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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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You are still talking about I, I, I. just because You are playing 20% of the game and not finding anything serious, doesnt mean that most of the players play 80-100% of the game and find tons of em. Take Your head out of the tunnel for one second. But there is really no point arguing with You if You say that Ilum is perfectly fine.


Wrong again. I have played every aspect of this game except PvP which certainly is not 80%.


Ilum is perfectly fine for a PVE'r.


Of course I will answer I, I, I because the OP asked if I like or enjoy the game in its current state.


I wouldn't care if they took all PvP out of the game, so obviously that small part of the game has no bearing on my enjoyment.

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Anyone that was around for WoWs launch knows how horrible that was. As for Rift, yeah the 12hr queue times and massive account security holes were amazing. Not to mention the massive class imbalances and horrible pvp. Yep greeeeat launch.


I like this game, it needs a lot of work but they all do at this stage.


Rift did have long Que times . they had planned for 700k players at launch and got over a million, poor planning. The Patcher had a security issue allowing for a massive amount of account hacks and platinum thieving ( i was a victim of it). Hands down Rift bloew this games launch out of the water . Ive had purple gear that lost its mods and waited three weeks for a customer rep with over 12 petitions. Rift gave me my platinum back in 48 hours. The class imbalances were absloutely horrible you are correct there some classes where useless in raids and endgame due to bad mechanics and DPS imbalances. PVP ? well it had issues but the PVP here sucks Bro its absloutely horrid. 3 WZ that you cant Q for . no tiering in pvp except lvl 50's the world PVP is a joke. SWTOR had a great launch but the only place they Beat Rift in is the q times and gold farming. The rest of the game is unfinshed and poorly planned. BW needs to act fast, they need to squash these bugs and pump more content out at the same time, i just dont see them being able to hold Rifts vigours cycle. ill give it another 30 days then our guild is packing up and heading back to Rift , Trion just recieved a huge lump of cash to expand rift smart money is on them for the win in 2012.

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yes the game is new going through the same growing pains as all new mmo's do, and I know from my past gaming expereince, things will only get better, I have not encountered one bug in the game hat has kept me from playing, just some annoying bugs, the stability of the game is outstanding for a new game.
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Wrong again. I have played every aspect of this game except PvP which certainly is not 80%.


Ilum is perfectly fine for a PVE'r.


Of course I will answer I, I, I because the OP asked if I like or enjoy the game in its current state.


I wouldn't care if they took all PvP out of the game, so obviously that small part of the game has no bearing on my enjoyment.


OP asked you to state your opinion about the game, not about other peoples opinions. Lets stick to that shall we.


Thank you

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It has holes, gaps, and a lot of items that need a lot of work.


But in my mind, no MMO is good out the door. I plan to give them a few updates, and content additions to see which way the developers are taking the game.


already voted but had to add this since i saw your sig. (awesome by the way)

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This is not an MMO, it's a single player. If I wanted to play with myself, well...


None of my friends play. I can't do 2+, 4s or any other heroic content.


This game needs features from other games. From Galaxies: Guild Halls, crafted paint kits for speeders, placeable faction bases to raid.


Everything sharded, instanced, and 1 player mode.


My grandson is 3 years old and plays space battles for me. New version of 'Space Invaders'


PVP is terrible. Just fricking terrible. Fire every dev that worked on it. Implement an LFG tool and UI customization.


If these issues aren't addressed soon, the population will be the thing emulating Galaxies.


This ^^^^

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Yes.. I Like the game

Story and companion interaction keep me busy and interested


What i dont like is

Load screens, a few FPS issues

Cant comment on pvp yet because of my lack of hardware. PC cant handle it

( Soon to be fixed though with about $1000 )

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I thoroughly enjoyed it for a while. But once I hit 50, I realized how little substance the game has. I tried leveling alts, and the class stories were still great -- but the linear nature of leveling in this game just made it too boring and tedious to continue. I'm stuck doing 90% of the exact same quests again. There's no alternative leveling path, and there's almost nothing to do at 50. So I cancelled. This is a great single player game wedged into an empty MMO.

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If in 6 months it hasn't changed a bit, it'll be a no. For how long the game has been out, and how quickly they've been patching/tweaking, I'm very satisfied.


Agree. Totally ready to give this game some time to see what kind of new features come out. You know there's going to come a day when they call what we have now "Vanilla SWTOR". It's vanilla because it's just out of the gates. I'm giving this game a year, and if it still feels vanilla at that point, then I'll start worrying. As for now, I love the Mass Effect/Dragon Age type story telling. It fits my play style like a glove since ME and DA are 2 of my fav games of all time...

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PVP is a small aspect of the game. There are more levelling planets than there are Warzones. There is even more endgame PvE focused content than there is PvP focused content. The first content patch even added only PvE content as will the next. These facts state PVP is a small aspect of the game.


Now stop trolling the thread please and respect the wishes of the OP please. No responses to other people's opinions.


At endgame PVP is one of the biggest, and only, time sinks there is. Also, there is a reason that 40% of the servers are PVP.

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Agree. Totally ready to give this game some time to see what kind of new features come out. You know there's going to come a day when they call what we have now "Vanilla SWTOR". It's vanilla because it's just out of the gates. I'm giving this game a year, and if it still feels vanilla at that point, then I'll start worrying. As for now, I love the Mass Effect/Dragon Age type story telling. It fits my play style like a glove since ME and DA are 2 of my fav games of all time...


Like I told another guy, wait till you're 50. I was singing the same tune you were. Then I got to 50, and I realized there's almost nothing else to this game except the leveling process.


And before you go there, no, I didn't rush to 50. I listened to all dialogue and completed every quest I could find. The only time I rushed things is when I wanted to get to the next leg of my class quest, because I was enjoying the story so much. But then that was done...and before I knew it, SWTOR was done for me too. There's just nothing to do.

Edited by Mavajo
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