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1,490 players reviewed this game as a 5.9


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same reason fanboys take those "bought out" reviews to heart.


I think us fans are just sick of kids trying to troll a game we enjoy. Us Adults think "hey, you dont like that, dont play it, move on"


Does this happen, No, it just shows the maturity and lack of social outlook of young gamers if trolling is the new thing kids do today.


This thread is nothing more then a few kids trying to troll the game using metacritic of all things to back up there claims.


So sad


Gaming used to be a great community to be a part of. now its full of snotty nosed teenagers who shouldnt be within 10 foot of a PC.

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There is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a very large sample. In this case, we're using Metacritic's user rating of 5.9: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic/user-reviews


Putting 1500 random gamers to the test with SWTOR for a month and have them rate it on a scale of 1-10. You will very likely come up with an accurate measure of the game's worth based on that many reviews. That is what we have here and that is why user reviews are far more powerful and accurate than the skewed 'paid' reviews you'll see from sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc.


Swtor's real score (I think its a bit high):






I disagree. I cannot take any review seriously when you have reviewers rating the game a 0 and a 1.... really?


Incredibly inaccurate census.

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How was this sample picked? If it is people who registered on Metacritic or whichever site to express their opinions, it is far from random. We all know people who are inclined not to like something for whatever reason are more likely to go through the effort of registering, posting a review etc. than someone who is enjoying themselves and has a positive view.


More importantly, if you think that a 5.9 is HIGH for this game, why are you still here? :rolleyes:

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I think us fans are just sick of kids trying to troll a game we enjoy. Us Adults think "hey, you dont like that, dont play it, move on"


Does this happen, No, it just shows the maturity and lack of social outlook of young gamers if trolling is the new thing kids do today.


This thread is nothing more then a few kids trying to troll the game using metacritic of all things to back up there claims.


So sad


Gaming used to be a great community to be a part of. now its full of snotty nosed teenagers who shouldnt be within 10 foot of a PC.


In all fairness, this was a TERRIBLE mmo. If they would have released this as a single player rpg, I guarantee the success would never be matched.

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Terrible assumption based on personal preferences and biases. No matter how much you might wish otherwise, people will still love this game for years to come. You don't and that's fine, that's your prerogative but trying to push your view as the only view just makes you look foolish.


Not terrible; logical. I'm not some unique snowflake when it comes to stuff like this. You personally may still be playing this game a year from now, but the playerbase as a whole will have dwindled dramatically. I guarantee it.


I remember having these EXACT same discussions in AoC. Short-sighted people like you were raging about the same nonsense. "I love this game! It's gonna be awesome!"


Where's AoC at now? Your outlook is shaped by your lack of experience. Once you acquire that experience, your opinion will change. I guarantee it. In fact, PM me your email address. I'll set an Outlook reminder for just 6 months from now and contact you then. Even if you're still playing by then (which I doubt), you'll be forced to concede that I was right when you look around and see the significant drop in player subs.


Deal in reality people. Have enough sense to look beyond your own nose.

Edited by Mavajo
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yes, lets allow 1500 people, a large portion of which has prolly not even played the game rate something.


polls like this are stupid, its like when BBC says "The UK population hates cheese" - sample of 100 people asked.


or if you are american, when they say they have asked 100 americans whether or not they like obama and then saying americans love him.


This size pool is so small its pointless.


Fixed that for ya ; )

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I disagree. I cannot take any review seriously when you have reviewers rating the game a 0 and a 1.... really?


Incredibly inaccurate census.


Not to mention the title of this thread is flat out misinformation. Let's pretend for a second that metacritic user scores are a valid metric, ignoring that anyone, regardless of whether or not they played the game, can sign up and post a review as many times as they want.


Let's look at the numbers on metacritic, it will be immediately apparent to anyone that is literate and is capable of basic math that the OP's title is a false claim.


User scores total: 1498

Positive: 812

Mixed: 107

Negative: 579


The numbers speak for themselves, the positive are greater than the negative, hell they are greater than the negative and mixed combined.

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In all fairness, this was a TERRIBLE mmo. If they would have released this as a single player rpg, I guarantee the success would never be matched.


That's actually a really good point. Probably explains the love or hate attitude. I play this game as KOTOR 3 with friends! It's pretty cool and you get 8 complete story lines to follow. It's an amazing game in the KOTOR lineup.


As an MMO....eh it's not there yet is it. I do enjoy PvP though.


I'll probably ding 50 on a few characters, unsub and check back this summer.

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Not terrible; logical. I'm not some unique snowflake when it comes to stuff like this. You personally may still be playing this game a year from now, but the playerbase as a whole will have dwindled dramatically. I guarantee it.


I remember having these EXACT same discussions in AoC. Short-sighted people like you were raging about the same nonsense. "I love this game! It's gonna be awesome!"


Where's AoC at now? Your outlook is shaped by your lack of experience. Once you acquire that experience, your opinion will change. I guarantee it. In fact, PM me your email address. I'll set an Outlook reminder for just 6 months from now and contact you then. Even if you're still playing by then (which I doubt), you'll be forced to concede that I was right when you look around and see the significant drop in player subs.


Deal in reality people. Have enough sense to look beyond your own nose.


I assure you I do not lack experience in playing MMO's, I've played over a dozen of them over the last 15 years.


And yes, it's a flawed assumption. It's not logical to believe everyone will feel the way you do "if only given enough time". Your guarantees are empty and meaningless. You resort to petty insults, you have no argument. ;)

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I assure you I do not lack experience in playing MMO's, I've played over a dozen of them over the last 15 years.


And yes, it's a flawed assumption. It's not logical to believe everyone will feel the way you do "if only given enough time". Your guarantees are empty and meaningless. You resort to petty insults, you have no argument. ;)


Truth hurts. Deal with it.


Well hey, 6 months from now, this game will finally be what BioWare designed it as -- single player.

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6 months from now Guild Wars 2 will kill this game and force it to go F2P.


Nah. I think that the same handful of QQers will be over on GW2 crying that it ruined their lives. Seen it happen to every MMO since the console kids decided that PC gaming was their next frontier. (A year or two into WoW's lifespan).

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