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Why was the combat log left out? A serious question...


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I have posted this multiple times in the last 3 weeks, why is it that every TROLL or whiner on the forum has the identical 3 things in common?



1. No avatar


2. Some stupid name all in lower case with multiple letters the same( e.g. pwnnnkthxbyyyy)


3. Every second line has swearing in it or strategically placed wording to bypass the swear filter



It's really weird, are they all from the same place or same previous games like MW3 or BF2?


So whats that make you?


A fanboy troll? I dont get it your the first troll post in this thread....

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DPS based enrage timers with no way to gauge your teams dps is thinking ahead amirite bw lol.


If you didn't make the enrage timer then your raid dps isn't high enough obviously - Amirite? Not that hard to figure out without a meter - Was it ?


You do not need/require mods for everything. I do support mods but some bring more trouble then they bring solutions.


I am all for personal combat logs and personal DPS meters. I'm not sure i want this game to turn into another Wow player base and unfortunately giving people the ability to parse other players will do that.

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The Combat Log was left out of the game, so that players could not do the following.

  1. Break down the imbalances of the classes
  2. Feel insginificant when their companion characters out damage them
  3. Cause more complaints for Bioware based off damage balancing


I would agree with this, I think they assumed it would create even more unrest when people realized how much DPS "the other guy" can do.

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heh... they should voice act the combat log.


"Master, you crit for 5000!"


"Master brush up on your aim, cause that shot missed."


Oh my goodness, if there were an option I would turn it on quicker than my momma eatin' cake. I want Khem val to abuse and compliment me during battle!


I do not mind the no-combat log thing. What they could do is what Rift had. I think you just typed /combatlog and it turned a combatlog on in your game directory that copied all the moves down whenever you did something. Then you could use a program called......(okay I don't remember this part...Ac..R? something ...sorry.) ANYWAYS! This outside program then would tell you everything you needed to know, and it did not affect your UI at all

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Only read OP but I am hoping I am not the first to suggest this. After leveling a shield vanguard to 50, experiencing certain problems, reading forum posts by others of my class and experience regarding mechanics flat out not working or under performing and then testing these and getting the same results I wouldn't call it a stretch to say it was intentional. There are a LOT of broken/unfinished aspects to this games combat engine.



For reference.




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Just gonna say this in a simple way so it can be understood.


Bioware has made it quite clear that they will not let the elitest min maxers ruin this game for casuals.


I'm no casual gamer, but I dont think anyone should be left out because they cant do 5% more dps than the next guy.

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Just gonna say this in a simple way so it can be understood.


Bioware has made it quite clear that they will not let the elitest min maxers ruin this game for casuals.


I'm no casual gamer, but I dont think anyone should be left out because they cant do 5% more dps than the next guy.


Uh, how does a personal combat log that shows you what happened while you were fighting hurt anyone? It doesn't show dps. It literally just showed what happened. Yeesh.

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how do they expect to effectively balance pvp with out actually knowing for sure how much damage healing etc everything is doing


i mean isnt a combat log required not just for the players but for developers too



this just seems like a such a big joke to me


That is an excellent point man.


If they didn't have a combat log already, how on earth did they test PvP balance?


In-fact how did they test and balance any group content?


almost like they did there testing by observing only and went by a gut feel.

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That is an excellent point man.


If they didn't have a combat log already, how on earth did they test PvP balance?


In-fact how did they test and balance any group content?


almost like they did there testing by observing only and went by a gut feel.


"THEY" have a combat log. "WE" do not.


Just like every other game on the market they have a way to view all actions and make adjustments to them as they see fit.

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Please why it is critical, thanks.


What class are you? Do you know what equipment to get? Do you know what stats are needed for your class and how much of each? For example:

Do you know what is better Enhancement for you?

89 Willpower

65 Power




117 Willpower

37 Power


Do I have enough accuracy? Do I even need accuracy? What about alacrity? Does it help? How much is good? Why does it feel that I perform poorly in the highest tier gear then I was as a fresh 50 with crafted gear? Does Weapon damage matter for my abilities? I was at full health what just killed me?


Those just a few examples of why the combat log would be really helpful. Yes killing the boss is what matters, but as of right now people have no idea about itemization. Just pick up the item from the higher level tier and hope that the one out of 4 to pick from would work the best for you.

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Just gonna say this in a simple way so it can be understood.


Bioware has made it quite clear that they will not let the elitest min maxers ruin this game for casuals.


I'm no casual gamer, but I dont think anyone should be left out because they cant do 5% more dps than the next guy.


In all my years of playing mmo's i have never once seen this happen unless there was a severe performance issue with one player to the point where the group could not progress due to that one player underperforming so horribly that the only way is to tell him sorry your not ready and get someone that is.


And logs and merters are comin m8. Sorry you lose better quit now amirite?

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In all my years of playing mmo's i have never once seen this happen unless there was a severe performance issue with one player to the point where the group could not progress due to that one player underperforming so horribly that the only way is to tell him sorry your not ready and get someone that is.


And logs and merters are comin m8. Sorry you lose better quit now amirite?


/agree I don't think it's nearly as big a deal as many are making it out to be (that can be said for 95% of the topics posted on these forums) Why is everyone busting a nut over something they are working on implementing? Are they needed? yes, BW has agreed with you!! yay you have won claim your victory and relax in the mean time.

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The real reason is they dont want anyone min maxing yet and number crunching. The truth is the mechanics are so simplistic there are no real hard DPS checks or spike damage to heal through. the hard modes have 2 tough fights out of the 30 bosses. Its alos probably why gear and comedations are so ridiculously slow in the teirs of progression, BH and operatives drop 90 % of the time from final bosses forcing force users to grind for commendations. All of it points to a very rough and thrown together endgame.


I can handle bugged bosses broken mechanics and imbalance. i expect them and am willling to wait for it to be fixed, but bad planning and restricting the flow and ignoring some glaring fundemental flaws of the end game? i dont see much longevity. Kaon gave me some hope though that FP is well done the trash is fun and challenging even though all but 1 boss has any diffculty to it, i saw potential with what they did there. Crossing my fingers and preparing for a life boat.

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Just gonna say this in a simple way so it can be understood.


Bioware has made it quite clear that they will not let the elitest min maxers ruin this game for casuals.


I'm no casual gamer, but I dont think anyone should be left out because they cant do 5% more dps than the next guy.


That's a player issue..... nothing more.


Players are excluded regardless of any DPS meters. Without them, people just look at the gear. At elast with them, someone undergeared can still show they're capable.

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To me it's very strange.


I think of the rest of a games fighting system as more or less a visualization of the combat log in some ways, after all that's where this all started, with people throwing dice and looking at the numbers.


Back when I was a kid I use to program little games in Qbasic, which kind of worked like final fantasy you wander around a map talking to people and getting in fights, and when you got in fights it was just like a combat log, "You attack..." "It missed!" "Enemy uses solid strike!" "You take 12 damage!"..that sort of thing.


I guess what I'm saying is it sort of feels like the people who made this game don't understand RPGs just because they left out the ability to see what's "really" happening. I know that's silly because bioware has a track record of excellent RPG goodness, but it makes me a little worried.

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I know where the combat log is.


A man in a very, very expensive suit walked into Austin one day and entered the offices of a company called Bioware where he met with the management of this game and said "I have your release date here". With those words he rendered so many of the basic, bare minimum features of a modern MMO out of reach for developers of Star Wars: The Old Republic.

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how do they expect to effectively balance pvp with out actually knowing for sure how much damage healing etc everything is doing


They correctly assumed they would enough on their plate to deal with without having to deal with class balance issues. Better to iron out the big issues then play chase your tail with class balance. The amount of QQ will drastically increase once the numbers get out. I don't mind getting a head start though...nerf everything but Bounty Hunters.

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The Devs have a combat log, we dont.


They probably dont want rampant whining about balance during the first 2 months while they ninja fix everything.


That thought did cross my mind. I don't want to believe it, but it is entirely possible that the reason we don't have a combat log is because they don't want us to know how hideously bad everything is tuned/balanced.


Here's to hoping just the logging was broken :D

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