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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What does the 1-49 bracket teach us about PVP gear?


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Slight advantage is slight, and applies to every genre including FPS and RTS.


Gear advantage in most MMO's is not slight.


And yes, people who know how to counter other classes are people who know how to play smart (you also realise you can switch weapons and skill on the fly right?), it's called strategy. There's a reason it's going to have ranked, competitive PVP as well as E-sport tournies and such.


Because it isn't designed around rewarding people who grind more advantages in PVP.


So now a slight advantage is ok? What happened to the even playing field that some spoke so loudly of before? An advantage is an advantage, no matter how you at it, the odds are you're going to win most of the time, which is why it's an advantage.

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Lmao. Keep talking. Anyone who's followed GW2 even a little bit just fell out of their chair laughing.


After they get up they can head over to Kotaku and Bitmob, and read about the dose of reality theyre missing.


They are only meaningless to people who don't seek out MMO's with decent PVP.


Still avoiding a question rather than answering it. Really pro, here.


Why would I be terrified, I'm not the one who's defending their gear advantage over others. It would seem you failed your own intelligence test? :eek:


Yet another attempt to avoid answering a question you dont know the answer to by trying to attack me. Keep on trollin, trollin, e'ery day.


Funny thing is, I dont even have this supposed advantage. Im not rolling around in Battlemaster gear.


Im in craftable gear that any fool can grab off the GTN. (oh, sorry, one exception: i did get a rating 136 PvE knife in EV last week!) I *have* Champion gear - but im not using it, as i clearly posted, and havent been for the better part of a week. Oddly enough, im doing BETTER.


All of my gear except my implants and earpieces is orange gear with mods in it. My earpie and implants are craftables i picked up on the GTN for about 50k each.


So.. gonna answer the question, or just continue the trollin?

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Yeah... 90 minutes doing six matches a day is simply NO EFFING LIFE.


or 30 minutes doing a few dalies.


The Clue bus will be back around in a few days. Make sure to get a ticket.


Ahh you must be one of those hard working mmo players, sorry i guess I touched a pizza encrusted nerve. Maybe read the prior 25 pages and save a clue ticket for yourself.

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So now a slight advantage is ok? What happened to the even playing field that some spoke so loudly of before? An advantage is an advantage, no matter how you at it, the odds are you're going to win most of the time, which is why it's an advantage.


A slight advantage that is outside a game companies control vs a large advantage within a game companies control.


Are you really arguing this? lol


Sc****** the bottom of the barrel now aren't we?


And an even bigger lol if you think 50ms ping vs 200ms is going to "make you win most of the time".


I guess if I moved to the US i'd be the PVP'er ever... considering my ping is 250 - 300ms on every FPS game I play (where ping means much more than in most MMO's) yet I still rank in the top 1-2 players in 95%+ of games I play.




You PVP-lite guys are terrible at arguing cases. Wonder why? No relying on gear to carry you here? Awww....


After they get up they can head over to Kotaku and Bitmob, and read about the dose of reality theyre missing.


Except, they are laughing because the GW2 dev's are always pointing out how different GW2 is to GW1. So again, you fail, badly.


Still avoiding a question rather than answering it. Really pro, here.


Maybe someone who has experienced MMO's with decent PVP first hand will kindly help you out. But as you don't know them, it's even more clear that the topic we are discussing is a bit over your head.


Yet another attempt to avoid answering a question you dont know the answer to by trying to attack me.


Your question is not only irrelevant but laughable. You are the one here who is pro-gear advantage, so maybe you meant to direct that question to yourself?


Because to me, reducing the gear variations between players is nothing but good news.


Logic much?

Edited by Jebi
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Ahh you must be one of those hard working mmo players, sorry i guess I touched a pizza encrusted nerve. Maybe read the prior 25 pages and save a clue ticket for yourself.


I did. lots and lots of drivel.


Facts is facts. It isn't hard to get gear in this game. You dont need to be hardcore. You dont need to grind.


8 hours worth of dailes spread over the better part of a week.. or about six matches a day of PvP, which, if you're the "PvP lover" you claim to be.. you're playing more than that now.

Edited by CommunitySupportEN
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Yawn, yawn, yawn.


I've never seen people so viciously defend the status quo.


This game is a carefully calculated, safe, large expenditure of money.

Surely if we throw money at a problem, we'll solve it!?


There's no risk, so there's no reward.


Game companies are falling into the very same rut the rest of the entertainment industry is. They even blame piracy for their failures.


Open world PVP is garbage. (subpoint, map design is garbage)

Crafting is garbage. (Thanks for allowing me to delegate the grind though.)

Battlegroun- Oh, I'm sorry, warzones. These might be fun if they weren't the only pvp in the whole damned game. Gets tedious. Nothing to mix it up.


Thanks for the $100M plus lobby game.


My biggest failure was thinking this was anything other than storylines to complete (a la KOTOR)


If I want WoW endgame, I'll go play WoW. Sorry, you didn't emulate, you imitated. It shows.

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Man everyone's stance on a game is this:

If your worse than me your a noob. If your better than me you have no life. But I am normal.


My advice: Learn from people who roflstomp you and give protips to noobs who ask for your help, both will pay up in the long run.

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While I agree that pvp gear is retarded and that pvp should have more of an impact on the world (kind of like how planetside handled it, which yes I'm aware is a shooter), but at this point isn't it kind of pointless to be arguing about it? It's already in the game and BW is not going to magically remove expertise from the game and bad players will clamor with the "progression" argument simply because they need that edge in pvp even though I feel pvp doesn't need any type of progression as its simply pvp (at least not in warzones).



Open world pvp I could see having more of a means of pvp progression if open world pvp had any kind of impact on resources and such (again going back to planetside here). Controlling planets and resources and having large pvp battles to gain some sort of advantage for that faction would be a great way to create progression with pvp (or even pve) gear. And while yes someone with gear would have more of an advantage 1v1 I see it less of in issue in an open world combat when large groups are going after objectives. But in a closed off combat like a warzone? Gear shouldn't decide the outcome, knowledge and skill should, and as it is right now, a fresh 50 who's actually good will lose to a full BM who's terrible and probably farmed the valor during the 1.1 Ilum incident.


But I digress...as I said the systems already in place and expertise isn't going anywhere...although I would love to see a world cap system similar to planetside...I still think that would make for awesome open world pvp.

Edited by Raansu
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Oh I'm sorry, you thought this was an FPS game. See in MMO's there is this thing called progression. I know this is a foreign concept to you but it is what every MMO is based on.


No, actually, on the pvp side there really isn't. We just go through a process, every few months, to bump our gear so that it bumps our "skill" by 5 to 10%. Personally, I think it's pointless on both sides of the house but it's especially pointless on the pvp side. It's just a job. Like getting your CPR certificate renewed every year.

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Your nuts if you think SWG wasn't a grind fest for top end PVPers. Think you can compete with my mind fire weapons killing you before you have any idea what's up? Doubt it. Think you can PVP against me when I have 3 AT-ST's behind me? Your nuts. Think you can PVP against me with me 100% Energy/kinetic armor, my secondary macroed stun armor? lolz, don't think so. Lets not take into account my flawless krayt weapons, my flawless lightsaber pearls? Doubt it. Do you think I would risk my 2400 PVP rating vs your 1200 by using gear that you have? lolz.


Sorry to burst your SWG PVP bubble. Don't get me wrong, I loved it but if you think that game valued skill over gear more or less than any other MMO than we didn't play SWG on the same level.


It was skill because it was based on your knowledge on which stats to use on your gear.

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I didn't go through the 1-49 bracket because I wanted to pvp their, it's just once you hit battlemaster, this is little reason to pvp other than finish dailies/weeklies. The pvp isn't that spectacular in this game to make me want to do it for no reason at all.
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I didn't go through the 1-49 bracket because I wanted to pvp their, it's just once you hit battlemaster, this is little reason to pvp other than finish dailies/weeklies. The pvp isn't that spectacular in this game to make me want to do it for no reason at all.




Carrot on a Stick Syndrome, if there is nothing me to pvp for..then why do it? When Ranked WZ are released the GEared people will go there......This happen in wow every season....when a season ends...suddenly EVERY arena player is in BGs owning all other lesser geared PVPer.....Bioware doesnt need to nerf the gear...they just need to release ranked PVP


1-49 backet...PVP lvler/for fun pvp


50 bracket... Gear grind(if you didnt while lvling)


50 Ranked Bracket.....competitive play (A very Big Carrot on your stick)

Edited by Conry
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Ultima Online PVP was by far the most fun I've ever had in an MMO.

Even though you could loot your bodies corpse, the main reason to PVP was notoriety and bragging rights.


Not a huge fun of the gear but I understand people like farming that kind of stuff at the end game.



yea man i hear ya....UO made pvp awsome....best ever and it sucks that we were spoiled and now im looking for a UO clone.....I remember it was so insane my heart would be pumping a 100 miles a minute....i just cant find that gratification anymore and maybe never will in a game....who knows

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They need to focus on expanding world pvp instead of instance pvp. For world pvp, instead of one planet to pvp on they should have multiple key planets throughout the galaxy where each faction fights over the rights of the planet for a server side buff as the incentive. Maybe even have space combat as a key feature between the pvp planets and somehow tied to the success in conquering of said planet. This type of pvp should not be designed around gear dependancy but teamwork and faction pride. Think about all the epic fights that can happen in world pvp, that is dictated by the players instead of set rules like in a warzone where the outcome doesn't have a lasting effect.


However, one main issue would be population imbalances and I'm not sure how to solve that. Maybe each pvp planet can be accessed by multiple servers?


Instance pvp can still be catered to the min/maxing group of pvpers who wants to gain gear but give them the option to play in a rated-type of warzones where they go against other like minded foes and battle it out using the gear they have earned and skill/experience they have accumulated over time. Also, make the carrot even bigger for this group where they recieve


-unique titles

-unique gear

-unique hover vehicles

-special recognition on their achievements


Basically, cater to all types of pvpers and let the player choose how he or she would like to spend there time playing.

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Looks like Bioware is listening:



As part of this effort, specifically for PvP, we are also working on changes that will reduce the gear related power difference between new characters at level 50 and players in full PvP gear. We feel that at the current time, this difference is too high.


Full post here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=260731



Edited by Torleen
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Looks like Bioware is listening:



As part of this effort, specifically for PvP, we are also working on changes that will reduce the gear related power difference between new characters at level 50 and players in full PvP gear. We feel that at the current time, this difference is too high.


Full post here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=260731




The recent Rift version of this same thing:



"First, it’s important to understand why we’re making these changes. Our primary focus is to ensure that PvP offers a fun, competitive challenge for anyone who participates . Currently, with the way the gear sets were configured, this is a difficult thing to achieve – by reducing the gap between items you should see gear playing a smaller role in your success (and others) on the battlefield."



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The recent Rift version of this same thing:



"First, it’s important to understand why we’re making these changes. Our primary focus is to ensure that PvP offers a fun, competitive challenge for anyone who participates . Currently, with the way the gear sets were configured, this is a difficult thing to achieve – by reducing the gap between items you should see gear playing a smaller role in your success (and others) on the battlefield."




THAT is eve more awesome. We have a chance of changing the way the industry looks at this. Good work folks. :)

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Nope. I don't want gear to matter.


Player vs Player.


Not gear vs. gear.


Come on, if you are a PVPer you don't need the crutch. Don't hide behind your gear.


I played a game yesterday just like this.



rock'em sock'em robots.........nerf blue

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They need to focus on expanding world pvp instead of instance pvp. For world pvp, instead of one planet to pvp on they should have multiple key planets throughout the galaxy where each faction fights over the rights of the planet for a server side buff as the incentive. Maybe even have space combat as a key feature between the pvp planets and somehow tied to the success in conquering of said planet. This type of pvp should not be designed around gear dependancy but teamwork and faction pride. Think about all the epic fights that can happen in world pvp, that is dictated by the players instead of set rules like in a warzone where the outcome doesn't have a lasting effect.


However, one main issue would be population imbalances and I'm not sure how to solve that. Maybe each pvp planet can be accessed by multiple servers?


Instance pvp can still be catered to the min/maxing group of pvpers who wants to gain gear but give them the option to play in a rated-type of warzones where they go against other like minded foes and battle it out using the gear they have earned and skill/experience they have accumulated over time. Also, make the carrot even bigger for this group where they recieve


-unique titles

-unique gear

-unique hover vehicles

-special recognition on their achievements


Basically, cater to all types of pvpers and let the player choose how he or she would like to spend there time playing.


World PvP, hteres a joke even on a pvp server. Can ride around ilum for 4-6 hours and not see 1 republic player. Only way to do that is to make FFA areas, like tatooine. But no one goes there either. Cross server planets, I see cross server warzones before that.



they have titles for pvp, they have gear for pvp, they have unique vehicles for pvp.... what game you playing?

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