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The Klingon Defence Forces Vs The Imperial Fleet


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nah they both absorb.. according to released numbers there is no argument... the reason it's apples and oranges is simply because of the level of civilizations we are comparing... it's like comparing the US military to a small tribe of cavemen... give the Klingons another 20,000 years or so to catch up then maybe it wouldn't be such a pointless comparison


Probbly right, I don't follow the lore to closely at times, apart from the sith and manaloirian(sp) stuff. And the borg are my favor thing from star trek don't follow lore that closely with that stuff either, well and the q lol so probbly not the most objective person here, just was trying to keep things going.


Part of why I said the borg have the best chance is even with slicers, given how interlink alot of star wars tech see,s tp ne they oculd be up to speed rather quickly I think if they hit something small at first and absorb the crew

Edited by Talosred
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what Afgan? 10 years and still bottle necked





"Death before Dishonor!"


served 8 years in the middle east (0311 0317)... not bottlenecked and the real fighting was over in the first year... the rest we spent "policing" because unlike the Klingons or the Empire we were not allowed to just slaughter everyone and move on... lol

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served 8 years in the middle east (0311 0317)... not bottlenecked and the real fighting was over in the first year... the rest we spent "policing" because unlike the Klingons or the Empire we were not allowed to just slaughter everyone and move on... lol



yes its a bad comparison, but so was yours. that was my point. :D



anyway... Klingons win.

Edited by Yamok
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Maximum effective range of a Turbolaser was something like 100,000 kilometers? Or was that optimum range. Never the less... vastly outranges Star Trek tech. And as has been mentioned, vastly larger amounts of power are at work.
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Also don't forget that in Star Trek, hitting a ship *anywhere* causes random computers and consoles on the bridge to explode - sometimes even with shields up. Compare that to how Anakin could even successfully "land" Grievous ship with half of it already blown off...
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Maximum effective range of a Turbolaser was something like 100,000 kilometers? Or was that optimum range. Never the less... vastly outranges Star Trek tech. And as has been mentioned, vastly larger amounts of power are at work.



distance is irrelenvent when there are cloaked ships on your hul ready to attack.






I"m off work, thanks for the entertainment folks. :D

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Also don't forget that in Star Trek, hitting a ship *anywhere* causes random computers and consoles on the bridge to explode - sometimes even with shields up. Compare that to how Anakin could even successfully "land" Grievous ship with half of it already blown off...


I always wondered why no one is ST ever said "hey why don't we put seatbelts on the bridge seats" ... seems like 90 percent of injuries on ship are from being thrown out of your chair

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Battles are won by good commanders



"Emperor, Klingons are a proud warrior race similar to the Mandalorians. If challanged to personal combat they will be compelled by their honor to accept the challange. In fact they prefer personal combat over ship combat. If a single warrior were to defeat their Emperor and his royal guard, they would likely submit to your rule until they believed you were too weak to rule."



"Apprentice, show them the power of the Dark Side"



"Yes My Master"

Edited by Myschief
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I find it odd that nerds would include "size" as an arguable beneficial trait when comparing against technology.



Technology has the ability to wipe out the entire known everything with a push of a button.



Therefore the size of the empires star destroyer is irrelevant to a discussion including technology.



What we are talking about is potential power and potential outcome. Which should be obvious.

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I don't see why they would not be able to detect themselves. they both have sensor arrays, and eyeballs.


Once the Imperal fleet crosses klingon controlled areas, their sensor grids would light up.


I'm not trying to be to technical.


they both are in space, the both have war in there title, they have shields, cannons, lazers, eggos, cool hats.


whats not so similar...


plus. the idea is they have different typs of technology, and just like any faction would. and to see what would favor in a fight.


Because the ships in Star Wars travel in hyperspace, while the ships in Star Trek exist in a subspace bubble. There is no obvious reason either would be able to detect the other as they use utterly different modes of travel. Once either side goes sublight then they can but while in motion there is no reason why.


The klingon sensor grids are designed to detect ships moving in subspace under warp drive not ships moving in hyperspace. The same is true of the empiral ships, but judging from the fact the ships were not detected arriving at Korriban until they came out of hyperspace I will assume in star wars you can't detect a ship until it shuts down its hyperdrive (I would need to look at the RPG rules to make certain).


They don't have different technology they have different types of magic. Neither Star Trek nor Star Wars has any basis in real physics. Their weapons, their defences, their power supplies, and their ships hulls are all "fantastic" and magical. They violate the standard rules of physics and generally have no consistancy. Star Trek in particular with the next abomination and enterprise changing the rules on a week to week basis is utterly inconsistant with even itself.


So now you want to compare the whichness to the whyness and say that one is superior?


Good ruddy luck. If you are fan of Star Trek then they will win, if you are a fan of Star Wars then they will win. The reasons amount to "cause" and a lot of bafflegab and magic thinly disguised as science fiction.


Simply because klingon ships can fight at faster than light speeds and there is no indication such a thing is possible in the star wars universe I would think they would win hands down without any difficulty. It would be basically the same as the original series episode where the klingons attempted to goad the enterprise into engaging her warp drives and blowing up due to some sabatoge. The enterprise at sublight manueverablity and without warp power for weapons had no chance.


Unfortunately, it is much the same as discussing if Rand Al'Thor is more powerful than Gandalf the White. Or for that mater if the average 5th level D&D wizard is more powerful then either one. You need something that is consistent and in both universes to even start the discussion on a basis where you could arrive at sensible answer...assuming such a question has a sensible answer in the first place.


Squadron Strike would allow you to do the battle, with the ships having different sorts of technology and see what comes of it. At least if done that way, assuming that your ships under the Squadron Strike rules represent to a reasonable degree the ships of the respective fleets you have an unbiased result. Anything else comes down to "cause" and bafflegab.

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Your forgetting that the Imps have more then just Star Destroyers, they also have Victory class destroyers, interdictors, Accalmator cruisers, super star destroyers as part of their fleets.


Yup, I highly doubt the entire Klingon fleet could destroy Eclipse II, the entire New Republic fleet couldn't, Reborn Palpatine destroyed it with a force storm, something the Klingon empire couldn't conjure up.

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Don't the Star destroyers have like 30.000 people living on them just for it to function.


You could probably fit the entire Star trek Klingon navy in a single star destroyer if those numbers would be true.


besides, Star Wars is (far) more advanced in terms of technology.

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  1. Klingon ship stealths over to Imperial supply shuttle.
  2. Klingons beam over a crate of tribbles.
  3. ???
  4. Empire dies of starvation. Game over.


I see a flaw in your plan.. Klingon wouldn't get near a crate of tribble. Maybe they can trick Kirk or Picard in doing it for them.


As someone else said earlier Thrawn would win in hand down. There also the big if Q wasn't the one responsible for brigging a Klingon fleet in SW in the first place. Q is the biggest troll of ST.

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Don't the Star destroyers have like 30.000 people living on them just for it to function.


You could probably fit the entire Star trek Klingon navy in a single star destroyer if those numbers would be true.


besides, Star Wars is (far) more advanced in terms of technology.


Actually in total the personal on a class 1 star destroyer is 47,060


on a 2nd class its 37,085(without passangers)


on a super star destroyer its 318,734

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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