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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Yes and No.



The yes is I find the game story very good. across most of the classes so far. very few bugs low lag.


The no is. rather simple. This game Does Not in any way feel like a MMO. It feels like a giant single player game. Its a really good single player game. But not a mmo. And to be honest I am enjoying it as a single player game. Once I've gotten through all the classes and story lines. Unless something like eq1( first 3 expansions) raiding starts happening I doubt this game will hold me. I don't see myself leaving for a few months though.

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I play on a balanced server where we (the reps) and the imps have roughly the same pop!


The result is, that pvp on ilum is quite fun and shows a lot of potential. They have to fix the low fps on ilum though!


secondly i love the game for the story and will play through all the 8 storys... this alone will keep me subbed for at least 12 months :D

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i am satisfied with the current state of the game.

I was never big on pvp, its fun every once in a while, but im a pve player.



What will make me like this game even more is: seperate lockouts on hard mode/nightmare mode. Bosses fights that dont always feel like a tank and spank. No bugs on boss fights. And stop making boss fights so easy for ranged and so hard for melee.

Seriously an op with all commando/gunslinger dps has a HUGE advantage on boss content (in this hypothetical situation gear distribution is not a factor)

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I have to say I do like the game. But as of late it seems (I only get a couple days of week to play as I work full time and go to school full time) that we are always in a state of maintenance or up and coming maintenance. Yes WOW had its maintenance days but we knew about them. There were not bugs for the bugs so to speak. The only other thing that I would like to see are the allowance of mods. For me when I was playing WOW I only had a couple mods. One to track dps for me/group/raid and then a couple collecting mods along with a better auction house mod. These made the game so much more enjoyable.
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Yes and No.



The yes is I find the game story very good. across most of the classes so far. very few bugs low lag.


The no is. rather simple. This game Does Not in any way feel like a MMO. It feels like a giant single player game. Its a really good single player game. But not a mmo. And to be honest I am enjoying it as a single player game. Once I've gotten through all the classes and story lines. Unless something like eq1( first 3 expansions) raiding starts happening I doubt this game will hold me. I don't see myself leaving for a few months though.


Сomplete agreement with him. And i add just 1 thing, I need very much the ARENA for full disclosure of the pvp part of the game.

Edited by Miniamba
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From me: NO


Reasons: The game albeit fun is just very mediocre at best, it's nothing I havn't seen before.


Game Breakers:


1) Crafting: Crafting is just useless : Case: Power stim = 450 power, Triage stim = 450 power exact same but gives -50% dmg. I mean it gives the EXACT same as the power stim? WTH??


2) Warzone bugs Still not getting credit for wins.


At most I'll play this game 6 months.

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I was in in beta for about 6 months, and the progress i had heard about, and the progress I had seen, has me confident that BW wants to make a game that is enjoyable. It takes time. It helps me to know that what we can do to get things corrected now, helps future generations of players. In my opinion, being patient is one of the best things I can do to help that along.

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yes the game to me is amazing. me and friends have fun running together. if it doing a flashpoint, questing, or pvping. Sure there bugs in the game, but none i found game breaking. customer service has also been great to me whenever i need with ticket wait time of around 2 days. Edited by dustinwin
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I have some gripes here and there. Mostly with ugly and lack of options with armor. I would also like some more flashy epic feeling powers.


I simply could not go back to playing a MMO without story now.


I do however have some fears that the engine they are using has limitations that will really hurt the game down the road. However I wont stress it tell It is a real issue and not just "the sky is falling" kinda thing I don't really understand anyway.

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I won't go as far as comparing, but being old enough to have played some of the earliest MMOs I have the right to look for things I like in a game. So far:


- I can't fathom how lonely this game gets at times. The splintering and instancing, the intolerable loading times, the lack of players even in "heavy populated" servers makes me look back to Jedi Outcast with renewed respect. At least the loading was justified


- i have little use for grandiose cutscenes and Oscar worthy voice acting when I find some of the character animations ridiculous... When was the last time BW animators saw someone swallow a cane and look around the area using small steps to rotate his - pillar stiff - torso, instead of simply turning their head around? This is what I call fail in 2012.


- Veteran MMO players know that Endgame usually is where the real fun begins. Raids, factional warfare, guild vs guild pvp etc. I am a huge fanboy and I feel hugely let down by what goes on at lvl 50.


- Really? You RELEASE an MMO withOUT a guild bank feature? Shows how high you place intraplayer/guild interaction in your list of priorities.


I've already gone far. Sorry for the wall of text

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Good job on this thread OP. Nice to see a civil discussion on this forum with only a limited amount of posters pursuing some sort of agenda or sinking to annoying name calling (hater, fanboy etc.).


Yes - I do enjoy the game in its present state. But I believe the concerns expressed about the quality of the endgame are valid.

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They're utilizing an unproven antiquated engine that MANY MANY people are experiencing terrible frames with in WZs, etc. I've leveled two toons to 50 - my Legacy Level is around 14. So, it's not like I didn't enjoy certain aspects of the game (ie story line, etc.). I just can't tolerate the lack of optimization anymore.










Edited by Sizzurps
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Good job on this thread OP. Nice to see a civil discussion on this forum with only a limited amount of posters pursuing some sort of agenda or sinking to annoying name calling (hater, fanboy etc.).


Yes - I do enjoy the game in its present state. But I believe the concerns expressed about the quality of the endgame are valid.


Thank you. Compliments go a long way with me. If you (or anyone else reading) would like, feel free to rate the thread. :)

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