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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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I am curous and give the benfit of the doubt you actually were a stock broker.



What would your opinion at the time been if asked to give advice on a company that had a 15% attrition rate? Would it be buy buy buy or sell sell sell?


It's completely industry-dependent. Generally speaking though, I suspect that companies in most industries would be extremely happy if 85% of their new customers kept coming back for repeat business.

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I am curous and give the benfit of the doubt you actually were a stock broker.



What would your opinion at the time been if asked to give advice on a company that had a 15% attrition rate? Would it be buy buy buy or sell sell sell?


I would never invest solely on that metric alone.


I did buy 5 June 18 calls on EA last week because I felt strongly that the stock was oversold due to one analyst being overly doom and gloom on SWTOR.

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you're right. but still those of them who are playing their free month and have been taking into count have all given credit card information. wich to me looks like a lot more will join after first month.


As an Early Access player, I had to sign up for an account to keep playing on release day. At least I was lead to believe that was the case, and so I signed up for a plan.


But like I do in any game, I then cancel once it's carried over until I'm absolutely sure I want another month.


I'm not the only one that does this. At least I'm sure I'm not.

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hehehe.. This a press release from Feb 1st, buuuuuut the report is written for the period ending Dec 31, 2011.


When he says 1.7 current active subscription in a financial report for the period ending Dec. 31 201, he has to, by law, be talking about prior to and up to December 31, 2011. Not anything after December 31, 2011. Those numbers will be on the next quarterly report.


Aaaaaand, the dude who is quoted reported CURRENT active subscritions are at 1.7M. If it helps you sleep at night imagining that we'll get a report tomorrow that 1.69M people between December 31, 2011 and February 1, 2012 when this guy made his statement, you go right on thinking that, but the reality is, he quite clearly from the word choice and language used, was referring to TODAY...as in CURRENT...as in RIGHT NOW....and would otherwise be committing fraud.

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over a million people and I still only 22 people on tatooine, lovely lol.


You do know there is more than 1 server right? And on that server, more than 1 faction? And within those factions, more than 1 zone? And within those zones, more than 1 instance of something running?



I'm not saying that the server you are on isn't truly dead, but I can't even remember the last time I went back to Tantooine .....

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It's completely industry-dependent. Generally speaking though, I suspect that companies in most industries would be extremely happy if 85% of their new customers kept coming back for repeat business.


Exactly, but if investments is in a saturated market - then estimated growth isn't as big.

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Dude that is world wide


TOR was not a global launch it was only launched in English speaking nations and technically only in NA and Europe.


So is the WOW number. Only Korea is the difference. Don't diminish the fact that the TOR numbers are strong by massaging number comparisons with WOW. Eventually folks need to get over the WOW Inferiority Complex and realize that TOR is it's own game.

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they made their money back in presales. they already said that a long time ago.. I think those numbers were out before the game went live.


And I belive it :D Testiment to how good this game is the fact that people write all over forums and the internet how bad it is. Hahaha. Any publicity is good publicity.

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No reason to spin it, it's a quarter ending December 31 recap. At that point, everyone who activated a code was in their free month and could be considered a subscriber. The important numbers will some out in a few months, telling us how many subscriptions they retained.


Now what you just did right there was the 'spin'...


'Active Subscribers' =/= The free month of play at purchase


That's why they separate the box sales. If they were counting the box sale as a 'Subscriber' the numbers would match.

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hehehe.. This a press release from Feb 1st, buuuuuut the report is written for the period ending Dec 31, 2011.


When he says 1.7 current active subscription in a financial report for the period ending Dec. 31 201, he has to, by law, be talking about prior to and up to December 31, 2011. Not anything after December 31, 2011. Those numbers will be on the next quarterly report.


You are 100% wrong about this but keep displaying your ignorance by posting it over and over.


Companies when doing quarterly earnings calls ALWAYS talk about things that are currently going on and it is legal to do so.

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It's of course useless to point out that the actual numbers in this report are all ''ending 31th december''.


Indeed it is, because the guy is quoted on February 1, 2012 as saying "CURRENT," which clearly, unless they changed the meaning of the word "CURRENT," means



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Aaaaaand, the dude who is quoted reported CURRENT active subscritions are at 1.7M. If it helps you sleep at night imagining that we'll get a report tomorrow that 1.69M people between December 31, 2011 and February 1, 2012 when this guy made his statement, you go right on thinking that, but the reality is, he quite clearly from the word choice and language used, was referring to TODAY...as in CURRENT...as in RIGHT NOW....and would otherwise be committing fraud.
Again, the quotes in that article are from the financial report itself, which is for the period ending Dec 31, 2011. He's not committing fraud, because the report is for up to Dec. 31, 2011.
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Pro tip: read the article before posting instead of assuming you already know what's in it.


I agree the sub numbers are from dec 31st and not from today. it says on the chart that the quater ended in 12/21/11. I would guess by the 25th of this month swtor will be at probably 500K subs. Which is a great number for any mmo. WoW wanted to hit 100K when they released the game for the first year.

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It's of course useless to point out that the actual numbers in this report are all ''ending 31th december''.


It is useless because it is wrong. EA can talk about things currently going on on the call and are not limited to simply discuss things that took place prior to 1/1/12.

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This said guys, a thing is sure


Unless Bioware is made of saints, they will report what will please investors without twisting too much the reality.


They don't have to report post january subs till march.


If the subs are low, they will not say it explicitely till march.

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Please people you are driving me and yourselves nuts with these numbers! There are two things that makes everything we believe to know unclear.


1) The game officially launched during a period where the MAJORITY of people with lives would have left the game shrink wrapped in a corner because they would have otherwise wasted large parts of the included 30 days.


2) You had to register your credit card details in order to activate your account


Given the fact that we are talking about a variation of 6 or 7 days to make the statement "current" regarding active subs on the 1st of Feb irrelevant or not there is only one thing we do know for sure:


Of the 2M they sold (and it must be more because of the retail distribution channels) 300k have not been activated.

Edited by TheDevilHimself
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Now what you just did right there was the 'spin'...


'Active Subscribers' =/= The free month of play at purchase


That's why they separate the box sales. If they were counting the box sale as a 'Subscriber' the numbers would match.


Actually an "active subscriber' does include someone in their free month. The CFO explained that in a release earlier.

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It's of course useless to point out that the actual numbers in this report are all ''ending 31th december''.


It's the Q3 report. That's when it's reported. But when making assessment of the brand (company) you include current up-to-date data based on findings when the report is released to stock holders. You also usually include a projected analysis for next quarter. In this case Q4.

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