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"Republic needs hotties!"


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Call it the "WoW Phenomenon". I am certain more than a few PvPers chose Empire because they figured it would be SW:TOR's version of the Horde, which was the PvP faction in that game for many ages (not so much anymore, but early on it was).


Every MMO i have ever played including before WoW, the "bad" guys were always heavily favored by the PVP player base. The only game that I played that got around this was DAoC which had 3 factions. 2 faction games ALWAYS have this problem.

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-RP-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 25,986 | Republic 30,393 | Hey look, more good guys than bad guys. A lot of RP players want to be a Jedi or Smuggler. What a surprise! Not :)

-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 107,974 | Republic 86,269 | Empire +25% population

-PVP servers (entire World): Empire 137,732 | Republic 66,586 | Empire has 2.1 times the population



Just pointing out that based on these numbers the difference on PVE servers is 20% and not 25%. And because life is simple, the guy who made that post deliberately wrote a different percentage to reinforce his/her opinion. I should note i did not read that article.


If these numbers are legit, the only problem seems to be with the PVP servers, i would expect it to smooth out a bit in the future. I agree that most Empire gear look cooler, though i have always liked the monk-like appearance of Jedi.

Edited by Rabrac
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2004: Blizzard releases WoW, fails to realize that putting all of the attractive females on one faction will horribly skew the balance. DERP!


Everyone says "Horde needs hotties." so Blizzard fixes it with Bloodelves.


2011: Bioware releases SWTOR, fails to realize that putting all of the most interesting storylines and polished questlines, polished areas and better armor design on the Empire side will horribly skew the balance. DERP!


They'll fix it later with...uh, revamping all of the republic content to make it on par with the Empire content?


Seriously, BW, how the HELL did you not see this coming? The first five minutes of the BH class quest are more intriguing, engrossing and BETTER WRITTEN than all of the Republic class quests all the way to 30 (and I've done them all).


I didn't want to believe it when people on this forum were talking about how much better the Empire side is on all fronts, but I'm now left asking myself: why did I spend weeks leveling characters on the garbage faction, the faction that BW apparently doesn't play and couldn't care less about? I could've been enjoying the storylines, quests and polish a great deal more...


I made the bold assumption that BW would've put the same amount of love and care into both factions. I couldn't have been more wrong.


Good luck in fixing this, Bioware: you're going to NEED it.


"Republic needs hotties" isn't going to be the answer to THIS faction imbalance... :rolleyes:



I think the part you conveniently left out of your time line was this :


2007 : Everyone says "Horde needs hotties." so Blizzard fixes it with Bloodelves



Yes, 3 years after the release of WoW they give BE to Horde ... 3 years ....




I like how people try to compare SWTOR to WoW, hell, some even try to use Timelines, but then they always seem to leave out the parts of the time line that do not support their "WE NEED THIS RIGHT NOW LIKE WOW HAD AT RELEASE !!!" which usually turns out to be more along the lines of "Yes, WoW had XXX feature, but it wasn't placed in the game for YYY years ...."

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Okay, here's some more: http://taugrim.com/2011/12/14/population-skewing-heavily-towards-empire-on-pvp-servers/


From that page:


-RP-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 25,986 | Republic 30,393 | Hey look, more good guys than bad guys. A lot of RP players want to be a Jedi or Smuggler. What a surprise! Not :)

-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 107,974 | Republic 86,269 | Empire +25% population

-PVP servers (entire World): Empire 137,732 | Republic 66,586 | Empire has 2.1 times the population



These numbers are from the Pre-Launch Guild Program, says so right in the first line of the article. Has nothing to do with whats actually going on, on the live servers.

Edited by GawdoOo
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Aside from the fact that people have been complaining about the majority of servers being heavily skewed toward empire and aside from videos like this one (and the MANY like it), what more evidence do you want?


Okay, here's some more: http://taugrim.com/2011/12/14/population-skewing-heavily-towards-empire-on-pvp-servers/


From that page:


-RP-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 25,986 | Republic 30,393 | Hey look, more good guys than bad guys. A lot of RP players want to be a Jedi or Smuggler. What a surprise! Not :)

-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 107,974 | Republic 86,269 | Empire +25% population

-PVP servers (entire World): Empire 137,732 | Republic 66,586 | Empire has 2.1 times the population






You do realize that world PvP objectives will basically be 100% screwed when the faction imbalance is this bad, right?


Everyone who planned to take part in ANY world PvP should care, as should Bioware for their game not working as intended, and so should every Empire player who hates huttball (hint: they're going to be playing an AWFUL lot of it...).




The youtube video doesn't say anything about the servers being lopsided. You can have a server with twice as many republic players, but if they all want to pve operations and not pvp, the Empire will appear to have more players on Ilum. Sometimes Republic has more players, sometimes, Empire does. Thats how it is.

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As far as one side having better stories than the other, that is 100% subjective. It is not fact, nor something that needs to be changed.


You can only hide behind "it's all subjective" for so long.


There are quantifiable means of measuring the overall quality of things. We have critics for this exact reason.


However, going by my experience alone, I can only say this: I've played all of the republic storylines to at least 30. Not a one of those gripped me in the way the BH storyline did in the first 20 minutes alone.


Beyond that, look at this thread for some of the gross imbalances between factions.


Then there's the fact that pretty much every last piece of orange jedi chest gear is a BROWN ROBE!


It seems inevitable that devs wind up favoring one faction over the other whenever a dual-faction MMO is released. It just feels like this one fell on the Empire side.

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Pretty sure she's from the Jedi Consular storyline. If that's the "character" I'm thinking of.


Yes Holiday is in the Consular Story line - unless of course the Jedi Knight story line has her too, no idea as I haven't played through the Jedi Knight story line. But I have completed the Consular one.

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Agree to disagree on the quality of the writting on the Republic side. I'd say the most boring of the class stories is probably the Consulars, I will grant you that, but that is from 1 to 20. By the time you're level 30 with the consular, the story really picks up speed and is really pretty cool. So it wasn't that the story was bad, it's that it was very slow paced at the start with little seeming importance. By the time you're off Coruscant it becomes very interesting.
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How about the Republic gets Ewoks? Those guys are hot right? I mean they have a lot of fur so they must be. Problem solved.


Better is to give the Empire Gungans as a playable race.

That ought to encourage players to join the republic AND to PvP.

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My inqusitor needs hotpants and a cape. (My Agent is a hottie). Even Kira, on Republic side is a hottie because she is...no I won't say. It is agreeable though what the OP says about excitement on the Imperial side and a bit of ordinary dullness on Republic side.
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-PVE servers (entire World): Empire 107,974 | Republic 86,269 | Empire +25% population


Just pointing out that based on these numbers the difference on PVE servers is 20% and not 25%. And because life is simple, the guy who made that post deliberately wrote a different percentage to reinforce his/her opinion. I should note i did not read that article.



Please learn how percentages work. They are relative. 20% lower is the SAME as 25% higher. The OP was NOT trying to mislead anyone and correctly indicated that the Empire has +25% population.


That is,


86,269 / 107,974 = 0.799 = approx. 80% (in other words, 20% lower)

107,974 / 86,269 = 1.252 = approx 125% (in other words, 25% higher)

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I kinda agree with the OP. I was going to be Empire then my SI story sucked. But the planet stories were good (all except Voss, hate that planet). But I wanted to be a hero so rolled a JK. While I liked the JK class story the republic main story kinda sucked so I quite at lv 20. Then I rolled a BH and my god the class story is great and the planet arcs are great. Best thing is the IA is mant to be even better.


I am trying to talk myself into playing a smuggler to play the republic story but currently just dont want to.

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I kinda agree with the OP. I was going to be Empire then my SI story sucked. But the planet stories were good (all except Voss, hate that planet). But I wanted to be a hero so rolled a JK. While I liked the JK class story the republic main story kinda sucked so I quite at lv 20. Then I rolled a BH and my god the class story is great and the planet arcs are great. Best thing is the IA is mant to be even better.


I am trying to talk myself into playing a smuggler to play the republic story but currently just dont want to.


That's the other thing: the general republic story is kinda bland as well.

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However, going by my experience alone, I can only say this...


And, going by your experience in comparison to my own, I'm going to have to say that your personal feelings and preferences about this matter don't form the basis of any compelling argumentation on your part.


Really you might as well be arguing that the Sith have more people because you personally like the color red better than blue. Stick to where actual issues exist.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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Kinda loving my Smuggler, to be honest. Even though Skavak should have been dead LONG ago. So far I've enjoyed pretty much all of the Class stories though, so I'm really not sure what the problem is.


Perhaps the issue is how looooong some of the planets feel. On the Imperial side I couldn't believe how fast Nar Shaddaa flew past compared to Balmorra which should be forver known as "The Imperial Planet of Heroics".


As much as I enjoy the game I've been surprised how much I've been glad to finally get off Coruscant, Taris, Balmorra, Alderaan and Tatooine.

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And, going by your experience in comparison to my own, I'm going to have to say that your personal feelings and preferences about this matter don't form the basis of any compelling argumentation on your part.


That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.


Really you might as well be arguing that the Sith have more people because you personally like the color red better than blue. Stick to where actual issues exist.


I can't say for certain why there are more Empire players.


Since the "Republic needing hotties" isn't actually an issue (like it was with WoW), I speculate that it's some combination of the Emp side having better stories, more polished areas, better armor design and people enjoying playing the bad guys.


Point of fact, the issue exists, and BW is going to have a HELL of a time trying to fix it since there's no one obvious issue.

Edited by TheRealDestian
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I can only speak for myself, but I prefer empire over republic because I prefer the armor, spell/ability graphics and color schemes more- aesthetics I guess you could say. For example: my sith has an awesome purple stripey bed, but my jedi has a wooden bench for a pillow, lol.
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I can only speak for myself, but I prefer empire over republic because I prefer the armor, spell/ability graphics and color schemes more- aesthetics I guess you could say. For example: my sith has an awesome purple stripey bed, but my jedi has a wooden bench for a pillow, lol.


And every piece of jedi armor is a brown robe, yeah. :(

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