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You Have *3* Wishes for SWTOR.....


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1. double bladed sabers for Marauders/sentinels


2. no more skirt armor, where are the movie themed robes? Even darth sideous' robe looked less like a dress then the ones on this game


3. infinite wishes


4. unique storyline based on which advanced class you pick


5. completely redo the inquisitor storyline


6. faster speeders (come on, even the flight paths are slower then the speeders in the movies)


7. Dungeon finder (cross realm, i could not give a **** about community. Themepark

MMOs do not have a community)


8. Raid finder (also cross realm)


9. Social items that scale based on armor type (so i can actually use the sand person armor on my marauder and not have it stuck as light armor)


10. remove the mod system (except for colour crystals), replace it with armor dyes and and an appearance tab


11. see number 2


12. SWG styled space combat


13. Make this game pre CU SWG


14. Allow mods


15. Macros


16. Customizable UI


17. reduce the time it takes for crew to finish crew skills, or drastically increase the amount of materials you get from the missions.


18. FIX VENDOR LOOT TABLES. Darkside vendor is missing marauder gear, many commendation vendors are missing resolve/assassin gear etc...


19. some less humanoid races (kel dor for example, dont use the alien language excuse, tons of kel dor speak basic)


20. Character re-customization, hell look at the way vanguard saga of heroes does it, theres a button on the character select screen that lets you re-customize everything but the gender of your character.


21. Give all force user classes force push/pull/speed and the other basic force abilities that even the weakest padawans are suppose to know.





Yes. Except for the SWG stuff.


Oh - make the Combat like DCUO rather than WoW. IE saber attacks are done via mouse buttons (ala Jedi Knight/Academy) with numbers controlling abilities.

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3 things huh


1) a 70% reduction in XP across the board! (not a perfect fix but I know forum users to lazy to read a fully developed Idea so fast and sloppy wins the day)


2) A increase in mob toughness so still soloable but each fight is exactly that, A FIGHT, not a forgone conclussion.


3) my cantina socialization idea on the suggestions board.





- EQ2 housing

- more races

- more classes

- more interaction in companion storylines (not just you and them talking on the ship or rest areas)

- NO Lord, Master, Darth titles utill you reach max level and then partake in a minimum 50 hour HARD quest line for the title (so it has meaning and not just tossed about...meaninglessly)

- RP Servers with enforced naming rules

- DAoC RVR complete with relics and outposts

- removal of all random spawning chests in game

- mobs see through stelth 100% of time if mob 5+ levels over player stealthed

- fully operational subscription only forums (that means ALL FORUMS are subscription only except general which I would ask be over moderated severly)

-ignore person feature removes person from your game. You do see them, hear them, nothing.

- ignore feature automatically applies to all your characters so I dont have to ignore the same person on all my characters.


list goes on and on and on but thats a great start :)

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1) The engine not being completely broken and unoptimized. Biggest thing keeping me from playing this game when I get 33-50 fps out in the open world and warzones are COMPLETELY unplayable because of the broken engine


2) More emphasis on MMO and less story. Yes yes story is a essential pillar yadda yadda, this game is a internet rpg, not a MMO. Either put in way more MMO emphasis by redesigning planets, removing sharding and unnecessary instances, and add day and night cycles. That or keep everything the same and stop proclaiming its a MMO and remove the monthly fee


3) Population caps. Set a population cap for a faction at 65% of the servers capability.

Edited by Ignotis
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3 things huh


1) a 70% reduction in XP across the board! (not a perfect fix but I know forum users to lazy to read a fully developed Idea so fast and sloppy wins the day)


2) A increase in mob toughness so still soloable but each fight is exactly that, A FIGHT, not a forgone conclussion.


- NO Lord, Master, Darth titles utill you reach max level and then partake in a minimum 50 hour HARD quest line for the title (so it has meaning and not just tossed about...meaninglessly)





So...basically you want people to have to group up and grind mobs to level?


How's the weather in Korea at the moment?

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1. Be SWG

2. See Above

3. Three more wishes.


lol I liked this :p


1. Guild ships that are customizable (allow for placement of things such as trophies, trinkets, furniture, etc., should such things be in the game. ) And/or housing.

2. That the first expansion really expands the galaxy (rather than how it seems now--the more levels and experience and quests completed along the "path," the smaller the galaxy becomes.)

3. I'd like the option to craft as well, like at a crafting station. I feel lazy, making my crew do all the work.

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1.Account base bank added.Set up a bank where you could share mats and such.Shoot it would cut down on email and switching chrs.


1. This!!! /\


2. The ability to decorate the interior of your ship


3. Take space content off of the rails

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Since ability delay is being addressed, and UI customization & guild banks are already coming:

  • Have the Send-To field in the outgoing mail window autocomplete from your alts names, guild mates names or names on your friends list.
  • Add an additional sub-field on the GTN window under armor for selecting a slot (shift-clicking or right-clicking an item's name into the search field would be nice too.)
  • Add a heroic mode to the under-50 FPs so skilled 4-player groups have more of a challenge.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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1) BW keeping SW:TOR in Beta until May 2012 so they have extra time to Fix bugs and listen to the communities feedback.

2) Giving BW another 3 months to work out all the new kinks and bugs after listening to the community and making changes.

3) Give them another 3 months so SW:TOR releases as the game it should be and not the game it is now.

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1) BW keeping SW:TOR in Beta until May 2012 so they have extra time to Fix bugs and listen to the communities feedback.

2) Giving BW another 3 months to work out all the new kinks and bugs after listening to the community and making changes.

3) Give them another 3 months so SW:TOR releases as the game it should be and not the game it is now.


Good list.


Sadly, I don't think #2 would have happend even if they had the extra time.


Beta went kinda like this....


"ignore everything players say.... make changes no one wanted, ignore feedback.... release game"

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Good list.


Sadly, I don't think #2 would have happend even if they had the extra time.


Beta went kinda like this....


"ignore everything players say.... make changes no one wanted, ignore feedback.... release game"

It's all on EA as they control the deadlines. Wouldn't be surprised if EA let this one go after two years like they did E&B. Then LA/BW could do their own disti (with help from someone like Steam) and without all the red tape got it to rock. I would definitely want some of that. Edited by GalacticKegger
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1.) Another year of high capacity closed beta


2.) Throw out the Hero Engine and make your own that lets you do EVERYTHING you want it to YOUR way.


3.) A sandbox universe, take SWG Pre-CU, and SPORE, mash them together and give us planets 20x the size as SPORE's randomly scattered across the Star Wars universe with the already known planets, let us design and customize our ships from thousands of pre-made parts that we can fit together(like in spore). Then develop a truly INNOVATIVE system that NEVER brings up a load screen and lets us go from hyperspace to ground get out of our space ship and go into a building seamlessly.

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1. Better crafting system. I'm not asking for SWG (I would love it however) but come on SWG had the best crafting in an MMO imo Bioware can easily take a look and see what made it so great.


2. Make worlds bigger, more a live and don't split up the factions. Yes give them their own towns and such but what I mean leveling on Tatooine, Nar Shadda etc. I don't think I ever saw an Republic toon while I was on my Empire character.


3. Give us some great fluff content. Such as housing, yes ships are our homes but I can't do anything with it, pazaak, holochess, sabaac, dueling area for players and companions and make cantinas more important. Cantinas need some loving.




1.) Another year of high capacity closed beta


2.) Throw out the Hero Engine and make your own that lets you do EVERYTHING you want it to YOUR way.


3.) A sandbox universe, take SWG Pre-CU, and SPORE, mash them together and give us planets 20x the size as SPORE's randomly scattered across the Star Wars universe with the already known planets, let us design and customize our ships from thousands of pre-made parts that we can fit together(like in spore). Then develop a truly INNOVATIVE system that NEVER brings up a load screen and lets us go from hyperspace to ground get out of our space ship and go into a building seamlessly.


If only. Bioware started working on the engine much too soon. I'd rather they have created their own. Guild Wars 2 uses an updated engine from GW1 and it looks gorgeous. All that money spent on voice acting and yet the game for me runs horribly on a core i5 SLI system.


As much as I'd like a sandbox MMO this isn't gonna happen. SWG and Spore? That would be some crazy creations and pretty damn awesome.

Edited by Chromiie
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1. Mercenary Companions: Each world you go to has a set of hireable companions. Tank, healer, dps.


2. Party Space battles: The smuggler flys, two dps in the turrets, jedis tossing asteriods, healer managing sheilds and engines.


3. Actual smuggler missions, go into imperial/hutt/rebel space. Pickup shipments, avoid checkpoints. Kessel Run. Smuggler brings party to certain Raids.

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1) Ability Delay completely fixed

2) Addons/Combat Logs

3) A rated WZ system that doesn't revolve around premades, i.e., your rating mostly depends on your team performance in warzones and win/loss ratio. You always get paired with people similar to your rating, which separates the fresh 50s from the average players, the average players from the top notch, etc, so you're always playing on an equal level with players who are similar in skill to you.

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