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You Have *3* Wishes for SWTOR.....


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Most of my wishes relate to open PvP server but can be tuned for PvE.


1. End game battles and objectives that have an impact on the galaxy and how each faction operates. More importantly these persist and can be observed by all that are on the server.


Basically the idea would be to make open PvP to be more incentive based but also show some sort of progress to who is winning the war. More objectives held by a faction means they are more powerful. Promotes a heroic feel for players when they take or take back an objective from their enemy.


e.g. Many objective on many planets that if held by a faction gives some advantage to them or disadvantages the other.


An example could easily be holding objective A on Nar-Shadaa means all repair costs are reduced by 2% for all players of that faction and increased for the other. So many other types that could be substituted here and they persist until the objective is taken by the opposition.


You then could show statistics that start producing champions, those that have taken X objectives and killed Y numbers of the enemy in open PvP.


I just want to feel like its a thriving dynamic galaxy at war. If I am not progressing in gear or level, I want help progress the war in my factions favor.

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1- Examine what features that players want imported from WoWr, then blacklist them in SWTOR.


2- Ban anyone who uses the terms "fanboy", "bad", "baddie", "scrub", "L2P", "QQ", or the expressions "...then good to go", "grow a brain" or "umadbro?".


3- Take space combat off rails.


So lets get this straight.


You want to blacklist:


- Server transfers (those poor Oceanics when March rolls around, I really hope you say sorry to them).


- Balanced professions.

- Developer interaction.

- Balanced classes.

- Progressive endgame content.

- Good grouping tools.

- Good textures.

- Nice looking armor.

- Armor customization.

- Good water.

- Varied enemies.

- Smart boss design.

- Parses.

- Mods.

- Macros.

- Server events.

- Varied pvp.

- Arenas.

- Addition of new races.

- Addition of new race choices.

- Addition of new character customization options.

- Streamlined skills and talents.

- Bug fixes.

- Active GMs.

- Good Auction House interface.

- Smart loot systems.

- Cross server interaction options.

- RealID friends.


And many more. You must be a very sad person.

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1.Account base bank added.Set up a bank where you could share mats and such.Shoot it would cut down on email and switching chrs.


2.Get rid of the Nerf that causes my chrs to get 5xp on a companion chat.


3.Improve crafting.I not just talking about level 50 but for crying out loud give Consular pants.My Sage doesn't have the legs for a skirt.

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1.Account base bank added.Set up a bank where you could share mats and such.Shoot it would cut down on email and switching chrs.


2.Get rid of the Nerf that causes my chrs to get 5xp on a companion chat.


3.Improve crafting.I not just talking about level 50 but for crying out loud give Consular pants.My Sage doesn't have the legs for a skirt.


I often had a quiet laugh at how the Consular story/clothing assumes you are a female healer.

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1. A third faction. I don't know why people stopped making three-faction MMORPGs, but three are always better than two. They really help balance things out.


And since that one's never going to happen...


2. A more meaningful, developed space element


3. A DAoC-style frontier with an 'emergency airdrop' skill that takes you directly there


4. Let players put bounties on other players.


5. A more developed, useful crafting system and a collection of sandbox-sorts of things to do.

Edited by PibbyPib
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1) A free month of play



2) Another free month of play
















































































































































3) A free lifetime subscription.

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1) A free month of play



2) Another free month of play
















































































































































3) A free lifetime subscription.


If you had a free lifetime sub, why would you need 2 free months?

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I wish it would just die so they can start working on the next Star Wars RPG.


Unfortunately they have made so many huge gaffes already that their chance of becoming "the next WoW" is long gone.


Right now they will be lucky to be the next Rift.

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1: Increased speed mounts (talking 300% base, 400% 500%) and earlier access to 'sprint' (especially republic side seeing as coruscant=supermassive)

2: Star wars RACES RELEASED, I'm talking about playing nautelan, jawa, wookie, trandosian, cerean, and all of the other fun ones.

3: freeform space/space pvp. Yes this is totally a pipe dream, but I think the addition of allowing players to actually play around with their souped up ships would make for an immensely more involving game play experience. Maybe still allow hyper-drive travel to 'speed' to another planet instead.


Content-wise I'm very impressed with some stuff, but I find that starting over for a new character feels like doing exactly the same thing over again with a different shell. Not exactly sure how this can be fixed so I didn't waste one of my wishes on it. extending character customization or adding more missions may be helpful.

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1) A competent dev team

2) A competent CS team

3) A dev, like Ghostcrawler, who actually posts on these forums and communicates with the community. I'd settle for that Stephen Reid fellow posting though.

Edited by Marcato
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1) CC immunity after being CCed so you don't get chained (screw resolve, just add an immunity buff to all CCs that gets applied to the target after the CC has landed)

2) Make flashpoints worth doing for more than just the daily

3) Make PvP armour harder to get (people running around in tier3 after just a few weeks is stupid)

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1. double bladed sabers for Marauders/sentinels


2. no more skirt armor, where are the movie themed robes? Even darth sideous' robe looked less like a dress then the ones on this game


3. infinite wishes


4. unique storyline based on which advanced class you pick


5. completely redo the inquisitor storyline


6. faster speeders (come on, even the flight paths are slower then the speeders in the movies)


7. Dungeon finder (cross realm, i could not give a **** about community. Themepark

MMOs do not have a community)


8. Raid finder (also cross realm)


9. Social items that scale based on armor type (so i can actually use the sand person armor on my marauder and not have it stuck as light armor)


10. remove the mod system (except for colour crystals), replace it with armor dyes and and an appearance tab


11. see number 2


12. SWG styled space combat


13. Make this game pre CU SWG


14. Allow mods


15. Macros


16. Customizable UI


17. reduce the time it takes for crew to finish crew skills, or drastically increase the amount of materials you get from the missions.


18. FIX VENDOR LOOT TABLES. Darkside vendor is missing marauder gear, many commendation vendors are missing resolve/assassin gear etc...


19. some less humanoid races (kel dor for example, dont use the alien language excuse, tons of kel dor speak basic)


20. Character re-customization, hell look at the way vanguard saga of heroes does it, theres a button on the character select screen that lets you re-customize everything but the gender of your character.


21. Give all force user classes force push/pull/speed and the other basic force abilities that even the weakest padawans are suppose to know.




Edited by Xaxxus
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