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50s farming low lvls in tattoine ANNOYANCE


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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything
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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


Interesting because as a level 50 Imperial, I got some calls to Tatooine from guildmates running the Rakatta quest in the Czerka lab that kept getting ganked by a Republic 50 Jedi Knight.


Just what happens on a PVP server, but it sounds like you already acknowledged that. You just have to roll with it or call for backup and take out the gankers.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


Sounds like a typical PVP server to me.


Just remember to return the favor to the imps when you hit 50; after all, it is the MMO PVP circle of life.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


Thank you for reminding me why I don't roll on a PvP server (nor PvP in RPGs for that matter).

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Thank you for reminding me why I don't roll on a PvP server (nor PvP in RPGs for that matter).


There aren't enough people on the servers for you to be in any danger nanny pants. The zones are so big that when there are only 20-30 people from each faction on a PvP planet you hardly ever see them. I played 4 hours last night on Alderaan and saw 2 Sith and they out number Reps on our server like 4:1.

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seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck.


What part of the PvP in PvP Server did you not understand when making your choice?


The normal response to this type of activity is to rally your guildmates or others in the zone to smack the dudes down. QQ on the forums rarely achieves the revenge one desires.


BTW, good to hear that OPvP is happening in places other than Ilum.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


PvP server working as intended.

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At first I tried to be friendly to the Imps when we battled. But they are a callous evil brood of vipers. So now I chase every one I see. I destroy them, jump up and down on their bodies and /spit on them.


Sith are scum. Long live the Republic! :D


Funny you say that because a group of us (as 50s) let a low level Republic come with us for the Jawa balloon datacrons.


Then a pack of Republic 50s showed up and attacked us so we had to kill them all and none of them got to get on the balloon that round.


Point being, Republic players don't act any more respectably than Imperial in many cases.

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Sounds like a typical PVP server to me.


Just remember to return the favor to the imps when you hit 50; after all, it is the MMO PVP circle of life.


This is why we have PvP servers. They're jerk magnets. Let's the rest of us game on servers with a much lower concentration of jerks.


But if you don't like playing with jerks, I'd suggest you re-roll to a non-jerk server.

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There aren't enough people on the servers for you to be in any danger nanny pants. The zones are so big that when there are only 20-30 people from each faction on a PvP planet you hardly ever see them. I played 4 hours last night on Alderaan and saw 2 Sith and they out number Reps on our server like 4:1.


Nanny pants?


LOL Well uhm, thanks for reminding me of the PVP mindset; "If i berate them enough maybe they'll play with me!"


You can keep your low pop PvP server, thanks.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


When you joined a PvP server it warned you this would happen. And its not the Sith's fault that there is no jedi to kill anywhere so they have to start hunting for you. I love world PvP, but I almost never see any Republic to kill, so when I see one, I kill it and camp it over and over.

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What part of the PvP in PvP Server did you not understand when making your choice?


The normal response to this type of activity is to rally your guildmates or others in the zone to smack the dudes down. QQ on the forums rarely achieves the revenge one desires.


BTW, good to hear that OPvP is happening in places other than Ilum.





OP, your were not being farmed, you were being griefed. That happens on PvP servers.


You can take down their names, and get even later on. That's about it.


Or, you could get some level 50 faction mates to come out and spank them down (which is probably why they were griefing you to begin with, you were being used as bait). Learn to play your role in PvP, IMO.

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Point being, Republic players don't act any more respectably than Imperial in many cases.


PvP servers draw and breed players that aren't respectable, it's the nature of the beast. Not saying all players on PvP servers are like this but it's safe to say the majority either are or will end up like this. Bottom line is a whole lot of PvP players are players who enjoy rushing out to higher levels then casual players just to gank them because they can. People that get ganked in turn level so they can return the favor.


Why someone that understands this (like the OP) would come here and complain about it is pretty comical actually.

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PvP server working as intended.


So true! I love my PvP server, Dark Reaper!


I was out, on Tattoine, leveling my lvl28 Marauder, when here comes a lvl34 Knight. Bam, I'm goo on the side of the road. This guy (girl?) is camping a canyon area with one way in, and I have to access it to complete my quest. He gets me maybe 3, 4 more times. I almost took him once because he was being so sloppy.


Finally jump on my lvl50 Bounty Hunter, travel through the countless loading screens, get to Tattoine, jump on the bike and hunt their ***** down!!! Was able to help some other level 25-30's get their quest done.


On the way back to the spaceport, I was jumped by 3 lvl 50 repub's. I was so toast, but I had a GREAT time. On a pvp server you'll give out a beating and take a beating, just go with it and enjoy the ride. It's that extra bit of surprise content Developers can't code into a game.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


This is one of the many reasons I will never play on PvP servers. Once in one game and never ever again. It used to be known as griefing but it's pretty much free for all on PvP servers in my experience.

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On the way back to the spaceport, I was jumped by 3 lvl 50 repub's. I was so toast, but I had a GREAT time. On a pvp server you'll give out a beating and take a beating, just go with it and enjoy the ride. It's that extra bit of surprise content Developers can't code into a game.


They absolutely could code that in, it's not hard to have a random level 50 elite to spawn in an area as a level 30 walks by to do there quest. It's actually quite easy for them to code in. The thing is most don't find any fun at all in being attacked by surprise something you have no chance of beating so they don't.


Nothing wrong if you like that on a PvP server, but don't act like Devs can't code that into a game, they don't because it's not popular.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


I'm mostly a PvE player, though often enjoy some PvP aswell to mix it up abit.


In any case, you rolled on a PvP server, hate to say it but what did you expect? if i rolled on a PvP I'd fully expect to get attacked, ambushed, foul laungage being thrown in my general direction, and most likely killed by the same group of guys afew times.


That's the whole point, living on the edge and never knowing when you'll get attacked, sure there are some bad apples but tbh, you'll get that in both PvE and PvP servers.


Pick yourself up, dust off, and either hunt them down when you're lv50, get some mates to help out, or leave the area/log out for awhile and come back later.


Don't mean to troll, but I'm a (mostly) PvE player, and even i understand that if you roll on a PvP server, you roll with the punchs.


If it's seriously annoying you, join a PvE server and PvP when you feel like it.


Otherwise just log for 5-10m come back and they'll likely have moved on to find someone else to kill. It is a PvP server though, so you're going to get "camped/farmed" now an then.


The only part I'd disagree with is the "you suck" bit, a group of lv 50s vs one lone lv 30 guy hardly earns them the right to hit you with that comment, everything else that happened is to be expected on a PvP server tbh.

Edited by TheFugitive
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Just something you should have been willing to accept when rolling on a PvP server.


If I roll on a PvP server I fully expect to be ganked over and over anywhere I go.


Unfortunately this is correct. You have to expect it at some point. Then again I have been running around before questing when I was a lower level and had level 50 Rebels just go right past me knowing they'd just steam roll me if they bothered to stop. Depends on the people I guess. Kind of dumb that they would comment on you sucking though. Seems kind of silly since you're only in your mid 30's or so on Tatooine (I cannot remember exactly) and they are level 50.

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