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Announcing The Old Republic Guild Summit


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I kinda feel like my post was glossed over, but that's no big deal. I'm just posting again, to ask my main question again...because after 10+ pages, five other people have asked it too.


How were the pre-invited guilds chosen?


Seriously, it's not a difficult question and it's a question that will help answer a lot of questions and confusion many people have had. Granted, it may infuriate people as well if you used a bad criteria to choose them, but at least it's out in the open and people have a legitimate reason for feeling completely jipped instead of assuming they got jipped.


That's the question I've been asking? Since before they made the announcement they had already selected guilds to attend so they must have had some means of weighing one guild vs another to make their decision. They should have been prepared to disclose that but this is Bioware and being prepared isn't part of their standard operating procedures.


So now we're asking and waiting for those details. Additionally, I'd like to see a list of the guilds chosen. We're going to find out eventually so just disclose the information already.




Ignoring the questions won't make them go away. It just makes them multiply.

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This is a fun thread.


There is a huge difference between passion and hysterics.. especially when the topic is a video game.


Anyways. Hope there are moments taken at this event and the transcripts are posted afterwards. I can't wait to wade through some of the stupid things people request/suggest while looking for nuggets of productive feedback/discussion. Much like this thread. :D

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Ok, so, I'm sure someone will shoot me down on this... But I'm more and more convinced we really do wanna all make the game better, so let's turn some of this energy on pushing BW toward making some forward progress...


My belief that this is worth doing doesn't mean I think it will save the world.

So, a couple ideas...


1-Something to gain broader feedback would be a good thing...

What if we would, after every patch / month / some set time period ... get one of the surveys on log in (similar to the ones in the demo) but with essentially just a few questions...

such as:


I spend most of my time focused on _________ (pvp, pvp, crafting?, etc)

I Most want Dev's to focus on new _________ (warzones, ops, fps, crafting, etc.)

My biggest technical issue right now is__________ (ability delay, etc.)


and a comment section...


Just to give them a big, easy to categorize list... and let everyone have some input on the way they prioritize patching, etc... without making it too much about X class is OP, and the like... they have plenty of metrics to determine that.



2-Elected or not... If these Guildies who go to Austin do get some sort of access to the Powers that Be, and it's gonna be ongoing, make them a middle man to the rest of us. Something along the lines of an ISD in EVE... Maybe give them a specific forum or chat channel... so that they can pass along bug's, an actual feel of the climate of the game, and CONSTRUCTIVE comments to the right people, and we can actually hear a response.


Just a couple ideas to help info flow better from here on out...


I'm sure others out there have other / better ideas... I for one would honestly love to hear em, and maybe we can make something out of it.

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In 2010, Bioware's very own Rich Vogel was part of a panel at GDC, discussing running MMO's. In which they stated:


".....it's imperative that developers stop guessing what players might be wanting and start gathering solid feedback as to what they're demanding."


I'm just not convinced that focusing on a select few guild leaders is the best way to obtain such "solid feedback". Because those individuals do not accurately represent the entire community.



I know what I don't want purely in this game: just raiding.....


Sorry but with the 15 yr span of MMORPGs there is plenty of features and additions that can be made to this game that would benefit to a lot of players with different playstyles than just the raider mentality , people want more than just pvp and raid content, try making it for once.......

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Today, we are pleased to announce the first ever Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Guild Summit, being hosted in Austin, TX in March. Over the course of a few days, guild leaders from around the world will gather together to discuss the state of the game with the developers from BioWare Austin. Guild leaders (or a designated officer in the event of a guild leader being unable to attend) will participate in Q&A sessions with developers, roundtable feedback discussions, and will get a preview of some upcoming game features.


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So how many of these pre-selected guilds are there? And are they balanced as divided by faction or they just all imperial guilds?

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This is a fun thread.


There is a huge difference between passion and hysterics.. especially when the topic is a video game.


Anyways. Hope there are moments taken at this event and the transcripts are posted afterwards. I can't wait to wade through some of the stupid things people request/suggest while looking for nuggets of productive feedback/discussion. Much like this thread. :D


It is a fun thread isn't it...


Also, +1 for wanting transcripts.

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Ah yes, the "Be more pedantic than the other person" defense...


1) yes, I chose to assume... and at least in part in the hopes that it would aggravate you into revealing a real motive for why you want this to fail... I'll admit that freely, because, honestly I'm curious... I don't understand your motives here.


2) if you honestly don't think I appreciate this, you haven't comprehended anything I've posted... I have said, repeatedly, in this thread... that the fundamental difference between you and I is the way we interpret BW's intentions (something neither of us can possibly know. Unless you are, in fact, some sort of Zerg Overmind that runs the company, and has a strangely self-critical streak)... I have never denied you your opinion.


But, apparently anyone who disagrees with you has to just be "Fanboying it up." So I guess we're at an impasse.


I digress, because frankly, I don't understand how you don't like this...

-I totally understand not liking having BS shot at you... But you are just assuming that's what it will be at this point... Wait til it happens, and then, if it does nothing, or they don't listen... I'll be right there with you.


In the meantime...

1) It's not your money to spend, If they think this is worth it, why do you care?

2) It does have the POTENTIAL to help. why would you have them NOT DO something that COULD help, if you want a better game, and it costs you nothing.

3) In the words of a Securities disclaimer i had to print a few million times "Past Returns do not indicate future results." We must, as people, believe that things can change... They don't have to, it may even be very unlikely, but they CAN. So, while I totally understand not holding your breathe for them to do something, why deprive them of the chance?


I'd write a response to this again, but you'd just report it. I guess that's easier.

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I know what I don't want purely in this game: just raiding.....


Sorry but with the 15 yr span of MMORPGs there is plenty of features and additions that can be made to this game that would benefit to a lot of players with different playstyles than just the raider mentality , people want more than just pvp and raid content, try making it for once.......


Agreed. I like raiding. But even I know that raiding certainly shouldn't be the "be all and end all" of end game content.


Unfortunately, large guilds are often either very raid focused, or pvp focused. Like you say, after 15 years of MMO's there's other facets of MMO design that can be used to keep players entertained. However, the sad fact is that MMO devs often resort to just churning out raids, the odd group FP and warzones because they are the most "economical" use of their time.


There's areas of gamplay which could help this game stand taller than others. But so much potential has yet to be fulfilled.

Edited by Tarka
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Agreed. I like raiding. But even I know that raiding certainly shouldn't be the "be all and end all" of end game content.


Unfortunately, large guilds are often either very raid focused, or pvp focused. Like you say, after 15 years of MMO's there's other facets of MMO design that can be used to keep players entertained. But MMo devs often resort to just churning out raids and warzones because they are the most "economical" use of their time.


There's areas of design which could help this game stand taller than others. But such potential has yet to be fulfilled.



Proper space would be nice , maybe finishing up work on Pazzak and the Swoop racing features would be nice, Turning that casino on Nar Shaddaa into a player gambling palace, you know fluff features to keep people enterained and not constantly killing stuff , a nice diversion.

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I'll say it again, Bioware has set up a great opportunity to not (publicly) fail with this event.


After the summit, Stephen Reid can post this :


The summit went great! We really were unprepared for the turn out, and were overwhelmed by the sheer number of applicants. many issues were discussed like:


1. Something already covered numerous times on the boards.

2. Something already covered numerous times on the boards.

3. Something already covered numerous times on the boards.

4. Issue that's been reported since early beta.

5. Something already covered numerous times on the boards.

6. Issue that's been reported since early beta.

7. PVP is the 10th circle of Dante's Hell.


Now that the guild summit is over, we know what we need to work on, and will do so. Everyone thank the guild summit!


*Everyone then thanks Bioware for the guild summit.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Proper space would be nice , maybe finishing up work on Pazzak and the Swoop racing features would be nice, Turning that casino on Nar Shaddaa into a player gambling palace, you know fluff features to keep people enterained and not constantly killing stuff , a nice diversion.


Agreed. Whilst it isn't the only type of gameplay that could help, "full control" Space combat could indeed give players another reason to keep with the game.


Funny thing is, the tunnel shooter type gameplay used in the current version of space combat would actually lend itself nicely to accurately recreating "Pod Racing" type gameplay (after all, "tunnel" gameplay is the basis for a racing game).


And again, like you say: Pazzaak, Swoop Racing, working casino's on NS, can all help too.

Along with other things like:

  • Emphasis on a greater conflict between the two sides, not just "cold war skirmishes".
  • Different factions to align with, with different "perks".
  • Greater customisation for ships (more craftable modifications?).
  • Greater range of ships for purchase (craftable ships perhaps?).
  • Greater range of mounts to purchase / find.
  • Customisable housing on the ground (instanced?).
  • Ability to reuse item drops to decorate your house interior (like SWG had).
  • Rare vanity pets.
  • Fishing (yes I went there).
  • A greater variety of achievements (yes I went there too).
  • Seasonal Events (I went there too).
  • RPG / story telling tools (reusing instanced locations).
  • Ability to explore underwater (thus including swimming).
  • Ability to explore more land AND space.

The list just goes on and on.


The irony is, Bioware feel the need to host a "summit" to discuss these things, when people have been shouting about them since before launch.


Whilst we're on the subject.....Bioware.....what happened to the infamous "Wall of Crazy" that meant you needed to host a "summit" to discuss the future of the game?

Edited by Tarka
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Sorry if this horse has been beaten a bunch of times already but...


While I completely appreciate the effort, I think there should be more regional meetings. I'm fairly positive that a lot of people are going to be able to make it over to Texas just to have a meeting. I also think it should be much more open beyond just guild leaders. Maybe do something like a Final Fantasy Fan Fest or BlizCon regionally.

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Here is some questions we put to Bioware about the event.


This is an event to put the community in front of devs. Maybe they should have done it earlier but better late than never. I have no problem with a developer getting feedback and input from the community.











SR said in that interview that they held the event in Austin for a higher developer turnout.


Where else would they be if it wasn't. Are your developers not in Austin already, or are they all on vacation somewhere, how about you tell the people that work for you to go there.

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So you're basically just trolling now that you've run out of arguments. What a surprise.


That's trolling? really?

PS. You're the one who said they were done with me... (Or did you just realize that if stop now you only prove my "people change" idea right?)


If you want responses

1. apparently you're under the dead wrong assumption that your 15 dollars a month entitles you to a degree of creative control... I assure you, it doesn't, and any degree to which they grant that is at their full discretion, on their terms (which is exactly what this forum is)


Is it safe to assume you're also the person who hates on anyone who wins the lottery, because they got something they didn't earn and you didn't.


People... Get... Preferential... Treatment... That's life, and if your gonna yell, and scream, and be unhappy about it, I'm sorry, but I can't change that.


BW couldn't possibly bring everyone... So they chose a few... Good for them, I'm not one of those lucky few, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna hate on them for the chance they got.


2. Again.... and again... you assume it is a worthless PR booster, and reject the idea that it could help... I didn't say it will, but it could... and nothing you can say will take away that possibility... only time will tell


3. Really, nothing changes in the world? ever? is that your argument?


Look honestly, I've kept going because I assumed eventually you'd get over the "venting stage" and get back to the relatively reasonable person I started with, but I'm just not liking those odds anymore...

Edited by skuggz
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I was hoping that we'd have heard some explanation on how they selected Guild Leaders by now. I mean, it's been 24 hours. It's not like they picked people randomly; they obviously had some sort of list to see who qualified.


We probably haven't heard because they don't wanna tell us it's largely based on proximity to them (Austin).

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We probably haven't heard because they don't wanna tell us it's largely based on proximity to them (Austin).


My bad, I misread that. You're saying that it's most likely the reason they haven't told us.



Well, there's no reason to keep it a secret. They had to use some sort of criteria. They should just come out and say it. Really they should have said that in the initial announcement but they rarely do things right the first time.

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Where did you hear that? I haven't seen them say they invited guild leaders based on their locations.


Sorry if that was misleading, It's 100% conjecture, based on them not saying anything...


Just floating a possible reason for them not to say (ie. they were lazy / cheap)

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In 2010, Bioware's very own Rich Vogel was part of a panel at GDC, discussing running MMO's. In which they stated:


".....it's imperative that developers stop guessing what players might be wanting and start gathering solid feedback as to what they're demanding."


I'm just not convinced that focusing on a select few guild leaders is the best way to obtain such "solid feedback". Because those individuals do not accurately represent the entire community.


Great example of someone at BWA saying one thing, yet the exact opposite happening. BWA pushed SWTOR out the door as *they* wanted it (because according to Ohlen, the devs know best), and ignored over a year of feedback and demands from those exact players that Mr. Vogel said that BWA needed to listen to. And now they tell us that they're going to listen to us.


I'm skeptical.

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My bad, I misread that. You're saying that it's most likely the reason they haven't told us.



Well, there's no reason to keep it a secret. They had to use some sort of criteria. They should just come out and say it. Really they should have said that in the initial announcement but they rarely do things right the first time.


Totally agree... If it's someone I know, from my server, I'd love to know... and hopefully convey some ideas / issues to them as middle men.


If it's not, then I'd still kinda like to know.

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