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50s farming low lvls in tattoine ANNOYANCE


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Funny, because I kill Imperial NPCs all the time on the PvE server I am on. It doesn't take the "2 factions at war feeling" away at all. The only thing it takes away is having some other player decide what I want to do at a given time.


If that works for you, fine. But please don't get sanctimonious about styles of play that don't happen to include you inserting yourself into someone else's game play.


Just thinking is strange that if im sith adn you are jedi, i cant try to hurt you if we meet on open world. Movies would have been dull and strange with same feature.

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There aren't enough people on the servers for you to be in any danger nanny pants. The zones are so big that when there are only 20-30 people from each faction on a PvP planet you hardly ever see them. I played 4 hours last night on Alderaan and saw 2 Sith and they out number Reps on our server like 4:1.


LOL...nanny pants? I believe that is the most hilarious insult ever thrown at me.


Anyway, I do PvP, just not here. I PvP in one of the most hardcore PvP games of the interwebs.


However, I don't PvP in RPGs because it's too dependent on gear and FoM builds and subject to ridiculous and endless rebalancing by devs. And I never roll on a PvP server for the very reason the OP outlines. A bunch of cowards running around low level planets. It's kinda disgraceful if you ask me. But then these sorts live for that sort of gameplay, and I won't pay to be fodder for their jollies.

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Man I do love the PvP servers. The added element of being on edge all the time and having to keep an eye out for a thinking, feeling enemy. Its just a blast. I aint much for ganking myself but I do love spur of the moment fair encounters with those evil bastages from the Empire.
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Take it from a longtime PvP'er, if you can't handle being camped/ganked/griefed etc. Then a PvP server is not the place for you. Its going to happen, and if you can't shrug it off you will never be able to enjoy your play time.


But, just because other people like to hunt low level players; doesn't mean you have to also.


I personally won't attack a low level player unless it is provoked in some manner (e.g. they attack me, or they are reported to be camping or hunting other players). Its just preference.

Edited by Noon
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Getting a laugh out of this....


You all were warned that THERE WILL BE GANKERS ON PVP SERVERS and you all just ignored the warnings now YOU ALL PAYING THE PRICE OF YOUR IGNORANCE...


If you do not want to be a target for gankers delete your pvp toons and roll on a pve or rp-pve server. Very simple solution.... Of course only a moron would ignore this advice.... :D

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yeah i can understand that it gets annoying...


wanna know whats even more annoying?



you trying to do the jawa baloon thing and some jedi is standing on it , just waiting to push you down and LOL as u wait for another 30 friggin minutes till it comes back


just suck it up and rez at base, log off , go eat something, and let him stand there idiotlike waiting for you for ten minutes before he realizes you aint showing up again, hell get his fix with someone else, then you can come back and continue questing with a full belly


other than that, call for backup

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Which is kinda wrong since it takes away the 2 factions at war feeling from the game. But i guess that only 1 big faction thingy works for people that wants to play on PVe server.


Actually, I did a lot more PvP on my WoW RP server than I ever have on my WoW PvP/TOR PvP server. Granted I haven't played either for as long as the RP server, but PvP events were organised pretty regularly and Goldshire/Stormwind/Org/STV/Crossroads were pretty constantly under attack.

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I'll say it for you, what they did is right. It's right as can be and it's encouraged. Lets not sugar coat it, the OP rolled on an Open PvP server and then came here and complained he got killed by another player. The only part that is wrong is the OP coming here complaining about something that's normal on the server he rolled on.


I was just trying to be nice so they dont rage quit the game over a little gankage from high levels.

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Just something you should have been willing to accept when rolling on a PvP server.


If I roll on a PvP server I fully expect to be ganked over and over anywhere I go.


This is the part of what I don't get. I actually think I would enjoy fair world pvp. But the ganking repeatedly of a much lower level toon to me just seems to show very poor manners. Now, if it were a fair fight, I would say bring it on! If you are on a pvp server, expect to be frequently jumped. But what the OP describes does not sound like it would be in the spirit of a real pvp'er. It just sounds like bad players who are too scared to engage someone of their own level.


If the player jumping the OP were his level or there about I think that's different.


This sounds like really unimaginative griefing.


Fully expecting to be ganked by toons twice my level over and over and over just does not sound in any way fun to me.

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This is the part of what I don't get. I actually think I would enjoy fair world pvp. But the ganking repeatedly of a much lower level toon to me just seems to show very poor manners. Now, if it were a fair fight, I would say bring it on! If you are on a pvp server, expect to be frequently jumped. But what the OP describes does not sound like it would be in the spirit of a real pvp'er. It just sounds like bad players who are too scared to engage someone of their own level.


If the player jumping the OP were his level or there about I think that's different.


This sounds like really unimaginative griefing.


Fully expecting to be ganked by toons twice my level over and over and over just does not sound in any way fun to me.


Makes you watch your back, makes you aware, and it creates opportunities for conflict on worlds...


Ever see a group of level 30's stomp a 50.... I have and it was fun.

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I believe in a challenge when it comes to PVP - ganking low levels is not a challenge and I've never understood the mentality of someone who purposely travels to lower level areas only to grief other people.

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What part of the PvP in PvP Server did you not understand when making your choice?


The normal response to this type of activity is to rally your guildmates or others in the zone to smack the dudes down. QQ on the forums rarely achieves the revenge one desires.


BTW, good to hear that OPvP is happening in places other than Ilum.


Now THIS is the thing to do. Get your bruddahs and sistahs to come and make those imps cry. xD


I think this is worth repeating. If you decide to roll on a PVP server, get plugged in to a good guild and make friends. Otherwise, you're gonna get chewed up and spit out a lot. xD


I'm sorta tempted to roll on a pvp server now that I think about it >.>

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Makes you watch your back, makes you aware, and it creates opportunities for conflict on worlds...


Ever see a group of level 30's stomp a 50.... I have and it was fun.


I bet it was!! That is something I would love to see. lol


And situational awareness is something I imagine one would need to develop if one were to have any kind of edge. Most pve'ers are pretty much in their own little worlds hehe

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I was just trying to be nice so they dont rage quit the game over a little gankage from high levels.


Completely understand, but the bottom line is there is no being nice when people roll on PvP servers. Honestly I think if you roll on a PvP server then come here and complain about getting killed by another player your PvP server should be flagged and you should have to wear the "I'm a pansy" title as well as your character being turned from your current race into a pink care bear. ;)


Everyone knows what they get when they sign up on a PvP server.

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This is the part of what I don't get. I actually think I would enjoy fair world pvp. But the ganking repeatedly of a much lower level toon to me just seems to show very poor manners. Now, if it were a fair fight, I would say bring it on! If you are on a pvp server, expect to be frequently jumped. But what the OP describes does not sound like it would be in the spirit of a real pvp'er. It just sounds like bad players who are too scared to engage someone of their own level.


If the player jumping the OP were his level or there about I think that's different.


This sounds like really unimaginative griefing.


Fully expecting to be ganked by toons twice my level over and over and over just does not sound in any way fun to me.


This is why most avoid PvP servers. The concept of PvP servers is much better then the actual outcome when you roll on one.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


So do tell, why did you roll on a PvP server?


That's what I love about PvP servers, and why I love Tatooine so much because it's the STV of TOR. I love the added sense of danger when I'm playing and how people band together in general chat and look out for each other.


Brings me back to the good old Noob Safaris in STV.

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This is why most avoid PvP servers. The concept of PvP servers is much better then the actual outcome when you roll on one.


I've been jumped maybe 3 times without realizing it in 1.5 months since the game was released. The random encounters and battles during questing are usually a fun mix up. And I've only had one experience where an Imp hovered over me and kept killing me over and over. It was 4am so I just logged and the next day they were gone.


Out in the world in a faction based game this just makes sense to me. PvE makes zero sense to me in a faction based game.


If the OP was talking about a group of 50's heading down to Tython and griefing people just starting that would be a little different. Out in the zones where you are 20+, it's fair game.

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At first I tried to be friendly to the Imps when we battled. But they are a callous evil brood of vipers. So now I chase every one I see. I destroy them, jump up and down on their bodies and /spit on them.


Sith are scum. Long live the Republic! :D



Funny, I remember getting ganked by a bunch of Repub 50s when I was questing on Voss. ??it happens.

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I've been jumped maybe 3 times without realizing it in 1.5 months since the game was released. The random encounters and battles during questing are usually a fun mix up. And I've only had one experience where an Imp hovered over me and kept killing me over and over. It was 4am so I just logged and the next day they were gone.


Out in the world in a faction based game this just makes sense to me. PvE makes zero sense to me in a faction based game.


If the OP was talking about a group of 50's heading down to Tython and griefing people just starting that would be a little different. Out in the zones where you are 20+, it's fair game.


Ohhh so I get it, that's the PvP code is it? level 50's heading to starting zones and killing level 1-19's is bad and shouldn't happen but level 50's camping level 20+'s that's fair game?


Again it's this twisted mentality that keeps a lot from rolling on PvP servers. Does that level "20+" really stand any more chance against a group of 50's then the starting characters do? :confused:

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There aren't enough people on the servers for you to be in any danger nanny pants. The zones are so big that when there are only 20-30 people from each faction on a PvP planet you hardly ever see them. I played 4 hours last night on Alderaan and saw 2 Sith and they out number Reps on our server like 4:1.


It only takes a few to go out of their way just to gank lowbies. It's not a matter of bumping into them accidentally. It's when they intentionally go looking for you at your quest points.

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Ohhh so I get it, that's the PvP code is it? level 50's heading to starting zones and killing level 1-19's is bad and shouldn't happen but level 50's camping level 20+'s that's fair game?


Again it's this twisted mentality that keeps a lot from rolling on PvP servers. Does that level "20+" really stand any more chance against a group of 50's then the starting characters do? :confused:


The mentality to pick on lowbies that have no chance of retaliation is indeed a twisted mentality. It's really no different than picking on a 5 yr old kid because there's Nothing he/she can do to fight back. Of course, this is legal in a PvP game.


People who are ok with that concept are just trying to justify to themselves it's ok to be an A-$$hat.


The only exception I can accept is if that higher level is beating on a lowbie to call some attention to other higher levels to get some action going. Then we can all get some world action.


But when that happens, and the other guy runs off... then it's like really? can't handle someone your own size?

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