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Everything posted by EuphonyWhite

  1. Denova was not out during early access so that fact is of little relevance. OP: You did right by reporting it, and in theory, it will be looked into and dealt with by mods. I haven't seen this exploit yet, and haven't seen too many in this game. I remember paying Warsong in WoW and some serious exploits like the flag carrier holing up on the roof almost every game for a few good months, along with wall jumping through raids to bypass trash. I am glad exploiting is not used near as much. Take exploiting seriously, and report when seen.
  2. If you go to your abilities page (default: P) on the bottom you should see a |General\ tab. The Quick Travel ability should be in there.
  3. Before the games release, I admit i looked forward to seeing database entries such as timelines. The videos were entertaining for sure and I do miss them. There is the CODEX in game, that has textbased information you can read. By discovering DATACRONS, you can unlock Galactic History Entries. I think that is the closest thing we have now, but i wouldnt mind seeing come new webstory releases.
  4. Hello Facepunchrider! I also am an Aspie! I guess I could be a Omaspie (Open-minded person with Aspergers Syndrome) Also, Hello to everyone else I am Euphony Vesper on Vrook Lamar / RP Hit me up if you would want to be friends!
  5. Yes I was in in beta for about 6 months, and the progress i had heard about, and the progress I had seen, has me confident that BW wants to make a game that is enjoyable. It takes time. It helps me to know that what we can do to get things corrected now, helps future generations of players. In my opinion, being patient is one of the best things I can do to help that along.
  6. Checking in from Boise ID here, moving back home to Eugene in a month or two.
  7. I caught your ninja edit there, the one where you didn't completely fix the quote that you said you had fixed. Irony at its best. I am glad you fixed it though, it had me worried for the future of the education system.
  8. I think this is the best available option. The only concern I have for it, is the sheer lack of customization available for Qyzen at this time. We are given no customization option as a quest reward (such as other classes get). No traditional vendors (i have seen) sell any customs, but they sell many for all 3 other starting companions. The only one I have seen was from the security vendor, for :sy_auction:25,000. I am thankful i can change his clothing now because of this. If that was missing, we would have green Qyzen, and the few people who dont want their account stolen have gold Qyzen. While i like having control over what he wears, this is the simplest form to fix this. For the argument that the strength hilts carry force power, instead of tech, other companions in the game are already affected by this (pretty sure Bowdaar uses no force power - does it get converted to tech power for him? that would be a great fix! *Or even make the game convert aim on his gear to strength and let him use strength while still keeping his trooper/hunter look - i know devs -want- him to look like a trooper so they are not wanting him to wear strength, but half the qyzens' i see out there are in jedi robes because either a: people like him to look like that, or b: people are so confused as to why he uses aim with a sword, and just equip him with strength out of ignorance* //EDIT to add the following: Our mirror class' first companion, Khem Val also has "hidden armor" and just uses his skins. Programming wise, these two option are likely the easiest to add -give Qyzen "hidden armor" like Bowdaar and Khem Val. or -modify Qyzen so all aim placed on him is converted to strength. These two options do not add any items to the tables, only affect companions affected by this issue, and simply convert data (ie appearance, or stats), therefore keeping large scale changes to a minimum. If any items are changed, only with the first option would they have to change qyzens gear rewards from quests to STR I am studying software engineering in college (early yes but i know its complexity), and realize no matter the method used to correct this, it will take extensive work (but that is part of making a game and keeping it running: finding an issue with design a, coding design b and realizing by doing that, you changed all the sith sorcerers into left handed wookies, then fixing that, and so on.... no matter what though, i agree this could use some work, so as to allow equal equipment rights to all companions, lizard or not lizard.
  9. I just stumbled into this thread. I remember hearing rumors about white being obtainable, i am glad to see BW post on this. Everyone who has contributed to the great search: thank you. Even though the goal is far away, I know someday we will find it... of course knowing when not to be looking helps. Don't give up hope, someday we will wield this blade!
  10. ;P wow, thanks, somehow i missed that... in my defense, i am having a hard enough time remembering what year this is thank you for the correction my comment still stand then none the less, i approve of their decision
  11. I honestly am on the fence about this issue. Many addons created a rich environment to custom tailor the game to a specific persons need. Some addons were frustrating, especially when used as a tool to bully others and put themselves on a pedestal. Also I would be concerned that subscription based addons could come about. They are, in my opinion, an affront to the force. The only other issue i am concerned about is the push and pull of the gaming environment against addons. Everyone has a very different opinion on how their UI should look, what features should be there, and how things should react to their input. If this were placed in the hands of the developer, it would distract them from much of the attention that they want to place on content and balance. If it was under their control they would almost certainly have to make the UI completely modular, so as to please the masses. Addons on the other hand, would allow changing of scale, color, transparency, position, and a great many other options for UI, along with alerts and monitoring of buffs, agro, and productivity. These features could greatly benefit the game, although some of them could also create arguments, such as damage meters, raid warning assists, and the ever furious Gearscore fight that took over WoW. This brings me to my next point. When people want to put down others, they will find a way. Damage meters and raid warning assists are great features that allow the player to evaluate their performance, compare skill tree specs, or help keep them paying attention while dealing with content they have never encountered before. With that comes the chance to better educate other players on what they could do if they feel they are not playing at the level they want to. On the flip side though, it can create scenarios where a player is ridiculed for their choices in their skill tree or rotations, discourages CC able players to use proper CC, for fears they might not make top tier DPS in the raid, and allow opportunities for people to become hostile when a given person does not "move out of the fire". In much of my time in world of warcraft, I played a discipline priest. Much of the time in groups, I was commended for doing well. We would make it though instances without issue, often times encountering content no one in the group had before. Guild raids were very similar, but that took time also, due to the nature of my talent spec. Discipline Priests would protect their group/raidmembers though damage mitigation. Instead of healing incoming damage, I spent alot of my time stopping or reducing damage done altogether. Because of this, when I was still looking for a guild that I would enjoy, after a given raid (or after each major encounter) the DPS would spam their meters, as always. Then the healer would spam theirs, and to their surprise, the other healer had less healing done than some of the DPS who healed through procs! Without fail, I would be ridiculed with comments: "WT eff! I totally carried you though that...", "Pick it up or ill kick your sorry [insert favorite word here] out!" If you remember, damage mitigation is the disc priests bread and butter. There was an issue that as far as when I stopped playing wow was never fixed. There was no accurate way to track damage reduction so I had no way to communicate through meters my contribution to the groups. It was estimated though, that about 2/3 to 3/4 of my productivity in a fight was through reduction/mitigation. After adding that to my healing done, my estimated heal+shield score would be, often times, at or quite above my attackers amount. Eventually I found a group of players that understood this, and all was fine. Before that though, it was really hard to enjoy grouping without switching specs (which I really enjoyed how discipline played so I never did. I knew my worth.) All things considered, these tools can be amazing at evaluation, but it is in the hands of the playerbase to take the information and use it as a way to educate, and edify other players, rather than falling to the route of causing misery to others. Now, many of the "required addons" became part of a compilation that certain addon developers bundled into "pay to receive addon libraries" where it was either required that you paid for the access to the addons, or paid for certain features that would make having addons without it, more trouble than it was worth (such as auto update). On average, raiding groups would require anywhere from 5-10 addon packages. Many of these had multiple addons that were part of them, making it up to 25 addons to configure sometimes. These addons would require updates on at least a weekly basis, sometimes even daily. If you had to update these manually, it was a bit of a headache. While I understand alot of work goes into addon creation (I am going to school for software engineering) it is infuriating that greed comes into the picture while all you want to do is to get into the next Operation that released. I am a proud supporter of open source programming, but I do understand that peoples creations are their own and they can do what they want with them. For people that have to worry about upkeep, the $80 internet bill, $15 game subscription, $5 dollar addon package subscription among the many other bills we as adults have, starts to add up. Something to consider. Now that all of the players have their UI looking spiffy specs conformed to what is accepted at the time, know if they accidentally stay if the fire once they will be kicked, have an empty wallet and are ready to take on the horde of rakghouls that are taking over the universe since last patch, they realize that fights are not engaging enough and that they are getting bored. The developer sees this and makes them harder. Addons get updated and people find their screen littered with warnings every second, get bored, gets harder, update, more warnings, harder, another update, more boredom.... you get the picture. Now those without addons can hardly level from 1-10 without having their Deadly Boss Mods on, let alone dream about raiding. But hey, at least you will have over 500k health! With all of this, I still really dont know how I feel about their implementation. There are quite a few pluses and this game could greatly benefit from some customization and better feedback. With that comes many minor inconveniences and a few MAJOR complications. I think in comfortable guild / group situations, a lot of the major issues go away, but for the people who want to play the game, and enjoy the company of non guildies / pug runs from time to time, or even those new to MMOs in general, this can really hurt the populace.
  12. Thank you Bioware, even though i wont be getting the title... (remember the 3 day grace period you offered to people in early access? yeah I took it and will be ineligible for the title because of it, even though i was there for launch, bill date is on the 21st.) Despite the ugly flaming received, I think this was a good gesture. The only reason WoW had veteran rewards come years after launch, is because the achievement feature wasnt added until then. Sad I wont be receiving it (maybe they will retrofix it for 3 day grace period partakers ;P), but ill be playing for a long while still. It really has come a long way since beta, and I am proud to still be a part of it.
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