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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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RPG-wise, it would be one of the online servers for the first Neverwinter Nights. For MMORPG, it was Warhammer Online before the infamous "Witch Hickman" 1.2 patch. This game isn't....bad.....but the fact that there's no real world/faction pvp to make it feel like a war you can immerse yourself into(no real planets w/ fortresses to fight over) kind of knocks the fun factor down a bit.
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There was no endurance regen in combat. You must be thinking of power, since there were power regen songs. As for the caster vs melee, it was way too binary for my taste.


Clearly you didn't play for very long. Bard's got a song that regenerated end in combat. Shammy's got a buff, paladin's got a chant. Every realm had a support class with end regen. There were no exceptions.


There's a reason why no game since has had the dynamic of 'If you get to the caster you autowin, if you don't he autowins'. And woe be to the caster who draws the attention of an archer (now you're perma interrupted from range) or an assassin class (they're just on you and you can't do anything about it).


DAoC was the only game with true kiting. There was no face tanking bullsh*t like games like WoW and SWTOR have. You have to kite well. You need peels from your own teammates. None of this cast while they're in my face crap. That was true dynamic combat.


So yes, rose colored glasses. But even with all those poor mechanics, it still had the best RvR of any MMO I've played. We'll see if GW2 can knock it off its perch, but the resetting every couple weeks might take too much away from it.


Not even remotely rose colored glasses. The only roses in people's eyes is the ones they see when they think this game has decent PvP. It don't.

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Most people who play MMO rightnow has never played UO in its glorious days.

As the 1st MMO that put "Massive" in from of the term MMO its a shame that so many had no clue about it.


UO's PvP system back in the days are by far the best PvP system.

Everyone gets equal amount of skill points to spend in any of the 52 skills in game.

Yes you can be an archery mage that throws fireballs and shoot arrows.

Yes you can be an assassin mage that stealth back stabbing with deadly poisoned weapon while throwing out lightning.

Or Swordsman/Archer with Healing.


There's no crazy gear scaling, and if you die you lose everything you have on you as well as in your backpack.

This means using full set godlike equipments (which provides only about 10-15% advantage over cheap player made regular disposable armor) you will lose them all even if you get ganked by 15 people.


But as you see there's no "gear grind" there's no "rep grind" there is no "levels" theres noi "talent points" no "trees" no "Dps" "Tank" "Healer" differences (yes no holy trinity designs). UO was a pure sandbox.


However since theres no "grinding" a lot players whos not interested in being social or do the whole RP (which was huge) aspect of Ultima feel like there is nothing they can do to kill time, since there's no "progression" of any kind other than the bounty on your head (if playing murder character) and your fame among the community in holding player run events or run a player-ran City hosts Auctions and so on and so forth.


No progression

EverQuest is released inspired by Ultima (believe it or not since UO is the 1st "M"MO) and introduced theme park game play, "raid grouping" (UO only had content up to a player group less than 4 people), and most importantly THE GRIND, THE TIME SINK which is extended by WoW which was later released and the new "lolmmo standard".


But UO had hands down the best PvP system where everyone is equal as there's no class.

Edited by warultima
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Clearly you didn't play for very long. Bard's got a song that regenerated end in combat. Shammy's got a buff, paladin's got a chant. Every realm had a support class with end regen. There were no exceptions.


I played from release up until around when New Frontiers was released. If those abilities were in the game during that time, they didn't make any appreciable difference in actual play.


DAoC was the only game with true kiting. There was no face tanking bullsh*t like games like WoW and SWTOR have. You have to kite well. You need peels from your own teammates. None of this cast while they're in my face crap. That was true dynamic combat.


You must have played a melee character if you think that was fun. Now you may have liked that all-or-nothing paradigm, but I'm willing to bet most people didn't. I didn't and I played an archer, who could shut down a caster from range.


Oh and by the way, I didn't even bring up the issue of the ubiquitous buffbot issue. It was buffbots that drove me to quit that game.


Not even remotely rose colored glasses. The only roses in people's eyes is the ones they see when they think this game has decent PvP. It don't.


Well, at least we can agree that the PvP in this game needs a whole lot of improvement to even be decent. :rak_03:

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Most people who play MMO rightnow has never played UO in its glorious days.

As the 1st MMO that put "Massive" in from of the term MMO its a shame that so many had no clue about it.


UO's PvP system back in the days are by far the best PvP system.

Everyone gets equal amount of skill points to spend in any of the 52 skills in game.

Yes you can be an archery mage that throws fireballs and shoot arrows.

Yes you can be an assassin mage that stealth back stabbing with deadly poisoned weapon while throwing out lightning.

Or Swordsman/Archer with Healing.


There's no crazy gear scaling, and if you die you lose everything you have on you as well as in your backpack.

This means using full set godlike equipments (which provides only about 10-15% advantage over cheap player made regular disposable armor) you will lose them all even if you get ganked by 15 people.


But as you see there's no "gear grind" there's no "rep grind" there is no "levels" theres noi "talent points" no "trees" no "Dps" "Tank" "Healer" differences (yes no holy trinity designs). UO was a pure sandbox.


However since theres no "grinding" a lot players whos not interested in being social or do the whole RP (which was huge) aspect of Ultima feel like there is nothing they can do to kill time, since there's no "progression" of any kind other than the bounty on your head (if playing murder character) and your fame among the community in holding player run events or run a player-ran City hosts Auctions and so on and so forth.


No progression

EverQuest is released inspired by Ultima (believe it or not since UO is the 1st "M"MO) and introduced theme park game play, "raid grouping" (UO only had content up to a player group less than 4 people), and most importantly THE GRIND, THE TIME SINK which is extended by WoW which was later released and the new "lolmmo standard".


But UO had hands down the best PvP system where everyone is equal as there's no class.


I agree with you on most points here. UO had the most indepth systems (mages having to use regents, equipment breaks/deteroates, death loses items, etc). Until Origin destroyed it with Trammel and selling to EA of course...

My favorite pasttime was to pick off pack mules heavy with ore/regents, then kill the miner, lol. OR planting a heavy item on a person with pickpocket, so when i attack them they couldnt run away....

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I agree with you on most points here. UO had the most indepth systems (mages having to use regents, equipment breaks/deteroates, death loses items, etc). Until Origin destroyed it with Trammel and selling to EA of course...

My favorite pasttime was to pick off pack mules heavy with ore/regents, then kill the miner, lol. OR planting a heavy item on a person with pickpocket, so when i attack them they couldnt run away....


I am not talking about trammel carebear mode, oh god... its terrible.

Its however proven that the majority of the players nowdays doesnt take "hardcore" well.


For example full player looting system (yea you can even loot everything DRY off some dude that just got killed by a dragon and everything he has accumulated thus far). This is super fun (for me) but too harsh for many. As you can see most successful MMOs are now built on "carebear" where there's no player looting and the only difference of pvp/pve is if lowbie ganking is enabled or not, you know like WoW/Swtor and so on. Lowbie getting camped dont lost **** but their time, and the lowbie camping 50s dont gain anything but thinking they are super hardcore pvp. :p


Even all the LoLHardcore wannabes that plays on PvP server in SWTOR and thinking they are tough ****... lol you have no idea.

Edited by warultima
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UO, SWG, Planetside and DAoC... also to a certain extent- City of Heroes (before devs changed it to cater to noobs). EVE online would've been good if it wasn't such a chore to play. Aion has pretty decent pvp but wouldn't put it in the top list.


Waiting for PS2 and perhaps GW2.


SWTOR pvp is one of the worst I've seen and Warhammer online pvp was pretty crappy too, WoW pvp was so-so but not as bad as SWTOR.

Edited by Sookster
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I would say, the first week of UO, due to pucker factor and total gear loss.


After that I would say, DAOC, soley due to the lvl specific pvp instances and the RvR Keeps. but the changes to gear requirements and realm levels spoiled it.


Then EvE prior to ships bigger than Battleships.


Hmm there seems to be a trend that each game I listed the PvP goes downhill.....

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Shadowbane. best world pvp hands down.

A guild could build a huge castle, and also join a nation(a group of guilds). Then you would have epic battles to take over other nation's cities.

It was even fun to go around to all the farming spots and start murdering everyone. you could get lucky and end up with a ton of gold.

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Even all the LoLHardcore wannabes that plays on PvP server in SWTOR and thinking they are tough ****... lol you have no idea.


Players nowadays could not handle UO like it was. Those were hardcore folks. Just standing next to the bank making a deposit could get most of your money and equipment pickpocketed... Ohh how the players of today would qq...

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Players nowadays could not handle UO like it was. Those were hardcore folks. Just standing next to the bank making a deposit could get most of your money and equipment pickpocketed... Ohh how the players of today would qq...


Did I mention I've pickpocketed a castle deed from a major guild that took them a few weeks to come up with the gold to buy their guild castle.

Back in the days castle deed takes an entire guild 8-15 people selling crafts/kill monsters for a while to be able to buy one (little over 1 million in gold, in comparsion 7x7 small player house was 40k, 2-story L shape were only 185k!).


So I stealthed around at west brit bank as usually looking for pray on my thief mage and I saw a group of people from the same guild recalling in and out of the bank none stop. So I decided to stick to the guy that hasnt been recalling around (just standing still while his guildies runs up to him). Then all of a sudden he started running, I followed him slowly but carefully, and he went to the appraisal NPC, I quickly snooped his backpack and he said "Hi vendor buy" and 2 seconds later a house deed appeared in his back pack, I then quickly snatched it and started to stealth away and when I mouse over it, Castle Deed.... BAMMM JACKPOT and I banked it right after I turn blue again, he didnt even realize it until half way back to the bank...


Their GM and all his guildies begged over and over and they even got a GameMaster to be involved and the GM said...


"what you did was mean yet perfectly fine and you did not violate any RoC, but just to be nice I am asking you to return the castle deed to the rightful guild"


I replied "I stole it because I am a thief and my thievery skill is at 100, I played just as you would playing a thief. Look for the pray, wait for the right moment, act and get away." So I refuse to return it as I earned it.


GM: "Ok thank you for participating in Ultima Online blah blah blah" and left.


And I agree. Players thesedays would've gone ape **** if anything none carebear exist in their game even tho it requires them to be stupid at playing the game. Full looting? FK THAT...

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This. Yes restuss could be a zerg fest but when the Rebs held the city the imps had to make a plan to take it back. There is not much skill involved when there was like 100 toons per team but was fun. Also you could PVP on any planet at any time. Bounty Hunting was the best. Sit in Eisly cantina and wait for my mark:) Boom head shot collect money start all over.

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This. SWG featured servers that could, for the most part, deal with massive PvP. You could have 50 plus players on a side firing every special power they had, automatic macros running firing additional abilities, and multiple chat channels coordinating different groups attacking different points, and the server wouldn't lag. It might crash if you were fighting on Lok, but even then it would automatically restart and you could pick where you left off within 15 minutes.

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The community of pre CU SWG was just amazing and made the game so amazing and immersive but it had so many bugs and such that i have to go with EVE Online. Edited by Razot
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WoW pvp was ok, lost motivation after 2 seasons of getting gladiator. The pvp game became such a dull grind that people didn't even care anymore and it felt so lifeless.


So far this game is my favorite, I really really enjoy pvp..,wins mean something and the end scoreboard is a lot of fun esp for bragging rights with friends in TS.


I loved world pvp in everquest


I also tried guild wars but it felt bad, it felt equal to the cheap bargain price tag I paid for it at walmart. Still scratching my head over the hype the sequel is getting.

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The most mmo pvp fun I've ever had was in a random no-name Korean grinder called Rising Force Online. The actual gameplay mechanics were archaic and clunky, but the daily server pvp events (Chip Wars) were the most unique I've ever seen (never played Shadowbane but it sounds kinda similar). It was prettty much like playing an RTS except you are merely one of the random units.


To put it in SWTOR terms, imagine every 8 hours there is an event in Ilum where both side's have a tower go active and can be attacked. Each side has an elected supreme war leader and a council to help direct the battle and get to wear special, super expensive armor that greatly raises their stats. Ilum has half a dozen routes, both above and below ground and you have to send scouts (stealthies) to do reconnaissance and lay mines on the possible routes. Engineers can set up automatic turrets to defend. Each side has to both try to attack and take down the other side's tower.


Once a tower falls, the last person to get a hit on it gets a special chip that they have to deliver underground to a special spot to spawn a giant raid boss that is vulnerable for a length of time. If the chip bearer is killed before delivering it, than no raid boss will spawn. The winning side has to protect the raid boss while the losers try to kill it. If kept alive, the raid boss will become invulnerable and allow the winning side to mine for crafting materials in peace and will one-shot any enemy race who comes into the mining chamber. If there is no raid boss than anyone can try to mine but can be attacked.


To encourage participation, the only way to get the best crafting materials was only through mining instead of raids like SWTOR. Also, the losing side got a race-wide -attack debuff and the winners got a buff. I don't think this would work as well in SWTOR with only 2 sides, one of the most interesting dynamics was were the politics between RF's 3 races. Often 2 would have a temporary alliance to take down the third's tower, and once one race got a chip bearer, former enemies became friends and former allies became enemies as the 2 "losers" would ally to take down the raid boss and wipe the defenders to avoid the debuff and get a chance to mine.


seriously, the most fun I ever had pvping

Edited by HaibaneRenmai
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Did I mention I've pickpocketed a castle deed from a major guild that took them a few weeks to come up with the gold to buy their guild castle.

Back in the days castle deed takes an entire guild 8-15 people selling crafts/kill monsters for a while to be able to buy one (little over 1 million in gold, in comparsion 7x7 small player house was 40k, 2-story L shape were only 185k!).


So I stealthed around at west brit bank as usually looking for pray on my thief mage and I saw a group of people from the same guild recalling in and out of the bank none stop. So I decided to stick to the guy that hasnt been recalling around (just standing still while his guildies runs up to him). Then all of a sudden he started running, I followed him slowly but carefully, and he went to the appraisal NPC, I quickly snooped his backpack and he said "Hi vendor buy" and 2 seconds later a house deed appeared in his back pack, I then quickly snatched it and started to stealth away and when I mouse over it, Castle Deed.... BAMMM JACKPOT and I banked it right after I turn blue again, he didnt even realize it until half way back to the bank...


Their GM and all his guildies begged over and over and they even got a GameMaster to be involved and the GM said...


"what you did was mean yet perfectly fine and you did not violate any RoC, but just to be nice I am asking you to return the castle deed to the rightful guild"


I replied "I stole it because I am a thief and my thievery skill is at 100, I played just as you would playing a thief. Look for the pray, wait for the right moment, act and get away." So I refuse to return it as I earned it.


GM: "Ok thank you for participating in Ultima Online blah blah blah" and left.


And I agree. Players thesedays would've gone ape **** if anything none carebear exist in their game even tho it requires them to be stupid at playing the game. Full looting? FK THAT...


Whilst I still recall those days myself through nostalgic glasses, the very fact that UO was free to play, made all the difference. Used to do similar things within server vault based Neverwinter Nights also. It pissed people off, but hey, we only had 40 people online at any one time and if they didn't like it, tough, it's free!


Back then, online RPGs as they were called, were a niche market, we played them, because we were into DnD for example. Nowadays MMOs cater for generic gamers, not roleplay/fantasy enthusiasts.


The carebear approach we see in modern MMOs is down to one thing only, cash. When people are paying to play, companies cannot afford for them to unsub en-masse due to me enjoying my thieving skills to the full. Is it right, no, is it necessary for a sub based game, probably yes.

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