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Artifice - Rare Crystal locations and Guides


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good morning, well this is an interesting ending of WC case


I could not sleep during night and I was thinking:

How is it possible that only Catch has the WC, there is like 1mil. of people playing. No one, even from his guild didnt have this crystal (at least they didnt tell us). (I dont remember the case of purple crystal have to check it today what was the process and how people reacted)

It was really weird for me how is it possible that no one else has any idea

but as we say in our country - everybody is General after war - and that goes also for me, that it is easy now to comment when I know the results


And I had few theories:

1. he got it by accident (he dont know how and what exactly he did and he is not able to repeat it that is why no hints and guide)

2. game bug (it was drop from somewhere but never happened again)

3. somebody from BW told him how to get it


and there is this 4th option I didnt think about that he cheated, which is disappointing as we had before 2 confirmations from BW that crystal is in game


but that means HE KNOWS SOMETHING WE DONT (planet, location, place, mechanics etc.)

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I find the lack of info from bioware annoying. It caused this whole issue. If they would just give us a list of what crystals were in the game and keep adding to the list as they add them it would be helpful. Im not asking for locations just a list of stuff that can be found/crafted so people dont waste a ton of time doing stuff the cannot be done.


For example they have yet to say if the republic can get the purple crystal or not. Or the other way if the Imps can get "lt blue"

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Anybody got some other mysteries to solve? Anything other than color crystals as I believe we currently have all we can get, unless of course there is something to the purple crystal nonsense.


As stated above, we need to figure out if pure crystals are obtainable by the Republic and if Cyan crystals are obtainable by the Empire. There are rumors of people saying they drop in Operations, but no one has posted screenshots or any real confirmation.


Also, if they drop in Operations, are the schematics or are they just loot drops that are BoP?


I know I'd be pretty pissed if I was Republic and couldn't get a purple crystal. To point out the obvious, Mace Windu wielded a purple blade and was a member of the New Republic. It doesn't matter if he "flirted with the dark side" as some have said, because if you're that particular about it, couldn't it just be restricted to Light I and above on the Republic side? I for one hope that it is possible so I can get purple on the JK I'll be rolling.

Edited by Eortotai
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good morning, well this is an interesting ending of WC case


I could not sleep during night and I was thinking:

How is it possible that only Catch has the WC, there is like 1mil. of people playing. No one, even from his guild didnt have this crystal (at least they didnt tell us). (I dont remember the case of purple crystal have to check it today what was the process and how people reacted)

It was really weird for me how is it possible that no one else has any idea

but as we say in our country - everybody is General after war - and that goes also for me, that it is easy now to comment when I know the results


And I had few theories:

1. he got it by accident (he dont know how and what exactly he did and he is not able to repeat it that is why no hints and guide)

2. game bug (it was drop from somewhere but never happened again)

3. somebody from BW told him how to get it


and there is this 4th option I didnt think about that he cheated, which is disappointing as we had before 2 confirmations from BW that crystal is in game


but that means HE KNOWS SOMETHING WE DONT (planet, location, place, mechanics etc.)


It doesn't matter. The crystal isn't officially in the game yet which means he hacked the database in some manner to get it. So even if we did know how to get it, it's not worth the suspension/banning to your account.

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Go get a good attorney, and file for a 'misrepresentation' lawsuit... A good one, should at least make it up to the court... There is evidence enough to actually, get the lawsuit through. I mean they did monitor the forum thread, which means, they are aware of how/ what/ this fiasco has been on-going, yet they didn't reply until somebody 'illegitimate'-- as claimed got it.


Misrepresentation is a type of tort that a defendant can be charged with in a civil action. It typically occurs when a person makes a false statement of material fact for the purpose of persuading another person to enter into a contract or other arrangement.


In general, a plaintiff must prove five elements in order to be successful in a misrepresentation suit. First, the plaintiff must show that the defendant made a false statement of material fact. -- which Bioware did, because one of the live-agent did say it's in-game, hence if Catch find it/ obtain it somehow, it's actually not his fault, being "ready or not ready" is not in the context of being obtainable. Consequently, if he's being punished for it, he can argue that point.


Next, the plaintiff must show that the misrepresentation was intentional or negligent. An intentional, or fraudulent, misrepresentation occurs when a defendant knows that he or she is making a false statement of material fact. -- which Bioware also did, because, they know it's in-game but not ready, yet, nobody said anything? and even have the balls to claim that they have been following/ monitoring the thread? Further explanation: A negligent misstatement takes place when a defendant fails to use reasonable care when making a statement. In other words, the defendant is negligent if he should have known that his statement was untrue. -- the live-agent chat committed all that; the community asked specifically if it's in-game, the live-agent said yes, but isn't pointing out how to obtain it, which only leads to the point that it's obtainable, and contradicts the point of "not-ready/ not released".


The third element that must be demonstrated is that the defendant intended for the plaintiff to rely on the false statement. -- we all went for XX hours of search upon seeing the SS live-agent's chat, I don't think this needs further explanation.


For the fourth element, the plaintiff ordinarily needs to prove that he or she justifiably relied on the defendant’s statement. -- see above, and this is to prove that our competency -- of course we are, since he brilliantly got it.


Finally, the plaintiff must show that he or she was injured as a result of the misrepresentation. -- by getting the bashes, I think he's had enough.


For one, it's clearly not his mistake to begin with, and we're all being a dumb-fooled led on and on by BW (no offense -- I'm still playing your game, but sometimes, common sense, it's got to be reasonable to stop the leads somewhere i.e. dmg control before it got out of hand like in this case.)


I'm not a lawyer, but somebody, should have some sense into this thing. Just my 2 cents as a bystander.


EDIT add: He mentioned he didn't hack it, he just filed for a reimburse, and got it.... and get banned after it, perhaps there are more stories to be un-ravel.

Edited by pangwl
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It doesn't matter. The crystal isn't officially in the game yet which means he hacked the database in some manner to get it. So even if we did know how to get it, it's not worth the suspension/banning to your account.


Not necessarily. Did you watch Catch's reply video that Flopi posted?


I'll just leave this here:




I'm still not sure whether I believe it or not, but (1) it seems more plausible to me than a "database hack" (though I know little of such things, it might be easier than I think it is), and (2) it at least proves that there are other possibilities than hacking.


Thus, I'm not going to be so quick as to condemn Catch to the lowest circle of videogame hell that is hacking. Maybe he's exaggerating and did intentionally exploit, but that's still not as serious as hacking a game.

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I love this thread series. It's saved me from pulling my hair out about the White crystals and I've already learned some nice information about how to obtain other crystals for my Artificer character.



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I also saw that video, it supports my theory from morning that he either got it by accident or it is a bug


And regarding datamining... I never saw any game files but honestly I dont think there will be written that " go to point A, jump 3 times, then go to point B and turn around 5 times and then go to point C and kiss tauntaun and tadaaa here is your WC" you have to connect everything and I just dont believe and nobody will convince me that Catch was the only person who was able to connect all info from game files




in other thread were some people who saw game files speculating about secret companion

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=53864 btw very interesting thread I and really like to check it and it was exciting to wait if somebody will find him at the end BW confirmed that he is not in game yet and more importantly that game files contain also things which were removed from game or which were even not implemented fully!



but here we had 2!! confirmations from BW (one from ingame ticket and one from german part of forum)

and what I think happened is that BW thought - ok you want your WC you have to start at point A -> B -> C ->D and you get it

but Catch probably found different way so he started at A ---> took shortcut to X ------> finished at D (or it was just coincidence)


I dont defend Catch, but something is not right here, and I think BW should pay more attention to discussions and either confirm or deny if items are in the game and obtainable so people will not spend days searching for nothing


Also one important thing, if that is true what is in video that crystal disappeared and Catch opened ticket and they gave it back to him without problems then I dont understand how it could be problem after few days, people in BW must be very confused


one should be now afraid to play the game so he will do something "unexpected" and get banned


edit: one more idea what yould happened: catch received useless white color crystal (you know just color crystal without any stats, which are used for crafting) crystal got lost/he dropped it etc. asked for restore and they send him hawkeye crystal by accident...

Edited by Peter_
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Subbed to the new thread. Pretty ridiculous about catch's story. I'm not taking sides but if what he says is true, then bioware really disappointed me yet again. Honestly, we do need a list of what color crystals are available in game. Even if we don't get a hint, it would save us from wasting our time looking for nothing, and also prevent something like this from happening again. Edited by HyperMaggot
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Regarding about the white,


That colour was in beta and datamined, they never told us that it would been in launch.

The only people who say it is a lawsuit actualy can get lawsuited as you did datamining, Datamining per se is a open the program to see stuffs. But 99% of the time the game makers dont bother as there isnt any worth this.


Remember a game have lots of info that you can see but not get, same in all mmos have lots of data you will never see and some who comes after updates.


Asking a dev whatever yes, thats aloved and we got info that its not ingame, sadly, as i wish a white saber myself. :(


and this post is subsribed :) awsome job finding stuffs.

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Subbed to the new thread. Pretty ridiculous about catch's story. I'm not taking sides but if what he says is true, then bioware really disappointed me yet again. Honestly, we do need a list of what color crystals are available in game. Even if we don't get a hint, it would save us from wasting our time looking for nothing, and also prevent something like this from happening again.


Well, considering that an "yellow one" CONFIRMED the existence of a white lightsaber crystal... (well, we know better ... now) how trustworthy would such a list?

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I just think it's sad that Bioware has chosen to limit colors the way they have. There are other ways to make items "unique"


There are 16 million colors to choose from, every 50 shades of those (approximately) is discernible to the human eye. There are enough SHADES of colors (and for the purpose of this game, there only needs to be FOUR shades of about thirty colors) that Bioware could have a shade obtainable through SOLO, CRAFTING, PVP, and RAID play. There is no need for what they are doing now, there really isn't.


SW:G ran for many years, but while it was a success in terms of profit (if barely), it was really a failure in the majority of player's eyes within the first year. If that's all Bioware is seeking, to eek out a small profit, then they will no doubt succeed. But if they want the game to increase in popularity and subscriptions, then they are going to have to start looking beyond their metrics.


There are a good 5-8 years of sustainable profitability in this MMO, if they are banking on the successful longevity being tied to the color of a crystal being released every few months or every year and the design of an armor, then they have already failed.



Bioware can do better, and I think they should be doing better. There is no need to limit a color, if you want to limit something, limit the stats, or find another way. It's bad enough that this game is almost cookie cutter. It's an MMO with Single Player customization options, it's limited in just about every aspect, from the ship that you have to fly around in, to the design of its interior, to armor, to the extremely limiting character creation, right down to the fact that Sentinels do not have a SINGLE ORANGE BELT OPTION in this game.


The oversights are just astounding, even for a new MMO.

Edited by CriticalMasses
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I can recall clearly during early game access and the official launch week, seeing a White light saber on a JK Guardian in Tattooine. I stop for a sec to view this character's light saber 'cause I wasn't aware there was one in the game. I didn't bother to ask on how or where it was obtainable, just thought it was something I could look on to further in the game.
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I can recall clearly during early game access and the official launch week, seeing a White light saber on a JK Guardian in Tattooine. I stop for a sec to view this character's light saber 'cause I wasn't aware there was one in the game. I didn't bother to ask on how or where it was obtainable, just thought it was something I could look on to further in the game.


The devs have said that it's not possible to get "legitimately" (see the OP for details). Inferring that any signs of a white crystal in the game have been possible via "illegitimate" means or where seen before the devs decided to change the situation. Also:




...In the case of the White Lightsaber Crystal, yes, it was in-game during Game Testing. Yes, it was removed - as the development team decided they wanted to change the requirements to acquire it. That was a decision made, in their opinion, to benefit the game in the long term. To suggest that decision was made to 'mess' with players is unfair. It's simply not what was done....
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lol now some of u think catch is innocent? From everything ive read and researched,catch wouldnt even tell his friends how he got it,and he def wasnt gonna tell us.That just screams exploit to me


In this case, it's not as simple as being the "exploiter";

Would the community/ people continue the search effort, if BW had stepped in earlier to stop it? -- I think not, and won't end up being this way; (but no use crying over spilt milk either)


TBH, if it's "not ready" then BW should make it so; put a statement out to clearly indicate it's not ready, but in-game, coming soon feature and etc; E.g. just like the HK droid as hidden companion... they clarified that, and the search ends, if you get it, then they can indeed punish you, but again not in this case.


It's all the misleading cues that kept the row of the community and we went for it. In a way, we helped BW solved a bug/ glitch. Catch, should be thanked for his effort and let him and only him have the one and only crystal holder (temporary); shall there be anyone else aside from him, others are punishable until the official release.


Of course, there's also a saying, you can lead a horse to the pond, but you can't force the horse to drink the water; but in this case, he got it unintentionally; item lost, took the appropriate step, but in the end punished? Unless, there're other reasons (which I'm not ruling out) in-between the 'reimbursement item' chat/ file/ case back to him... I'd say that's a big 'misrepresentation' there.

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