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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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I rank the game a 9 out of 10 for two huge reasons:


A) Ship/Space: While this was done with some decent effect, im awaiting further abilities w/ my ship, including the ability to not only have more control over my vessel in space/low orbit (i.e. non-starfox piloting/cut scenes), but the ability to own more than just one ship(shuttle, transport) as i've seen some pretty awesome models for the republic and empire out there in various hangers around the galaxy. I'd also like to see the ability to actually make my craft be truly my own, by allowing the ability add trophies/rewards to the ship, not to mention a fresh coat of paint with my guild/ insignia. If STO can do this, why cant we in a Galaxy Far, Far, Away...


B) Character Building/Look: When it comes to my choice of fashion in game, I and many others would like to stick w/ one look throughout the game, abeit with the changes you might experience w/ higher lvl gear. While games like DCUO and others have done this successfully(i.e. keep your look w/newer gear), I find it strange that SW:TOR seemed to skim over this. Even w/ the engine this game uses, you could set the option to allow the use of newer gear stats and keep the look you want..something to consider for a game update..

Edited by KaneMarcus
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OVER ...minus -9000/10


It's a copy/paste generic MMO clone in poor condition. Having less to zero features at launch is no excuse if you want to stay competitive.


Sounds to me that EA just wanted another of their "just need a quick buck" game and bury it.

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Setting of game 10/10 STAR WARS really awesome but that grade goes to George Lucas!

Customer Service 0000.1/10 000.1= cause i got answer after 20 days p.s. but solution was like its your problem

Bioware 10/10 - to those guys who working on story line

Bioware 0/10 - pvp setups, war zone ,raids

Bioware 10/10 - flash-points mmm im loving it

EAgames ? 0/10 (out of 10 that post in original i want to say its like zero/ out of million - pushinin non-finished game cause WANT MORE MONEY? you fail guys go flippin burgers in MacDonalds people like you have no place in big business


Im quit that game cause : lags / fps and nothing to do on level 50


Bounty hunter merc -50

Sith warrior marauder - 50

Champion geared , 2/5 rakkata



P.s. maybe Ill be back after half a year

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I'm giving it a solid 7 right now. Several things are really great (VO questing) several things are really not so great (PvP and PvE Endgame) Alot of stuff is solid (decent foundation)


What would bump it up?


1. UI Customization/Combat Log/Mods

This alone would probably bump it up a full point. Many of my complaints are centered around this.

2. More "Open" worlds

Its very linear. I really would have liked to be able to explore huge planets, but I guess the way the game is it would require tons more then was possible at launch.

3. Gear/Character Modification

There is like what, a half dozen Lightsaber colors and they depend on stats and or alignment? They need to be customizable and/or have the stats removed and/or make an additional slot that is for the color gem. Leave stat gems in there, but make color only gems in an additional slot.

4 GTN and crafting items being largely useless

Enough said.

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What are the sub gategories of the game we are supposed to rate?


Just giving one overall grade for the whole game is kinda worthless. Also, without having same grounds for everyone, it's highly difficult to compare one 8 with another 8.


If something I would like to see a well thought out poll, with same sub gategories for everyone. What we have here tells us nothing really usefull.

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6/10 playing.

8/10 pvp Funny thing is I had no interest in PVP before but I am have a blast.I just wish we could kick the ball in Hutt ball.%^&&* all those Hutts.You don't have any feet so quit QQing.You save money on shoes.

0/10 single player.


Never had a single player game with other folks running around in it.

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Since my GF and I are mid-level (30 & 32) we had this discussion recently and decided that we'd likely give the game a 7.5 to 8 so far.


Again...not rating end game content because we haven't reached it yet. I give it a 9 for story line and companion quests.


No LFD is a fail though.... this game needs a non x server LFD.

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6/10 LEVELING. bad linear design.. no reason to pvp.. barren empty wasteland planets with no people. Storyline ok, but doing the dialogues adds 70% to time to level. Spacebar through all dialogues except class arcs. Terrible time sink travel, missing fligh points clearly designed to just add inconvenience to pvp but there is no pvp.


0.0000000001/1000000 END GAME: nothing to do at 50 except sit in Imp Fleet and play auction house on a TERRIBLE AUCTION HOUSE while waiting for queues to pop or HM FP groups to pick up. No reason to go anywhere except illum for 15 mins a day. Crafting is worhtless.. and companion affection caps at 10k with about 500k credits in gifts. I mean.. literally.. NOTHING TO DO THATS MEANINGFUL AND PERTINENT TO WHAT SUPPOSEDLY IS A WORLD CREATED BY PLAYERS AND FOR THE PLAYERS.

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8.5 out of 10. This hasn't changed since beta for me. That btw is the highest I'd give ANY MMO to date.


LoTRO (until F2P) - 8

WoW - 7

EQ2 - 7

SWG (Pre CU) - 7.5


This is very close to my measurement. My estimation would be slightly higher though.


9 out of 10 for TOR


LoTRO - 7.5

8.5 - for WoW (pre Cataclysm, never played the Cat)

EQ - 8

EQ2 - N/A



DDO - 7

WarHammer - 6

Champions Online - 5

Age of Conan - 6.5

DCUO - 6.5

Aion - 6

Perfect World - 4

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Rift - 8

Aion - 7

Warhammer Online - 5

Age of Conan - 6

Final Fantasy 14 - 2 (if it wasn't for the graphics, it would be a 1)

WoW (Vanilla) - 10

EQ Online Adventures - 8

Fallen Earth - 7

Star Trek Online - 4

Champions Online - 6

City of Heroes/Villains - 7

DDO - 7


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