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Everything posted by Northwynde

  1. I am glad you took the time out of your busy day to be a complete<insert derrogatory comment of your choice>.
  2. When you say you are in a complete BM set does that mean you have 4 pieces of BM gear and the rest is something else? Because the poster you were replying to, has 2 characters in full WH gear(ie 4 pieces according to his own definition of "full") In other words, ignore pretty much everything that comes out of his/her mouth.
  3. You are, at best, an average liar. Don't think many people are going to buy your quick change up.
  4. Unequip the BM piece you want to trade in. That did the trick for me.
  5. Not in all cases, on my healer if we are gettting rolled, depending on who I have been healing, I may not get enough medals for any reward(2 being the magic number it seems). At this point I have little desire to play my sorc healer instead of my PT tank, especially when it comes to losing because my tank can rack up medals regardless.
  6. DPS have a very important role to play, though most don't realize what it is. They are there to contol the ball spawn point. The team that consistently contols the ball will almost always win. Good DPS that shift forward and backward(but never straying to far from mid) will make those speed teams cry.
  7. Here is one for you homeslice, I ran a huttball match earlier tonight in which I scored 3 times, pulled the ball carrier across the goal for another and healed for close to 200K. Guess how many medals I got in that 6-0 stomp we gave the other team? If you guessed 2, you would be correct. Now, with a new medal system that is supposedly more objective oriented, this may not be a problem. But as it currently stands, especially in huttball, it is possible to do very little damage, healing or protection and still be a major contributor on your team.
  8. I think its pretty safe to say that in this game dps are not wearing defensive gear, they are taking talents that may boost survivability, but definately not usng gear with defensive stats. There really isn't much of a middle ground to be found in this regard.
  9. Here is a simple rule of thumb when it comes to what class will recieve upcoming downward adjustments. The class that you see everyone rerolling to is most likely what is considered to be the most powerful class currently in the game(this is true for both pvp and pve), and will be adjusted. Ask yourself what class is most often being encountered. Generally there is a reason for so many people shifting to another class en-masse.
  10. When you run into one of those heavily stacked sorc/assassin teams, then controlling mid is probably the only way you are going to stop the speed scoring tactics. It frustrates me when the whole team continues to try and chase them continously. If you don't regroup at mid and keep the ball out of their hands it will be over within a couple of minutes.
  11. Minor stuff, as far as I can tell. Couple of mounts, appearance differences in gear.
  12. Yeah, it does, but by not taking immediate action to correct the problem they boxed themselves into a corner, and had to take more drastic action later down the line.
  13. Let's call this new tier of gear what it really is. It's a valor reset, which is what they should have done alot sooner, as in right after that fiasco that is Illum was implemented. Instead of stepping up and saying we really messed up, Bioware is still trying to play it off as "valor was only a temporary measure, this new system is what we wanted all along".
  14. I definately am not saying they are not worth having at all. Its just stacking defensive stats gives very limited returns compared to the dps gains.
  15. Its not a 16% overall increase in survivability, at least not in my case. I run a 31 point shield tech build, but use full battlemaster DPS gear(minus shield gen), which lowers my survivability perhaps 5% and increases damage by 75-100%. I have full champion tank gear also, so I have seen the difference first hand. In the champ tank gear I have 40ish shield/absorb, in the BM DPS gear I have 32/27 shield absorb. I can't really even notice the difference in survivability, but the damage output between the 2 sets is very, very obvious. Its not an all or nothing situation when it comes to tanking stats, you can still manage a moderate amount of shield/absorb and still greatly increase your dps. Armor is a moot point as in both tank and dps sets I run around 8400 which is around 52% damage reduction.
  16. It may not be of benefit to the people on that team, but to the community on a whole it will be. Instead of jumping from match to match, where he has the ability to possibly make several matches less enjoyable for many more people, he can only make his one match less enjoyable.
  17. They are quitting the second their team falls behind on my server. Its not just well geared people doing it, its fresh 50s too. They are fishing to be carried to a win, plain and simple.
  18. Hope you don't plan on pvping at 50 then, cause you will be dead weight for your team. You are in for a rude awakening if you think level 10's can't contribute compared to a fresh 50 vs BMs.
  19. Your example of a 12K health teamate highlights the issue we have at this point. In a recent match of huttball, I load in and noticed 2 of my team members are sitting at under12K health with a third just over 12K. I thought to myself this could be a rough match, but lets see what the other team looks like before I say we are doomed. The match starts and the other team scores fairly quickly, but not overly so. Guess who leaves the match? Yeah thats right the 2 fresh 50's with under 12K health. Gone to fish for another match where they can get carried to a win. The way things work right now its not only "good" players who are leaving a bad team, its simply more efficient for everyone to quit and fish for a win than to stay. That, my friend, is broken. A WZ debuff will help some, a better match making system would also help, but both would be the best answer. If you implement either system, but not both, the issues will largely persist.
  20. One guy even posted a "how to" video on youtube showing how to speed hack. Guess there is very little fear of reprisal.
  21. I don't think its working as intended. In a team setting the group leader has access to a kick function for those who wish to not participate or partake other undesirable behavior. When you are placed on a team in a WZ there should be some mechanic in place to remove problem people for the betterment of the team. I would also like to add that unless this is done properly it will be absused horrendously.
  22. You are making a very good case for adjusting the way mitigation works. If a full 31 pt sheld tech tank has no signicant mitigation increase vs the hybrid spec and the the tank specific stats on the tanking pvp gear give little mitigation value then doesn't that seem to be a bit of a problem? The way things work currently there is no reason to stack anything but end/armor as the average mitigation vs ALL attacks in the game is roughly 7 to 8% for a shield rating of 40% and absorb of 40%. If Bioware feels that overall tanks are about where they should be mitigation wise in pvp, then thats fine, but adjust the way the different mitigation stats work so that there is a real difference between tank mitigation and a hybrid build.
  23. That same situation happened to me the other day, except I was the PT carrying the ball. I scored 3 or 4 times that match. 2 major reasons why this happened. 1. Most of the other team was undergeared compared to me. 2. There were 2 healers on my team, a pug btw, that healed me constantly and since the other team didn't stop the heals I didn't even have to try to pass the ball. They were yelling nerf tanks and pre-mades, but in fact they were just undergeared and inexperienced.
  24. Then you would be in favor of removing expertise and making battlemaster gear equal to pve gear in all other respects? I would find that to be an excellent solution. Skilled players could excel in whichever venue they wish or both. That still wouldn't address the issue of gear disparity between new 50's and fully geared players, which seems to be where most of the issue seems to lie. The most reasonable solution, to me, would be to add more crafting options to allow players to get a decent set of gear/mods to ease the transition. At this point it is brutal to go as a fresh 50 in greens, blues and oranges into most WZs. I am posting this next part just to give a little background and show that I am attempting to avoid bias. I leveled my PT doing probably close to an even split between pve and pvp, so was valor rank 49 when I hit 50 right after they made the 50 bracket. I hit Battlemaster last week. I went through everything many of the poster on this thread are saying. I got beat down as a lvl 10 vs 50s, took more beatings as a fresh 50 vs geared 50s, and now that I have a few pieces of BM and the rest champion(-one orange chest, damn rng) I am competitive vs well geared players and those fresh 50s are getting rolled. I have been on both sides of the fence. Your posts come off as more than a little biased toward pvpers with a good dose of chest thumping ego thrown in. Stating how your skills allow you to outplay your opponents even though you have pve gear, maybe so maybe not, don't know you, can't say, all I can say is raid lvl pve gear is superior to pvp gear in some respects, and most min-maxers are running top lvl raid gear(or pulling the mods) once they reach around 450-500 expertise. My point being, if you have a constructive idea as to what needs to change or what are the underlying issues to gear imbalance and possible fixes then please by all means state them. I have heard from you is that you are a pve centric who really doesn't pvp much, hates nerfs to pve due to pvp and is more than happy to see nerfs to pvp in order to make pvp players unhappy. For someone who has listed all these things they have done in life you come across as petty and bitter.
  25. It makes perfect sense. If your opponent has 2/3 turrets and has consistently done so your team hits a point where it is impossible to win outside of 3 capping. Before it comes to that point you should make a concentrated attack on one of the enemy emplacements, with perhaps a feint to the other emplacement. Worst case scenario you lose your original and gain nothing but if your 8(or 7) can't beat their 6 or 7 then you weren't going to win no matter what you did.
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