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1,490 players reviewed this game as a 5.9


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Taste is subjective to every human being on the planet. Gamers and gaming is totally different. I think gamers are smart enough to know a bad game when they see it.


To compare food to gaming is just stupid and shows how desperate you are to try and tear down my legit argument.




Really dude?





Ok. Here we go.


Mario 64 Sucked. I hated it. I'm a pro-platformer, and have played many platforms. The camera on Mario 64 was game breaking. You are dumb for thinking Mario 64 is a great game, because I have played just about every platformer ever.





Mario Cart 64 is by the far the best Racing game ever, I'm a pro at racing games, and have play all of them. Mario 64 is the most equal out of the racing games so everyone has a fair advantage rather than "suping" up cars like Forza 4.


Thats what I see you doing.


Its opinion which is my point. If you take off the blind fold.. you'll see that uh. they are opinions. Just because you disagree with them doesn't make you right or them wrong.



Assuming you know what kind of person I am in real life.....yeah, THAT makes your argument sound more solid.......I hate kids like you who assume things because you live in your little world of where you're always right. Step outside, take a college class, learn something about life then maybe you wouldn't sound so idiotic.


Isn't that exactly what you are doing? WoW.


You are blind.

Edited by Chuckskyline
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There is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a very large sample. In this case, we're using Metacritic's user rating of 5.9: http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic/user-reviews


Putting 1500 random gamers to the test with SWTOR for a month and have them rate it on a scale of 1-10. You will very likely come up with an accurate measure of the game's worth based on that many reviews. That is what we have here and that is why user reviews are far more powerful and accurate than the skewed 'paid' reviews you'll see from sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc.


Swtor's real score (I think its a bit high):






Your statement is incorrect. This is not 1500 random gamers. This is 1500 people that chose to submit a review. That is not a random sample by any means. The score is virtually meaningless. I love playing this game, but I have not chosen to search out a site to post a review of it. Nor has the multiple co workers, nor my many family members and friends that I play with.


No, I am afraid OP that you are simply looking for another number to justify your personal hate of the game. So if you really hate it that bad, pick up, and move on to something else. Your post contributes nothing to the community.

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Show me a group of sites that CONSISTANTLY rate plates of food, and have generally the same rating score amongst the different sites that review food.



Now replace the word food with gaming, and you can easily see who wins this argument......NEXT!





Show me sites that say swtor sucks


and I'll show you sites that love the game..



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Show me a group of sites that CONSISTANTLY rate plates of food, and have generally the same rating score amongst the different sites that review food.



Now replace the word food with gaming, and you can easily see who wins this argument......NEXT!


All you are doing is grasping at straws because you can't comprehend a situation where anybody disagrees with you....


You are so insecure the best you can come up with is "you can easily see who wins this argument......NEXT!"


My 10 year old son debates like that :)



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LOL nobody cares what the doomsayers have to say.


We have a well detailed and thought out list of suggestions thanks to constructive feedback. It doesn't make any sense to rehash them over, and over and over.


If you think you can internet crusade the game into failing, that is a very grand delusion.

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another point to shut you clowns up about the food vs. gaming argument.


People will dislike a dish for ANY number of reasons: oh the waiter was rude, the lighting wasn't right, this was a little undercooked, oh I don't like mushrooms, or oh this food didn't look "decorative" enough. Point being there's way too many things ASIDE from the actual food that people will throw in when rating food.


For this game, the consensus is typically the same: excessive voice acting, buggy game, low fps for comps that meet the reuquirements, pvp, single player rail rpg game, etc



It's not like people are coming up with off-the-wall reasons to hate this game. This game had a GIGANTIC budget, and there is no excuse for so much fail in the year 2012 when mmos have been mainstream for over 7 years.


I rest my case.

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I actually find the 5.9 or 6 rating to be accurate, The game isn't a masterpiece, but for me it's above average but not at the "really good" or "exceptional" range. But that's just my oppinion. And I don't see why people cry troll just cause their oppinion and yours don't go along. ah well....:jawa_evil:
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I actually find the 5.9 or 6 rating to be accurate, The game isn't a masterpiece, but for me it's above average but not at the "really good" or "exceptional" range. But that's just my oppinion. And I don't see why people cry troll just cause their oppinion and yours don't go along. ah well....:jawa_evil:


People cry "troll" when they know it's the truth and they just don't want to hear it. Gotta love the internet. Imagine if people did that in real life, face to face, in conversations. These little nerds would get their butts kicked for having no social skills.

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Hmm, anyone heard of call of duty?


Its obviously a horrid game!



3.2 at the ratings in close to 7400 users doing the voting.


Horrid horrid game!



What? So people got tired of Activision's blatant copy pasta of a game....besides, FPSes are *********** dull and boring old. MW3 was basically 60 bucks for a map pack and lame red dawn story that was predictable. Doesnt take a metacritic review to see the light on that one.

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5.9 is about right.


SWTOR isn't a bad game, but it isn't a good game either.


The storylines are new and fresh in mmo's, the zones are big and cool to look at. That's all that is good in this game.


The PvE is very mediocre and just like all the other WoW clones.


The Space Game is a single player rail shooter. Rail shooters suck, always have, always will.


The PvP is an abomination that should never have been released.


The LOAD SCREENS are way too excessive, as are the endless copy pasted corridors you run through in between LOAD SCREENS.




So LOAD SCREEN WARS gets a 5.9 and that may be high.

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another point to shut you clowns up about the food vs. gaming argument.


People will dislike a dish for ANY number of reasons: oh the waiter was rude, the lighting wasn't right, this was a little undercooked, oh I don't like mushrooms, or oh this food didn't look "decorative" enough. Point being there's way too many things ASIDE from the actual food that people will throw in when rating food.


For this game, the consensus is typically the same: excessive voice acting, buggy game, low fps for comps that meet the reuquirements, pvp, single player rail rpg game, etc



It's not like people are coming up with off-the-wall reasons to hate this game. This game had a GIGANTIC budget, and there is no excuse for so much fail in the year 2012 when mmos have been mainstream for over 7 years.


I rest my case.


prosecutor are you saying than no two people have the same complaint when it comes to the restraint industry?

Edited by Selaik
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There is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a very large sample.


Putting 1500 random gamers to the test with SWTOR for a month and have them rate it on a scale of 1-10. You will very likely come up with an accurate measure of the game's worth based on that many reviews. That is what we have here and that is why user reviews are far more powerful and accurate than the skewed 'paid' reviews you'll see from sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc.


LMAO, seriously? 1500 players is not even close to a "very large sample". That's not even half of one percent of the players.


Also, where do you get random from? They didn't choose a random pool of people to test the game. I'd like to introduce to something called the internet where the most negative, dissatisfied, unreasonable and bitter people are most likely to post reviews of things and comment on message boards. Nothing random at all about. I enjoy the game so I'm not going to waste my time running around to different web sites to post reviews of the games unlike the ticked off people who have an axe to grind. Nothing random about it.

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lol @ all the people who refuse to believe the numbers right in front of their eyes, coming up with excuses ranging from trolling to voting while not having played the game. Could it be - and I guess this might be hard to grasp for some people - that some people have a different opinion than you? *gasp*


I'd rate this game a solid 6. 10/10 for levels 1 - 49, fantastic single player/story experience, had a blast. 2/10 for the endgame experience, content that is extremely easy to clear, grindfest PvP with RNG-rewards, no dynamic inter-faction system (Illum does not count, do not go there) to keep people wanting to log in every day to affect change in the system.


I am not trolling. I have and do play the game. These numbers and the people behind them aren't lies made to slander the game, believe it or not. They're honest opinions.

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Gamestop user review gives it an 8.9




so which one do you trust?


I trust the one that had people play the game for a month before voting. Which was not gamestop.


Also, subjective experience agrees with metacritic. Fantastic early game, poor late game.

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5.9 is unfair. The game is good, yeah many of us expected something better. But it's still a good game and a 8.0 score is more like it.


Sure there are many things I don't like, was hoping for a bit more sandboxy experience. But thats just me.


Still 8 is a fair score considering it's a newly launches MMO. All the hype and reported budget of the game has hurt peoples impressions.

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There is a real theorem that a random variable will reflect its underlying probability over a very large sample.


I see that you have found a Wikipedia article related to statistical sampling. Unfortunately, since your sample is not random, the law you refer to does not apply.


If you try to measure the approval rating of the U.S. President through a sample of registered members of a Tea Party web site, the mean of that sample will never converge to the actual approval rating, no matter how large the sample is.


There is a reason why statistical laws have a number of conditions that must be met before they are applied.

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