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Everything posted by Caldus

  1. Caldus

    Solo queue rated WZ?

    What would be the point of unranked Warzoness if you could solo queue for rated? Why not just keep the system exactly what it is and add a ranking system. Oh wait...
  2. This argument is the product of people not understanding how valor is awarded. By playing to win you can get 50-100% more valor and comms under this system. Only the most brain dead players will continue to farm medals and afk once this patch hits, especially when the vote kick system comes.
  3. I just tried this out, enjoyed it. Don't see much of an improvement in damage over the TD build.
  4. Do puncture and superheated rail stack? I always assumed they did not.
  5. 1. What does dual speccing have to do with this? (Serious Question) 2. I disagree with the idea that recount will make groups stick together or somehow make group environment better. A tank looking at his recount seeing bad numbers from one or both dps will just drop group to go find another group. I played WoW since LFG was implemented and that is exactly what happens. 3. I will concede that if BW continues to listen to the community, X-server LFG is probably closer than they think. Single server LFG will cause as many problems as it solves. It will mostly just make dps complain about queue times and then they will go X-server which will be a sad situation for everybody as the community becomes WoW-like. However, their often stated position is that this is a long ways off. 4. Current group settings are fun and easy. I play on an RP-PVP server and the community is very nice and even with bad dps breaking cc, attacking wrong targets, and surely doing no good, very bad dps we still live to the end.
  6. Are the Stats on the Columi Eliminator's Power Generator are correct? +80 Aim +93 Endurance +48 Accuracy Rating +605 Tech Power +77 Critical Rating Compared to the Tionese Eliminator's Power Generator: +83 Aim +68 Endurance +61 Power +556 Tech Power +40 Surge Rating I got the token for the columi item last night and considering my chance to hit is already 100.3%, I feel this is almost a lateral change for me. I realize accuracy might be more important to other players, but I would think an upgrade in tier would mean an upgrade to my primary stat to offset the various other stat trade offs. Just wondering if the aim and endurance values got switched on this.
  7. When some dps junky tells me I'm bad because I can't avoid fire AND do enough damage to carry him and his guild, <Didn't See Fire While Staring at Meters>, through content I'll be packing my bags for Azeroth. The lack of elitists in the community (and the relatively positive community in general) is the only truly distinguishable difference between this game and WoW at end game. Once that goes away (and it will because there are a ton of half retarded people who play MMOs who don't understand the value of meters goes beyond dps) this game will be WoW with a more enjoyable leveling system and lightsabers.
  8. I don't have lekku, red eyes, or green skin in real life. If I'm playing a different race I don't see it as any different. In this game I have found I'm less inclined to play a female character for various reasons.
  9. I have played MMOs for a couple years now, and I tend to be pretty accepting of bugs and glitches. That said, to me this is the most annoying bug/oversight (or is it intended?) in this game. Not only is this annoying, there are at least 2 more very simply logical, quality of life progressions beyond this. 1. Group leader queueing group or leaving group queue instantly ends party members individual/group queues OR nobody is queued if one person is unable to be queued. Scenario: Group members A-D leave warzone and A reinvites D, C, and B. B did not uncheck the requeue box at the end of the previous warzone. A queues the group. A, D, and C are now in a queue as a group, B is in an individual queue. I may be incorrect, but so far it seems like A, C, and D must all leave their group queues INDIVIDUALLY in order to requeue as a full 4 man group. If one of them stepped away after the queue it can be quite frustrating. 2. Group leader keeping the "requeue warzone" option selected should result in the entire original group being
  10. I said this once already today in the "dots shouldn't break cap progress" thread but changing game mechanics to make up for poor teamwork will not make the game better. Part of effective cc use is preserving some resolve to stun the ball carrier in fire or when he is near death to prevent a throw. If your team can't manage that, it's not a game flaw, it's a user flaw. CC, like any other ability, should be a cost-benefit tradeoff, not a herpaderp spam instawin ability. OPs proposal would make CC a "use off cooldown" ability whereas now it requires the decision of whether now is the best time to use it. It's a tactical game, learn better tactics. It's also a social game, learn to communicate those tactics to others. That said, the resolve system is broken, has been since launch, and needs tweaking. I think the resolve bar should fill on any 4s stun that doesn't break on damage. This should countdown twice as fast as current resolve mechanics. Also, a combination of any 2 of a sub 4s stun, long break on damage cc like flashbang, or roots should fill the resolve bar and make it tick down at its current speed. This would remove the most broken part of CC, to me, which is the way you can be cc'd to death without ever throwing out a single ability.
  11. PvP mechanics should not be adjusted for lack of skill/intelligence. Effectively removing cleanse from PvP is not a solution when playing better will solve the problem.
  12. I have not had this issue at all. I am pyro but I taunt all the time for quick medals and it has been working all day.
  13. I didn't read the whole thread, but any chance there will be an option added for a numerical overlay? I used to use one in WoW with Power Auras Classic and I really liked it. Otherwise, great job. Customizing my UI is a huge part of my MMO experience, glad you guys recognize this and are taking steps to fix it. Next up: Mouseover healing? 0:)
  14. Tie game: 2-2. Time running out. I've got the ball. It's starting to get frantic. My heath is dropping fast. Nobody is open so I throw the ball into the biggest cluster of green I can find. There was only one second left. Opposing team gets it as time runs out. We lose. I live. Whoops.
  15. I got 4 pieces of gear yesterday including a champion piece. Whats the point of the centurion gear if you go straight to champion? Difference between champion and centurion gear isn't that great. I can already kill people in battlemaster gear with like 4 pieces of champion gear. The bugs are really bad and seems to be getting worse. It took me 7 wins to do my daily yesterday and I was ready to rage quit. I also came across a number of teams using the 8+ exploit and that's not much fun either.
  16. Don't worry, they capped 2 seconds before he said that anyways.
  17. Read some of the other entries on Wookiepedia and you'll see that this is just one of many instances of things that make you say "really?" with regard to the not very "creative license" that people have exercised with the franchise. It seems like every book now is centered around characters that somebody else created or the children of those characters. Nobody is doing what Zahn and Stackpole did and creating their own distinct, enjoyable characters, they're just riding the creative coattails of others and it shows in their plot writing. I personally choose to ignore the vast majority of the EU and just enjoy the few good pieces that are out there.
  18. Dear OP, While I respect you for sticking your neck out to the community like this, I completely disagree with most of what you said, and your argument seems unfocused at times and is hard to understand. It also sounds like MMOs are just not your genre. It's difficult to tell whether your initial argument is that TOR's evil is too evil, or that TOR's story doesn't support the evil that is required. In either case, I think your argument misses the mark. Are you telling me that Mario killing thousands of Koopas simply because the king asks him to go get his daughter back is more justifiable than the mission parameters of this game? As mentioned earlier, are you saying that killing hundreds of Kobold because they chose to occupy prime real estate in Elwynn Forest is justifiable? I would disagree. These are some of the most successful games in history, and they demand genocide without even coming close to providing the story support that TOR has. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, on the other hand, provides more in the way of well written and well acted story, but allows much much more in the way of morally reprehensible behavior. Are you saying that anything in TOR is as depraved as having sex with a prostitute in a dark alley and then running her over to get your money back? Again, I would disagree. Nothing you can do in TOR is as bad as most of what Rockstar puts out. Even if you're talking about a balancing test of story & evil I think TOR compares favorably to nearly every other game out there, even the ones where you're playing as the good guy, and it certainly compares favorably to others in the MMO genre where you're required to kill thousands of NPCs or even player characters to grind levels or achievements. If anything, the story compells the feeling that the behavior is evil because your actions affect voice acted NPCs, not hostile mobs that are trying to kill you like Mario and WoW. Rarely do people stop to think about the fact that they are killing entire communities of sentient creatures in those games because they are just hostile NPCs. I think by offering choices TOR can explore people's visceral reactions. Such as: In that way, your argument is almost entirely self defeating, and I haven't even begun to address the fact that an MMO is just generally a poor platform for "art." Though this appeared to be a side argument, I also disagree about the game's rating. GTASA still warranted an M rating until the previously inaccessible sex mini game was hacked. Again, no graphic depictions of sex, no dirty talk, no flagrant cursing, and no points for murdering police officers or beating people to death with a giant purple sex toy. This is gotten long, so I'll try to be brief with the art argument: The production of MMOs is motivated by profit. The 3 main arguments that I would derive from that would be these: 1. This creates a medium for customer feedback, and as evidenced here, there will never be a time when everyone is satisfied. 2. The story and world are designed for mass appeal and (arguably with this game) mass playability respectively. Therefore the product is again a slave to the whims of the masses rather than the sheer creativity of the designer. 3. Greed as a motive for art is just dirty. There could be an entirely separate argument about what Art is, but you typically desire something a little more transcendental than profit as the desired end. Just consider what Michelangelo's sculptures would have looked like if he was thinking "hmm, what will people like the most, what will make me Also, just as an aside, while I don't believe physical or sexual abuse should ever be tolerated in real life, it seems to me that characterizing any instance of male on female abuse as "sexual abuse" while arguing for gender equality is a bit contradictory. I haven't levelled my warrior very high, but it appeared to me that the shocking was neither explicitly nor implicitly sexual. I have tried to allow myself to role play the stories as much as possible so I may reboot the warrior and see how I'm affected by different choices. I may also re-roll as female and see what options I get for interacting with Vette and see how different the dialogue is.
  19. How would that even work? MMOs are centered around gear. What, would you reduce stats to base when you enter a WZ? Anything else and it comes down to who has the best pve gear. The carrot on a stick is why many people play MMOs in general. Look at all the whining about "he got battlemaster easier than me roll him back or I quit!!" It's all about achieving something. This will be slicing nerf all over again, if they bend to this pressure the amount of whining on here will triple, and justifiably given what a grind their gear system is. People who have already gotten the gear will go into histrionics. It will be ugly. If that change is going to occur, it should happen at the next expansion when everyone starts out even already, not 2 months in.
  20. Hey what happens if you kill somebody who is standing there trying to do that? Does their timer reset and they get booted or what? I was on my sorc and there was a BH or Trooper or something standing up there shooting people. Nobody else was there so I killed him after I scored. It was near the end of the match but I was wondering if this has happened to anybody, do you get booted?
  21. I can't agree more that recycling bad guys from the movies is supremely lazy. It's just a crutch to keep from having to create a new and compelling threat to the characters. I will give credit to Timothy Zahn though, I think the characters he created in the Thrawn Trilogy were deep and well developed. Those are the only books in the EU worth purchasing, IMO.
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