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Everything posted by Tooswifty

  1. World PvP, hteres a joke even on a pvp server. Can ride around ilum for 4-6 hours and not see 1 republic player. Only way to do that is to make FFA areas, like tatooine. But no one goes there either. Cross server planets, I see cross server warzones before that. they have titles for pvp, they have gear for pvp, they have unique vehicles for pvp.... what game you playing?
  2. I played a game yesterday just like this. rock'em sock'em robots.........nerf blue
  3. there is no future for pvp in this game.... NEXT
  4. Tooswifty

    Expertise For All?

    Yes, i need all 8 toons to be full BM in a week. Great idea, reduce the amoutn of people it takes to do end game raids as well, say to me and my companion can do it. Please clarify new players, game is just over a month old, we are all new players..
  5. Great troll post, got me thrice. The system cant and wont work in this game, server pops are not high enough to sustain it.
  6. Bout 3-4 other posts in here quoting that 1.2 will 'reduce the gap' between battle masters and cent gear. Bringing bm stats down.
  7. LOL 5 minutes, now. Again you cant expect it to be that way with all the brackets and segregation. WoW tried the premade v premade, didnt work. Queue times were too long even after the 2-3 battle group mergers. Good intentions, poor research.
  8. current wait time for warzone is 45 minutes. expected entry tbd Ty for your wait.
  9. I agree with the valor change on cent and champ ger, but you are going to have this discussion all over again cause I have seen valor level 30 and below in full champ gear and valor level 55+ in blues and greens. The real solution is to input lvl 50 only mods, armoring, hilts/barrels, etc, either crafted or warzone/merc comm bought to put in the lvl 40 modable pvp gear. But thats too hard to do then just tearing stats on gear down.
  10. If you cant put in the time, why play? Probally have something more importaant in life than a video game. Plus, its easy, Bioware can just apply for a bailout and get the money. Most mmos are in it for the short burst of cash and the jump in stock prices. Most cant sustain a community. Lets see how things are May 1st. Hell even in a week there is another game's beta opening.
  11. So now its the casuals that are getting pwned? Not my fault you have a life that is more interesting than a video game, unplug and go enjoy.
  12. No, means the carebears and casuals will now be ************ about something else in pvp when they get rolled by skilled players. Have at the gear change, I have to find a raid so I can get gear to pvp with. As for the guy mentioning Rift...that wasnt gear, that was a PvE game that threw in pvp to get pvers there. The classes werent even close to being balanced w/o the gear. And a pve geared person > pvp geared.
  13. Got one thing right, lvl 40 pvp gear has changable slots for armoring/enhancements/mods etc. Why not add in crafted oarts/pieces that are for lvl 50 only with exp on them? Would be better than lowering stats to where raiding gear would be more beneficial in pvp (ala wow, if you know your history). Reason, changing stats on current gear is easier and lazier. Why the **** would I want orange gear sets if I have purple pvp gear? We already have a ranking, its called valor. Yeah, I want a freakin pet that jumps around annoyingly like IN wow. Pretty sure we get titles now for pvp. So no, you havent brought up anything new as a reward for pvp.
  14. Thats a double loaded question. Answer yes and you will say stop the qq about the change. Say no and you will say thats why the change is needed. The 'horrible gear gap' will get worst once again when people start using their raiding gear in pvp because it has vastly better stats. Enough to cancel expertise out. What then, nerf raiding gear? Could have predicted this pre lvl 50 bracket coming in. Blame Bioware for following the qq and not letting it play out. Now its the im a green 50 and cant complete, I need a green 50 bracket cause getting gear is too hard when I have to raid, cook dinner, work 80 hrs a week and train for a marathon. I blame your parents for being there to wipe your azz till age 14. Now you are 18 and cant walk away from a **** w/o a brown hand. Or should I use not being there so to have both sides covered like your post?
  15. More action in the pvp forums than in ilum.
  16. Its ok. I see you think the gear gap will take away new players. If you are a true pvper, you wouldnt care. If, however, the stat reduction is only to pvp gear not to pve gear as well. Then you will see more pve gear in warzones due to the higher stats, meaning higher burst to offset the nerfed exp/stats on pvp gear. Pretty simple, that happens the nubs wont have to worry bout a gear gap, the true pvper will leave due to the over bearing river of tears from carebears.
  17. Yup, gonna force real pvpers to do raids to get gear to keep up with the pvers. Great news.
  18. You still dont get it. I can put on my rakata gear, go into a warzone and own BM geared. Now the up coming patch is going to make that gap bigger. Why grind to BM when i can raid and get better gear. This is like the xbox 360.......... The warzones I'm in, I see maybe 1 or 2 new 50s. They should figure out how to run with the group and not attacking solo. As to barely scratching a BM, I can and will call ******** on that.
  19. Most dont get it. maybe some numbers would help, but I'm thinking they would be blinded by the trees to see the forest. Or is it the other way. Guess I'm going to have to start showing up on pve days to learn that crap to pvp. And wait a week for Tera beta to start. Maybe even see what the sun looks like or something. TBH, when you hit 50, you get a decent chance to get the 2nd best pvp gear in game. The same chance as a valor 60 has to get battlemasters gear. I dont understand all the qq about being a fresh 50 and blah, blah blah. Someone even suggested that you can run pve stuff to get some gear to start pvp w/o greens. Most dont understand that you can have 6 champ bags once hitting 50 as well. But its easier to qq on the forums than to look that up.
  20. if I want homogenized classes. I'd go back to wow. Guess I'm still here though.
  21. I did well when there were no brackets and cent+ geared people against me. I didnt start pvp at 50 or even 20, 30 or 40. I pvp'd my way with the exception of class quests and at 46+ when I had 1 bag, 1000 merc and war comms, all my companions geared in level 40 pvp gear. And I couldnt benefit fully from pvping anymore. Was it frustrating to get rolled when I hit 50 and others were better geared than me? Yes, but I have not and will not cry for a nerf or fix of gear. I learned to move away from people that were hitting me hard. I learned to use defensive cds. I have gear now, 5 champ, 1 blue 40 belt and the rest cent gear. I am the one rolling now, doesnt matter if you are full BM, I will roll you. Main reason: I learned how to utilize the warzone and my class skills better when I was gearing up.
  22. Think we are losing to the carebears that havent figured out pvp is a world different than rolling a boss.
  23. LFG whatever raid gets me the top end gear so I can pvp again. TBH, isnt this what happened in WoW? people were using end game raiding gear to get glad, etc in arenas. guess it the xbox 360 joke all over again.
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