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Are people just tolerating TOR at the moment?


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Just remember that all the trolls insulting TOR are comparing it to a 8 year old World of Warcraft. While those few veterans who can compare it to the 1 month old World of warcraft can hands down tell you that this is far more polished and has a lot more end game than WoW.


The other option is people new to MMO's, and I'm sure they don't realize how much more grindy this game could be. Imagine if no one was 50 yet. Because thats how many MMO's work. Im sure they could copy that and really piss everyone off.

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In a perfect world we wouldn't have to voice concerns, but if we didn't speak up in masse who knows, we may have gotten Part 2-3-4-5-6-7 of Rakghouls in space instead of basic bug and mechanic fixes.


But this thread title and OP does nothing to name any basic bug or mechanic fixes that you'd like to see?

Edited by crunkerone
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so if you purchased something from a restaurant that you never tried before and it was horrible you would sit there and eat it ? because you paid $15 for it?


Exactly I would. Great analogy btw.



Unless they offered me a replacement meal, which BW doesn't seem to be offering.

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Honestly folks who make


Is TOR worth it?

Are people just Tolerating the game?

Has Tor failed all of us?


Posts should be auto-banned.



I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.



Also...Bioware doesn't need to get anything together...TOR was one of the smoothest mos successful launches ever the game has Millions of players; over fifty stellar reviews and a couple GOTY awards



Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Just remember that all the trolls insulting TOR are comparing it to a 8 year old World of Warcraft. While those few veterans who can compare it to the 1 month old World of warcraft can hands down tell you that this is far more polished and has a lot more end game than WoW.


The other option is people new to MMO's, and I'm sure they don't realize how much more grindy this game could be. Imagine if no one was 50 yet. Because thats how many MMO's work. Im sure they could copy that and really piss everyone off.


I will repost part of my post a few posts ABOVE you thanks to prove my point.


"Then I hear the wowbads I mean swtor fanbois saying "all new release mmos are like this!!1" I beg to differ. Rift released with stunning graphic, fully customizable UI, built-in in-game macro support (non-3rd party mods at that time), Quad-Spec (similar to wow's dual spec but you get 4 specs and yes on the release day), silky smooth combat gameplay (face it, swtor combat/gameplay is choppy/buggy/glitchy even after 1.1.1). "

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Nope. Just tolerating the trolls and waiting for the day we can actually discuss the game in general discussion.


Well, the trolls in TOR seem to out number peeps like you by far. I have played many MMOs and never, ever, have I witnessed such an incredible amount of unique names so displeased (in most cases downright disgusted) with TOR. Tor is nothing more than a cheap console style co-op game and will only ever be a small niche game.

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i'm just about tolerating these stupid *** threads :p


no seriously i bet half to 75% of ppl that are unhappy with SWTOR are just burned out with MMOs in general, how many times have a read a post starting with :


i'm a 14 year vet, and this is not what an MMO should be




10 year vet, and i'm unsubbing


on the other hand it seems to me all ppl that have just picked up there first MMO are loving the game.




OP are you a vet or is this your first MMO?

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Well, the trolls in TOR seem to out number peeps like you by far. I have played many MMOs and never, ever, have I witnessed such an incredible amount of unique names so displeased (in most cases downright disgusted) with TOR. Tor is nothing more than a cheap console style co-op game and will only ever be a small niche game.


I have to agree. I am hoping BW improve TOR its just a big shame rightnow.


TOR is like Wow in its 1st month of release w/ 3 times the bug -combatlog -costomizable UI


TOR is also like Rift in its 1st month cept Rift beat it in every single aspect most people consider something "good in a mmo".

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I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.


I really don't understand all the negative talk on these boards. I really don't. If you look closely, you will find people whining about almost every aspect of this game and some aspects that don't exist and they wish they did! Maybe they have little to do each day, maybe they're insecure and need to rail against something.... dunno. But, I'll tell you (and I've played all the others), this is a fun game, it has its own blemishes, but who/what doesn't? It's fun, someone said earlier, challenging but not frustrating and a good entertainment value. Go see what it costs to take your GF/Wife out to a middling restaurant and you'll have a different idea about entertainment value :)


Oh- and I am so tired of all the pundits in these forums presuming to teach the professionals at BW/EA how to do business. Let's see... I think it was somewhere around $3 billion in sales last year for EA... I think they know a little more than the trolls populating this venue.

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Oh- and I am so tired of all the pundits in these forums presuming to teach the professionals at BW/EA how to do business. Let's see... I think it was somewhere around $3 billion in sales last year for EA... I think they know a little more than the trolls populating this venue.


Probably shouldn't downplay the significance of the people on these forums. They are after all the ones who buy the products that generate that revenue for EA. If they don't like what EA is doing or if EA loses touch with their wants that revenue number goes south.


P.S. Considering that EA hasn't turned an annual profit in four years I don't place a ton of faith in their abilities right now.

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The game is a little boring ATM but I still play. I have 3 months left and will just fade away after that time has expired. The story is alright but you play through %90 of the same content when you reroll. The game is very meh to me. My biggest complaint would be the forum mods trying to bury stuff; just let us vent if we feel the need.
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I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.


This describes me.


I still think it was an excellent release in some respects, and shows a lot of promise, but it really depends on where they go from here.


I'm hopeful they'll get it right, and am guessing they will.

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No, I am not tolerting the game...


The only thing I am tolerating (and my tolerence is growing thin) is people constantly whining and complaining on the forum!


Too bad theres nothing you can do about it when your tolerance runs out.... gonna go nerd rage about it later.

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Probably shouldn't downplay the significance of the people on these forums. They are after all the ones who buy the products that generate that revenue for EA. If they don't like what EA is doing or if EA loses touch with their wants that revenue number goes south.


P.S. Considering that EA hasn't turned an annual profit in four years I don't place a ton of faith in their abilities right now.


Finally someone who is making sense. Not everyone paying $$ to play a MMO are dumb and stupid like most fanbois.


And people like me who subbed multiple month to save some $$ being stuck for x more month and hope the game can be made better.

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The game is a little boring ATM but I still play. I have 3 months left and will just fade away after that time has expired. The story is alright but you play through %90 of the same content when you reroll. The game is very meh to me. My biggest complaint would be the forum mods trying to bury stuff; just let us vent if we feel the need.


Exactly my view as well.

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I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.


That's a mentality I just can't understand. I understand that it's paid for so the account will remain active. But, if you're logging in and not enjoying yourself, are you doing it out of some masochistic sense to keep reminding yourself you're not enjoying it?


See, at around New Years I reformatted my HDD and finally installed Win 7 on my home desktop (yeah I know, late to the party ... have had it on my laptop for a year.) BUT, I haven't gotten around to installing Skyrim which I got for Christmas OR reconnected my clean installation to my Steam account which has several games acquired during their sales over the past 14 months that I haven't had a chance t play yet.


So when I reach a point where I need a diversion from TOR, I'm ready for it. Whether it means I slow down to only logging in a couple days a week or if it means I take a couple weeks or so off. But, I'm not going to push myself to engage in what's supposed to be a source of entertainment if I'm not enjoying my time spent in it.

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i'm just about tolerating these stupid *** threads :p


no seriously i bet half to 75% of ppl that are unhappy with SWTOR are just burned out with MMOs in general, how many times have a read a post starting with :


i'm a 14 year vet, and this is not what an MMO should be




10 year vet, and i'm unsubbing


on the other hand it seems to me all ppl that have just picked up there first MMO are loving the game.




OP are you a vet or is this your first MMO?



Vet of nearly 8 years. The people picking up their first MMO need to listen to us veterans--they don't know any better. TOR is floundering--there's no way around it.


And to those thinking anyone that posts a valid criticism is immediately a troll...seriously?


Us so called "Trolls" are criticizing the game because we're bigger fans than you'll ever be. Instead of blindly believing that everything will be ok, we take it upon ourselves to let the developers know every single day when they are under-performing. We want something better than what we've been given, and we expect better things, as we should, since we're long time bioware fans and we can't stand to see them dropping the ball so badly on such a beloved IP.


You can't understand what it's like--watching your once favorite developer turn into this. It's nothing short of heartbreaking.

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At the moment my highest char is lvl 45 so I havent reached the GAME OVER screen yet.


^^ This.


I've been slowly leveling about 6 different toons, trying out all the different aspects of the game.. eg. pve, pvp, crafting, etc. I play anywhere from 3-10 hours a day depending on my work week and my highest level toon is 23.


But, I've never been in a hurry to End Game so I'm always in "catch-up" mode in any MMO I've played. Which is a nice pace to be at in order to avoid early burn out. :D

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