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So I sent in a Trouble Ticket about the low pop server issue


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I sent in a trouble ticket about the low population server issue. Here is the response I received:


"Greetings Ebenezar,



I am Protocol Droid W6-I0 of Human-Cyborg Relations...


I have received your transmission regarding the server merging. I do understand your situation here. We are already aware of the situation and we are already discussing this with our tech people. This server merge can be possible but we are not yet sure when this will be implemented. I do understand that it is useless to farm for exp, have good gears, if you can't fight other people in pvp since there are few people in the server. Let's hope that this will be implemented since everyone will benefit in this.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...





Protocol Droid W6-I0 "



So, I feel pretty good that Bioware is aware of the issue and working on it. Let's hope that the addition of Oceanic users will allow some servers to be reallocated and avoid the negative press aspect of merging servers.


-Ebenezar ( Orson Orion on Defenestrator, Vortan on Gardens of Talla)

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Templated responses are awesome where they can take the body of a comment and spit it back out.


In the meantime I am a Nigerian Prince who would like to make you an offer. Can I have your Social Security Number and Bank Account Information?

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Templated responses are awesome where they can take the body of a comment and spit it back out.


In the meantime I am a Nigerian Prince who would like to make you an offer. Can I have your Social Security Number and Bank Account Information?


Don't be so negative. Protocol Droid W6-I0 is the good CS bot, and only answers thoughtfully and after much deliberation.

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You didn't have a technical issue? No one was harassing you? The game wasn't bugged and causing you problems?


And you submitted a ticket for what?





It's a game play issue. You can't do all the content if there isn't anyone to group with. You ever tried to solo an FP?

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Templated responses are awesome where they can take the body of a comment and spit it back out.


In the meantime I am a Nigerian Prince who would like to make you an offer. Can I have your Social Security Number and Bank Account Information?


I've submitted a couple bug reports on specific issues and the response was definitely from a person and not a template.

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It's a game play issue. You can't do all the content if there isn't anyone to group with. You ever tried to solo an FP?


maybe so, but i always assoiated a ticket with things that could be solved, if not immediately, than withing a few hours. Like being stuck, harrassment, bugged quests, ect.


Population imbalances is not something that can be fixed that fast, so I'd regard it as a useless ticket.

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So trolly considering there is so much broken English in that post and not forgetting....the CS Bot responses tend to keep things as "In character as possible" they would never say "our tech people" Edited by Zarthorn
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i sent in a trouble ticket about the low population server issue. Here is the response i received:


"greetings ebenezar,




I do understand that it is useless to farm for exp, have good gears, if you can't fight other people in pvp since there are few people in the server. Let's hope that this will be implemented since everyone will benefit in this.




-ebenezar ( orson orion on defenestrator, vortan on gardens of talla)



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maybe so, but i always assoiated a ticket with things that could be solved, if not immediately, than withing a few hours. Like being stuck, harrassment, bugged quests, ect.


Population imbalances is not something that can be fixed that fast, so I'd regard it as a useless ticket.


Bugs are tickets, those are seldom fixed within hours.


It's not a useless ticket, in lots of instances, nothing gets fixed without a ticket. The mere fact that they gave him a valid response further enforces that.

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Hey, if you don't believe me, fine. I am not trolling or abusing the trouble ticket system. I simply wanted to report the issue through an official channel instead of whining here in the forums.


As with many situations, issues are prioritized based on customer feedback. If there is enough feedback on an issue, that issue will move up the priority list.


The droid response was legit, it was cut straight from the email I received in response.


So, for those of you on barren servers, you can read my original post and interpret however you want.


I just wanted to share what I did and the feedback I received with others in my situation.


Have a great day!

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So I reported this post and got this back as a PM:



"Greetings Eternal,



I am Protocol Droid W6-I0 of Human-Cyborg Relations...


I have received your transmission regarding Ebenezar the troll. He has been identified. We have located his place of residence and sent a full complement of 'cleaner' droids to handle this messy situation. Rest assured, he will not bother you again.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...





Protocol Droid W6-I0

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So, I feel pretty good that Bioware is aware of the issue and working on it. Let's hope that the addition of Oceanic users will allow some servers to be reallocated and avoid the negative press aspect of merging servers.

Oceanic players might help low pop issues on the US servers but EU servers would still remain as they are due to the prime time playing hours being vastly different from oceanic and EU. And for that reason most of the oceanic players will roll on US servers to begin with. But even for the low pop US servers it would still be only a minor improvement since they're propably going to storm the already high pop servers first and foremost.

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I sent in a trouble ticket about the low population server issue.


Why? That is a waste of the moderator's (GM) time and just fills up the ticket queue.

GM's cannot do anything about server populations and possible mergers. that is way beyond their area of work. Server merging is something the developers have to do, not the GMs.


So the answer you got was just a canned "the appropriate division is looking into it" answer, which is perfectly fine for your ticket. Nothing wrong with a canned answer if it properly gives you the correct information.

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So I reported this post and got this back as a PM:



"Greetings Eternal,



I am Protocol Droid W6-I0 of Human-Cyborg Relations...


I have received your transmission regarding Ebenezar the troll. He has been identified. We have located his place of residence and sent a full complement of 'cleaner' droids to handle this messy situation. Rest assured, he will not bother you again.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Galactic Support is our specialty...





Protocol Droid W6-I0


Hey what is that Battle droid doing in my front yard...


The worst part about the bad english is that it is the real response I got via real email. The in game response was shorter and only said the issue was previously reported. I got some stuff to do, when I get home, I will post screen shot links of both!


Have a great day all!

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