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Everything posted by rainingcrazy

  1. Roll into a WZ, go down 2-1 in Novare, and across the screen rolls, "WERST" A few seconds of biting commentary, and the player drops, 3 more follow. Self-fulfilling prophecy is self-fulfilling and we were 3-capped.. At about 4% we actually had 1 and came within a whisker of a second. Would have been awesome to pull out but hard to do when you went 4vs8 for part of the game.
  2. The irony is that at launch everyone was "****, sentinels sucks" and "nerf mercenaries". They sure fixed that.
  3. Honestly, and I put a lot of effort into this, there isn't any good answer. Crafting is just a big nothing in this game and you don't really need it to make credits as best I can tell. And, what's worse, is that they pile on at the end with a terrible interface, the GTN, for selling anything you do make. I picked 3 mission skills, send my dudes off, and sell anything they bring back which I like because I never click on nodes. Honestly, though, the GTN is such a pain to use, that I'm regretting that choice too. I didn't take slicing though so I could dump a skill and just go after lock boxes and never have to use the GTN. It's so bad that I'm considering that, If I continue to seethe over the GTN, biochem is the other answer, because it has some marginal use while leveling, a marginal pvp use as an extra heal when I'm out of the pvp one's, and you can bulk reverse-engineer so it's the easiest to get good purples. The whole crew skill/GTN/economy needs some serious love that it's likely to never get. My best advice is to not put too much effort into it, BW sure didn't.
  4. In the 1-49 bracket? Trauma probe and preventative medicine make that kind of difference? I've hit 170K, almost completely ignored in a WZ, and felt like I never stopped casting except for ammo issues where I feel fairly constrained under pressure. I just don't get those numbers and wonder if there isn't internet bragging inflation built in, or you premade, or something.
  5. PVP, at times, comes down to a 1vs1. You've got to be able to win those sometimes or you've got to bring something to the table that is so special that you compensate for an inability to win those. Since commandos have a terrible time 1vs1, what exactly do they bring to the table that other classes don't as compensation? Off heals? Survivability? CC? Extreme damage? Maybe that last one, if they are left completely alone. One other thing, people keep trying to fix the game. I spent a lot of time trying to pick a crew skill until I finally decided they all suck, just picked mission skills, and now I send my dudes off to farm for me. I just stopped worrying about it because it sucked too badly to worry about. I think the PVP engine may be just like the crew skills portion of the game, not very good. It's fun in it's way, and I enjoy it, but there's no way I would call it good.
  6. I took a Merc to a couple of level higher than you, and had a commando at release that I retired, and kolto bomb with the shield really help. That said, you still have to stand there and hard cast because kolto bomb won't get it done. The talent in the second tier that you can fire after 30 charges, forget it's name, helps a lot but you're also standing around wondering why you can't cast and it's because you had to blow your ammo to survive. I also ran into a couple of decent groups and healing is like a "kill me, but, interrupt me first" sign. The tree does look better at the higher end because you get passives that help but I'll leave it to the guys at 50 to comment on that. My concern is that I really want to play this class but I tend to solo Q, which means a lack of support, and I'm just not sure how it can work. Healing in MMO's, when you are in a pug, is a survivorman type of experience in that you are all alone so you've got to have the tools to make it work and I'm having a hard time finding them.
  7. Good to see it's just like it was at release. The need was there, many of us said so, and I'm pretty sure the same guy posted the same stupid arguments about how he should be allowed to leave WZ's because everyone else is the problem.
  8. I can't comment on 50 but I can on release and now. I played for a few months, left, then came back and started another commando just recently. All I can say is that it's completely different then vs. now. I take too much damage, can't mitigate it and don't do as much as I used to. It's a triple whammy or at least it feels that way. Actually it's more than that because sentinels and even juggernauts just tear me apart now and it wasn't like that at release. I also feel like my bolstered grav round is hitting for at least 20% less but that might be my imagination. I really like the whole feel of the class, especially leveling, but I can't see how the class even functions at 50, assuming the players are better. I sit in a steady stream of interrupts while melting and these are pugs which I assume are just a bunch of people more noobish than I'm rusty. Or, I run away, spam my instants, acting, effectively, like I'm a melee class who carries the big gun around just so he can hit people with it. The only place I get a small break from that is Hutt Ball or if I can get the ledge in the middle of the Alderaan map. Ah well, probably gonna have to level a gunslinger to compensate for this mess.
  9. Can someone give me an idea of the wait times for war zones to pop on average for both factions and both brackets? I played at release on the Republic side and would like to see the other side of things but if WZ's have long Q's due to faction imbalance I'll just stay Republic. Thanks in advance.
  10. Old wow, however, sucked to level in. You were almost guessing where to go at times. I remember leaving Barrens and heading to Stonetalon and enjoying the long run and finding almost nothing to do there. It blew chunks. Cataclysm leveling is a million times better, but, it comes with the simple drawback of getting out of sequence or not completing a quest that you needed. It can bring things to a screeching halt.
  11. The thing is, the first act, is kind of fun, but, Alderaan is where the game starts to slow down. It actually hits in Tatooine but the fond memories kind of give it a pass. Anyways, what changes: the mount and the mobs (not really). Cool I get to go faster, nope, it's twice as fast, three times as far. And, you are still fighting exactly the same mobs, except, they have more health, and eventually you have to stop and heal up after every fight. It starts feeling like a job, the stories aren't that great and you are the one paying to do the job. The game's problem isn't itself so much, it's the fact that we've all been through this too many times before.
  12. This is a great point, and, I have to agree with it. It's also really easy to get around that "other" game. Here, you run to your hangar, through your hangar, hop on your ship (loading screen), run on your ship, select where to fly to, run to exit from your ship, run through spaceport, hop on transport, run through the planet's space port, hop on your speeder...... It's painful.
  13. To me, it's the incompleteness of the game. Too many obvious things weren't there at release and the should have. One simple example. The GTN: 1. Mission popups exit the interface. 2. Exiting the interface loses prior settings. 3. Having to drag and drop to set material quantities for posting. 4. Having to type the price each time you post the same mats. 5. Reset and Search are right next to each other. 6. I have to go to fleet to use a GTN. and more, the thing is just painful to use. It's like they just tossed it in at the last moment and the GTN is the crux of the economy, and, it sucks. You see the same kinds of things in pvp where it's almost like they just ignored years of history in the genre. The game really needed a few more months.
  14. Look, all that's going to happen is exactly what the OP's guild is doing. People will scout, check the match up, "oops, don't like it, and quit". That'll leave the poor guys who come next to join a losing cause and get tossed to the back of the line. Eventually WZ's become unplayable as everyone tries to farm a winning game. I can guarantee that people are quitting the moment they see familiar names on the other side (oh noez, it's a premade) to requeue so the poor noob's, who don't know what's happening, just get screwed over. None of this is about competition and close games. None of it. And all the guys saying it is, but they quit anyway, are just full of it. It's about farming. I went through this, what you guys are doing is exactly the situation in Vanilla wow. Exactly! BG's were completely unplayable because of it, unless you formed a premade, and scouted the fights. If you didn't all you got were WSG's that you started down a score against a full T2 premade. And, that happened even if you were in a premade. You had to scout, or get stomped. There has to be a penalty for quitting and there has to be an /AFK solution. If BW doesn't get that, and doesn't implement it, then there is, in my opinion, very good cause for quitting this game. The WZ experience will be horrible and these guys will truly have proved they have no idea what they're doing.
  15. Hmmm.... Hmmm, again. One more, hmmmm. Blame other players: Check! Doesn't understand what capitals are for: Check! Calls people baddies: Check! Wasted time reading post: Check!
  16. I sort of feel that some dude in the BW headquarters is sitting there going "no wai" as all this stuff happens. All you had to do was talk to a few guys who'd spent time in almost any other MMO and you'd know all this was coming. Lets hope for some love in 1.2.
  17. rainingcrazy

    Told to leave

    And presumably they'll get better by leaving? Bad draw, tough luck, grow up and deal with it.
  18. rainingcrazy

    Told to leave

    /ignore = problem solved.
  19. Maybe you are the 1% but 99% of the time, the dude giving the orders, shouldn't be the dude giving the orders. The second problem, is that we're dealing with kids, and adults who think like kids, and when someone tells them what to do, they intentionally do the opposite. You get a lot further just mentioning "stay on flag", "get to mid" or whatever. Trying to do more than that leads to problems.
  20. I watched that go on in BG's in WOW, since pretty close to my entire time playing the game. It isn't nearly that easy.
  21. Unless someone has seen the actual implementation, isn't a bit early to get worked up about? If they have, and it's a straight vote-kick, then BW is staffed with morons.
  22. The irony, is that most of these would be vote-kickers, showed up in lowbie gear their first times at 50.
  23. It's the most commonly played class. Many of us have spent games watching lightning swirl around us, it's very, very annoying. I've never complained about them being OP but they're way up there on the annoying scale if you play certain classes.
  24. A better soccer analogy would have been Manchester City against your local high school team. Sure, people would show up, the first couple of times, but after that.... And, really, that is the comparative level of competition in a decent premade vs the average pug.
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