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Another 8hr are you serious? They have MASSIVE memory leaks in the server code.


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No genius they are down every other day at least 4hrs. That is a fact.

My only time to play is midnight pactime and the servers are down 1/3 days guaranteed.


So i'm getting ripped off!


Bioware this game should never have been released this early. Its trash.


Then quit. Stop crying. That other game still has Tuesday maint. EVERY WEEK. Its how it is. Deal with it or quit. But for the love of God, stop crying. Call them if you dont like it.


Its so funny how everyone complains when things arent working right. Then they bring the servers down to fix or do maintenance, and the people still complain. Damned if you do and damned if you dont.

I think people just like to hear themselves complain. If its a hug ya need i can give ya that...((hugs))

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What do they do that take 8 hours?


0-30 min reinstall OS

30-50 min install game

50-60 min patch

60-90 min coffee break

90-95 min see if server start

95-120 min coffee break

120-240 min lunch break

240-245 min see if server is still on

245-300 min coffee break

300-460 min afternoon nap

460-470 min wake up time

470-480 min Remove posting lock on forum and open up the servers.

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Everyone raves about SWTORs "innovation" when all they did is copy/paste the process of the biggest MMO in history while spending 500mill on voice acting that gets spacebar'd.


I think in gaming media "innovation" has become a new colloquialism for "paid review". If you see the word in any game review to describe any mechanic or feature you can rest assured there was a few kickers preceding it.


Well first off, TOR cost ~200 mil to make... so you're off by quite a bit of money. Also, by your definition, the biggest MMO out there has no "innovation" at all because all they did was copy/paste the process of the biggest MMO in history BEFORE it. TOR IS INNOVATIVE. They improved an element that was, so far, neglected in most MMOs, a story. Also, how is the story something that just get spacebar'd over? If you look at the Mass Effect 2, the numbers show that only 15% of the dialogue was actually skipped through.


If you're trying to say they didn't create something new, you're correct, but that's not what innovation is.


But I digress, this isn't the thread to get on this topic.

Edited by Oofpez
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All I know is, I played Rift for 6 months and I never had to worry about servers being down when I wanted to play. I don't know if they have a regular maintenance time or not but I never heard of it or was affected by it if they did. Unlike swtor.
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First why would a US based company who's main programming support have their staff to server maintenance this late. Come on, no way would I even do that at the company I work at with either our file server, support server, phone system server, print server, heck any of the servers that I maintain. So it causes an inconvenience - get over yourself, adapt and overcome it. Take the time off to spend in the real world.


Second - copy and pasted from the other MMO's, don't think so. Try having to write all the code from scratch. Copyrights and digital protection make it so Blizzard, Square and BioWare can't just ripe the code off from each other. So yeah there are going to be problems that do come up even with Beta testing. Large scale roll out are when small bugs became everyone's problem.


Last thing, your problem is most likely not at the top of their list, some other issue that is causing major problems are. Basically the bigger the problem the more people that are normally working on it to get the fix in. If a solution to an issue does come up that can be implemented right away it happens. I have see everything here in just about all the MMOs that I have played, EQ, AO, ROM, SWG, and WOW. 8 hours, just a space holder, giving them the time that they need if something happens. Heck, the AS/400 server always has this kind of time frame every other week when my Corp. office takes it down for maintenance.


Those that are saying WOW was never like this, it was, I played WoW from 1.3 up to Cat, got tired of how boring it got. Yeah this game isn't posh as WoW or SWG or any other game that has been out for a year, but guess what - it just rolled out, only a month old. Don't like it, play another game, sure that you are going to have the same complaints there as you do here.

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SWG, 3-4 hour Maintenance every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning Eastern Time.


Once a week Maintenance plus a few 1-2 hour downtimes for "emergency fixes" because the game is ONLY 1 1/2 MONTHS OLD?


Euro folks, its an American game, sorry, deal with it or quit.

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For the most part they have taken down the servers at non-peak times. As they have made clear in the patch notes, they are basing their playtime evaluations off of Central Time zone for the USA. Meaning most of their players are within 2 hours of their playtime estimations.


The server is coming down at 2am Central and going back up at 10am Central. Even if you play on the Pacific coast, that means the servers are coming down at midnight. Get an early night. Buy a eBook and read something. Time for bed. Go to sleep.

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Honestly I've been pleased with SWTOR's maintenance. Sure, I'm an American and 3am is pretty much about the time I go to sleep, and I really do feel for the European players...


But every MMO has maintenance downtime. Every newly launched MMO brings the servers down, has crashes, 4 hour fixes here and there. EVERY. ONE. OF. THEM.


Could be worse. Could be like Blizzard on patch day, somedays you don't even get to log in. On WoW's launch the servers were down up ALL THE TIME.



Of course nobody remembers this because you just want to cry just to hear your own voice. (Or see your own words in tears.)

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Its 8 hours in just one day....you guys have the rest of time to play afterwards...why are you griping over 8 hours in just one single day?


It starts at 7.30pm my time until after midnight for me - the whole night gone. International time zones and a Global market is something Bioware can't get a grasp of. 2 hours I can handle, 8 hours is a stretch.

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It starts at 7.30pm my time until after midnight for me - the whole night gone. International time zones and a Global market is something Bioware can't get a grasp of. 2 hours I can handle, 8 hours is a stretch.




Never fear, they are looking into this. Thankfully. I bet within the next two weeks you see Euro patch times get adjusted.

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It starts at 7.30pm my time until after midnight for me - the whole night gone. International time zones and a Global market is something Bioware can't get a grasp of. 2 hours I can handle, 8 hours is a stretch.


So...you can't find something else to do? As I said...one day, thats it 8 hours then you can play however long you want till next maintenance. I'm just baffled why 8 hours is so important compared to the rest of time you can play...

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Which implies they could've had acceptable times in the first place. Yet it took quite a bit of complaining from us Euros to, hopefully, get better maint. times.


By the way: Yes, other MMOs have downtimes. But at least it's clear they are doing something during that downtime. With TOR it would appear they just take the servers down for lulz.

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Typically the servers need to go down when they are applying patches, which they will do for every maintenance for every week for some time i would imagine. Then there are the other occasions when they hot fix things. I dont think the servers need rebooting because of memory leaks....Your PC perhaps, but not the servers.


There are a lot of memory leak issues with graphics in the game, i need to restart the game quite often to restore its full performance. I hope they will address that fairly soon.

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Why do they constantly need to be shutting these servers down?

My guild is loosing players like flies. They are all going back to their old MMOs


You had better get a handle on this fast.


This is completely unacceptable.




The body of text is at first sight plausible because concise, but the pretentious use of technical terms like "memory leaks" and "server code" in the thread title give the game away.


Also, the well-worn "my guild is falling apart" - perhaps a little more imagination might have been in order?

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So...you can't find something else to do? As I said...one day, thats it 8 hours then you can play however long you want till next maintenance. I'm just baffled why 8 hours is so important compared to the rest of time you can play...


For me an a lot of other 'paying' customers it is not 8 hours - it is 1 full day. 2 hours people can deal with, but 8 hours is incompetent. No business in their right mind would shut down 1 full day. We all understand there needs to be maintenance, but take into account a global market.

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The maintance is during the middle of the night -> early morning for most players. Don't really see how this is a gigantic problem. Its a brand new MMO. Calm down.


All the EU players get screwed everytime the server goes down. Servers only come back up at 6pm - 8pm for most eu players depending on where you are. Its really not cool that they always do it during prime time for the eu community.


I dont mind patches to address issues, but they really should split the downtime between EU and US.

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As a guild on euro based times, this is half our day gone (if we are awake for 16 hours and get a healthy 8 hour sleep), but we just work around it. Its when they patches eat into 8pm GMT then we do get concerned as we are trying to set up raids to start at 7pm. Its a shame that they can't have tighter patch downtimes, 4 instead of 8 hours, and 2 hours instead of 4. Saying that the servers do come up early on a lot of occasions.


As an EU based person the only downtime that wasn't during my normal working day was the one on Saturday, for all the others I've been at work when they're happening. I'm beginning to think I'm somehow unique in this going to work during the day thing.

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