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Everything posted by Hadanta

  1. last month for me. I started playing SWGEMU again. It's only in Alpha, but alot more fun then this and its free.
  2. We got the mmore or less for keeping the sub. We didn't leave the game, just keep paying lol.
  3. The problem, alot of games have few small patches ready to go for content. They have 90% of it done or better. They release the game to the public. They know that they can release a new patch in the first couple of months. The patch is 90% of being done anyway. You main dev time has about 6 months or more for big game update. What they did at BW, they had all staff working on the game just for release. They had no teams working on future patch or content ahead of time. They could have release EV a month or so after the game started. We would felt like, we got something new that month. In fact it was done and ready. They failed for the fact BW, didn't build anything ahead of time to release. Now there behind the eight ball on new content and patchs. They get a patch done, then they must start working on a new patch or content. Dont show us your cards, ahead of time.
  4. I have 22 free days left on this game. The big question to for everyone. Will we resub to the game when my free time is gone. I can say, that if server merge and 1.3 is not relase by that time. I will just say goodbye. Look at the game again in 3 months, and hope that things have change for us. Maybe if they see big drops in subs this month around the 23rd. That will give a kick in the rear to get them moving on things. Again, 22 more days to play for free. If still the same as it is now, forget about it. Hadanta Nar Shadaa the New Fleet for both factions
  5. Something better then nothing. I don't mind, if i have to burn 1k for travel to fleet or take my ship. Hell, I would even be a taxi if needed to fleet for the poor and drunks. lol
  6. Let's make Nar Shadaa as the main hang out for both factions. Only travel to fleet for HM and Heroics runs. We can all use the GTN on Nar Shadaa. Just have to travel to fleet for few things. Maybe it wont be so dead feeling on the server for us. The GTN would help all of us out for crafting items that we all need and make few credits. Hadanta
  7. I like to see a area for both factions to hang. They we could access your own faction GTN. Catina area for us to hang out and talk. From that city, be able to rum my HMs and flashpoints and operations. Make it where, I could run a heroic with a rebel or imperial faction. Its a shame that we cant run with friends from another faction, once you hit lvl 50 or something. The gear drops built for botrh factions. Sure, some people may flag up for pvp, but dont flag if you dont want to fight them. I loved how SWG had Mos Eilsey catina and city. That was just where everyone went to hang out and talk. I would have no problem taking a smuggler with me on a hm heroic run or flashpoint. Who really cares at the end anyway. Hadanta
  8. I use this build for tanking all the ops and hm. I have both sets of 136 gear and some rakata. I find that I hold threat very well with this build. It's also nice to be able to switch my gear set and dps when I like to. I check the combat logs , I run around 940 dps. I 'm bio chem, so that gives me some stims that I use for this build. I also use relics for def and shield. My time, I off tank 8 and 16 man ops. When the fight only needs one boss for the 8 man. You have that extra dps to beat the rage time You will only have 2 taunts 1 aoe and 1 taunt. But you can hold the threat with your dps. My stats with this build in tank stance is the following. 19542 HP Armor 7245 %40.15% Dmg reduction 50.15% Def Chance 27.30% Shield Chance 46.15% Shield Adsorption 23.15% http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101GMhZcGrMMhddGo.1
  9. You cant judge your dps in 30 seconds of time. A boss will enrage in 2 to 3 minutes. You need to fight for a good 2 minutes of time. toss everything you have at the target,. use your relics and stims that you take to a fight.I found out with my gear setup, I did more dmg in Veg spec then I did rage spec. Again, that is with my gear setup that i use power of crit.
  10. Sounds to me, that they didn't setup a new backup folders to the sand for all the servers. They run a backup last night before the patch fix. Then they restored said new backup. Some of the servers restore from the old backup folders from the sand. This was not a DEV problem, but more of a I.T. problem. I manage over 500 servers at a center in Palo Alto. They most of your have a account for fb lol. The restore just loaded some servers with 1.2 others with 1.1. Lets say your toon was on fleet with a 1.2 patch last night. Fleet was restore with a backup of 1.1. Your toon will not be there anymore. Unless you had logout in the same location. Your toon is gone at that point. If it couldn't save your location, then it cant restore you, when you log back into the game. The fast way to fix this, would be take a 2 or 3 day old back up restore the servers. Then add patch 1.2 to that restore server. Then tell everyone, that we f-up and you have to start 1.2 over again. Everything you did on 1.2 is at a lost. Even the 3 million credits you made from the GTN you made it gone.
  11. Playing on Tarro Blood. I never would forget Cyn from Kettemoor.
  12. You mad Bro!!!!!!!! Keep Crying!!!!!! You guys cry way to much on the forums.
  13. I use the build below for tanking HM ops and flash points. I have both 136 gear for dps and tank spec. Most of the time, I go as the off tank for the 16 man runs. After helping out with the mobs. I change my gear and stance to dps. I'm able to put out the damage needed for the raid boss. But for this to work, you will need both sets of 136 gear. Also helps to have Bio Chem for the added health/strength and defense buff relics. You will only have to 2 threats 1 aoe and 1 taunt. But even with the added dps with the tank gear. holding the threat is easy. If I start to take a lot of dmg from a boss, I will pop Relic of Imperiling Serenity and Triage Adrenal at the same time. Still leaves me with saber ward and relic of the shrouded crusader. If gets any worst, I will use endure pain and rakata medpac. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101dMhZIGMR0ubdGR.1 Tank Numbers self buff Def (HP) 21096 Armor 7477 Damage Reduction 50.91% Defense Chance 24.13% Shield Chance 35.42% Shield Absorption 28.41% Relics: Imperiling Serenity Champ of the Shrouded Crusader DPS Number Self Buff Damage (PRI) 709-848 Bonus Dmg 430.7 Accuracy 105.12% Crit Chance 25.24% Crit Multiplier 62.56% Relics: Boundless Ages Forbidden Secrets
  14. I use the build below for tanking HM ops and flash points. I have both 136 gear for dps and tank spec. Most of the time, I go as the off tank for the 16 man runs. After helping out with the mobs. I change my gear and stance to dps. I'm able to put out the damage needed for the raid boss. But for this to work, you will need both sets of 136 gear. Also helps to have Bio Chem for the added health and defense buff relics. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101dMhZIGMR0ubdGR.1 Tank Numbers self buff Def (HP) 21096 Armor 7477 Damage Reduction 50.91% Defense Chance 24.13% Shield Chance 35.42% Shield Absorption 28.41% Relics: Imperiling Serenity Champ of the Shrouded Crusader DPS Number Self Buff Damage (PRI) 709-848 Bonus Dmg 430.7 Accuracy 105.12% Crit Chance 25.24% Crit Multiplier 62.56% Relics: Boundless Ages Forbidden Secrets
  15. I like to see, if you get cc. Then you cant take any dmg. Just like when we use cc fighting a npc. IF you gett cc, somebody attacks you the nit breaks the cc for that person. Whe nit comes to snares. If your snare or rooted you take 50% less dmg. It is ******** when you can get snared from a range toon and your melee. Before you can even try to reach your target your dead.
  16. Kettemoor: 2003 thru Oct. 2009 Starsider: Jan. 2008 thru Dec. 2011 YoSuke / MeSuke /Journey
  17. Just take it all out of the game. You can do what you like with it. I don't care to have either in the game.
  18. I have work with the Hero. The main problem BW change the code of it. Hero is made to drag and drop into you game. It has all features that people like to see done. But the lack of planning the game and the change of the code. BW **** it up bigtime.
  19. If its that hard to give us a 2nd ship to fly. You have to chance in hell to make a better space for us. Your lacking of planning this game shows now with space ships
  20. If its that hard to give us a 2nd ship to fly. You have to chance in hell to make a better space for us. Your lacking of planning this game shows now with space ships
  21. Just a FYI I was in Koan HM. A pistol drop called The Blast Ward, I rolled greed of course. After the we finish the hm. I look at the crystal seen it was a 41 endurance yellow. Cost me 27k to remove the crystal and place it in my saber. I had spent 200k for a 33 endurance crystal (pink). So before you spend alot of time and money on a 33 endurance crystal for tanking. You may want to run Kaon try to get that pistol. YoSuke
  22. Just a FYI I was in Koan HM. A pistol drop called The Blast Ward, I rolled greed of course. After the we finish the hm. I look at the crystal seen it was a 41 endurance yellow. Cost me 27k to remove the crystal and place it in my saber. I had spent 200k for a 31 endurance crystal (pink). So before you spend alot of time and money on a 31 endurance crystal for tanking. You may want to run Kaon try to get that pistol. YoSuke
  23. BW = You reading about this problem. To much of a chicken **** to make a statement about the lack of your testing. You guys have really no clue *** your doing. You should have never made a *********** MMO in the first place. Who ever is *********** up so bad at BW. Just because they may be a friend. You need to fire the head of the team. Clearly they suck.
  24. Seems like my companion, does just as little dmg as my Jugg lvl 50 tank. I Have each one geared out with heroic mods and daily Ilum. But the base dmg never goes pass my base dmg as a tank. I wonder, if you have a tank companion on another class. Does that tank do as much dmg as your dps spec your in or way less like us tanks. I'm only talking about base dmg, not so call burst dmg they say we can do.
  25. I'm sorry, you only have 3 people to heal. Tell the tank to slow down, dps will be force to stop and heal up.
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