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Helpless as a kitten


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Threads like this scare me. The Devs might actually believe them and ruin a perfectly good class.


Yes, this is not an easy class to play. But it is capable to doing all missions sent its way. There may be stronger classes, but this class is not weaker than the game demands when compared to some of the measures mentioned in this thread.


Final class battle: I soloed this on the fifth try. I finished this at half health and the droid at a third, and I used NO LOS tricks. It was a straight up fight. This is not unusual. Many other Watchmen have done it, and the method to achieve this is well documented on a number of threads in this forum.


Illum: Doc and I do the dailies on Illum and Belsavia with no problems whatsoever. And I observe many Knights doing the something every day.


The class is fine. The only knock I have on the class is potential carpal tunnel.

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So maybe that's the solution. They should add a public notice on the side of the Jedi Knight carton. " WARNING: Please ignore planet level range and out level yourself past the content. This way you can watch as Troopers and other classes 7 levels below you **** and pillage the same mobs that will take you three times as long to finish at 3 levels above the planet maximum suggested level range.


Hmmm. Maybe I'll put that in my sig to help get the word out.


I don't really have any advice for Sentinels but I will say this: The above is quoted for truth.


I don't feel terribly squishy as a Guardian, but I do think something is broken when a Trooper can push one button and mortar away a group of five weak MOBs in 1 second while I have to leap in there and fight them for a few minutes before they die. Trooper = take no damage, me = take some damage and might need to heal after said fight.

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:rolleyes: For the less-than-literate among you:


1. My gear is all blue and purple level 49 gear. I *can't* get better right now 'cause I DIE TOO MUCH.

2. Ilum mobs, not players, make mince meat out of me. Got that? PvE.

3. I can solo a Champion (if he's a few levels below me). One mob pulls are not a problem for me.


For those of you suggesting I use Kira, please consider the last time I used Kira on Ilum:


1. Kira jumps in.

2. I jump in.

3. Kira gets mezzed.

4. The four mobs focus on me.

5. I die within two seconds. Quite literally *within* two seconds of engaging my mob, I'm taking a dirt nap. My Sent has 14.6k HP. And he loses ALL OF IT in TWO SECONDS. Again: literally, two seconds.


You can claim to be as l33t as you please, but that doesn't help me. You say it's me and not the class, but I see far more people on the forums agreeing with me rather than you...


Maybe you *are* just a bad-***. Good for you.


P.S. Please read the posts, at leasts the posts that *I've* made (as the OP writer) before you throw your half-baked ideas in. Let 'em finish baking before you present. tyvm. :D

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So, I have a level 50 Sentinel that's spec'd Watchman... And he dies all the time in on-level content. He's just too squishy, especially against casters and ranged mobs.


Before the gaming elitists begin saying I should learn to play, please re-read that first sentence.


No, really. Go read it again. I'll wait...


...Yeah, did you miss it that time, too? Level 50. No one makes it to 50 on a Sentinel if they don't know what they're doing. I'm not a n00b. I'm a frustrated customer who can't pretend that dying all the time is fun any more.


Bioware, please fix Sentinels. My guy is at endgame and I can't do anything with him, except daily space missions. I only felt like my guy was performing on-level when I was fighting mobs five levels below him. Teams with strong tier mobs were challenging. Two elites were pretty hard, unless one was a droid... Sentinels are under-powered, and over-squishified.


If someone brings me along on Hard-Mode Flashpoints, I feel like I'm bringing the group down 'cause I can't dps enough to justify that as my only role. I throw my AoE heal as much as I can just to pretend that it's helping and because that's a large part of my normal rotation. Two AoE skills, BioWare, really? TWO?? What were you thinking?!


Ilum mobs kill my Sentinel several times an hour, and I can't even begin to tell you how fun that is not. Repairs are 3.4k per death... It actually costs me money to do more on Ilum than wander around, sightseeing.


BioWare, if/when you're going to fix Sentinels, please let us know... otherwise this toon will become a crafting bot for my lower level toons, and that is only if I decide to stay with the game. I'm seriously considering taking two months back from that three month sub I deposited on two weeks ago...







This is the most amusing thing that I have read all day.



"Ilum mobs kill my Sentinel several times an hour, and I can't even begin to tell you how fun that is not."



Several times per hour ahahah


:D :D :D :D :D

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:rolleyes: For the less-than-literate among you:


1. My gear is all blue and purple level 49 gear. I *can't* get better right now 'cause I DIE TOO MUCH.

2. Ilum mobs, not players, make mince meat out of me. Got that? PvE.

3. I can solo a Champion (if he's a few levels below me). One mob pulls are not a problem for me.


For those of you suggesting I use Kira, please consider the last time I used Kira on Ilum:


1. Kira jumps in.

2. I jump in.

3. Kira gets mezzed.

4. The four mobs focus on me.

5. I die within two seconds. Quite literally *within* two seconds of engaging my mob, I'm taking a dirt nap. My Sent has 14.6k HP. And he loses ALL OF IT in TWO SECONDS. Again: literally, two seconds.


You can claim to be as l33t as you please, but that doesn't help me. You say it's me and not the class, but I see far more people on the forums agreeing with me rather than you...


Maybe you *are* just a bad-***. Good for you.


P.S. Please read the posts, at leasts the posts that *I've* made (as the OP writer) before you throw your half-baked ideas in. Let 'em finish baking before you present. tyvm. :D




Your Sig describes you perfectly..


*still screaming like a little girl!*
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You are either trying to solo heroic content, or you really are terrible. Dunno what to say. I've given you some realistic things to look into. Others can't play the class.


Your other options are to learn the class, re-roll, or shut up!

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You are either trying to solo heroic content, or you really are terrible. Dunno what to say. I've given you some realistic things to look into. Others can't play the class.


Your other options are to learn the class, re-roll, or shut up!


Honestly.. I couldn't have put it better myself. This is the most brilliant thing I've heard all day.

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:rolleyes: For the less-than-literate among you:


1. My gear is all blue and purple level 49 gear. I *can't* get better right now 'cause I DIE TOO MUCH.


Wrong, and you know it.

1) I don't recall anyone having to win warzones to receive warzone comms/merc comms for PvP centurion commendations and for PvP gear... Which is completely viable in PvE! Champion isn't too much better and is a luxury people think they are entitled to at 50. 2) Corellia has commendations vendors you can get really nice rare items from the black market/ancient comm boxes. They say CLASS on them for a reason. They aren't just a decent random item, they are a decent random item for YOUR CLASS.


Level 49 gear wouldn't fly by anyone whose serious about completing any level 50 content, and it shouldn't be taken lightly by you, who knows the Sentinel class.

You don't want to put in that kind of effort? You probably already knew about these options and everything about your class. You just didn't apply yourself.

Edited by asilos
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Very well, Trolls 99, 86, and 23. I will give your opinions on the matter their due weight and consideration. *crumple* *toss* *swish!* :p


Wrong, and you know it.

1) I don't recall anyone having to win warzones to receive warzone comms/merc comms for PvP centurion commendations and for PvP gear... Which is completely viable in PvE! Champion isn't too much better and is a luxury people think they are entitled to at 50. 2) Corellia has commendations vendors you can get really nice rare items from the black market/ancient comm boxes. They say CLASS on them for a reason. They aren't just a decent random item, they are a decent random item for YOUR CLASS.


Level 49 gear wouldn't fly by anyone whose serious about completing any level 50 content, and it shouldn't be taken lightly by you, who knows the Sentinel class.

You don't want to put in that kind of effort? You probably already knew about these options and everything about your class. You just didn't apply yourself.


Asilos, dude, chill. This is not about an undue sense of entitlement. I don't care about great end-game gear. I'd take just about *anything* level 50, if I could survive long enough to acqure it.


I'm talking about the regular pve quests on Ilum. I can't even beat most of those! Nothing I try seems to work for on-level content, and as you can see from the posts above, the guys who claim to know what they're doing offer nothing in the way of help beyond variations on "learn to play, loser." Of course, I'm completely flattered that such lofty and skilled players deign to speak at a lowly curr such as me, but they're not helping and they're proving more and more that they're not interested in helping; just flaming.


Hence my appeal to BioWare in the OP.


So far none of the self-righteous-know-it-alls has presented any advice that I haven't already thought of, tried, failed at, and discarded apart from "re-roll." Those who claim to be the most capable are only interested, it seems, in tearing down others who aren't as OCD as they are about their games.

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Tedroni I would say I sympathise but… I really can’t Are we squishy??? Yep.

You are using Kira, there is the start of your problem. Get doc out and put up with his wise cracks a L50 Sentinel can take an L50 Elite without any real risk

Yes multiple mobs can cause you some grief. But let us look at some Illum dallies. Take out a bunch of droids and loot the quest items from them. Most are in 4 mob sets including one strong mob. I am playing combat so this may work a little different for you, but the guts of it are much the same.

Disable the droid, select one normal mob and force leap. (Rebuke if you feel so enclined)

Hit it with either Sweep or Blade Storm,

Hilt strike and the mob dies. If it doesn’t use zealos strike to finish him off.

Wander over to the next standard mob, and take him down with your next couple of hard hitters, this should be no more than 4 attacks to finish him off.

You will now be at about 90% hitpoints, turn on the Strong and start whatever rotation floats your boat to clean him up (maybe 8 attacks) now this will have you down to 70 – 80% of your hitpoints, wander up to the droid, hit him with Blade Storm, and clean him up

Find new bunch of mobs rinse and repeat. Now obviously avoid the big group in the middle, they are beatable, but it is a lot more work and not worth your time.

Now head over to the poor guy in the crashed ship. Approach from the north, you will have 5 standard mobs, leap in sweep the group of 3, hilt strike one, blade storm the next, and then hit the remainder with two attacks. Leap to the other two and clean em up with whatever suites.

Cruse over to the Elite, fire up rebuke and proceed to make a mess of him. If you want sabre ward is also a good option here.

Next is a pair of standard mobs then a strong and a standard. Use the tactics above for taking them out. This strong does the spinning attack (Can’t remember its name) either step out of the AOE until he give up or just kick the *****.

So you have now finished two dallies with almost zero risk in maybe 10 minutes. The Turrets, mission you disable the turret take out the two repair droids as of above, and then the turret, the one down the tunnel is full of droids and nothing above a strong, so as of above.

In Short this stuff is not hard.

You may be 50 but seriously if this is causing you grief it is time to stop and consider. Have you played 50 levels of learning or played the character the same way from the beginning. Because things are harder now, but you have more tools to deal with them. You have to have learned.

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i am having fun with my jedi sent/combat....ataru form is where i live .....in pvp i am having a bit of difficulty only because sorcs are stupid op (i really hope this changes at 50) but also because we do have to set up ...the strike that requires a cc'd opponent hits nice and i am getting some great burst if i cant just nail my rotation right .....dang other players for not standing still while i pound them .....i do all my quests with a pocket sage healer (my wife) i may be fortunate in this aspect but im thinking since like level 7 theyre not really promoting social inward playstyle in this game (i am talking to the wowheads) ......but back to the pvp discusion (cause lets face it thats whats more important) .....i am whooping *** on 1 vs 1 fights win almost all of them to be honest (some sort of bh is stomping me into a mudhole though) ......in PvE though my suggestion is to find an awsome woman to marry and make her play a sage healer and pve is easy ;p ...........NERF SORC'S PLEASE thats how you fix sentinels ......but seriously to repeat myself .....i am finding that practicing my rotations and coming up with new combos is starting to work for me ....practice practice practice......and ya i will add this if your a clicker you should not play this class .........i am also thinking that the only way to play jedi/sent/combat/ataru is key binding .....if you dont keybind .....well ya i can see why you would not like the dps output .....ataru hits ....you have 6 secs for a banging combo .....i am trying to nail the mega combo of a life time .....stun....quick hit (omg please proc atrayu)....then the hit only useable on a stunned target with a sweep while atrayu is up .....holy crap bye bye health i dont care what you are! please keep in mind i am only lvl 28 ...so i may not know what im talking about Edited by TrenchWar
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Lmao. Nobody's offered good advice? That's all we've offered you.. People have given you rotations, gear choices, and ways to get it, companion advice.. Man, stop complaining about it, and just read what people are telling you.. I'm starting to think that you're just a troll trying to waste everyone's time..


Go back a few pages, and check out the huge post on your rotation, and how to utilize your companion. There was a post about getting pvp gear.. You don't have to win, to get it.. That's been stated.


USE DOC!! Several people have said this now.. Don't use Kira.. Use a tank, or your healer. Spend a few credits and gear up your T7..


You're not a tank, you'll never be a tank, and thus you can't take damage.. You're not supposed to. You're not supposed to be tanking those 3 mobs while your companion takes on 1... Either use a tanking companion and learn how to control it, or use your damn healer.. It's been stated several times so far. You're strictly a damage dealer, so suck it up and deal with it.


To put it in WoW perspective (because we all know you played WoW) You're the equivelent of a combat rogue. You don't rely on stealth (JK not having it, rogues not needing it) And you do sustained damage, not burst.. If you want burst (sub/assassination rogue) you make a shadow. You try to go head to head with things, but ultimatly you're going to die against a caster, or a warrior type class. Your job is to deal damage, and get out. Kill one person and leave. OR HAVE A TANK / HEALER!!


So you have minimal options here.. And their as follows..


1. Read the thread, and take the advice people are offering you, and learn how to play your class..


2. Suck it up, and die like a good little dps.




Those are your options.. Stop wasting everyone's time with your mindless complaining.. Nobody feels sorry for you. Everyone else is doing fine, and all offer their support to you.. Take it or leave it. End this thread and move on.

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Lmao. Nobody's offered good advice? That's all we've offered you..


All you did, Troll 23, was laugh. Then you agreed with Troll 86 when he said I must be a horrible player.


People have given you rotations, gear choices, and ways to get it, companion advice.. Man, stop complaining about it, and just read what people are telling you.. I'm starting to think that you're just a troll trying to waste everyone's time..


I've tried everything mentioned to me in this thread, except the pvp idea. *Most* of it before I posted. Except the re-roll.


Go back a few pages, and check out the huge post on your rotation, and how to utilize your companion. There was a post about getting pvp gear.. You don't have to win, to get it.. That's been stated.


Go back and see how I used Kira. I died. When I used Doc? I died. T7? Died. I said before I'm not a total noob, clearly YOU weren't paying attention to the previous posts.


So, I don't have to win pvp content to earn pvp gear? That's something I didn't know before, thank you. However, since I've had disasterous outings in on-level pve, how do you think pvp will be better? You think I should just take my licks in pvp and the better gear I'll earn by being a whipping boy will help my pve performance? At this point, I think I'd consider that...


USE DOC!! Several people have said this now.. Don't use Kira.. Use a tank, or your healer. Spend a few credits and gear up your T7..


I almost exclusively use Doc, already. When that failed disasterously a few times, I -- get this -- changed my pattern! With, admittedly disasterous results. So, back to Doc, but that still leaves me up the creek without a paddle.


My T7 is as geared up as my main toon. Doc isn't as geared up as my T7 (though it's close).


You're not a tank, you'll never be a tank, and thus you can't take damage.. You're not supposed to. You're not supposed to be tanking those 3 mobs while your companion takes on 1... Either use a tanking companion and learn how to control it, or use your damn healer.. It's been stated several times so far. You're strictly a damage dealer, so suck it up and deal with it.


I KNOW I'm not a tank. I don't *need* to be a tank. But I do need to last long enough to get a skill off before the mobs kill me when my companion is CC'd. When the *average* pull is four mobs, what do you *think* is happening when my companion gets CC'd? A tank (T7, Scourge, even Kira) gets mezzed and they all come at me 'cause they're sure not gonna hit the mezzed guy. Doc gets locked up and they come after me and I die 'cause there's no healing. I wasn't exaggerating about that two-seconds thing before.


To put it in WoW perspective (because we all know you played WoW) You're the equivelent of a combat rogue. You don't rely on stealth (JK not having it, rogues not needing it) And you do sustained damage, not burst.. If you want burst (sub/assassination rogue) you make a shadow. You try to go head to head with things, but ultimatly you're going to die against a caster, or a warrior type class. Your job is to deal damage, and get out. Kill one person and leave. OR HAVE A TANK / HEALER!!


Nope. Never played WoW. I understand the idea of sustained damage. I do a constant rate of damage until either the mob is dead or I am. Until now Doc has been plenty to keep me on my feet more often than not. Even against Champions.


So you have minimal options here.. And their as follows..


1. Read the thread, and take the advice people are offering you, and learn how to play your class..


We've covered that quite a lot already, I think. I believe in my last post that advice was bundled under the "learn to play, loser" column, which you've already chimed in on. (btw, it's "they're" ["they are" contraction] not "their" [plural posessive pronoun])


2. Suck it up, and die like a good little dps.


Totally counter-productive. If I was dying 60% of the time, I could deal. This is not the case, though. It's like I've hit a wall on Ilum. I can't advance no matter how many times I die. Repeating the same actions and expecting a different result is crazy. I've re-worked everything as much as I can, and though you may disagree, I think there is a serious flaw in this class that needs to be fixed.




Impractical and unacceptable.


Those are your options.. Stop wasting everyone's time with your mindless complaining.. Nobody feels sorry for you. Everyone else is doing fine, and all offer their support to you.. Take it or leave it. End this thread and move on.


1. I'm only wasting your time if you choose to read the thread. Then, isn't it YOU wasting YOUR time by reading my thread?

2. I think my complaining has been rather rational. I've given examples and counter arguments. You're the one who's relying on "learn to play" as your entire argument.

3. I don't care about your feelings or regard for me in the least. I want the devs to recognize the problem and fix it.

4. "Everyone" except me and the many, many other Sentinel players who've posted on at least a dozen threads, most longer than this one, you mean? Those who have responded like you have always been in the minority on those threads. This thread is the only place where the number of l2p criers is on-par with the guys saying there's a problem.

5. You offered me support?? All you did was laugh, and agree with a guy who said I couldn't play my way out of a paper bag! Support like that is needed by no one. Certainly not by me. This is the first post you've made on this thread with more than three sentences.


Lastly, you're forgetting my last option: make enough noise so that BioWare takes notice of the problems that most Sentinels are lamenting about and encourage them to take steps to fix said problems.

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I've been reading the posts on this thread and it is apparent that many enjoy pointing out how there isn't an issue with the sentinel and that we are all just not smart enough to play them correctly. I say that is just being arrogant. It may be that there is some trick to overcoming the limitations of this class... but it shouldn't be that way. You shouldn't have to waste days or weeks reading and refining the way you play to make the sentinel viable.


I also don't see any of these self proclaimed geniuses explaining in detail how they do it... which indicates they either won't admit they are like the rest of us... or they enjoy having an advantage... either way, your not being helpful.


The sentinel is my favorite to play... but now I cannot play him. It's that simple. It's not fun to die constantly and I got tired of it. I'm now trying to find the second most fun toon to play but I feel frustrated because all I really want to do is play my sentinel. This really blows. I have been playing a trooper and they really are killing machines... but that makes me even more angry since it's further proof the sentinel is broken.


So go ahead... continue on telling people like myself that we just don't know how to play the class correctly. You may even be right... but ask yourself this... should it be that difficult? I don't think so.

Edited by AnotherAgnostic
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Guardians have recieved some love from the devs and from what I can tell, they're still an advanced class to play, but they do not suffer from the same woes as Sentinels.


Very minor buff, no argument both DPS guardians and Sents could use a little (emphasis little) help on survivability




I don't need to tank, I just need to be able to kill fast enough to make up for my lack of survivability. I can probably kill five normal mobs with no real trouble in a minute or so. Compare that to the Trooper who can kill them all with ONE SKILL. Mortar Shot, I think it's called.


Complete BS - sorry mate, I don't know what you are smoking but mortar volley doesn't come anywhere close to killing even level normal mobs in one shot after about level 8. Stop reading the press releases and roll one yourself if you don't believe me


If there's a strong in that list, I'm in trouble. If there are two, I'm practically as good as dead, unless one of them is a droid. Troopers can kill all the normals with one Mortar Shot and kill two strong mobs before they even get into melee range. If the mobs are ranged, my Sentinel is dead, period, while the Trooper suffers not one bit. It's badly imbalanced.


My second is a Vig guardian - not a Sent but suffers from the same need to close range, deals less damage than you with equivalent gear but is a bit tougher. Now cruising into the 40s and not having any significant issues at all.


Kira's great against any one mob. But that still leaves two or three for me to solo on your average pull... If one of those is a strong mob, I'm dead meat.

T7 isn't a good enough tank to be practical. He can't survive more than two mobs and I can't kill them fast enough for a four mob pull if one of those four is a strong mob. I certainly can't kill them fast enough on a five-mob pull.


***snipped out play skill issues***


My guardian's T7 solo's 3 normals on his own - I'm always getting careless and accidently aggroing multiple groups. He takes out one group, me the other, ending at around 60-70% health or better. If your T7 is dying that fast, try changing his gear to something within 5 levels of where you are....because there is NO reason he should be having any difficulty at all with a couple of even level normals. None. Kira should be killing mobs far faster than you imply she is as well, so again I suspect a gear issue for her.

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Don't be afriad to give your Companion purp gear. Seling them isnt always the answer. I cant tell you how amazingly Kira has performed from lvl 39 up to lvl 50 just because I gave her a perped chest peace and gave her a purp lightsaber mods at lvl 43. Doc same thing. I gave him some nice robes with lots of endurance so he just sits back and heals me taking damage. till i get to the mob tahts on him.


This game is really anti sentinel but its far from being unmanagible as people say it is. The whole Doomdays mission. My t7 wasnt even geared and I mopped the floor with that mission all because of T7 aoe actually works on the clones. If our Main stuns actually worked on the Strong mobs. We would be alright. Better than alright. We be able to actually handle business in as our class should be. But Rotation is a big issue as well as ability stuuttering

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it's quite a while ago since i dinged lvl 50. i'll try to give you some inputs which may make your life easier.


- use doc (it works with all companions, but with doc more you are "allowed" to use more misstakes. you will have just less stress with him ;). tbh Kira worked fine for me too.


- always use rebuke if possible


- keep some medpacks with you


- dont be to shy to use cooldowns



againt several normal mobs:


- always use force sweep....normally you should specc the focus cost down to 1 focus..which is very low. also the stun on them helps to avoid dmg.

- after sweep => pommelstrike (very nice dmg, for low cost; mostly kills a normal mob)

- after pommelstrike (i assume the first mob is dead now) do masterstrike on the second one (masterstrike also stuns a normal mob)

- if still incoming dmg is to heavy, pop saberward or awe or make another force sweep for the stun effect.


against hard mobs: (silver)

- just burst down the normal mobs (as mentioned above) first

- use force leap as interrupt

- use force kick

- try to get as many dots on him asap as possible (after the normal mobs are dead)


against elite mobs (gold)

- leap in, while leaping, charge your swords, zelous strike, cauterization

- use pacify (= incoming dmg greatly reduced the next 6 seconds)

- use all your interrupts (force leap/stasis)

- keep the dots on him

- use statis when you have all dots on him and you dont have another cooldown running (f.e. it's bad to use force stasis when you have saberward on. because stasis also reduce his dmg to 0)


hope that helps a little bit. good luck! :)

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it's quite a while ago since i dinged lvl 50. i'll try to give you some inputs which may make your life easier.


- use doc (it works with all companions, but with doc more you are "allowed" to use more misstakes. you will have just less stress with him ;). tbh Kira worked fine for me too.


- always use rebuke if possible


- keep some medpacks with you


- dont be to shy to use cooldowns



againt several normal mobs:


- always use force sweep....normally you should specc the focus cost down to 1 focus..which is very low. also the stun on them helps to avoid dmg.

- after sweep => pommelstrike (very nice dmg, for low cost; mostly kills a normal mob)

- after pommelstrike (i assume the first mob is dead now) do masterstrike on the second one (masterstrike also stuns a normal mob)

- if still incoming dmg is to heavy, pop saberward or awe or make another force sweep for the stun effect.


against hard mobs: (silver)

- just burst down the normal mobs (as mentioned above) first

- use force leap as interrupt

- use force kick

- try to get as many dots on him asap as possible (after the normal mobs are dead)


against elite mobs (gold)

- leap in, while leaping, charge your swords, zelous strike, cauterization

- use pacify (= incoming dmg greatly reduced the next 6 seconds)

- use all your interrupts (force leap/stasis)

- keep the dots on him

- use statis when you have all dots on him and you dont have another cooldown running (f.e. it's bad to use force stasis when you have saberward on. because stasis also reduce his dmg to 0)


hope that helps a little bit. good luck! :)


All good advice! If I may add something: leg slash / opportune strike combo works nicely too against normal mobs. I usually use that second (after pommel strike) on the next target to thin out the herd since Master Strike keeps you stationary.

Edited by eeCyaJ
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Sorry to begin with the L2P again. I don`t want to sound elitist, i really ain`t that good to be honest, but if your 50 and your dying to a group of normals, or some normals with 1 or 2 strongs, you really do smth wrong.


Granted, that sent has it harder than the range DD`s simply cause we are melee and thus don`t have the mobs close a gap of 30m till they can attack us or have to close a gap until we can attack them (for range mobs). Thats melee and you should have been aware of that picking your class.


Granted that sent doesn`t have that uber aeo dmg (at least if your not focus specced), but we have the highest single target sustained dps in the game. No, not talking about PVP bursts aka 3secstunimbarofl2hitkill...


But we definitly have no problem of survivability (for a dps). I literally can tank Belsavis daily heroic+4 quest with my sent, with just a healer friend healing and two other dps beating the crap out of the mobs and don`t even come close to pulling aggro from me. And all (but the last boss) i don`t even have to use another cd than rebuke.


But BTT:


Here`s what i do soloing content: Have doc out (works with any other comp too, but you`ll have more downtime and have to invest in gear of the comp).

Normal mobs only -> Just charge in -> sweep to get all aggro -> burn them down 1 by 1.


Normal + 1 - 2 Hards or 1 elite -> charge in -> rebuke -> sweep -> finish the low ones first, as they do plenty dmg but have less live.


That should be working for all three trees. As watchman you even have it easier, as you are able to heal yourself constantly and for granted 18% every 20 - 30 secs, and you have a second "omg *** 100% dmg reduction" in your combat vanish...



If your dying to much at solo content use your cd`s more often/wisely and equip yourself/your comp.

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I soloed one Elite and two Strongs at the same time (one was a healer even) yesterday for the heroic +2 mission on Ilum. They were all lvl 50 and I'm in lvl 45 green/blue gear.


I really don't like people who say "learn to play" but it really seems that you are doing something wrong in your case.


That doesn't mean that I don't believe that Sentinels are squishy, because they are. We are severely lacking in combat versus ranged mobs in numbers due to our lack of decent aoe and ranged abilities.


The way I deal with standard 1 Strong 3 Normal mobs.

Pop Rebuke

Jump in

Overload Saber while in jump

Zealous strike on one + Merciless Slash

Force Sweep - Opportune strike second

Master Strike on third

Finish whatever normal mob is left with Bladestorm or Merciless Slash

Focus on Strong


I use Doc. If I know the fight is going to be harder I also pop Saber Ward or Awe. You can also use Camouflage to reset aggro and let your companion tank for a second while you heal up from your dots.


It's really not that hard once you do it right.

Edited by Vibeth
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Taking you at your word, where you say that you are "literally dying in 2 seconds", I'm going to have to say that you are either exaggerating or that your perceptions are so highly skewed that nothing anyone will say will satisfy you.


I cannot empathize with you, as my gameplay experience is wildly different, and I don't really sympathize with you either because I don't believe you. Please upload a short video showing this normal pack of mobs killing you so quickly. Go from pre-pull to death so we can see what is going on. Maybe someone will have something constructive to say if they can critique your actual gameplay.

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My current rotation is:


Force Leap a Normal if possible

Try to Overcharge sabers if I can remember

If there are enough enemies around, I will use Force Sweep

Either way (after Force Leap or Sweep), I use Pommel Strike

With Criticals that can take out a single normal guy. If it doesn't Zealous strike should do it.

Then Cauterize on the next guy

Then Punch him, which will often take out that second guy.


Then fight the rest as normal.


The trick here, and I didn't find this out until PVP, is that Punch only works on Slowed enemies. I had nothing that slowed enemies because in PVE, it's a pointless endeavor.


When I build my Watchman, I ignored the Slow that you can gain from Cauterize. In PVE, what was the point?


When I started playing PVP, I realized how important it was to try to slow an enemy down. So I added the slow to the Cauterize. While Punch doesn't do anything in PVP, lo and behold, I was able to start using it against mobs in PVE.


So cutting through normal mobs is rarely a problem for me.


What I hate is that if I encounter 2 Strong + 1 Normal, it's a fight for my life. I have to pop nearly everything.

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