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Just dinged 50. Gear... um... wow.


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Yep, think of yourself as a level 10 entering the 10-49 bracket.


Except that I went 42/3 , 36/1, 44/5 last night in the 3 WZ I played as a Level 11 sniper (and yes there were several lvl 40s and up). So just to drive this point home even more, it is not even comparable as saying as a new 50 you are similar to a level 10/11 in the 49s bracket. A level 10/11 can compete way more effectively then a new 50. I stopped playing my new 50 assassin, mostly for the fact that my key abilites dont work in pvp (as i posted in a different thread - force cloak, speed, and shroud dont work 50 to 60% of the time), which makes the beatdown all the more frustrating.

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Should probably have read up a bit before hitting 50 and then visiting the PVP forums to post.


You could have saved yourself some headache by having 6 champ bags ready to go at 50.


You can only have 1 saved up, they are exclusive.


Talk about "read up a bit before you post".... sheesh.

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I am in the same boat as OP. Last night life was good. I was top dog. Dinged level 50... Got into a Civil War match. Three capped with the Imps camping where you jump down at. It was hopeless.


If it wasn't just so hilariously outrageous I'd be upset, but indeed I found it funny. They ranged were even killing people before they could jump down.



Ah well. So the consensus is to just grind grind grind and it'll get better? :D

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Crap starter pvp gear in wow still takes some time to acquire full sets. Depending on your resources, those can still take a couple of weeks to build up. Even still those starter pvp gear was still practically useless against those in Arena gear.


That's nonsense. Gearing up in WoW does not takes weeks. As I and others have already pointed out, you can pretty much gear up in an AV weekend.


You can gear up running PVE heroics (convert justice points to honor, valor to conquest)

by running PVE Raids

by running regular BG's

by running Arena's

by running ranked BG's

by running Tol Barad bosses

by crafting or buying crafted loot


The options to gear up for PVP in WoW runs circles around ToR.



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Except that I went 42/3 , 36/1, 44/5 last night in the 3 WZ I played as a Level 11 sniper (and yes there were several lvl 40s and up). So just to drive this point home even more, it is not even comparable as saying as a new 50 you are similar to a level 10/11 in the 49s bracket. A level 10/11 can compete way more effectively then a new 50. I stopped playing my new 50 assassin, mostly for the fact that my key abilites dont work in pvp (as i posted in a different thread - force cloak, speed, and shroud dont work 50 to 60% of the time), which makes the beatdown all the more frustrating.


This is my experience as well. DPS specs seem to work a lot better at this level for the classes that I've tried. Either way, you don't hit someone with your strongest attack and realize you have a 0% chance of winning after seeing how far their health bar moves.


People keep trying to say that 49 vs 10 is just as bad/worse, but the QQ just isn't there. The only complaints I've seen are people grumbling about 10-13 being in their WZ because they don't even have sprint lol. Totally different scale of issues.

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You can only have 1 saved up, they are exclusive.


Talk about "read up a bit before you post".... sheesh.



He means you can have 1 bought, and 1000/1000 Warzone/Mercenary commendations stored and ready to buy 5 more immediately.


Like many, MANY posters have already said.


You are the one who needs to read up a bit more...

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I am in the same boat as OP. Last night life was good. I was top dog. Dinged level 50... Got into a Civil War match. Three capped with the Imps camping where you jump down at. It was hopeless.


If it wasn't just so hilariously outrageous I'd be upset, but indeed I found it funny. They ranged were even killing people before they could jump down.



Ah well. So the consensus is to just grind grind grind and it'll get better? :D



Pretty much the way I had to look at it when I did my first matches. I basically did what I could to harass, distract and annoy the other team in some cases but I was basically no more than a speed bump against some players. oddly enough, as soon as I got just a couple of pieces of gear things changed, at least I have a fighting chance in more cases.


Did I suddenly become a "good" player? nope.


The ability to laugh at some of those Wz helped me too, it does get better OP

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It has been this way in every MMO I've ever played. If you are not among the first to get geared up you will get smashed by the ones that do. Look at it as "paying your dues."


That said, there are ways to minimize your crappy gear and maximize the quality of your play:


1) Run with the group:

Don't adopt a "lone wolf" style of play. You're not a lone wolf, you're a sitting duck. Stick with the group whenever possible. Sometimes you get stuck guarding, call out incs early and often. A good player + a player in crappy gear will usually beat another good player.


2) Don't be a Rambo:

So you're running with the group and you see 3 guys guarding a node. DO NOT charge into the 3 of them, as they will only focus you a new butt-hole. Wait for your heavy hitters to attack and assist off them. I chuckle every time I see a 12,000HP hero force leap into the group. I just make sure I have 3 focus handy and spam dispatch, cuz he's going down faster than Oprah on a twinkie.


3) Leave the damage to the heavy hitters:

So you're a fresh 50 in greens and have no idea what expertise is. If you've chosen a class that has options other than RAWR BIG NUMBERS such as guarding or healing, maybe it's worth your while to respec temporarily. If you have guard up on a healer and are harassing the players attacking them they'll love you long time. Taunts work regardless of how much damage you're doing. A defensive build may keep you alive longer, and it's not like you're sacrificing a ton of damage anyway. Same with healing; stay near the back, toss heals on the heavy hitters, and the enemies will melt.


4) Keep your mouth shut:

Calling out incs is wonderful. Calling everyone a bunch of bads because you're losing and in the meantime you've pulled about 3 medals and you have about 40,000 damage to your name is like the pot calling the kettle black (translation: it's like one sucky player calling another sucky player sucky.) Que up, do your best, and stay out of ops chat unless you have something constructive to say. "Inc Left", "Inc Right", "Inc Mid", "gg" is your zone...do not stray from this zone.

Edited by Richoshist
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You can only have 1 saved up, they are exclusive.


Talk about "read up a bit before you post".... sheesh.

Pretty sure the poster was talking about buy one bag, then store up 1000 mercenary/warzone commendations. That lets you open 6 bags once you hit 50.


Unfortunately, there is a very good chance that you will get nothing but commendations from those bags.


It is exceedingly frustrating to have spent hours upon hours griinding out 4,800 warzone commendations to have 6 bags to open at 50, and then to get nothing out of it. Not even enough centurian commendations to buy anything useful. In fact, if all you get is centurian commendations you would need to grind that amount out 3 more times in order to get your first tier PvP weapon.


Basically, when you ding 50, you're going to stop having fun in PvP. Unless you get really, really lucky with the totally random bag drops.


edit: Math is a bad idea in the morning. Corrected numbers.

Edited by jcyrus
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I got to 38 pretty fast and have been just doing the class quests and pvp'ing ever since. Once the 50 bracket came out I knew it would be a blood bath for new 50's.


So I'm 49 now and valor rank 40 and about to ding 50. Sad times ahead. I might possibly just reroll like others have said, not sure yet. I do like the carrot stick where I have to gear up and continue to earn better gear, etc but I don't want to get stomped for months trying to make that happen.


We'll just have to wait and see how bad it is once I hit 50. Right now I've bought the best gear available for level 49's so I'm hoping that lessens my gear discrepancy somewhat. Also I've got 1 bag purchased already and have 1000/1000 so with 6 bags to begin with, I hope I can bridge that gap quickly.


I'm praying to the gods of RNG atm.

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Get used to it. Before the bracket change all the level 50s had an easy ride to pvp gear. Now that they're all geared, and later people are starting to hit 50, you are now stuck facing entire teams in full pvp gear and getting stomped. On top of losing 9/10 games and the inflated price of pvp gear, you have no chance. If you actually want to enjoy pvp take this advice seriously


AFK every single match until you get enough exp gear to actually be able to compete. If you try to compete you will only be frustrated and want to quit the game.


that explains alot about your issues, yu lose 9/10 b/c u afk. You expect to lose so you make yourself lose. that isnt hurting anyone but yourself. and thats the type of mentality that has pvp the way it is now.


what fresh 50s ACTUALLY have no chance at.


Being top dps, being top heals, being best killer in a bg. 18 medals, steamrolling everyone.

Lol people are so grief stricken by the fact they cant be this dominating force right at 50 they look for complaints, excuses and reasons that its everyone fault but their lack of time being put into trying to get geared.


Yea sure you have your "exploiters" and no lifes who steamrolled their way to whatever, but, that will always be there there will always be fresh 50s, there will always be more geared people. but to expect them to place gear in the game that makes ou comparable to that gear in the form of welfare epics is absolutely ridiculous. what would be the point or value in the actual pvp stuff if that were the case.


Youre a fresh 50, be support, go helped that overgeared nerd with no life kill that other over geared nerd with no life. but above all else, dont become part of the problem,dont detriment others b/c youre angry that you CANT be the top dmg or have most kills your first 50 fight. and in time youll be that overgeared nerd too that some new lvl 50 will be complaining about.


and also be smart, PREPARE yourself. on my jug who is 43 i have 1 champion gear bag, and 1k -1k on commendations. when i ding 50, i have 6 bags that could help me tremendously befor i even do my lvl 50 bgs.


Pvp gearing may seem more redundant and grindy than pve b.c thats the nature of pvp, you do one thing, kill for objectives. there nothing else you can make of it, you cant make gearing up more pleasurable without turning it into a welfare fest. youre not killing a massive boss that requires strat, kill and a team effort. youre playing a made that is full of selfish ego maniacs who all just want to kill.

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People often exaggerate how hard it is to gear for pvp.


A few things.


1. Ilum/Belsavis off daily commendations, and have quests that provide epic mods, that allow you to pimp your reds, or buy epics

2. People who keep talking about how new 50s have to deal with "luck" always seem to forget that you get centurion commendations which GUARANTEE a pvp piece that is nearly as good as champion.

3. The always assume the enemy team is geared battlemasters and their team is scrubs. Sure, it can happen, but most of the time both team are going to have geared segments. Just like when you were a lowbie in the 1-49 wz (or before), you provided support, you weren't top dawg. Adjust your play accordingly.

4. Champion bags grow on trees. Seriously. Play enough on a tuesday and collect your 8-10 bags.

5. Expertise has massive diminishing returns. You only need like 4 pieces to have 80% the bonus as somebody with a full set.


So yeah. I feel your pain, but the deck won't be stacked against you for long.


Point number 5 is actually one people should really take note of. If you've been smart and also done dailies at 50 to get epic mods, it won't take that many pieces of PvP gear to become fairly competitive. After that your strength grows pretty slowly.

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The answer is super easy: Enter warzone = everyone gets a 10% expertise buff.


This makes pvp overall much more fun, and helps mitigate the gear grind. I'm in full champ gear, and its not fun for me either. I hate this outdated system, some forward thinking company will eventually figure it out that we don't really want this system anymore.

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I had a ball in my last 2/3 levels pre 50. i was also smart enough to have 6 champ bags "in the bank". Although the way the game is laid out REALLY discourages casual players from doing that as most of them don't know how. Or by the time they find out it is too late. Why not just make it so you can have as many champ bags as you can physically carry before 50? Or just 6 even? 1 bag max is just stupid.


Anyway, 2 weeks later I have around 400 expertise. The random element of the champ bags is stupid and a guild mate who has had far more bags than I have has about 200 expertise. You can start to compete again in WZs at around 200-300 expertise unless you are a sorc or sage where you will find you don't really scale well at all.


Having said that, when you start doing daily and weekly you will find you get a fair amount of bags if you are doing Ilum as well. It is quite easy to have 17 or so champ bags in your first week. If you are supremely lucky you could be in full champ week one. More likely you will have 4 - 6 actual items from 17 bags and at least 2 - 4 of them will probably be the same item.


I opened 3 champ bags yesterday and all three had an item. Sadly it was the same item all three times. And I already had that item, enough so that all my pets have that item already too. Whats the point? Just allow me to sell dupes to centurion vendor for the tokens instead at least?


Because I re-rolled (as original server had 3 hour queues) I still have a level 27 char on that server. When I want to have FUN I log in and do pre50 warzones. Its as much fun as you can get in this game. I don't craft, I don't quest other than to get an item I want and I just HAVE FUN.


When I want to be miserable and feel like everyone else has reached the top tier of gear A MONTH in to the game I play my main. It isn't a lot of fun, as a result I cancelled.

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People often exaggerate how hard it is to gear for pvp.


A few things.


1. Ilum/Belsavis off daily commendations, and have quests that provide epic mods, that allow you to pimp your reds, or buy epics

2. People who keep talking about how new 50s have to deal with "luck" always seem to forget that you get centurion commendations which GUARANTEE a pvp piece that is nearly as good as champion.

3. The always assume the enemy team is geared battlemasters and their team is scrubs. Sure, it can happen, but most of the time both team are going to have geared segments. Just like when you were a lowbie in the 1-49 wz (or before), you provided support, you weren't top dawg. Adjust your play accordingly.

4. Champion bags grow on trees. Seriously. Play enough on a tuesday and collect your 8-10 bags.

5. Expertise has massive diminishing returns. You only need like 4 pieces to have 80% the bonus as somebody with a full set.


So yeah. I feel your pain, but the deck won't be stacked against you for long.


1: almost impossible for people who play faction unbalanced servers. also wins don't always count thanks to bugg. next

2: after the price hike on the gear, it takes 20+ bag to buy one damn centurion piece. assuming each bags gives 3 commendations.

3:yes cause pre-mades don't happen right?? lol yes casuse some1 with 10K more health then me is not full geared.

4:this i somewhat agree on.

5:expertise does you give you that small edge you need though.

next please

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pvp is not dependent on gear. If you are a very good player, then you can kill a full bm/buffedup/lvl50 guy while you are lvl 10 - in open pvp.





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So lemme get this straight. I was lvling up. Playing both PvE and PvP. I was doing pretty well in PVP. Def holding my own. Dinged 50 and went into a WZ. SLAM! BLAM! BLAST! POW! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!




I'm just supposed to get crushed for a while until I slowly gear up over a couple hundred games?




Not just bang pow, you are dead, but you can bang away for all your life and not feel like you are doing much more than tickling the other guys who have some gear. It is pretty much night and day in that bracket, but I don't think that would really be that bad if Ilum and the 50 WZ queue weren't such nightmares, could prolly just tough it out otherwise, but as is, its not very much fun.

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So lemme get this straight. I was lvling up. Playing both PvE and PvP. I was doing pretty well in PVP. Def holding my own. Dinged 50 and went into a WZ. SLAM! BLAM! BLAST! POW! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!




I'm just supposed to get crushed for a while until I slowly gear up over a couple hundred games?




Yes, that is precisely the model that BW has in mind. They are clearly in favor of paying your dues.

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It is exceedingly frustrating to have spent hours upon hours griinding out 37,200 warzone commendations to have 6 bags to open at 50, and then to get nothing out of it.


Your math on the number of coms is off by about a factor of 10 here. 10 Merc coms = 30 wz coms. Its not a 30:1 ratio. It takes about 4800 wz coms to have for bag and 1000/1000. 1 bag = 200 wz + 200 merc => 200wz + (30wz*200merc/10wz). Same metric for the 1000/1000 => 1000wz + (30wz*1000merc/10wz) = 1000wz & 1000merc. Dont blow this pre-50 grind way out of proportion.


As far as getting nothing from the bags, I agree that that would be frustrating.

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Yes, that is precisely the model that BW has in mind. They are clearly in favor of paying your dues.


A lot of games with PVP are like that, in the Modern Warfare series for example, you are thrown to the wolves at lvl 1 against anyone lvl 1-80 and people that have prestiged multiple times. They all have better guns and attachments/perks than you until you level up. Same in the Transformers: War for Cybertron PVP, that's just the way it is with a lot of these games, MMOs included.

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It is kind of ridiculous. There should be a new level 50 pvp set to purchase so that you're not getting absolutely donkey stomped by top geared pvp'ers. Ah well.


Top geared pvpers?

Im over 60 valor and in 2 week of opening BM bags, i only got BM main hand.

I dont even have full champion cause of this lame RNG system....

And i see ppl Valor 30 with more champion pieces than me....


You dont need new bracket, you dont need skill, U ONLY need LUCK

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