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Yahtzee reviews The Old Republic


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You know, the British Australian dude who talks really fast and hates everything except Portal and particularly hates MMOs?




He reviewed TOR.


And made a mistake or two as well.




Edit: Fixed the link. Accidentally copy-pasted the link from the wrong tab...

Edited by Chessrook
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here's the proper link




listen to his reviews quite often :)




just watched it and tbh.. thats about as positive as he goes, so he actually quite liked it. (portal being the only game he's ever actually been positive over)


yeh he did get a couple of things wrong like the light side/dark side options in grps but hey.. when you've only got a week to play something it doesnt help

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You know, the British Australian dude who talks really fast and hates everything except Portal and particularly hates MMOs?




He reviewed TOR.


And made a mistake or two as well.



First he doesn't review he is a destructive critic, its what makes him $$ for his video's.

It's the reason people go there and watch his vids, hell its the reason I watch them its a good laugh.

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First he doesn't review he is a destructive critic, its what makes him $$ for his video's.

It's the reason people go there and watch his vids, hell its the reason I watch them its a good laugh.


True. Also figured I (Someone who likes TOR) better post this before one of the "TORTANIC" preachers brings it up and starts preaching about how Yahtzee agrees with them that the game is going to fail.

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Based on his recent mood, I would presume any approval stems from the fact that:


A) the game isn't a brown colored shooter.




B) It is an online game, made to be played with people, that can generally be played solo.


But yea, I love Yahtzee. My favorite game reviewer.

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Wonder if he knew that you can turn off abilities for companions to use.


My guess is yes, but then he wouldn't have had a joke for his video. Like others have said he really hates MMO's why he would even review one is beyond me, other then Bioware probably sent him a free copy.



Also to edit I don't hate the guy, I watch his stuff and find it funny. It's just I know what he is doing with his "reviews"

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He isn't a reviewer he's a critic.


Plus he does it mainly for satire.


Never take him seriously. I watch his stuff for a giggle every wednesday.


Plus hid biggest complaint about most games is story. This has story.

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My guess is yes, but then he wouldn't have had a joke for his video. Like others have said he really hates MMO's why he would even review one is beyond me, other then Bioware probably sent him a free copy.


Probably the huge horde of people asking him to review it... fans wanting him to see a game that's good, and TOR-tanic people wanting him to tear it apart so they can hold it up and go LOOK LOOK IT'S A FAIL SEE WE WERE RIGHT.


And the fact that it's one of the most expensive and biggest MMOs out there.


And maybe the editors at the Escapist told him to.

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Wonder if he knew that you can turn off abilities for companions to use.


His mouse probably broke after the five hundred billion-trillionth time he did it and Riggs just kept turning it back on.



The piece is a pretty rare endorsement by virtue of unhate by Yahtzee though. There aren't many games he unhates.

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Yahtzee doesn't like MMOs because they are apparently for people who aren't productive members of society.


Now, if you'll excuse him, he's off to spend the next rest of his life playing/reviewing more single-player, never-interact-with-other-humans, video games than any of us will ever open.


Seriously though, the guy didn't know that your moral choice is yours no matter what your group thought, which clearly indicates that he never played any group content that involved a light side/dark side choice.


The fact that he kind of liked the leveling aspect is high praise from someone who otherwise hates the genre.

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They keep having Yahtzee review games that he just shouldn't ever touch. I mean, I generally think Yahtzee can be funny but this didn't generally tickle any funny bones and he just gets a lot of his interpretation of the game wrong several times (how does moral choice in a group work?).


He gave it a positive review because even though it's an MMO it feels like a single player game at the beginning, and Yahtzee hates anything multiplayer. So when he saw this game in a decidedly multiplayer genre that was emphasizing the single player aspects, he was happy with it. Never mind that this means it should have just gone the way of KOTOR3 according to him, because as far as he's concerned it basically did.


This is about as stupid as when he reviewed MW3 and BF3. If you hate the genre you're reviewing it's probably a waste of time for all involved (unless it gets funny, I guess).

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His mouse probably broke after the five hundred billion-trillionth time he did it and Riggs just kept turning it back on.



The piece is a pretty rare endorsement by virtue of unhate by Yahtzee though. There aren't many games he unhates.


Wasn't that issue patched in time for the Australian release?

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