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Leaving warzones is an epidemic...


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So if I queue with you, me and six other people will probably lose because we start shorthanded.

Thanks, as long as you get what you want this seems reasonable and not selfish.

Just admit you leave when your team is down and queue with another team, or make a better excuse.


^ This... too many selfish "me first" players... the reason they queue solo is because they don't have the social skills to make friends in game... or they are just bad

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Pre-60 valor, it's a bit stupid to leave any WZ, even if 100% fail.


After rank 60, all you need is win credit...so why stay?


That's the way Bioware designed it. Still, I think it's a hard sell to include penalties to dropping while SWTOR still lacks: ability to choose WZ to play, ability to avoid/include premades and ranked games.



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I'd rather they leave than hang around moaning or afking.


Until they let you queue for specific WZs and add some sort of match making so you don't get high expertise teams versus teams with 0 I suspect it'll stay the way it is.


Yep, people who don't mind screwing over teammates will continue to do this. They will use these excuses to justify their behavior. The fact that Bioware decided two brackets (1-49 & 50) for 3 seperate warzone queues (and more on the way) would lead to long queue times is not acceptable.


They want to play what they want to play. Like a 3 year old who wont share.


If they ever do make these 6 brackets you will post that you leave because of premades and there should be 12 brackets. If they made 12 then it would be the gear imbalance and there should be 24. Basically you want the perfect match or you wont play, or in reality, you want to win and not have the option of losing.


1-49 Alderan Premade

50 Alderan Premade

1-49 Alderan Pug

50 Alderan Pug

1-49 Voidstar Premade

50 Voidstar Premade

1-49 Voidstar Pug

50 Voidstar Pug

1-49 Huttball Premade

50 Huttball Premade

1-49 Huttball Pug

50 Huttball Pug


Quitter quit. This is a thread of 3 year olds making excuses for not liking losing.

Edited by richardya
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This isn't people jobs they do it for fun.


I'm valor 60+ and I don't need anything from WZs but a win. When I zone in and it's already 0 to 4 in huttball or my viodstar team lets the bomb get planted in 30 seconds, why would I stay?


No really, why?


Because I somehow care about 7 random people? Because it will be fun losing to an unbalanced team? Because ... some responsibly to "team members" who were randomly assigned to me? You're nuts.


The only thing I care about is my time, which is extremely limited. Bioware made the worst quest system possible by saying "JUST FARM WINS" so that's what I'm going to do.


I leave huttball 100% of the time unless I'm in a pre-made


I leave void star if we lose round 1


I leave civil war as soon as they 3 cap or the game is no longer winnable


I leave any WZ is I'm solo fighting two 4 man pre-made groups, every time.


Don't like it? Neither do I. But I have to get my daily done. So stop complaining about "people leaving" and start complaining about "the stupidest quest system that could possible be put into a PVP game ever". The first is never going to change until the second changes.


Look at it this way; you go to work and you can pick a random job from a hat and do it. No limitation to the number of times you can pick. The first one you pick is "clean the bathrooms with your bare hands and don't get paid for it". You are honestly STUPID if you don't put it back in the hat until you pull "Do nothing all day, get paid"

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Once you hit rank 60 there is no point in sticking around in a losing warzone. All you need to progress your character are wins thanks to the daily. Dont get me wrong i will stick around to try and put together a comeback, but if it becomes evident thats not gonna happen, I will leave and try get into another warzone.
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Once you hit rank 60 there is no point in sticking around in a losing warzone. All you need to progress your character are wins thanks to the daily. Dont get me wrong i will stick around to try and put together a comeback, but if it becomes evident thats not gonna happen, I will leave and try get into another warzone.


So if everyone was like you every single warzone would end in 4 minutes. Everyone will use their subjective opinion of when it's over. 5-0? 4-0? 3-0? 2-0? 1-0?

Edited by richardya
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Is it better for people to leave or simply stand just out of the spawnpoint and do nothing? Might as well let em go.


This. If you add a penalty for leaving people will just find creative ways/places to be AFK. I'd rather they just left.

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So if I queue with you, me and six other people will probably lose because we start shorthanded as we wait for the game to find a replacement.

Thanks, as long as you get what you want this seems reasonable and not selfish.

Just admit you leave when your team is down and queue with another team, or make a better excuse.



Every time I get civil war:


I tell everyone I'll go left and name the turret. "I need one more with me". Someone says they'll go. We leave and land, and 6 people run left.

Whenever I beg someone nicely to leave the far right turret because we have middle and left and one of them is suffering an onslaught, that person usually starts raging and implying that I'm a self-righteous d-bag who doesn't pay for their game, or whatever, something negative usually.


So yeah, I think if I refuse to join this wz because of my consistent experiences, I should definitely be punished. In fact, ban my account, and transfer all my remaining paid time to the people who aren't accomplishing the objectives. That'd be even better!

Edited by EscVelocity
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This isn't people jobs they do it for fun.


I'm valor 60+ and I don't need anything from WZs but a win. When I zone in and it's already 0 to 4 in huttball or my viodstar team lets the bomb get planted in 30 seconds, why would I stay?


No really, why?


Because I somehow care about 7 random people? Because it will be fun losing to an unbalanced team? Because ... some responsibly to "team members" who were randomly assigned to me? You're nuts.


The only thing I care about is my time, which is extremely limited. Bioware made the worst quest system possible by saying "JUST FARM WINS" so that's what I'm going to do.


I leave huttball 100% of the time unless I'm in a pre-made


I leave void star if we lose round 1


I leave civil war as soon as they 3 cap or the game is no longer winnable


I leave any WZ is I'm solo fighting two 4 man pre-made groups, every time.


Don't like it? Neither do I. But I have to get my daily done. So stop complaining about "people leaving" and start complaining about "the stupidest quest system that could possible be put into a PVP game ever". The first is never going to change until the second changes.


Look at it this way; you go to work and you can pick a random job from a hat and do it. No limitation to the number of times you can pick. The first one you pick is "clean the bathrooms with your bare hands and don't get paid for it". You are honestly STUPID if you don't put it back in the hat until you pull "Do nothing all day, get paid"


The ONLY part of this i agree with is the 60+ ONLY needing a win. For anyone who is not valor 60 to leave their team behind is ridiculous and needs to be penalized. I realize to fix the issue it needs to be nipped at the source (BW that's you -> Daily quests) but in the mean time a temporary fix (BW loves band-aids) would be nice. Even if it's a 5 minute debuff it's still something.

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Every time I get civil war:


I tell everyone I'll go left and name the turret. "I need one more with me". Someone says they'll go. We leave and land, and 6 people run left.

Whenever I beg someone nicely to leave the far right turret because we have middle and left and one of them is suffering an onslaught, that person usually starts raging and implying that I'm a self-righteous d-bag who doesn't pay for their game, or whatever, something negative usually.


So yeah, I think if I refuse to join this wz because of my consistent experiences, I should definitely be punished. In fact, ban my account, and transfer all my remaining paid time to the people who aren't accomplishing the objectives. That'd be even better!


I don't believe you. I believe this happens 1 in 10 times. You actually leave because you dont like losing. I play this game too and it doesn't happen to me.

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I am sick and tired of going into a match already in progress, where its a lost cause or almost(0-4 down in huttball, 400 to 220 in civil war or in voidstar the attackers have already gotten past the first 2 doors in 2 minutes). Put a deserter debuff so these clowns can't fish for quick wins. 10 to 15 minutes would be good enough.


Secondly, let me opt not to enter games in progress. Its 99% of the time going to end up with me being put on the losing side.

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An easy solution to the leaving problem, stop being terrible players. This would fix 80 to 90 percent of the leaving.


Video of an AWESOME player grouped with 7 people with 10k HPs winning vs. a pre-made battle master group with vent please?


What? No video because that's never happened? Ok then, **** troll.

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So if everyone was like you every single warzone would end in 4 minutes. Everyone will use there subjective opinion of when it's over.


While it is completely subjective, i think at valor 60 i have played enough pvp to know when a loss is a loss and when to just leave and try a new game.


Some people do, in my opinion however, leave way too early. I cant tell you the number of times ive gotten into a match late, on a losing team, (probably because someone left thinking it was a sure loss), and turned it into a comeback.

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An easy solution to the leaving problem, stop being terrible players. This would fix 80 to 90 percent of the leaving.


this is the hardest solution ever proposed to stop anything actually



what I don't like is joining losing games, that just started. someone else ****ed up and now I have to stick through 14 minutes for it? thats where I leave too. and the next guy gets screwed. one guy leaving because he is bad basically opens up a chain of leaves and only the first guy is to blame

Edited by bicuspid
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Worse then that: Joining a losing WZ already in progress because someone leaves it. Waste of my time.


I try to make the best of the Few Minutes i Get, But is pritty hard since the majority on the Enemy team are on or Close to -You are Unbetable status.

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not going to waste my time playing in a WZ where my team is all 10k hp @ lvl 50.


We all get it, but how can these people gear up for PvP in the first place ? They HAVE to Q and deal with it.


So, deal with them too.


Quitter debuff plz.

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Worse then that: Joining a losing WZ already in progress because someone leaves it. Waste of my time.


Would you blame someone for leaving a WZ if they were added to a team losing 5-0 with 2 minutes left? The best is when you leave the WZ to re-queue for another one only to be added back to the same crappy WZ team over and over and over. I left the WZ each time this happened. it was good times.

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"Some people do, in my opinion however, leave way too early."


Your opinion is your opinion. Others (see this thread) think it's over when they enter a specific WZ. Others by looking at HP of teammates others based on amount of sorcs on opposition team.


This is why you should stay to the end.

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You also have to consider that there comes a point in any match where it is mathematically impossible to win.

For example:


It take 8 seconds to arm a bomb on voidstar, and 20 seconds for it to go off. So if your team is stuck attacking the opening doors, and there is less than 100 seconds left, there is no possible way to win. Bear in mind that 100 seconds is pretty generous because it doesnt even account for travel time between doors.


On Alderaan civil war, at the point when the enemy team has more than half the tickets your team does, your team cannot win unless you 3 cap for some portion of time.


In my opinion both of these are acceptable times to leave a match in progress.

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