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Cant be banned for PVP harassment?


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They wouldn't do that. Carebears would rage, not to mention everyone who has a quest they are forced to finish because they picked up a quest line they can't abandon... I see nothing wrong with a 50 ganking a lowbie. It happens. Is it a challenge? No. Is it sad? Absolutely. But guess what! I went to help a level 24 guild member who had trouble with 2-3 sith on tatooine at the czerka facility. I was only like 39 at the time, but it was still incredibly easy to wreck 3 of them AND their pets. One of them had actually seen me on the way there in the desert and was attacking another player and for some reason decided to knock me off of my speeder. I would have left him alone as I had more pressing business but he paid several times for his mistake. Then he showed up at the czerka compound lol.


Edit: also, Tatooine has a FFA area. So how would that exhaustion work then... seriously bad idea. If you don't like being ganked (especially when there is no reward for even killing on level players), then don't play on a PvP server or level with friends. It would be nice if they did something like Rift where bodies dropped credits at least.


Sorry if I wasn't clear....I don't want such a thing....I was just saying if BW didn't want such gankage then there was a semi-easy fix....therefore OP is all good.

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how is this fun thou? by that logic you should go to a 3rd grade class and punch out 9 year olds.. one, after another, after another, after another. that' be fun amirite?


If they were potential future enemies in a war, then yes :D :D


A better analogy would be not just punching them out, torture them so they are mentally scarred for life...

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ganking lowbies is for ppl who get thier *** handed to them when fighting ppl same lvl so your just proving how bad of a player you are i have no time for scrubs like you, killing lowbies with no chance of winning make you feel like your so pro? Edited by darthoomy
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Its also hlarious to see how unfair the factions are. The Imperial Spaceport has 2x the amount of turrets guarding it, and a 50 guard inside.


The repub spaceport has no 50 NPCs inside it :p


A few guildmates and I decided to raid some republic areas, just to see if we could. The thing that struck me as as off about the whole thing was how little defense is set up inside main areas. It was really easy for us to get into Castle Organa and the spaceport on alderan same with Hoth, the outposts are actually better defended than main areas.


I was even chatting with one of the Repubic players in /say stating that I imagine this will be addressed in the future. So even if its technically not griefing, people should bring up the lack of appropriate defenses in these areas so that BW will add more. It should be at least challenging for players to do this.

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So, Im on my 50 being a (notniceperson)

Sitting at Alderaan repub spaceport (Im empire), killing all the level 35'ish people that try to leave.


Cant get banned for this amirite?

Since it is a PVP server.


sounds like fun ... bit imbalanced fun but funny :)


why should someone bann you for killing the enemy ?!

what can be more glorious for the victoms then calling in all their allies and head for mercyless revenge ?!?

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A few guildmates and I decided to raid some republic areas, just to see if we could. The thing that struck me as as off about the whole thing was how little defense is set up inside main areas. It was really easy for us to get into Castle Organa and the spaceport on alderan same with Hoth, the outposts are actually better defended than main areas.


I was even chatting with one of the Repubic players in /say stating that I imagine this will be addressed in the future. So even if its technically not griefing, people should bring up the lack of appropriate defenses in these areas so that BW will add more. It should be at least challenging for players to do this.


lets hope it stays as is.

our rifts here are the incoming waves of enemies ...whoa /me lube that

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ganking lowbies is for ppl who get thier *** handed to them when fighting ppl same lvl so your just proving how bad of a player you are i have no time for scrubs like you, killing lowbies with no chance of winning make you feel like your so pro?


Nah mate, Im in full BM and can pretty much wreck any 50 in 1v1.

Smashing an army of 35s running at me is fun.



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I'd say you should be "fine" (frowned upon by some, yes - but fine in terms of not being banned) as long as you keep it non-personal.


The moment you start stalking someone with the single intent of making -that person-'s gaming experience miserable, that yes, I find harassing and serious griefing.


Does this count for the level 12 Bot I've been stalking in Ilum. I made it very personal and very very clear that any time I saw him, I'd kill him. Repeatedly. I'd mess with his bot, in fact, do anything I could to make his life miserable. Even said in /say "STOP CHEATING." Just before I killed him as he walked back to the chest spawn.


Does that make me a bad person?


Wasn't about the money, was purely out of principle.


Edit: I know it's the guys Job... but still.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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Now how would you like it if someone did that to you when you were lvl 35. It doesn't matter if you can get banned or not it is just not adult behavior to spawn camp lowbies. And before long Bioware will patch it where we can't enter into opposite faction areas at all if people like this make the game nonfun playable.


he has 2 kill lowbies because he sucks at his own lvl pvp lmfao wht a noob !

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As far as I'm concerned you consent to PVP when you log onto a PVP server. If the high level population doesn't care to intervene on behalf of its lowbies, keep wreaking havoc.


Of course, most games do have harassment rules in place to prevent the systematic and targeted griefing of a particular player but as long as your intent is not to make life miserable for only a specific person, you should be fine.


As for what I think of it otherwise, that's irrelevant but I don't like it much; mainly because it seems like a waste of time. But then again what you enjoy doing with your subscription is your business and if that hovers your speeder, express thyself. It's a very sith thing to do anyway.

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You do it because you can. Your fun is derrived from ruining theirs.



Now, on a more real note. My company is holding several interviews for multiple engineering positions. These include ME, EE, and Logistics. I will not allow a single recent engineering graduate to be hired. Regardless of where they come from, they will not be working here.


...why deny work to all of these educated graduates who are in a fair amount of debt?


Because I can.

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When youre a battle master and done with your dailys on repub you dont really want to go back in ilum to try to pull random sith into the base for valor you dont need. That is why me and my guildies went and corpse camped tattoine main base respawn spot for 1-2 hours and had alot of joy out of it. Sure some people cried and brought their under geared 50s cause all they do is make alts and not work on their current characters. They just got killed with the rest. We werent banned for that so I think youre fine. Edited by DeathPriest
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You must be bad at pvp to be pounding on lowbies.


No, just bored with lame warzones and lagfest Ilum. If the lowbies' guildies would come out to play then there would be real open-world PvP.


Sadly most of them just turtle up behind the champ spawn guards and none of their higher ranked guildies seem to come to their aid...starting to get just as boring as WZ's.

Edited by Pwny_Express
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So, Im on my 50 being a (notniceperson)

Sitting at Alderaan repub spaceport (Im empire), killing all the level 35'ish people that try to leave.


Cant get banned for this amirite?

Since it is a PVP server.


Read the TOS, you are walking a very tight line. Killing a few lowbies for some kicks every now and then is fine, but camping lowbies on a daily basis is asking for a ban, even on a PvP server.


You may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you:


- Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing an EA Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide an EA Service for the enjoyment of all its users. "

Edited by Turando
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Read the TOS, you are walking a very tight line. Killing a few lowbies for some kicks every now and then is fine, but camping lowbies on a daily basis is asking for a ban, even on a PvP server.


You may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you:

"- Engage in disruptive behavior in chat areas, game areas, forums, or any other area or aspect of EA Services. Disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to conduct which interferes with the normal flow of gameplay or dialogue within an EA Service. Disruptive behavior shall also include, but not be limited to, commercial postings, solicitations and advertisements.

- Interfere with the ability of others to enjoy playing an EA Service or take actions that interfere with or materially increase the cost to provide an EA Service for the enjoyment of all its users. "


That doesn't address camping. Camping doesn't interfere with the normal flow of gameplay on a PVP server.


...remember that warning pop-up when you selected it...yeah, it was there for a reason.

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No, just bored with lame warzones and lagfest Ilum. If the lowbies' guildies would come out to play then there would be real open-world PvP.


Sadly most of them just turtle up behind the champ spawn guards and none of their higher ranked guildies seem to come to their aid...starting to get just as boring as WZ's.


Nah brah, I'm getting the vibes that you are a baddie.

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