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Wz win not counting not fixed.


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It doesn't take much of a background in CS to know that this should be something to be fixed asap and that it shouldn't be that hard. I'm amazed that people who obviously have no CS background think it's a magic art. Pull the current code for incrementing wins and flagging the mission as completed out of wherever it's at and put it into the end of warzone code, right where the code for displaying the scoreboard is. You know at that point if you're showing victory or defeat, so increment the win count in the same part of the if statement that determines which scoreboard header you display. Geezus, it's not that hard.


No one is claiming they could recode the graphics engine to fix the horrid fps, we're just saying it shouldn't be that hard to fix a bug that's been present since beta. Of course, they can't stop resetting my chat window settings either, so who knows. Like I said earlier, they're lucky their story is so good and that swg was cancelled or I'd have cancelled my sub by now. Obviously judging by the number of little bugs that go unfixed, there is an issue with the number of or direction given to the programmers on staff.


Quit working on 2013 content and fix the little things now so there is a game to add content to in 2013.

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Yup, just stopped playing WZ's. Whats the point of using my time, which is limited due to the nature of my work, when **** doesnt count. A few rage quits..other times worked on an alt. Isn't driving me to cancel..but isn't giving me a good feeling/opinion either.
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yeah, because its totally impossible that more than one thing causes this, and that the one they squashed was simply easier to find?


Jeezus people.


Go to school to become a software engineer and then get back to me on how easy it is to track down a small bug in a few million lines of code.


I agree with you to some degree, but it was stated in a forum posting and in a develper's log that the guys who are patching the game, doing the bug fixes, and adding new content are the same guys who designed and coded the game itself. If they were a completely different group of individuals, I would have more understanding about it. The new guys would have to dredge through lines of code that someone else wrote and hope like hell the programming notes, charts, and other aids will give them some sort of clue as to what they should be looking for. But, since the programming crew is the same, It should be easier for them to go through the coding and narrow down what's causing the hiccup and find other possible logic errors that may or may not be associated with the new fixes. I have no problem waiting for a fix, but I would at least like them to work out all the bugs and get it right before passing it off as "fixed".

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About all these people trying to make BW the "good guy" in all this **** have created.

First of all I’m not a "true" programmer except that i know to do programing in 2-3 ancient programing languages, but for sure I’m 3D Designer and i know some programing to make my Plugins (whenever need it, if there is none on the internet).


And I’m speaking about "LoneRebel" and others with the "same" reply, ill post here another post i have done elsewhere.


Hello everyone I was open this thread for a "nice" conversation and waiting an answer on the question why Bioware don’t you fix the bugs after almost 2 months.

You will all have experience the winning non counting Warzone Matches, but have you wandering the reason why this wins doesn’t count, don’t worry I will explain to you.

That wins doesn’t count for Daily and Weekly because the opposite team doesn’t do anything (Scoring/Damaging/Bombing), if you try to remember that games you played win it and doesn’t count, you will realize that you totally annihilate your enemy. That means Bioware have made a programing "mistake" and make the wins with total point vs 0 don’t count for the winning team. I was wandering if this is not a bug from Bioware and be made like that for a purpose, which is that purpose, and why should you also have the counting for ending the game if there is not a full group.




What is mean that, BW have made some lines inside the code that makes a WM don’t count if the Losing Team DONT "Score/Bomb or Canon" the winning Team.

And this is a "failure thinking" if some believe that this made up for a Reason to prevent a win count if the losing team is for some period with lower number in players, because BW have made another lines code to prevent that with the closing WZ method if there in the next mins non players join up (if the losing team have made even 1 hit to the other, the WZ will count even if there is 6-7 players for the losers).


Ohh and btw off course there probably separate lines on the code that doing that bug, but this is not make them "angels" to doing so much time to fix it (especially after BW said that all the team make the game working to improve it).

Edited by CommanderMcElger
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Crazy idea to all saying there incompetent etc etc. Why not go and create the fix yourself? Write the code, post it here for them to copy. Crazy idea I know, but ey you all are like superior people with all the knowledge in the world and so on regarding developing.


well go on! post it!


Wait...What is it this? You can't!??? What realy? you are not a developer? Then shut up and get some patience.


are you serious? so you are saying that because it's hard to find and fix the bug, it's okay that it remains broken?


it's their damn JOB to fix it, and not our responsibility.

jeez what tools wander in these forums

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I, on the other hand, certainly do not claim to be an expert in computer science. So I have an open question for anyone who actually knows something about programming - any idea what might be causing this? It's not like all wins are NOT being counted. Why would some wins be counted and others not? In other words, what do the wins that were counted have that the others didn't? :confused:


I assure you that having a programming background gives absolutely zero insight into what might be happening here. My best guess would be that they put something in place to try and counter cheating, because I find most of the time it's the wins where you absolutely dominate that don't count i.e. 6-0, 600-0, etc.


I have also had some very close matches not count either, so who really knows that is happening under the hood.


I have been in software development for almost 10 years now (yeah, just like most of the internet it seems...) and without seeing the actual code, I have no better guess for what is happening than anyone else on this forum.

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I believe that this is happening because people are leaving the war-zone and then it goes into "game ending" mode, then people come back into the game causing the sequence to abort and the then the game continues. This seems to bug the game for people trying to get awards.


Not trying to be paranoid, I think the Sith on our server know about this and are leaving on purpose. Implementing a "deserter" de-buff is something that will be needed as well as an "afk" vote kick for the players in the warzone.

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Hi again,


Once again, thank you for your patience on this issue. We've found a possible solution for this and we will be implementing it in an upcoming patch as soon as we're able to test and verify this solution internally. This process takes a bit of time, but know that we are working to implement it as soon as we can.


This REALLY needs to be fixed. I'm not even bothering with warzones until it is. The Republic on my server so seldom wins (maybe 2 in 10) which makes it even more irritating if when we win IT DOES NOT COUNT.

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I just stopped caring for the daily pvp missions lately because the bug. Perhaps the bag change in 1.1.2 will help me get back to pvping since getting bags with the last 3 or so tokens I need is too random at the moment. So many duplicates :( but at least the champ comms in champion bags will help. Edited by Deirhese
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Hi again,


Once again, thank you for your patience on this issue. We've found a possible solution for this and we will be implementing it in an upcoming patch as soon as we're able to test and verify this solution internally. This process takes a bit of time, but know that we are working to implement it as soon as we can.


Are you F u CK i N G kidding me?? Possible solutions? It is not your job to find "possible" solutions, It is your job to ensure the product you sell conforms and performs to the specifications, and features that you advertise,.


If I bought a car from Chevy, and that car only started 3 times a week, or 2 times a day, but totally randomly , I would return that car, and Get my $$ back, possibly followed by an FTC, BBB, or Class action investigation.


Get your Sh! tt together bioware, or shut your doors.


oh and Joveth, How many times you gonna let Steve Reid throw you under the bus before you start shopping your resume around? I hear the folks marketing Guild Wars 2 should be busy real soon.

Edited by ohmslaw
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This is crap, WZ's not counting, a non customize-able UI, group drop everytime you come out of WZ's, a fail gear system for PVP, getting stuck in invisible zones in WZs, Illums broke, cant invite from guild tab, no combat logs, constant late night shutdowns (the times that I play), non drop able quests, a reverse engineering bug that they ignore, trinkets that dont release you from the animation!!!! Ask RIFT what happens when you dont even respond to the PVP community. If WOW is the McDonalds of MMO's then SWOTR is the nasty hotdog stand down the street. Thank god Guild Wars 2 is comming out, youll have my subscription till then and only because its already paid for. At that time when Bioware trys to charge my card my bank will respond "You are not eligible for this conversation"


this is exactly what i wanted to say. I have no plans on playing another becuase to be honest, i am sick of hype and then let down. I will just play xbox, cod or BF.


Bioware, please address these problems ASAP or you will lose your subscription base. I really thought you guys had put more thought into this. all these things mentioned have been issues from almost any MMO ever made, do you guys have a historical department which does market research on what is good and bad?


You have a great game, lets polish it out, dont be like SWG and add a ton of content over everlasting bugs....

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ALL these issues have been around since closed beta; so close to a year now, never addressed. Why do you think they would look at them now that they ALREADY got your money $? EA is hit and run, always has been; as far as they are concerned this game is done and it was profitable... please BUY our next game, thank you have a nice day!
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