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Everything posted by SingleCoilPickup

  1. Sooooo.... You're upset because people PVP'ed too much in a PVP match? ... Cool story, bro?
  2. wut? No one in this thread was crying about anything.
  3. It boosts three: damage reduction, damage done, and healing. If you have 10% damage reduction, that's equivalent to 10% extra health. So if you get 12% more health out of Rakata, for example, its superior to PVP gear. Damage done is amplified by a percentage. Your primary and secondary stats do the same. For my assassin, if I get 10% damage increase from Expertise, but 15% from willpower/power/strength/etc. then Rakata wins. Healing is where the curveball comes in. If you're a class that does tons of healing, Expertise may win out. But if you don't have much healing, if any, I'm pretty sure Rakata makes more sense than Battlemaster, though I think the optimum scenario is probably a combo of the two. Someone really needs to figure out a good calculator for this.
  4. So, the OP brought solid math to the party and you brought "well the devs said Expertise is what matters in PVP so it must be true?" I've long felt that expertise was overshadowed by full Rakata gear, at least for non-healers, this math solidly backs it up. Why should I believe "Expertise is better" at face value when the math clearly shows otherwise?
  5. I think it's kind of funny that some of you believe that those who think PVP gear is silly aren't willing to work for things. On a level (gear-free) playing field, you have to work and practice to have SKILL. The way things are now, you have to work and grind and work and grind to get gear so you can basically just spam your basic melee attack and faceroll noobs. I would argue that you gear-heads are the lazy ones because you don't want to actually put real effort into gaining skill, you just want to grind hours and hours to get loot rather than make an effort to improve gameplay. I can sit in warzones AFK and stealthed for a couple of months and end up with Battlemaster and Gear and faceroll noobs too.
  6. I think a debuff should only happen in very certain circumstances, like abandoning multiple warzones in a short time. There are some very legitimate reasons to bail on a warzone rather than waste 20 minutes of valuable time. Let me give you an example, yesterday I was playing Alderaan Civil War. My time had only the middle turret, yet five *5* people stayed standing around the middle turret doing NOTHING. One other guy and I tried to capture our spawn side turret, and one other terribad was off on the other side of the map stealthed planning to apparently one-man take a turret. I pleaded with my team to get organized, to go after one side, etc. I didn't even get a response in chat, let alone any indication of any plans to stop being lazy and stupid. Rather than spend 10 more minutes in a warzone I had no chance of winning with a team that had no chance of doing anything, I left. That, however, was the only warzone I abandoned in about 3 hours of running warzones. I should not be punished for that. Getting stomped by a better team is one thing, but being on a team that's consciously not even trying is another, and we need to be able to abandon that kind of situation without punishment.
  7. You can't fix every bug quickly. I work in software. Trust me, you fix what you can fix quickly as soon as you can while other stuff really is on a longer cycle. I'm sure as it is, BioWare has devs working 80 hours a week. There's no room left to be "hungry" and "go beyond." They're not being lazy. People on this board are under this really strange impression that every bug is a matter of changing around a few lines of code. Not so. I'll concede on the TC issue. We should be able to character copy as well as auto-roll 50's on TC. Until then TC is useless and a lot of unnecessary bugs are going to make it into the game. That said, I still appreciate that BioWare is getting major issues (like this week's Ilum) issue fixed quickly.
  8. Not to d-bag this up, but if $15 is a lot of money to you there are probably wiser things to spend your $15 on. In any case, I personally appreciate that BioWare is fixing issues so quickly. I'm sorry that the 2am - 6am CST window is in your playtime, but no matter what time they do it it's going to be in someone's playtime. I'd rather they fix it than not fix it, even if it does cut into play time. Especially in this case since Ilum is broken right now and totally screwing endgame dailies.
  9. This thread is getting derailed by "wellz lightsaberz break physx too! lolz" nonsense. Yes, there are things in Star Wars that aren't 100% real-world physics compliant. However, in watching any Star Wars material ever, gravity isn't one of them. Gravity appears to be "earth-like" in every planet visited in Star Wars. Thus, there's no reason for this elevator physics-conflict BS. I should not be able to hurt myself by jumping in an elevator. The problem in this game is the gravity mechanic is very wrong, it's just that the elevator is the most obvious example of it. However, jumping and falling also work very very strangely if you watch closely. This should get tweaked.
  10. Yes, this drives me crazy also. One time I accidentally jumped on an elevator and had like 4k in damage. I don't break my leg if I jump in an elevator in real life. Fix this nonsense.
  11. God forbid you have to be skilled rather than geared, right?
  12. Throwing the challenge flag on that one. I'm a level 50 Sith Assassin, and I'm a hybrid build between Madness (tank) and Darkness (damage). Granted, it's mostly in tank - 23/0/18 to be exact, but my survivability is outstanding and I have no trouble keeping the whole crowd on me as long as there's at least a mildly competent healer in the group. In fact, I've had groups go worse with a full tank spec Juggernaut than with my hybrid Assassin. TL;DR - It's not strictly necessary to put all of your skills in one tree to be effective.
  13. I agree with this, the jump mechanic is awful and the controls in the game aren't tight enough to warrant this kind of jumping. Don't read that incorrectly - I have no problems with complex jumping to get datacrons. What I have a problem with is how unresponsive jumping is in this game. I understand that it works if you learn to time it right, which I have, but it was needlessly frustrating. When I press jump, I want to jump, the half second delay to do the "bend the knees" animation is a huge flaw in the jumping mechanic.
  14. I'm not sure, but I'd rate this post 0/10. First, it belongs in the PVP forum. Second, there's like a bajillion threads on this already.
  15. Recall also that if EA says 2 million sold, it usually means 2 million shipped to retailers (as that means EA has sold the units), not 2 million in the hands of players (meaning Gamestop, Best Buy, Amazon, Steam, etc.) have sold their units. That probably gets skewed a bit by direct digital downloads from Steam the leak. But in any case out of ~2 million units sold by EA to retailers, they have ~1.7 million active subs. That's pretty solid.
  16. Try this (not sure if it will work) - put on a helmet that would normally show over the hood, then select the option to "disable head slot display" and see if that has the desired effect. I use that option, but I have one of those crown things that usually displays under the hood.
  17. Funny you say that because a group of us (as 50s) let a low level Republic come with us for the Jawa balloon datacrons. Then a pack of Republic 50s showed up and attacked us so we had to kill them all and none of them got to get on the balloon that round. Point being, Republic players don't act any more respectably than Imperial in many cases.
  18. You, sir, apparently missed Duke Nukem Forever. Also, lolz. SWTOR is a pretty solid game. Make sure to mail me your stuff when you quit.
  19. Interesting because as a level 50 Imperial, I got some calls to Tatooine from guildmates running the Rakatta quest in the Czerka lab that kept getting ganked by a Republic 50 Jedi Knight. Just what happens on a PVP server, but it sounds like you already acknowledged that. You just have to roll with it or call for backup and take out the gankers.
  20. I don't get why purple is such a big deal. Every other Star Wars game has made Purple reasonably obtainable and it's what I've liked to use all the way back to Jedi Knight II. I've used them in KOTOR, KOTOR II, The Force Unleashed, etc. It's just the color saber I like, and I don't get why it's so heavily restricted. You should be able to get mediocre purple crystals all the way up to awesome ones as far as color goes, with the awesome stats being rarer rather than the color. As far as rareness also, it doesn't really make the purple all that awe-inspiring just as a color since Level 12 mobs all over Dromund Kaas have them.
  21. Some of the Columi and Rakatta gear vendors sell mod-able purple sabers on the Imperial Fleet. So they're not just PVP colors. Does the Republic have Columi or Rakatta gear on their fleet? If so, what color are the crystals? If not, what do you have and what color are their crystals?
  22. I don't agree with that. There are some that are overall to serve the bigger picture of the Empire, but in a lot of the light choices you make that decision because you want the Empire to be better - my Inquisitor even said so a few times - so it's not all to suit the bigger picture of evil. And Palpatine would NOT have been a light side inquisitor. At all.
  23. I'm a level 50 Light V Sith Inquisitor. You get to make plenty of light choices that could be considered noble or heroic within the given scope. Granted, you're never as altruistic as a Republic light side, but it's actually kind of a cool way to play, and I've enjoyed it.
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