really cool idea!

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I stopped healing because i get more medals killing stuff. Players always vote for top dpsers too... healers get 0 MVP most of the time...


I always vote healers tanks rarely since they get so many medals.


My guardian can get 11, and I don't even use guard most of the time since I don't have a healer

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I stopped healing because i get more medals killing stuff. Players always vote for top dpsers too... healers get 0 MVP most of the time...


same here went sorc dps instead of healing scoring 3-4 medals and zero mvp votes for 3-400k healing is just not worth it when you can sum up 7-9medals for spamming lightning

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Are you retarded who even cares about mvp votes.




I state to someone, who is complaining about not getting MVP votes, that things are not the same on all servers and you flame me for 'caring about MVP votes' ?


Read and think before posting. One thing that is the same across servers is players have heads, that typically contain a cognitive brain. Use it before posting.

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MVP Votes give you more commendations and Valor!!! Thats why people care about it.


On my server the person who gets MVP votes is usually to Medals or Healer. In some instances though the top medaler is also a healer. Also I wouldn't say that a healer can't get a ton of medals. Most medals I have seen came from a Consular. I have no idea how they managed to put up over 100k in both healing and damage as well as about 40k in protection but they did it. Also not sure what the spec was sage/shadow since all I had was the icon to go off of. Here is the medals they got though.



Quick Draw

10 Kills

25 Kills

2.5k Heal

2.5k Damage

75k Damage

75k Healing

2k Defense

5k Defense

10k Defense

1k Defender

3k Defender


Highest I have ever gotten on my guardian was one less than that as I didn't get the 75k healing.

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I'm guessing that was a Shadow on Civil War?


(Only reason I say that is my highest as a tank was 15 and was on Civil War since I have the hardest time getting defender points in Huttball and I have yet to figure out what causes me to randomly get it in void star)

Edited by exphryl
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How do you create a system that reward healers, but can't be abused?


The tank medals can be 'abused' as well, its not like guard is a skill exclusive to tank specs. Dps who have a tanking tree also get guard and can get the medals for guarding other players.


So maybe a better question is why should healers do damage to get medals? lets remove the damage medals and put in all healing/tanking medals see how dps like it since they can 'abuse' it anyways. (no I'm not serious)


I think a simple solution would be to put in same sort of medals as tanking:


20k healing done to a single friendly player in one life

50k total healing done to friendly players in one life

100k total healing done to friendly players in one life

remove 25 harmful affects

remove 50 harmful affects




These sort of medals wouldn't be easily acquired by non-healers and would easily increase a healer's potential medal count during a game.

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Remove all deathmatch medals.


Replace with "healed ball csarrier x amount", "scored 2 touchdowns", "planted 3 bombs", etc, etc.


Reward objective play in objective-based pvp, not deathmatching.


listen up BW, he is on to something! lol


but seriously, i agree with you.

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Remove all deathmatch medals.


Replace with "healed ball csarrier x amount", "scored 2 touchdowns", "planted 3 bombs", etc, etc.


Reward objective play in objective-based pvp, not deathmatching.


Completely agree... Doesn't make much sense to rewards things that don't directly help the objective in mind. I love scoring 3 buttballs and getting a meaningless objective score or whatever it is that most people simply overlook.


As it is right now, too many people simply farm kills as that's what will get them more medals, which equals more comms, valor, etc.

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I can be healing the ball carrier, healing defenders of turrets/doors and get nothing to show for it.


If I switch to dps spec and ignore the objective just killing people the medals are rolling in.


You have to be a kind of hybrid healer in this game and spend 50% of your time dpsing or put yourself at a major disadvantage.

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I stopped healing because i get more medals killing stuff. Players always vote for top dpsers too... healers get 0 MVP most of the time...


Pure DPS have a tough time getting medals just like healers. As a Sentinel I can't get medals through Guarding, or healing. It's the DPS/Tank capables or DPS/healing capables that can really get the medals

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