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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I really want this game to succeed and am always checking back on the forums to see if the changes I want are being implemented. (or some measure of)


This thread is amazing and if BW can not read this and see certain "TRENDS" in peoples needs then this game deserves to fail.


Please BW make me a subscriber again and make some positive (and needed) changes to this great foundation you have made.


One last time MASSIVE Kudos to the OP for creating and updating this thread. thanks alot mate

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Missing too many features. Needs combat log, less theme park and more room to move about. Way too tunneled. PvP is in desperate need of upgrades. World PvP needs adjusting. Class quest lvling is the only thing that has my interest right now, yet I will get screwed on that with legacy since it still isn't functioning.

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Honestly i dont. Too much nerf this nerf that in pvp which is the only reason i play this game. I cant even level a char to 50 for fear its going to be shat upon thanks to forum whiners that got wrecked by the class im playing.


Needs more macros/addons to deal with the obscene amount of keybinds i have to grow a new arm to use.


Leveling is slow and comes to a grinding halt around tatooine. I havent even leveled past that planet its just so monotonous to see nothing but a vast sea of sand.


3 warzones 2 of which are complete garbage. Huttball is really the only balanced WZ in the game. Alderaan and Voidstar are complete cluster ***** and pugs usually fail in preventing a loss.


Crafting is a waste of time and money. I make money through slicing and just buy everything i need which nullifies the crafting system all together. I though reverse engineering was a cool idea until i tried to get an actual epic item and found out its a RNG joke.


Speaking of RNG jokes, the champion bags and how you get pvp gear is the most ridiculous system ive ever had the displeasure of seeing in a game. Doesnt surprise me though since bioware enlisted the help of the warhammer failures to design their pvp. Its no suprise things are so out of wack and wont be truly "balanced" for months.


I want this game to be good i really do but right now its too much in a state of flux to make any solid decisions if i should waste me time playing or just wait for it to get better down the road.

Edited by Daedricshots
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I believe story should be important in games like this and I like what I see so far. The bug fixes, the macros, the additional content and the rest will come.


Just give it a chance.


So to the people you ask to wait what are they supposed to do until that time? Play a game they dislike?

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No. Too mnay bugs, levelling far too linear, no planet choice what so ever for questing.


This also bothered me. If i rolled 3 sith chars and say the 4th i level i have to do the SAME content ive done 3 times now. There's no variety in leveling is the same static patch unless its a completely different class/story. But even if the story is different its the same planet as my other toons played on.

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Bioware has brought something new to the mmo genre. Not to mention that they decided to do it with one of the greatest story's of all time.


This ^^


Is it buggy? Hell yes! But as someone who lives in the real world I know EVERYTHING has growing pains. Can't even count how many times I've wanted to pull my head off at work when trying to integrate new stuff!....lol

Edited by SIMJEDI
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This also bothered me. If i rolled 3 sith chars and say the 4th i level i have to do the SAME content ive done 3 times now. There's no variety in leveling is the same static patch unless its a completely different class/story. But even if the story is different its the same planet as my other toons played on.


This is my biggest issue outside of finding groups in a reasonable amount of time

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It requires much more work to be worth the money we paid for. Definitely doesnt look like 150 million dollar game. Interface is like 7years old WoWs interface without addons + its bugged. Performance is terrible as for the visual side of the game. Character customisation is a joke I could go on. They even forget about chat bubbles to make communication more viable.

Edited by MuNieK
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- Ability Delay

- Horrid FPS due to HORRID optimization.

- No LFD, macros, addons.

- Lack of anything related to your guild.

- Horrid crafting menu's (YAY, lets jumble up 1000 recipes and let them find what they want to make.)

- Don't feel part of a large galaxy with all the loading screens and linear planets.

- To many people saying SPACEBAR!!!

- So many boss fights are bugged and they STILL aren't fixed.

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In all honesty I have to say NO... I like the concept and I like many things about the game but it's a single player game; not really an MMO and I'm already starting to loose interest in it.


The MMO I'm most familiar with is City of Heroes and so I inevitably compare the two. One of the biggest things I find missing is the ability to group with friends of divergent levels... in CoH there's a system in place that automatically scales everyone's level to the level of the mission holder; this means that you can have a level 10 tagging along with a group of 50's and the 10 is able to contribute. It also means that a level 50 can team with a level 10 and do the lowbie's missions and be scaled back in his power to match the lowbie so he doesn't trivialize the content.


I do think that TOR has the potential to be a great game, it just needs to address it's shortcomings and do more to encourage teaming.

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I've been through many mmo releases and this is the smoothest I've seen yet. Hopefully it will continue to get smootger.


Love the class stories on Empire side. Haven't played Republic. Voice Acting makes a difference. So does storytelling. I feel like I'm playing the next Kotor but my friends can come along for the ride, and that is awesome.

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Only doing operations now, much like WoW endgame which was all raiding. PvP is boring and laggy, no rated PvP as of yet. Flashpoints got boring. In short, I'm much better off playing singleplayer RPGs like the soon-to-be released Kingdoms of Amalor: Reckoning (also an EA title... man, I give EA a lot of money O.o)

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